Time for a new WWE title belt?


The Wrestlezone Savior
I came across this article a couple days ago and it intrigued me:


It's a look at the WWF/E title designs of the last 20 years. As we know some of those lasted a while, some didn't. But I'm wondering this...is it time for WWE to make a new design for the WWE title?

I personally think yes. The design has been pretty much the same for about 3 1/2 years now. The only big difference is when Edge had his customized rated R belt and they made the title stop spinning. It's a cool looking title but it just looks too gawdy and fake for my tastes. I mean, it worked for Cena's gimmick, but since it doesn't appear he is going to be the one holding that title for a while anyway, why not change. It just doesn't look right on anyone else to me and doesn't look like the real top title of the promotion on anyone but Cena. Could you imagine Undertaker carrying that thing around? It would look..well, just plain silly.

Now what I would do here instead of using a new design is use an old one. If you scroll down a bit on that page look at undisputed wwe logo v.3. Now of course that belt started as a version of the undisputed title, but became the wwe championship when brock lesnar began solely wrestling on Smackdown. It was last seen when Cena won it from JBL at WM21. I think that belt looks incredible. It just has a kind of historic and classy look to it that just sets the holder apart as the champion. Hopefully we see this or some new design before too long, maybe by WM25.
This is a great idea. Some people just look really stupid with the current belt and the belt itself looks like a toy. The belt needs to be something that shows your status as a world champion, not something that looks like you just bought it from a store.

I agree, I think that the v.3 belt would be a good design to have as the WWE championship. It just has the look of a real championship belt and IMO it would be better for the WWE to have that belt than to have some stupid spinner belt that looks stupid and fake.
Yes, a new WWE title belt has been long over due.

Since Triple H left RAW leaving John Cena behind, I think that should have been the time to introduce the new Championship to mark its return to SmackDown. The spinner Championship that Triple H currently holds is pointless as it only serves a purpose for Cenas gimmick. Cena is not on SmackDown and can't win it so they need to change it to make it look more like a prestigeous world title rather than some silly toy that Vince got from Toys R Us.

I don't remember anyone else carrying the spinning U.S title so why should other people carry this WWE title?
For me, the heavyweight title of any organisation is that it the title that should look the best as it is the title that every wrestler dreams of holding, so I think they should go back to the design of the undisputed title as I feel that design made the title seems a lot more prestigeous than the spinner championship. The current one looks stupid and is pointless and as RichardREVENGE said, it is only around as it was done for Cena's gimmick so why it still around
I have been hoping for a title belt change ever since Cena came up with that RIDICULOUS, CRAPPY piece of garbage spinner belt... I hate that thing, and still hate it now even if it doesn't "spin" anymore. It looks like some cheap bling-bling bought a random "everything-for-a-buck" type of store somewhere down the road. Please, please get rid of it.

And yeah - I personally loved the Winged Eagle belt of the 90ies of course, that one is very good... But the Undisputed v2 or v3 would definitely be my belt of choice right now. The top title needs to be big (thank goodness TNA have their new belt now, which looks classy imho), and it needs to look serious, so it should always have a black leather belt too (I don't know, white or blue just looks too much "80ies" these days). The title needs to say: ok, this is the guy. He's that good. He's the best. He's the one you need to be the best. He has to have a belt that looks like it is worth something, and means something, but it should underline the capabilities of the wrestler. The spinner belt is just too much attempting to be an attraction on its own, and too "flashy", so it looks more like a fashion accessoire (albeit a ridiculously huge one) than a testimony to a wrestler's (supposed) abilities. The belt has to say, "Look, this is the guy." and not, "Look, the belt is shiny and spinning!!! Yay!".

The WHC title they have now is pretty much the WCW belt I guess... that one is ok. It isn't spectacular, but it is also not ridiculous. However, for a WWE title, I would really wish for something serious. So - all glory to the Undisputed title as new WWE title!
Yes, The WWE title is in desperate need of a change up. I myself asked the question does the WHC need changing and most people responded 'no, but the WWE title does' and I agree. I'm glad it doesn't spin anymore, but it still looks like a cheap shiny toybelt I could pick up at toys r us. I was hoping HHH would change it when he did, but I guess we'll just have to wait till the Undertaker wins it cause there is no way in hell he'd come out with the current one. I'm sure the reason for it's current design, and the reason it's been around for so long, is cause it was a good seller for the kids, the future audience of wrestling, but that was when Cena was champ and now he's not even on the show with the WWE belt, so it's gotta change now. Something more classy and dignified, like the attitude era or the winged-eagle one. I could also see Hardy winning it and bringing in a new belt to signify that the new era has begun.
Please for the love of god change this belt. I miss the Winged Eagle belt, easily the best design ever for this belt. I hate the fact that the word Champ appears on this version of the title belt. It's terrible, and tacky, and it diminishes the value of that belt by giving it "Street Cred". The Belt should say World Champion.

Enough of this crap that no one cares about the belts, and that they are simply props used. That's Vince Russo thinking, and that's why Vince Russo is a hack and doesn't understand the business. The Belts mean everything, that's why people go nuts when a title changes hand or when the champion comes out last. They mean something.

I hate this belt, as I hate any individual title belts. I hated the Smoking Skull belt. What the belt you had wasn't good enough for you that you decided to customize it. What other sport does that? It's disrespectful to the legacy of that title, and this spinner belt is just plain tacky.
Please for the love of god change this belt. I miss the Winged Eagle belt, easily the best design ever for this belt. I hate the fact that the word Champ appears on this version of the title belt. It's terrible, and tacky, and it diminishes the value of that belt by giving it "Street Cred". The Belt should say World Champion.

Enough of this crap that no one cares about the belts, and that they are simply props used. That's Vince Russo thinking, and that's why Vince Russo is a hack and doesn't understand the business. The Belts mean everything, that's why people go nuts when a title changes hand or when the champion comes out last. They mean something.

I hate this belt, as I hate any individual title belts. I hated the Smoking Skull belt. What the belt you had wasn't good enough for you that you decided to customize it. What other sport does that? It's disrespectful to the legacy of that title, and this spinner belt is just plain tacky.

Strangely, I only agree with part of this... Yes change the belt, but no WAY go back to one of the older belts like The Winged Eagle. That belt was good and we can all look back on it with pride and fond memories, memories that would be tarnished if it was reincarnated.

I agree the belts mean EVERYTHING in this buisness. Fans need a belt for there generation, one that looks like a championship, something that looks like something you want to keep forever, when fans look back on this time period they aren't going to go, "oh yeah that Spinner, that was an amazing belt..." It will more likely be a memory of embarasment at cheering for such a monstrosity.

So in conclusion, change the belt and change it fast, but make it new, make it worthy and make it something for the current generation.
Strangely, I only agree with part of this... Yes change the belt, but no WAY go back to one of the older belts like The Winged Eagle. That belt was good and we can all look back on it with pride and fond memories, memories that would be tarnished if it was reincarnated.

I agree the belts mean EVERYTHING in this buisness. Fans need a belt for there generation, one that looks like a championship, something that looks like something you want to keep forever, when fans look back on this time period they aren't going to go, "oh yeah that Spinner, that was an amazing belt..." It will more likely be a memory of embarasment at cheering for such a monstrosity.

So in conclusion, change the belt and change it fast, but make it new, make it worthy and make it something for the current generation.

I agree that the Winged Eagle is one of, if not THE best title belt of all time, but it too has served its purpose. It was the main title for a decade pretty much aside from when Austin used the Smoking Skull belt. The reason I wouldn't use that one is because it was used so long and it just screams 90s and Attitude Era to me.
What WWE need to do, like you said, is get something for the new generation. Something to try to separate themselves from the best time in wrestling, the Attitude Era during the Monday Night Wars. Sure, there will always be comparisons but I think having the belt from that era would be like trying to live in the past.
This is why I say use the v.3 version. The Undisputed title was only used for about 3 years, and that particularly version was for about 2 1/2. It looks like more of a new millennium, new age title that can stay for the long haul..at least 10 years and people won't get tired of it.
I've always hated the spinner belt design, perhaps a little less when Edge had the Rated-R spinner belt. But overall, it just looks like a gaudy piece of trash. It devalued the history of the WWE Championship. Long have I waited for a day when change would come...come on, it just looks stupid with Orton coming out with "WWE Champ" on his belt.

My favourite old design is the Undisputed Championship - I was never a big fan of the Winged Eagle belt, but that may be because I haven't really seen too much wrestling from the days it was active. Hard to come by until recently, y'know. But I'd prefer a totally new design rather than reverting to an old one. Something that looks like solid gold, has a big centerplate and most importantly, NO SPINNER. I definitely think it should be changed, could you imagine what the Undertaker would look like, carrying a belt saying "Champ?" Not exactly frightening is it now...
The Spinner belt needs to GO! It is fine for John Cena, it fits his character, in the same way the Smoking skull belt fit Stone Cold. It does not fit anyone else, however. I would be very happy indeed if they got rid of the spinner design, and even went back to its immediate predecessor. The WWE Title should look more like a professional championship and less like something Flavor-Flav might wear. Right now, its just bling.
It's disrespectful to the legacy of that title, and this spinner belt is just plain tacky.

Come on Shocky. What's with the noob post. Disrespectful? To a title that isn't won, it's given. The belt that doesn't mean half as much as it used to. There are two after all. The belt JBL held after about 2 months of main event pushing. The belt Ted Dibiase bought, the one Andre The Giant sold. The belt Vince McMahon ''won''. It's only a belt. And it's only as important as the wrestler who holds it.

It will change. You can't honestly see Undertaker coming out with it, can you?


It's spins

Thanks Rob.
Yes, its long been time for a title belt change. This belt was fine for the first Cena title reighn, but they shouldve used the Edge transitional reighn as an oppurtunity to change it to something more prestigous. Also wouldve been good to enhance "the age of Orton" to give him a sick new title belt, which look prestigous.

Like ive always said, the people who buy the replicas of this title wont care if its not THE title. They will still buy it, so I would worry about the merch sales situation. And if they had a major concern about that, they could always just switch it back when Cena had the "title" of champion. I think they should return to the winged eagle look, but a belt that is bigger. I always thought it was silly back in the old days that the tag titles were bigger than the world heavyweight title. So please, winged eagle on steroids. There is about zero reason to keep the title looking like a toy as it is right now
I liked the winged eagle belt but if it didnt come back when cena lost the title I dont think it will. The world title belt should look like more respectable the spinner belt was made for cena and his gimmick and now cena doesnt even compete for it now. I think HHH or somone on smackdown should change the design
I agree that it is time for a change. This title just doesn't look like a legitimate title that someone has had to try hard for and win, it just looks like someone has gone out a bought a toy belt and given it to the champion. If you put all of the titles in WWE on display you would get ones that look like they belong to a legitimate organisation and the Divas and WWE championships that look like they belong to the Tweenies.

I'm against Gimmick belts most of the time to be honest. I thought the Smoking Skulls one was ok, but in all honesty, I don't think Edge and Cena needed to have their own individual belts. I think it reduces the impact of someone winning the championship. If you have a picture of something that has been created to fit the character of someone else, it diminishes the acheivement.
Three years have passed and people still assume it is Cena's belt, but it isn't. Sure, he was the one who debuted the Spinner Belt, but it is obvious now that it wasn't meant for him, if it was Cena's, than Triple H wouldn't be holding it right now, that's for sure. The spinner belt represented a new Era in the WWE when a lot of things changed in 2005, you have two new mega stars in Cena and Batista, with Edge creeping up behind with the first ever MITB, and Randy Orton was just starting his Single's Heel run to the top. In about one or two years, there will be another new Era in the WWE and the Spinner Belt will probably be no more, and replaced with an even worse looking belt, that's how WWE rolls.

I also thought the Spinner Belt was for John Cena only and that it wouldn't last much longer than the Smokin' Skull belt, but unfortunately we were stuck looking at it for the past three years on guys like Edge, Orton, and Triple H. The thing I don't like about it is the fact that it is so out of place compared to the other titles except for the Diva's title, and that isn't saying much. Every other belt is classy looking and then you have the three most recently made belts: The WWE title, ECW title, and Diva's title, which is a scary look into the future of WWE's next set of title belts. At least I can change the Spinner Belt into the Undisputed WWE title on the SvR series lol(but, then again, that may be removed from SvR 2009 and we will be stuck with the crappy spinner belt).
Three years have passed and people still assume it is Cena's belt, but it isn't. Sure, he was the one who debuted the Spinner Belt, but it is obvious now that it wasn't meant for him, if it was Cena's, than Triple H wouldn't be holding it right now, that's for sure. The spinner belt represented a new Era in the WWE when a lot of things changed in 2005, you have two new mega stars in Cena and Batista, with Edge creeping up behind with the first ever MITB, and Randy Orton was just starting his Single's Heel run to the top. In about one or two years, there will be another new Era in the WWE and the Spinner Belt will probably be no more, and replaced with an even worse looking belt, that's how WWE rolls.

I also thought the Spinner Belt was for John Cena only and that it wouldn't last much longer than the Smokin' Skull belt, but unfortunately we were stuck looking at it for the past three years on guys like Edge, Orton, and Triple H. The thing I don't like about it is the fact that it is so out of place compared to the other titles except for the Diva's title, and that isn't saying much. Every other belt is classy looking and then you have the three most recently made belts: The WWE title, ECW title, and Diva's title, which is a scary look into the future of WWE's next set of title belts. At least I can change the Spinner Belt into the Undisputed WWE title on the SvR series lol(but, then again, that may be removed from SvR 2009 and we will be stuck with the crappy spinner belt).

I have to dissagree with u in saying that the spinner belt wasnt made fore Cena u also forget that when he was United States champion Cena came out with a spinner belt. So i think its clear it was a customed world title when Cena first used the spinner belt
I think if WWE took a look at some of the posts in wrestling forums on the subject of "the spinner belt" they would realise that not many Wrestling fans above the age of 10 like the current WWE title, i said in a previous thread that id love the old eagle winged WWF title back, the problem with them re-designing the WWE title is if the divas championship and new ECW title are anything to go by then the new design would probably suck just as much as the spinner belt does.
We have all agreed in the past the Spinner Title is the worst joke in WWE history, but it isn't a new concept. Stone Cold did it with the smoking skull title long before this and at the time it was to build upon the character holding the title. However unlike before the title was basically reset when the era of the champion ended. Yes the WWE Championship should be reinvented and made to appear less like a children's toy and more like a Championship. If I could choose a title that it would bear resemblance to it would be the Attitude Era WWE Championship!
I agree with the majority here in that the Spinner title needs to go. The belt hasn't spun in a while however everyone knows it is the same belt that Cena changed like Austin changed once when he was champion. The belt is an awful idea and to me it's less significant because of the spinner concept. The World Heavyweight Championship has been the same for years even since the WCW days and I hope that, as much as I HATED WCW and just about everything about except for some wrestlers, that the WHC doesn't change. It holds some special meaning, it's tradition (even if they want to label it WWE and not recognize the WCW world champs in it's title history with it, everyone around in the WCW era knows that it's the same belt with a different company logo on it). Any old-school fan knows the holders of that title w/o looking at the title history and there is a reason that belt has remained the same since Bishoff gave it to HHH because Lesner didn't want to defend the then Undisputed Championship. The WWE Title was better in any version before the spinner version. Whether it is the belt with the flags on it in the early WWF days or the winged belt, or any other version for that matter is better than what Jeff Hardy has now. John Cena is not destroying the WHC belt now by putting a spinner on it, THANKGOD. The current WWE World Title version needs a drastic change, honoring the tradition of the WWF/E and it's previous titles. The WWE WHC hasn't changed and it shouldn't, if WWE decided to to change the title for Cena, they should have changed it back when Cena and Edge lost it. If someone like Big Show, Undertaker, or any RAW guys like JBL, Jercho, and Kane become WWE Champions they wouldn't look right with that spinner title.

The moment the title should have changed was when Paul Heyman presented RVD with the New ECW World Heavyweight Championship, (not the silver crap on ECW now) and RVD decided to keep the WWE title because quote "This is the ECW world Championship and I'll wear it proudly, and look at this one it spins." RVD's intention was not to desecrate the WWE Title and it's history but simply to insult the spinner ideology for a title. Based on this and many other reasons the WWE world title needs an ASAP change.
Absolutely not. That'd be stupid for the WWE to do. They could care less what the internet wrestling community thinks of the belt. They only care that the kiddies are buying the spinner belt more than any other belt. I think it looks tacky, yes, but I think it would be a stupid business move for them.
Since the WWE title isnt being held by John Cena it should not be spinner, thats fucking ridiculous. They should bring back the eagle belt which is the traditional WWE title. It would serve as an important historic link between the old champions and the modern champions, it kind of puts the all on the same level.
Also, since Cena is holding the WHC on Raw he should make that belt a spinner belt becuz that would make more sense. And i just want to see the internet wrestling community shit their pants becuz the legendary big gold belt is being defaced and turned into a spinner belt.
I actually have grown to like the current WWE title design. It's not very traditional but i still like it. All the jewels and gold makes it looks very expensive which adds to it's prestige. I think the current title looks better than any of the former designs. (exept the WWF attitude era design) The title actually looks good when the current champion walks out with it around his waist. So, no i dont think they need to change the design. The current title looks good ans it sells good. That's really all that matters.

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