The WWE Championship belt


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The current belt was bought in by Cena a few years back and I personaly assumed it was meant to be his gimmick belt. However since its introduction the old wwe belt has dissapeered and the ugly spinning belt has been worn by Edge, RVD, Orton, Jeff Hardy and even Triple H! Admitidly it no longer spins but in my opinion it is a big ugly thing and looks rediculous around the waiste of any superstar. I always hated the WH championship belt which I always said looked too big and plastic but right now it looks better than the wwe belt! IMO its time to ditch the spinner.

Thoughts please
imo, the whc belt, formerly wcw whc belt ist the most beautiful belt ever. some time ago i've heard rumors that wwe would change it too, but thank god that didn't happen! i don't like the spinner belt either, it looks kinda gay with all that bling on it ;) i liked the old designs better, although the undisbuted belt looked crappy too.
Theres already a thread on this. Actually, theres alot of threads on this.

The only reason its still around is cuz it sort of reflects the era were in right now in wrestling as a whole- the Cena era. Its also just sort of stuck around unfortunately. I wish they would just bring back the old Undisputed style belt- that belt was awesome. I hope they drop this one and bring it back soon, or create a new one altogether.
Never been a big fan of the belt.

Yet the one gimmick belt I did like vanished back in 2000, when Austin lost it.

I dug that smoking skull belt, that being said I dig skull designs in general so I was easily swayed :icon_smile:
I dont know why, but I just love the belt. It just looks right on superstars apart from the ones that are too serious. And like Game said, it reflects the Cena era and sadly as long as Cena is at his best, we'll always see the belt around.
i personally dont like the wwe spinner belt, dont get me wrong i though it looked cool when it was first brought in by Cena but in my opinion it should have had returned to a more classic look after John Cena got hurt and had to drop the belt after his 13 month title reign.
The spinner-non-spinner belt is terrible. The best thing JBL ever did was blowing the US-spinner belt up on smackdown. Bring back the eagle belt
I know it's the title of being WWE Champion which is what wrestlers are really supposed to be pursuing, but that belt is the representation of the title, and to me it harms the credibility of the title WWE Champion. It looks like a fucking toy, which makes all these grown men who are chasing this belt seem like idiots in a way. I'm not saying it's turned the WWE Title into a joke, but it does take away from it slightly. In an era where WWE are trying to incorporate more of a sense of realism into the product (Big Shows shitty knockout punch, Undertaker adopting more of an MMA style of fighting) it damages that sense of realism. Could you imagine if that sort of belt was used in boxing? The guy who wore it would lose all credibility. Bring back the big eagle belt, that was the fucking coolest looking belt the WWE ever had
I liked it for a little just because i thought well it probley wont be around long, but now i hate it

hell the Rated R wwe title was better(not much but it was)
IMO they need to bring the old one back

but the WHC is my favorite
I dont think that the belts should be changed at all for any gimmick,I find it takes away from the legacy of the belt, The belt people fought for 20 years ago should be the one people fight for now, not a differnt style,I think of it like this, superstars grow up wanting to someday become the wwe champion and then they change the belt in which they always wanted to have straped on them ,It just dont make sense to me, but that aside there have been some awesome styles but i still think it shouldnt change.
the only one who should of had a gimmick belt is stone cold steve austin. iv always hated that belt. wish wwe could go back to the wwe belt with the eagle. the one they had between 1999-2002
As it's been said, it appeals to kids. It looks more like a toy than a world championship belt.

Personally, I love the belt it replaced, the undisputed title. That looked simple and dignified. I miss it...
I think that since the WWE Championship belt being changed to the spinner belt it had cemented the fact that belts are now just props, they have no purpose now they have been diluted and worn down due to the amount of title changes that take place in the WWE, it isn't the same since great Sammartino held the belt for a significant period of time or the likes of ric flair. If it was me I would scrap the 2 belts now and bring back an undisputed WWE champion with a conventional style belt and bring some purpose, and legacy back to the belt with meaningfull title reigns and not so much changes. :undertaker2:

Yes totally agree with most of you , when it was nwa vs wwf i too thought the nwa whc belt looked rank along side the great eagle belt of the wwf. Somehow i feel changing belt design or trophy design kind of takes a bit history and uniqueness from it , this is why the whc belt looks better than that toy they have for the wwe belt do they change the look of the super bowl trophy in US or the FA cup in the UK ? No cos people recognise that prize from history and they want to get their hands on history.
Bring back the old belt and while ya there scrap some of the meaningless belts we also put up with
I agree with the few that the spinner belt was indeed great in the beginning but over time it lost its appeal... the novelty kinda wore off. When Cena went down with his pec injury the WWE had a great opportunity to present a new legit title then but they chose to keep passing along a gimmick belt... maybe they should've kept in the Long Island Sound. I'd rather see the more classic style belts but with a more modern twist.
I agree with the general consensus that the spinner belt looks horrible. Compared to the WHC belt and even the ECW belt it looks like a toy. Shockingly I feel like it's a bit too over the top and extravagant, almost like WWE tried too hard to make it look expensive/cool/eye-catching/whatever the fuck they were going for. Look at the WHC belt, simple design with no unneeded bells and whistles. Yet it still has character, you can tell there was such a time when that belt held prestige. For me personally it breaks down like this: Only certain performers make the WWE belt look good, where the WHC belt makes whoever is wearing it look great. It's a matter of consistently making the wearer look like a champion IMO.
I don't mind the way the WWE Championship looks. I think it was dope when Cena had it, but I think it does look a little silly when other people have it. I think it's fine nonetheless.

People say that the Spinner type belt diminishes the value of it, but they've customized the belt to fit the personality of the person holding it for years. I remember the different colored straps that the Ultimate Warrior.

Stone Cold had the Smoking Skull Belt and the Rock had a Brahma Bull Belt, because they fit their personalities.

I think Vince said it best when he said that the belts mean more to the fans then they do the people who hold it.
well yeah but the belts always changed back after they lost it tho. it isnt like dis wit cena's belt. I do think dat dey should hav switched the belt back (or got another 1) wen Cena lost it
I agree with the general consensus that the spinner belt looks horrible. Compared to the WHC belt and even the ECW belt it looks like a toy. Shockingly I feel like it's a bit too over the top and extravagant, almost like WWE tried too hard to make it look expensive/cool/eye-catching/whatever the fuck they were going for. Look at the WHC belt, simple design with no unneeded bells and whistles. Yet it still has character, you can tell there was such a time when that belt held prestige. For me personally it breaks down like this: Only certain performers make the WWE belt look good, where the WHC belt makes whoever is wearing it look great. It's a matter of consistently making the wearer look like a champion IMO.

Totally agree. I feel it's the moment when John Cena went out of the rapper gimmick, that's when the belt lost its prestige!

I dread to think of the day that they make a spinner WHC when Cena holds it! God! WWE would lose all credibility by then, Vince Russo will be head writer when that happens!

PS - Nice name :)
Well, Ahhh The Spinner Belt For Me Is Not Too Ugly, I Think Is A Great Belt, But The Problem Is That Is Cena's Creation.... So When You See Triple H, Edge Or Randy Orton With It, That Damn Belt Reminds You Cena. So I Think They Should Keep It Out When Cena Doesn't Have It, And When Someone Else Is The Champ, Bring Back The Old One, I Mean The Attitude Era Belt, Not The Undisputed Version, Which Was Great Too But I Like The Attitude Era Belt A Little Bit More......
I hate it. The old one was just...always felt it was more prestigious. Cena`s CD title was ridiculous.
I think the worst moment that confirmed it was staying was RVD (after winning it) saying "I like it, cause it spins!" WTF?! Seriously, RVD likes because it spins? At least WWE tried to do an Edge version, I wonder what the actual Rated R Belt would have looked like? (It was like the spinner due to time restrains and budgets). Come to think of it, when Edge had the WWE, why didn't he get his Rated R belt back?

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