US Championship: Kofi Kingston v Miz v Big Show v Carlito v MVP v Jack Swagger


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Might as well create a thread for it and start speculation/discussion as we know it'll be defended.

Assuming Kofi doesn't lose the title on Raw or something, I say the most likely option is that they'll do Kingston vs. Big Show, with the off chance that it'll be Kingston/Miz or Kingston/Bourne instead.

No matter what, I think its too early to take the title off Kofi, and there are only two men I can see doing it eventually: Miz or Swagger. Since Jack's currently in a feud with MVP, that won't be happening in the immediate future, but we don't know if WWE wants to continue Miz/Cena or not, so who knows.

If its just Kingston/Show, then I think Kingston will retain. Big Show having the US title really does nothing.
I think they might swerve it... maybe give Steamboat a shot... after all he is a champion right?

They have built him up to the point where he could legitematly claim a shot and it might be a good angle for Seth Green this week as a Mark moment to set up...

It sets up a nice face v face moment for the PPV that a heel can ruin and gives Kofi a match with the legend that is Steamboat...
After Bourne's win on RAW, I'd like to see him get another shot at Kingston, But at the title this time. They have great ring chemistry, With their style's being so similar. They could put on another great high pace match, Given a little more time they could have a special match.

I think it will either be Big Show vs Kofi, Or a triple threat between the three mentioned, It would make sense with Show completely fucking up Evan, And Kofi on RAW. Although it would more than likely become a Big Show kills everyone match.
Hopefully Kofi retains on who it is that is facing him. I think it is also to soon to take it off him and I really think that he could have a few decent feuds witht hte title if it is kept on him. I see Big Show having the match at NOC tho because well it kind of does makes sense, but WWE surely wont put the title on him as of yet anyways.
I'd say Evan gets a shot, or even make it a triple threat between Kofi, Bourne & M.V.P. as he really hasn't invoked his rematch clause (I don't know if he has)... with Swagger getting involved to screw M.V.P. over.

I'd see that happening, or including the Big Show & Swagger plus The Miz (who hasn't got much else to do apart from getting the US title to boost his credibility) making it a 6-Way Elimination Match... putting all 6 who have had feuds & matches with each other into one. It makes sense to me
For some reason I see it being Kofi vs Bourne at NOC, with it being a great match as would be expected with these two. However I also see Big Show coming out and interfering leading to a no decision setting up Kofi vs Show later on for the belt.
I don't think it will be a triple threat because then both belts on RAW (WWE + IC) would be defended in triple threats.

Maybe Mark Henry gets added to the fray? That is my guess. If not in the actual match, I'm guessing he eventually "saves" the little guys (Kofi + Bourne) leading to a Show versus Henry feud. Barf.

I know what would really piss you guys (the IWC) off is if WWE puts Show vs Henry on the SSlam card over Kofi vs Bourne for the US title. That would be typical Vince.

But for NoC its gotta be either Kofi versus Bourne one-on-one (since Bourne now has a pinfall over Kofi) or a fatal-four way: KK vs Evan vs TBS vs Mizark Henry
I really do not care who Kofi Kingston's opponent is for Night of Champions... I just hope that he retains. This past Monday night on Raw, Kofi Kingston's match with Evan Bourne was good, but it makes me think that it made Kofi seem a little weak. I mean, the end of the match saw Kofi hit Bourne with an Irish Slam, Kofi runs towards him, Bourne hits Kofi with two knees to the chest, and then goes for the Shooting Star Press for the win. That did not make me feel that WWE really wanted to have Kofi Kingston as our United States Champion.

Michael Cole points out to us that Big Show's motivation for beating up Kofi Kingston was because he was ''embarrassed'' about their double-countout. I don't buy that. Big Show as the United States Champion now makes no sense whatsoever, not like it kinda did back in 2003-2004. But I can see him getting the title shot at Night of Champions. Evan Bourne does have a pinfall victory over the U.S. Champion, but I don't think WWE would give him the title shot over Big Show, unless they plan a Big Show run-in to make it a No-Contest.

So, I believe a Triple Threat match would be the smart decision, but not the most likely decision. Kofi Kingston has yet to defend the title in a one-on-one contest, so why do that now just to make him lose? Kofi Kingston's Intercontinental Championship reign was ended by a joke, so I hope... just hope that he is booked better as the United States Champion, and has a longer reign.
Right now I hope WWE takes the US title away from Kofi. I do like Kofi but his shit eating smile and his current gimic is a joke. He needs to be repackaged. Set up a tripple threat match with big show and miz. With miz wanting to cheat big show out of his title shot. In this match have show badly injure (fake) kofi so he can get repackaged. The one that will win the title will be the Miz and it will set up a miz and big show fued that will last till post sumerslam. Miz will get a huge rub from the title then go after cena again, and show will finnaly win the title and face a returning kingston whos fired up, drop the jamican gimic, picks up a dare I say it a nation of violence mean streak (the pg verison of course) and gets put over after a long fued with show that will make him seem like a crediable main eventer. At that point the draft will most likely come up giving kingston a main event slot. This is ideal but unlikely, like I said kingston is a great wrestler with a horiable gimic and needs to be repackaged and right now taking him off raw for 2 months wont hurt since bourne, tbk, and mark henry could easily pick up the slack for him and get featured on a weekly basis. This would be an ideal situation but of course creative is not that smart.
What is likely to happen is Kofi Kingston will defend the U.S. title against The Big Show. As much as we dont want to see that, thats what it looks like WWE is pushing towards. Sadly the match will be terrible and just bury the U.S. title more. meaning it just get pushed back farther from getting any "prestige"

How ever I also see them perhaps doing a Triple Threat Match for the title once again featuring Kofi and Big Show but also involving Evan Bourne. That IMO would be the better idea than just Kofi vs. Big Show, but hey that just me.

All in all with only two weeks left before NoC those are the only two possible matches that could be for the U.S. title. Ive seen some of you talk about Jack Swagger or Mark Henry challenge for the belt, but Swagger is currently in a feud with MVP outside of the title picture and Henry ...well they just don't do anything like that with him since he is on the bigger brand now I seem him turning into one of the "Big Men Jobbers" similar to Kane.

So Kofi has one or two possible challengers coem NoC and those two options being vs. Big Show, one on one or vs. Big Show and Evan Bourne in a Triple Threat match
I don't think it will be a triple threat because then both belts on RAW (WWE + IC) would be defended in triple threats.

Maybe Mark Henry gets added to the fray? That is my guess. If not in the actual match, I'm guessing he eventually "saves" the little guys (Kofi + Bourne) leading to a Show versus Henry feud. Barf.

I know what would really piss you guys (the IWC) off is if WWE puts Show vs Henry on the SSlam card over Kofi vs Bourne for the US title. That would be typical Vince.

But for NoC its gotta be either Kofi versus Bourne one-on-one (since Bourne now has a pinfall over Kofi) or a fatal-four way: KK vs Evan vs TBS vs Mizark Henry

I could see that happening but not until after Night of Champions. Mark Henry as a face is definitely up for a feud with Big Show. And contrary to your thought, I actually would support that to be on the Summerslam card instead of Kofi/Bourne, despite how I know Kofi/Bourne would put on a better match. Henry/Show are bigger names and more established stars, and we're talking Summerslam, one of the "big four". Kofi was on The Bash and will be at Night of Champions, most likely winning both of the matches, so that's a step up. I'd like to see them continue that and keep Kofi having some spotlight, but its not as if they've been completely ignoring him. Henry/Show at Summerslam makes sense as the second or third match on the card, especially if they were to have Kofi/Evan at NOC to give it its own spotlight.

No matter what the situation, I'd be VERY surprised if Kofi lost his title here.
They have been building toward Kofi vs Big Show, and I for one would be ok with that. Kofi has defended the title quite a bit, but it has almost always been in multiman matches vs. some combination of MVP, Matt Hardy and/or William Regal. This is all well and good, but beating those guys does nothing for Kofi or the title.

However, Big Show is a main eventer, and even though he jobbed to Cena for a couple months, his size prevents him from getting buried and losing credibility. So if Kofi faces and retains against the Show, both Kofi and the U.S. title get a huge rub out of the deal.
my guess is it will be big show vs. kofi kingston (C) vs. evan bourne for the strap

think about it this super unstopalbe juggernaut like big show and the 2 most highflying young men in the WWE today i'd really like to see that match
Kofi was on The Bash and will be at Night of Champions, most likely winning both of the matches, so that's a step up.

He wasn't at The Bash. I completely forgot he even had the title until I stumbled upon this thread, but I also don't watch as much anymore.

No matter what the situation, I'd be VERY surprised if Kofi lost his title here.

I'd really hope not. If any wrestler/title combo deserves a long reign, it's this one. Let it sit on the back burner for a bit, building up Kofi, while the belt makes weekly appearances on RAW. After he has a good feud going, then let him drop the title to a credible contender. Not Big Show.
Assuming Kofi vs. Big Show:

Kofi will retain. At least, I hope he will. This push they're giving Kofi as a legit threat to Big Show (after the match two weeks ago on Raw) will get a little rocky if he loses his title to Big Show. If Kofi goes against Big Show, then expect Kofi to just barely retain. Or the double count-put, letting Kofi retain his title via technicality. Kofi has been shown on Raw as a threat to Big Show, I don't see why NoC would be any different.

Assuming Triple Threat: Kofi vs. Bourne vs. Big Show:

This will be a clusterfuck. Bourne will try to jump really high, Show will continuously catch him and throw him 30 feet, and Kofi will be standing to the side just shaking his head. This could be an easier way to give Kofi the win over Big Show, though. Make Bourne seem as more of a threat to Big Show, tire him out. Then Kofi comes in and fucks Big Show's day up after Show chokeslam's Bourne after a jump or something.

I dunno. Kofi to retain either way. It serves no purpose to have Kofi lose his title right now.
I say Kofi vs. Evan Bourne:
Their match on Raw was quite short (although you could say nearly every match is) and there wasn't much high flying which led me too believe that it would be Bourne vs. Kofi but when Big Show came out he changed my mind a bit. This week he defeated Bourne and deafeated Kofi on Superstars. That means that they have done two Big Show vs. Kofi's in the last few weeks which is bad giving away your PPV match, although they have done that many times.

I say have Big Show say that he can destroy both Kofi and Bourne and maybe have a handicap match with him losing leading to the match at Night of Champions. I doubt a triple threat match as the WWE Championship has one. Big Show could run in leading to a no contest and this would be a perfect time to help Henry's face push by attacking Big Show. This could lead to matches between theme four, whether one on one or a four-way.
IMO its already clusterfucked. there is no question that this needs to be one on one. i surely hope kofi vs bourne. bourne is my second fave wrestler on raw(other than swagger) and i think he could stand with kofi with high flying skills. this match could be the show stealer (if it last long enough)
I think it's quite obvious now that it will be the Big Show who will be the other competitor in the United States Championship match. Or, at least he will be one of the competitors.

I personally would like to a triple threat match with Kofi Kingston, the Big Show and Evan Bourne. I think it would be good to see how both of the smaller men would compete with the Big Show. Although we seen that a couple of weeks ago when The Big Show came to the ring and absolutely decimated the both of them. Also, after watching the match with Big Show and Evan Bourne last night, I think it's pretty obvious that Big Show cannot wrestle.

I mean, he almost broke Evan Bourne in half twice in rapid succession. I don't want to be one those posters who criticise every wrestler for their wrestling skills but if WWE continue to put the Big Show in matches with smaller opponents, someone is going to get very, very hurt and they will only have themselves to blame. Take the spear for example. I honestly thought that Evan Bourne had broken his neck when he landed. Then when Big Show applied the submission, I was relieved because he was struggling. That sort of move, performed by a man of that stature should be performed on bigger men because neither looked comfortable during it.

That is neither here nor there though and as far as this match goes, I think you are going to see Kofi Kingston vs, The Big Show for sure. Which is very annoying to me. Simply because, when Kofi and Evan had their match a couple of weeks ago on Raw, I was actually pleased to see it. I didn't get bored with it and they balanced each other out really well. I hope for a rematch but The Big Show is very likely to spoil those plans at Night Of Champions.

Also, if it does come to Kofi vs. The Big Show, I would prepare myself for a new United States Champion because Kofi will be crushed. He will no doubt put up a good fight for a few minutes and then the Big Show will finish it off to end a very boring match indeed.
I'm pretty sure this is going to be a triple threat. I would much rather see a good 15 minutes of Bourne vs. Kofi, but I guess Big Show has nothing else to do. The match will most likely consist of Kofi and Bourne taking turns jumping around like monkeys trying to take the big show off his feet.

In the end, Kofi will be champion. Big Show doesn't win on PPVs and I don't think Bourne is quite ready for the title yet. May as well keep it on Kofi so people will say he had a "good" run with the title.
i think big show should get tha title back jus like jericho won tha ic title in 01 then got it back in 08 he made tha belt look good again, tha last time tha us title looked good was whn benoit & Booker won it an after that i cant tell u not one us title fued an ive been watchin sense 91. big show needs it to not only give title is prstiege back but also to give him a puch, what happen to tha guy he was jus beat cena ass two ppvs ago then dey got him workin miz, now evan bourne an kingston. these guys names could really blow up wit this guy, do yall remember tha mysterio show fued that in wit show facin lesnar in strecher match to end tha rival between show an mysterio.
I'm expecting Kingston vs Bourne vs Big Show in a triple threat with Bourne winning the title. Triple H is high on Bourne and we all know that means success in WWE. Kofi retaining wouldn't be a huge surprise if they plan on giving him a long credible reign which is always a good idea. Big Show won't win though.
So for the US title we see Jack Swagger, Carlito, The Miz, Big Show, and MVP going after Kofi Kingston's US title belt in a 6 pack challenge.

Now for Raw we have 6 men competing in a title match over the US title, and honestly I don't really like the idea. Although it's a good way to get MVP and Jack Swagger on a PPV, I always felt that over four people makes the match just too much unless there is a ladder involved. Furthermore, I'm not keen on the participants. I can understand Swagger and I think that the US title would fit his gimmick quite well. Let's look at the challengers.

MVP is a former US champ, but I think he needs to be taken away from the US title if they want him to go after the WWE title. I would have liked to see Bourne take his spot.

Big Show has been going after the US title for a little while and he if he is to job to Kofi, it would certainly bring credibility to Kofi.

Carlito has just been turned into a heel after holding the unified tag belts. While I welcome someone who hasn't been after a singles title in a while, I just think that the US title is a bit too big for Carlito right now. I feel that he needs to reestablish himself as a singles star before attaining the US belt.

Miz in my mind would do well with the belt. He has never held a singles belt before, and I think that he is the best choice to hold the belt. If WWE wants to eventually bring this guy into the Main Event, the US title would be a good way to start.

What I predict is that Kofi retains the title. WWE is trying (it seems) to bring some prestige back to the midcard. While I wouldn't mind Miz or Swagger to take the belt, I think that if Kofi were to pin Show, Kofi would be a more credible champ.

Oops, sorry, I missed this thread. Anyway, here's what I think about the match.

Now for Raw we have 6 men competing in a title match over the US title, and honestly I don't really like the idea. Although it's a good way to get MVP and Jack Swagger on a PPV, I always felt that over four people makes the match just too much unless there is a ladder involved. Furthermore, I'm not keen on the participants. I can understand Swagger and I think that the US title would fit his gimmick quite well. Let's look at the challengers.

MVP is a former US champ, but I think he needs to be taken away from the US title if they want him to go after the WWE title. I would have liked to see Bourne take his spot.

Big Show has been going after the US title for a little while and he if he is to job to Kofi, it would certainly bring credibility to Kofi.

Carlito has just been turned into a heel after holding the unified tag belts. While I welcome someone who hasn't been after a singles title in a while, I just think that the US title is a bit too big for Carlito right now. I feel that he needs to reestablish himself as a singles star before attaining the US belt.

Miz in my mind would do well with the belt. He has never held a singles belt before, and I think that he is the best choice to hold the belt. If WWE wants to eventually bring this guy into the Main Event, the US title would be a good way to start.

What I predict is that Kofi retains the title. WWE is trying (it seems) to bring some prestige back to the midcard. While I wouldn't mind Miz or Swagger to take the belt, I think that if Kofi were to pin Show, Kofi would be a more credible champ.
I hate this match. A 6 man, 1 fall match is nothing but a ginormous clusterfuck. I want Kofi to retain so he has a chance to have a real feud while holding the belt, but this match has all the makings of a match tailored to have the champ lose without looking weak. I hope Kofi wins, but if Kofi is going to lose, then I expect Big Show to walk out of Philly as the U.S. champ.
If WWE are going ahead with the Primo/Carlito fued, then there is going to be an interference by Primo since he is not in any other match for the night. I guaran-damn-tee that. It's how these fueds go... still a working formula though.

Idk, but Evan Bourne should have been placed into this match. It just seems right adding him to the 6 pack challenge. He seems ready to hold the title & deserves some sort of midcard championship. I'm not sure about Big Show though, Bourne should replace Show in this match. Although it gives Show something to do, I think another fued might be worthwhile having for the event... with Mark Henry's recent face turn.

Would be great to see these two bohemoth's lock up for a sort fued whilst having the best of the midcard on RAW battle it out for the midcard title. And I also agree that Kofi will retain the championship. Good idea if Show were to job to Kofi to bring credibility to the title & Kofi.

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