What If Triple H DOESN'T Return At Royal Rumble?


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Yeah, you heard me right, bitches!

I was thinking about this earlier on and my mind actually boggled to think that they would keep Triple H off of TV any longer when it is all set up for him to return. However, it should be said that I am the biggest Triple H mark on this entire forum and the fact that I want him to be back on WWE TV is not a secret at this point. That being said, I was wondering what the wider implications of Triple H being left out of the Royal Rumble would be?

We are all so certain that Triple H is coming back that Vince and his crew of cronies might decide to throw a spanner in the works and keep Triple H out of the Rumble and if he does, does that mean that Triple H wont be coming back to the WWE for good?

Triple H has been fit since October and now seems like the best time to bring him back to challenge and Sheamus and have him warm up a feud at WrestleMania but if we were to think that he wasn't going to show up tonight, would it mean that Sheamus is going to have to move onto something else besides Triple H? Does it mean that Triple H wont ever be back on WWE TV and just be happy with the backstage role he had been employed into?

So, at the end of the day, if Triple H does not show up tonight, what happens to his career?

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Ugh, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Triple H return tonight. It would be an awesome and spine chilling moment if he came back tonight, and I'm sure he would get an epic pop.

Anyway, if The Game doesn't return tonight, I think he'll pop up some time before the Elimination Chamber pay per view. The WWE has to give him some to time to build a nice feud, and he needs to get back into a rhythm. I'm almost sure Triple H WILL be in the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber, and you can bet Sheamus will be in there also. But where would WWE go from there? Would they do a "Triple H costs Sheamus the WWE Championship" type of scenario again? Sure, it would be a perfect way to set up a Wrestlemania rematch with these two, but I just think it would be lazy on WWE's part if they decided to do something like this again.

A Triple H return tonight would be a better scenario. Sheamus could be on a roll as he tosses out wrestlers. He could be gloating in the ring by himself, and then The Game's music would hit. I'm sure Triple H would eliminate Sheamus, and who knows, Sheamus could come back and drag The Game out of the ring. These two could continue to scuffle on the outside, and the refs and WWE officials would have to separate them. This would be a great way to continue the feud between these two.

Triple H will go after the man who tried to end his career. I just hope it happens soon.
I wouldn't be bothered at all if Trips didn't return. His gimmick's stale, he's not a good worker, and he has nothing left to offer the business unless he does something different for once. What does he have to give? Another title run? He's broken down as it is and hasn't evolved his character at all in the past x amount of years. He can't put on a decent match and is injury prone. He can sell merch, sure; but if you push someone as much as he gets pushed and give anyone enough screen time they'll get over eventually if they don't suck to high hell. His Sheamus feud could continue, sure. King vs. king. Big deal, who cares? Neither of them are that good in-ring or on mic so I don't see anything coming out of that other than a borefest. Then after their feud, then what? Throw him into another angle and let his character drag on even more and milk it for every penny it's worth?

He needs to have something happen to him character-wise for me to give a damn about him anymore because he sure can't cut it physically in the ring.
Yeah, you heard me right, bitches!

I was thinking about this earlier on and my mind actually boggled to think that they would keep Triple H off of TV any longer when it is all set up for him to return. However, it should be said that I am the biggest Triple H mark on this entire forum and the fact that I want him to be back on WWE TV is not a secret at this point. That being said, I was wondering what the wider implications of Triple H being left out of the Royal Rumble would be?

We are all so certain that Triple H is coming back that Vince and his crew of cronies might decide to throw a spanner in the works and keep Triple H out of the Rumble and if he does, does that mean that Triple H wont be coming back to the WWE for good?

Triple H has been fit since October and now seems like the best time to bring him back to challenge and Sheamus and have him warm up a feud at WrestleMania but if we were to think that he wasn't going to show up tonight, would it mean that Sheamus is going to have to move onto something else besides Triple H? Does it mean that Triple H wont ever be back on WWE TV and just be happy with the backstage role he had been employed into?

So, at the end of the day, if Triple H does not show up tonight, what happens to his career?

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Dude, didn't you just post something about no spoilers as to who might be in the rumble? I know this is talking about someone not being in but it's pretty much the same thing.

Anywho, while I do expect him to show up, I'm not expecting him on raw anytime soon. I think it'll be a one-shot deal and we won't see him again until after Elimination Chamber. The Rumble is lacking so much star power I'd crap myself if he didn't show up.

No, it really isn't. The difference being that I am not saying that Triple H will be at the Royal Rumble tonight. Nor have I passed it off as being a legitimate confirmation. What I am saying is that people have been speculating that Triple H will be returning at the Royal Rumble for months. I am not spoiling anything, I am asking if he doesn't return soon, if he will be gone from the WWE. There is a difference.
to be honest, hey dont need him to return tonight. the buy rates will be amazing due to evrybody thinking he will return tonight. vince is already bringing back nash and booker t most likely, why use your big gun when u dont need too? trips will return before wm, i jus dont think it will be tonight
If he doesn't return at the Rumble you can bet he'll turn up on RAW tomorrow. The WWE have a bad habit of keeping things off the PPV's for the following show in order to swerve the internet and it pisses me off.
Now truly all the signs are that he will return tonight, along with at least one other friend of HBK and maybe more.
UpsettiNq if he ddnt return at the rumble. I, for 1, think he won't be in the actual rumble itself but maybe toss Sheamus over the top rope after comiNq thru the crowd. Would be good to see him for a short time doing something meaningful at the rumble, leaving questions heading into Raw.

I'm a huuge HHH fan but honestly, if he was in the rumble, I don't see him winnig it mainly due to many other superstars needing a push!!
I guess I can't get over the fact that Strong Style X said Triple H isn't a good worker. Lol...the guy is top notch man. Big time.

His gimmick is stale...That's why he should come back as a heel. He hasn't been a heel in quite some time. There are a lot of options with a heel Triple H. A nice feud on Smackdown with Edge would be awesome. Or a storyline that has the McMahons back on television...
I guess I can't get over the fact that Strong Style X said Triple H isn't a good worker. Lol...the guy is top notch man. Big time.

His gimmick is stale...That's why he should come back as a heel. He hasn't been a heel in quite some time. There are a lot of options with a heel Triple H. A nice feud on Smackdown with Edge would be awesome. Or a storyline that has the McMahons back on television...

Well, it's all opinion really. I personally don't like him because his punches look incredibly "pulled", his moveset is about as limited (therefore predictable) as John Cena's, and his matches have an awful pacing to them in recent memory. His WrestleMania match with Orton was one of the worst main events in my opinion in WM history. Not THE worse, but one of. He's repetitive, predictable, and the way he wrestles is corny and TOO fake looking to me (but that's more of an issue I have with the WWE-style of wrestling in general). I give Trips credit on his ability to work on a body part and sell injuries though, however, that's not enough to make me like him.

I don't think him coming back as a heel would make much sense especially with him and Sheamus still having a feud on hold, so to say. A gimmick revamp would be welcomed nonetheless.
any reason why my posts are always removed?

I think if trips were to return him and edge should just fight at mania.. or maybe he can go against barret? but i think barret and taker is good.

hhh isn't to relevant for anything anymore.. unless he gonna be putting over some younger ppl.. It really wouldn't surprised me if he didn't return tonight..
I actually hope he doesn't. While I'm on the topic, I hope Cena gets injured taking the bump of getting thrown out (Hopefully he lands on his neck or something) and I hope Randy crashes his bike again. With those three injured Raw would be the best show in the WORLD. No more looking at a match-up and just knowing the other guy is only there to job no matter who he is unless he happens to be one of the other two...

What the fuck is your problem, dude? Get help.

If HHH doesn't show up, he will around Elimination Chamber time to get into a feud with Sheamus most likely. He needs time to get some build up for the feud. He won't miss Wrestlemania. However, I can totally see him making a return tonight, if not as a rumble entrant, then I can see him interfering and costing sheamus the match.
Well to answer the Rumble question, it's most likely to happen, but the question will he return? Yes, if anyone has a subscription to WWE magazine, knows we get the issue early and now know for sure that he's coming back as the headline on the FEB 11 issue is Triple H comes back swinging, and shows HHH throwing a sledgehammer through the Wrestlemania 27 sign, so debate over, not if, but when he returns.
I personally would keep him out of the Rumble. When Sheamus gets eliminated, have HHH's music sound and then have that one brawl after an elimination that happens at every Rumble. HHH doesn't have to be in the Rumble match to make his return at the PPV. Get as many returns/special appearances as possible in this thing. If he is in the Rumble, bring in Sheamus first and then HHH 2nd. They go one on one for 90 seconds. The crowd/PPV watchers would eat the shit up.
HHH comes out in rumble early on?, assaulted by Sheamus before he gets in the ring. Then ends up in the ring towards the last 5 superstars left, including sheamus and wins? But I do hope he is in it :)
I'd be suprised if HHH doesnt return, but if that happens it will lessen this years Royal Rumble. Either way Im ordering this thing and watching it online. Wheres the best place to watch?
so were not supposed to talk bout the rumble and the entrant,as for what you said ,is and i quote "So, at the end of the day, if Triple H does not show up tonight, what happens to his career?" sounds like the talk of a possible spoiler to me,hmmm....anyway nothing happens to triple h career its not like its tarnished,if he shows up anywhere!
What the fuck is your problem, dude? Get help.

If HHH doesn't show up, he will around Elimination Chamber time to get into a feud with Sheamus most likely. He needs time to get some build up for the feud. He won't miss Wrestlemania. However, I can totally see him making a return tonight, if not as a rumble entrant, then I can see him interfering and costing sheamus the match.

My problem is not being entertained by the super-heroes of the WWE. I was exaggerating a but with what I want to happen to Cena and Orton, but the point was I really hope the three of them don't have much impact.
Ill tell ya what happens if HHH doesn't return. It will be an overall better show, and atmosphere backstage. I mean, do we really wanna see another effing HHH title run? Do we really wanna see younger get held back, or buried? HHH is in it for himself and himself only, he'd stab his wife in the back if benefited him. HHH has had his run, there is nothin left for him to accomplish, yet he still politics his way to the top. I don't know why u guys r so worried about when he's gonna come back, cuz i know damn well one week after hes back, the same guys on here that r wishing he was back, will be dogging him.
Ill tell ya what happens if HHH doesn't return. It will be an overall better show, and atmosphere backstage. I mean, do we really wanna see another effing HHH title run? Do we really wanna see younger get held back, or buried? HHH is in it for himself and himself only, he'd stab his wife in the back if benefited him. HHH has had his run, there is nothin left for him to accomplish, yet he still politics his way to the top. I don't know why u guys r so worried about when he's gonna come back, cuz i know damn well one week after hes back, the same guys on here that r wishing he was back, will be dogging him.

LMAO. You mean like when he held back and buried Sheamus? Or The Legacy? Or Randy Orton? Or Edge? Or Jeff Hardy? Or John Cena? Or Batista? :banghead: It's really amazing how some people just refuse to accept reality and keep on believing the lies that they've beaten into their own heads. Triple H hasn't held the title in two years. Hell, he hasn't had a TITLE MATCH since a month after he lost it! And yet he "still politics his way to the top"? :confused: Give me a break. :rolleyes:

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