The WWE Championship belt

I still don't get why everyone hates the new WWE Championship belt (which isn't so new as it's been around for almost 4 years now). It looks classy, rich and it definately looks like the top prize in the business. No matter who it is worn by, in my opinion it always looks great. And for all you smarks (opps, I mean "smart wrestling fans") who are saying get rid of the spinner, here's a newsflash: It hasn't spun for over a whole freaking year!

I still love the belt, not because John Cena introduced it (which is why everyone hates it) but because it looks awesome. If Edge or Randy Orton introduced that same belt, you'd love it too. But because Cena introduced it when he was starting to get booed by the fans, the belt is automatically disliked even though it looks better than all the current titles in the WWE. The old WWE Title (the one before Cena's 2005 reign) was just bland and boring to me. It didn't scream "World Champion". It just looked like it was another irrelevant title in the company.

As for the Winged Eagle, Attitude Era and all those other belts that are probably thrown in the bin by now, they are not coming back. The WWE has moved on, and the WWE Championship sells very big according to Jim Ross, more so than any other title has sold in the history of the company. That says something. The fans love the belt and the belt looks classy and it looks like it is only worthy to be hold by legitimate main eventers. Nobody looks stupid with it, if Triple H can look serious holding that WWE Title, than I'm sure the Undertaker can as well. It's just another lame reason to bash John Cena, but if you looked past all that bullshit, it actually truly is a superb looking title that should stick around for many years to come.
I'll go with the general consensus that the WWE Championship Spinner Belt is not a good belt.

Any championship that has the word "CHAMP" written on it just de-values it's purpose. I personally have the attitude era belt which was held by Triple H, Stone Cold, The Rock and Chris Jericho.

These older championships were classic, simple and you knew what championship it was instantly. You would be honoured in holding them over your head. The current does really look too big and like a toy.

When did you see a boxer hold a belt that looks like the current WWE Championship?

Bring back the older basic titles !!
ive kinda grown accustomed to the wwe title now

one hing i thought were really good is when edge had it n he had his own rated r emblem in the middle

when jeff won it i were kinda hoping that jeff would have had has emblem in the middle but thats jut me

for this era it fits but im not too bothered
Any championship that has the word "CHAMP" written on it just de-values it's purpose.

I agree... but my only concern is that since the title headed over to Smackdown did WWE ever bother to remove "Mon-Nite Raw" buckle on the side of the belt? It has Cena's old chain and padlock emblem. I haven't seen recent pics of the title but have always hoped that something WWE didn't overlook something like that... thats why it was a gimmick belt.
I agree... but my only concern is that since the title headed over to Smackdown did WWE ever bother to remove "Mon-Nite Raw" buckle on the side of the belt? It has Cena's old chain and padlock emblem. I haven't seen recent pics of the title but have always hoped that something WWE didn't overlook something like that... thats why it was a gimmick belt.

After reading this post and had a look around for when Jeff Hardy won the title. As you can see it has the Raw logo, but then this could easily be the belt Edge had when he first won the title.


I think the title did lose the Mon-Nite Raw when Jeff got it.

One thing I just thought, since NWO, we haven't seen Triple H with the belt, a possible change of look for the title in the mix?
I HATE the "spinner" belt. It was fine as a novelty for Cena's first reign as chump, I mean champ. It was fine for Edge to add his own "spin" on it making it Rated R, just for the Cena/Edge storyline. But that was a long time ago. Both characters have changed, and it does not represent them, or anyone else for that matter now. Like I said at the beginning, good novelty value. But like all novelty, it wears off over time. Cena's "spinner" belts time is now over.
The current belt is still around because WWE wants to go PG and appearently the most requested item at the make a wish visits is the WWE "Spinner" belt. So they keep the old Ric Flair belt around to appease the general wrestling fan like you and I, but they keep the Spinnerooni belt around for merchandising purposes. I don't like it personally, the Winged Eagle belt is by far the best World belt they've ever had. From the time Robin Leech brought it down on the velvet pillow at WM4 to when Austin threw it down for the Blue Attitude belt the night after WM14, that belt was always awesome. Ever since they changed that and the IC belt it just hasn't been the same. Maybe someday they'll make a belt I actually think looks cool.

World Belt - good
IC belt - meh, old one is better
WWE belt - I'd rather see a Styrofoam belt than this one out there
Women's - meh, just keep it on Melina or Beth Phoenix
US - what was wrong the with the WCW one? At least they changed it back once Cena lost it
ECW - At first I thought it was a black and chrome liscense plate
WWE tag - good
World tag - ...not that great
Dvias -...
At least WWE tried to do an Edge version, I wonder what the actual Rated R Belt would have looked like? (It was like the spinner due to time restrains and budgets). Come to think of it, when Edge had the WWE, why didn't he get his Rated R belt back?

Because Edge's WWE Title belt absolutely fucking sucked. It was a disgrace to wrestling in general.

I love it how everyone hates The WWE Championship belt because "John Cena introduced it", but yet the Edge Rated R Spinner belt which absolutely sucked and look ugly, was only exclusive to Edge. Once again, you people judge a World Title belt not on appearance, but on who created the belt.

Nobody can honestly tell me the Rated R Spinner belt looked good. Sure, it suited Edge's gimmick, but it ONLY suited him and the belt looked like a prop, something the WWE Championship is still often referred to. Having the word "Champ" written on a WWE Title belt suits everyone, unlike having "The Rated R Superstar" written on a belt that can basically only be worn by Edge as it would look pathetic on anyone else.

The bottom line is, Cena's WWE Title (even though he hasn't held that Title since 2007) looks far superior and works with a number of different superstars, hell any superstar could look cool with it, and yes even the Undertaker. Edge's WWE Title Spinner was fricken ugly, and the spinner centerpiece didn't match the rest of the belt at all. Yet, the belt is praised because it was held by your God, Edge.

For the love of God, stop being blinded by your love for Edge and admit the current WWE Championship is one of the best looking titles in the business today.
Woah Woah Woah there Spunky, as much as I like Edge for his mike work and his ability to make a story work, I wasn't praising him purely because he got his own belt, It could alot more original than just having Cena's original belt with Edge's symbol on it, but in the end it was done for story purposes, it was done to say "This is the end of Cena's reign", it really was a prop for storyline purposes.

I honestly thought the "Cena" belt alright to begin with but I can't take it seriously, I would much rather have the Attitude Era belt back more than anything, nothing to do with my love for Edge, just purely because that Belt looked like something worthy to call yourself champion for! I'm glad Undertaker has only been holding the World Title right now, because if I see Taker and that spinner belt...god help us!
After reading this post and had a look around for when Jeff Hardy won the title. As you can see it has the Raw logo, but then this could easily be the belt Edge had when he first won the title.

I think the title did lose the Mon-Nite Raw when Jeff got it.

The belt has always had the Raw logo on the side since it was created. It is something my friend always looks out for because it bothers him lol. It is really silly though that you have had the belt on Smackdown now for over a year and it still isn't correct!
Theres nothing wrong with the belt in my opinion. It will get changed somepoint down the line, but for the moment it looks fine. All the fans have gotten used to it and it actualy doesn't look that bad. As for diminishing its credibility, thats a load of rubbish. The WHC looks like a 'normal title' and is no more credibile than the WWE title. The only thing that made it look silly was the spinner and they got rid of that and it looks fine now. It also stands out which is a good thing because it helps people focus their eyes on the champion.
As far as the WWE Championship belt is concerned I wish they would go back to the undisputed look, the same one thats on the "History of the WWE Champoinship" DVD case, it was a nice design and there was no reason to introduce this current version of it. But it looks as if it's sticking around, no biggie though as the belt is just a representation of the title, it is not the title in itself.

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