The Straight Edge Messiah and the Bibical Messiah

How do you feel about CM Punk invoking Christlike Imagery?

  • I like it.

  • It insults me on a religious level.

  • It insults my intelligence.

  • I'm indifferent towards it.

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Since becoming the leader of Nexus, CM Punk has taken his Straight Edge Messiah persona to the next level. While he has certainly suppressed the Straight Edge aspect of his personality, he has taken to using Jesus imagery.

Let's look at just three of the examples of CM Punk's use of invoking Jesus imagery.

1) CM Punk teases sacrificing himself- A week ago CM Punk put the members of Nexus through their paces for initiation, promising to save the most dramatic and meaningful task for himself. His promise seemed like it would be fulfilled when he climbed to the top of the Titantron, claiming he was going to sacrifice himself by jumping off the top, falling to what would be certain death.

This is clearly an allusion to Jesus' sacrifice of himself. As the good book said, Jesus sacrificed himself so he could die for our sins. CM Punk was going to die for a much less noble reason, to prove Nexus is serious business, but he was sacrificing himself none the less.

Of course, CM Punk didn't sacrifice himself, but that doesn't change the fact that he invoked the illusion in the first place.

2) CM Punk lectures Nexus on faith- This occurred on this past RAW, as the three members of Nexus clamored in the locker room about how CM Punk seemed to be leading them to doom. Punk overhears this conversation and laughs and calmly says the word faith. The next time we see Punk and the Nexus he is repeating the word over and over again, and Nexus looks baffled and bored.

Jesus Christ wouldn't be the Jesus Christ we all know and love if it wasn't for him teaching his apostles about faith. CM Punk also utilized classic Jesus Christ patience too as he took his perhaps mutinous soldiers and talked to them with a smile on his face and a calm tone of voice.

3) CM Punk does the Jesus pose- CM Punk has used the Jesus on the cross pose a few times, but none more obvious and blatant than when he used it tonight at the end of the Cena match when Mason Ryan hit him with the boot. With an infuriating smile on his face, Punk put out his arms and cocked his head to the side...
and allowed himself to be hit with the boot.

This, in my opinion, was the most obvious Christ imagery utilized by Punk yet. The acceptance of pain and cross pose was a clear reference to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Now I will be quite honest, I am insulted by this, and I can't explain why with 100% certainty. I am not religious at all, and I was raised Jewish so I am not insulted at a religious level. I think I am insulted because of how obvious this angle is, or possibly because I know how sacred this could be to some people, though I believe it's because of the former.

However, I cannot argue with the effectiveness of this angle. Whether you worship Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, respect him as a great philosopher, or believe he's a made up character, you can't deny that CM Punk comparing himself to Jesus is infuriating. Jesus is a symbol of peace and love, and CM Punk is the leader of one of the most violent groups in WWE history. Jesus was a caring man who preached the golden rule, CM Punk is a violent man who assaults his own followers and uses them to assault his enemies. If anything, CM Punk is more similar to Satan than Christ, which is why the fact he uses the Jesus imagery is so damn infuriating.

So what do you think? Do you think the CM Punk/Jesus angle is stupid? Insulting? Aggravating? Are you totally okay with it?
I am not religious (though I study religion), nor am I affiliated with Christianity, but I see no reason why anyone should be offended. Punk's Nexus has a lot in line with a cult, and cult leaders purposefully use religious symbolism and imagery to reinforce their status as leader and "chosen" by whatever it is they are claiming to be "chosen" by. The character/script, I would say, isn't necessarily mirroring Jesus himself, but rather, to cult-leader archetype (It would be actual cult leaders who would be utilizing the symbolism and allusion). What does strike me as odd is turning Punk into a more 'messianic figure' with Nexus. Personally, it seemed to fit better when he was with the Straight Edge Society- he had cultic followers (whereas Nexus has more of a personality as a whole, especially Otunga), he had the "message", and he had the look. Maybe, since I know Smackdown has more of a child/family oriented tone than RAW, they had to wait until Punk made the transition to RAW?
While it doesn't necessarily offend me on a spiritual level, I can see it garnering some sort of backlash from religious fans. However, it's the perfect way to bring him even more heat than when he was the straight-edge messiah.
I am insulted by this

Right To Censor coming back?

I find it hypocritical if people who beg for TV-14 things, blood, and swearing get offended by things like this.

Like Jerry Lawler said, he is basically making it a cult.

CM Punk being the total opposite and being like "Satan" is pure gold. He is getting great heel heat for it too.

People think guys going through flaming tables, Abyss torturing people, and huge amounts of blood is awesome, but if someone says "faith" that's over the line?

Your beliefs shouldn't compromise my entertainment. WWE already dealt with this with the Parent's Television Council.
I agree with sup, who ever gets offended change the channel. Its if punk ends up on a cross in the ring and nexus grab plastic spears and start jabbing him and putting barbwire on his head yeah then its offensive..Punk doing this is going over as a heel Perfect...He got socked by a fan in the face and all he had to say is "Im doing my job perfectly" thats awesome..this guy I think is wwe's top heel we've ever seen if not the top hes in the top 3.
To The Suplexer Perecter:

I'm guessing the people who are begging for the tv-14 rating to come back are gonna be the same people offended by this. Just because we are all wrestling fans doesn't mean we all want blood and gore. Some do, some don't. The people who post on these boards is such a small amount of the wrestling audience. You shouldn't think we represent the majority.

"Your beliefs shouldn't compromise with my entertainment."

Are you mad. Beliefs are what form television ratings and content. Do you think when the FCC fines somebody for cursing on a live event, it's just because they had nothing better to do. It's because there are rules in place regulating it. Rules creating on people's beliefs.

1 belief I have is it is wrong to rape somebody. If you find that as entertainment, my belief might compromise your entertainment. For that, let me apologize.

Back on topic, CM Punk did not do anything other wrestlers haven't done in similar ways. Undertaker crucifying himself, HHH calling himself the king of kings, a name usually saved for God. It is what it is, and if it offends, change the channel.
This is bound to get CM Punk some heat from the fans, but it's good heat.

WWE has done some offensive religious angles. "God" as a tag team partner and McMahonism comes to mind. Those were blatantly sacrilegious. Punk's messiah angle is not. Punk has done it before, with his straightedge messiah gimmick during the Straight Edge Society phase, and there was some controversy there, too. Howver, I don't think the symbolism is meant to offend Christians or anything of the sort; I think it's more to just show how Punk thinks of himself. He's crazy enough to think that he's the savior of the people following him. The crucifixion is perhaps the most famous religious symbol, so Punk mimics the sacrifice that it represents to show what he is doing.

The most important factor here is that it's mimicry, not mockery. The point of the symbolism is not to mock Jesus or offend Christians. It's how Punk perceives himself, and it's a very effective way to show it. I'm more than okay with it. I'll go far enough to say that it's brilliant. What a great way to distinguish Punk's character.
I may be way off here...but I'm not seeing why anyone should be offended while watching CM Punk. Granted..I will say that his actions do have some religious innuendos (might be spelled wrong). But people that watch this need to understand that it's not real. It's sports ENTERTAINMENT. I agree with what jholcomb22 said in the last line of his post. "It is what it is, and if it offends, change the channel." It really is that simple.
Love it or hate it, this angle is bigger than anything we have seen in a long time. Although it will more than likely culminate with hopefully a huge angle twist at Wrestlemania. The last major twist we have seen at WM was Austin turning heel on the Rock. WWE needs something like this to upset people, to get under their skin, and get people talking about it. This is the road to Wrestlemania and all. I am impartial to the whole story of his messiah gimmick, as a matter of fact, beyond all that this match with Cena was probably one of the best matches that I have seen someone else carry Cena through. CM Punk is the top heel in the company, he has another huge stable that he is running, and hopefully will win in two weeks in order to take his talents into the headline at Wrestlemania. Everyone that has the idea that they are offended by the relationship to sacrificing himself and his followers, you are buying into the gimmick, and that is exactly what Vince McMahon wants at this of year.
Look Im a Christian(Baptist to be exact) I have NO Problem at all with this. Im enjoying this angle alot as this is suppossed to be kinda like a Cult and most Cults have the Leader acting like they're God and the followers believing what they preach and thinking they're God. Punk is doing a Very Good Job at it as well. but it could be because Im StraightEdge and a HUGE Fan/Mark of Punk.
I don't think Punk's pose had nothing to do with religious imagry. He was simply showing that he was accepting the attack. Holding your arms out like that is universal body language of accepting what is coming, in this case a boot to the face. As for Punk turning his head to the side, how would you react if you knew something was about to hit you in the head, would you take it on the nose or would you turn your head to the side? Personally I would turn my head to the side, he was simply bracing for an impact that he knew was coming.

Punk is acting like a cult leader, he is not trying to be some evil Jesus clone. Personally I think more of Charles Manson when I watch Punk at work.
I am in no way offended by this angle its rather entertaining and cant wait to see how far they take it, but for some reason I cant help but feel if TNA would be doing this angle almost everybody on here would be bashing it, thank god he wasn't smoking a cigarette when it happened, just my opinion.
i really hope it offended people, thats what it is supposed to do. punk is trying to be a heel. if he offends people, they will want to see him get what's coming to him, and to see that those people must watch the show.
I have no problems with whats happening here. In fact- this is exactly how the SES should have went. Punk leading a big group of youngsters that need the rub. Although- I really wish they never would have shaved his damn head! That sucked so bad. His hair was a big part of his "oddness". Part of what made him so creepy of a character.

Either way- it is what it is now. The best part about it is that Slater & Gabriel are gone now. And only Otunga remains from the original Nexus. I dont mind that he's there. But I could care less if he wanted to go to Smackdown with the rest of 'em. Bring Seth Rollins into the group to replace him.

This all works for me
To The Suplexer Perecter:

I'm guessing the people who are begging for the tv-14 rating to come back are gonna be the same people offended by this. Just because we are all wrestling fans doesn't mean we all want blood and gore. Some do, some don't. The people who post on these boards is such a small amount of the wrestling audience. You shouldn't think we represent the majority.

TV-14 is edgy content, with the stuff I mentioned. Is this not edgy? TV-14 requires that stuff for it to be TV-14. And I said IF they do.

"Your beliefs shouldn't compromise with my entertainment."

Are you mad. Beliefs are what form television ratings and content. Do you think when the FCC fines somebody for cursing on a live event, it's just because they had nothing better to do. It's because there are rules in place regulating it. Rules creating on people's beliefs.

1 belief I have is it is wrong to rape somebody. If you find that as entertainment, my belief might compromise your entertainment. For that, let me apologize.

No I'm not mad, lol. I didn't do caps lock rage or anything. But You can't really put a tone of voice on typed words.

But there is the remote control which you can thus change the channel with. I don't know why something I like must be banned because you don't like it. It's all about choices. People who hate swearing on TV shouldn't watch shows that do swear.

Back on topic, CM Punk did not do anything other wrestlers haven't done in similar ways. Undertaker crucifying himself, HHH calling himself the king of kings, a name usually saved for God. It is what it is, and if it offends, change the channel.

That's my point.
I think Punk plays the part great. He does act like a God amongst Men, including his own stable of The Nexus. It's almost as though he is Immortal, like an unbeatable presence. I find that this works for his character, with the cockiness, the arrogance etc.

Same here. Wish his hair grew faster, damn it.

I don't agree here, as the short hair shows more of his face, and his facial expressions, even his facial details add to his character. He uses brilliant smirks and smiles to convey what he's thinking/feeling at the moment, which makes it easier for us to see now he's lost all the hair.
Punk, in later weeks, should begin to believe he is truly The One, and attempt to just bring dominance back to Raw, like it used to be when Nexus first began, and he could call it a "Miracle". Just a thought.
No pun intended, but the short hair has actually grown on me! Like the way it is now!

Punk still looks like a creepy heel, and doesen't need long hair to establish that!

Just like the Attitude era, I can sense that some religous raadical group will take hold of this, and make a big deal about something they don't know anything about, because there lives are feeble and empty so they attack something they know nothing about!

Hey, with the lack of success of WWE PPV's, I'd take that kind of publicity if I were Vinny Mac
I don't know if anyone else has noticed it, but I just revelry got an HDTV and am finally able to watch the show in HD and I've noticed something that hasn't been mentioned yet... Punk has stigmata XD

Seriously, check out some close ups of Punk's hands the last few weeks, namely his palms. He has drawn little red dots on both palms of his wrist tape.

Personally I love this new Punk. The look is pretty good, the promos are still great and he is feuding with THE top guy in the company. Personally who I am hoping that the next member of the New Nexus will be Tyler Black. You'd have Punk as the Top guy, Black as the mid card guy (maybe a feud with Danielson over the US Title?), Harris and Magillicuty going for the tag titles, and Ryan could be the back up.
Im going to go out on a limb and say, this is probably the most entertaining CM Punk has been since hes been in WWE. Im getting really into him and his "cult" nexus in the last couple weeks. His new short hair look and his "messiah" gimmick right now are pretty entertaining. everyone knows he was a good heel in the indys, and this story line is really showing it. I feel like the SES was the same thing over and over again. This feels like the New World order of WWE ( i know, im over rating it), but im very much into raw right now because of CM punk and this story line. Having him a leader of a group is good stuff. I havent liked a heel like this since Edge and Randy orton

PS. Hes got new chest tattoos that make him look more badass
Lord fresh said it, he is going more towards a cult leader like Charles mansion. He even wore a Charles manson shirt on raw when he was doing play by play. The look,everything is Charles manson...Manson would get his followers high on LSD and other drugs n would dress like Jesus and made them believe he was a greater power like punk is doing, kind of funny for a pg show hahah
I am not religious and do not think that Punk using religious imagery is too far, because he is playing the role of a cult leader, who usually preach that they are a God, and are worshipped as such by their followers.

I think it is a very new, refreshing gimmick for Punk and something I would not have expected in this PG era of the WWE. I think it is great, and Punk is brilliant in the role. He is certainly the best heel in the business today, no doubt about it. Using religion is always something that is bound to offend and anger some people, and anger from the fans is like food and water to a heel, they need to to survive.

I can see why some people would be offended by this religious imagery though, it is always a very controversial and close-to-the-bone subject, that I am very surprised the WWE went with. We all remember the ECW incident in the mid 90's, where Raven crucified Sandman on a cross, and Kurt Angle (who was ECW's guest that day) walked out of the show he was so offended. Knowing how controversial this was, and the PG era we are in now, it did surprise me to see such a storyline on Raw. I am very pleased it is being done though.

People just need to relax a bit about it, in my opinion. Maybe I am being a bit insensitive in that I am not personally religious, so this kind of stuff doesnt bother me at all, but I think people who get offended by this just need to remember it is just a guy playing a role, and playing it very well. I like the whole idea of Nexus as a cult-like group, it has really freshened them up as the whole storyline was becoming a bit stale under Barrett with the never-ending Cena feud.
Personally I'm not bothered by Punk's use of Christian imagery. It's something that gets used all over television & films, so I don't see why Punk, the leader of a faction, shouldn't be allowed to use it. Punk is leading a group of men, and there's always something very cult like about that, which in fact gives that religious imagery some deeper meaning. To me CM Punk plays that perfectly and in a totally acceptable way. He's very much like, as said earlier, Charles Manson in this role, and has been ever since he was leading the SES last year. He comes across as the deranged and psychotic leader, which he plays to perfection. Punk is a natural at this and the WWE are letting him run around with this angle, which to me is perfectly fine. Excellent thread idea.
Considering the fact that CM Punk has been building himself as the savior back when he was on Smackdown and building the Straight Edge Society, mixing it with the fact that he had a sort of Jesus like look, I do absolutely love the thing that he has been doing as of late. I thought the promo on faith was pretty good, and I've been loving the "Jesus pose" that he's been doing.

I'm not a Christian person, and I don't believe in the existence of Jesus, however I still think this is some great strong material, that really displays CM Punk as a savior, and as the new coming of the guy that can bring better things to WWE or whatever he plans on building the whole Jesus image around.

I'm intrigued as hell to see where this is going, because I think it has major potential, and I think it could be an absolutely amazing gimmick to work around. CM Punk could become really big in the main event as a top heel if he continues this properly.
I am not religious (though I study religion), nor am I affiliated with Christianity, but I see no reason why anyone should be offended.

Well, it doesn't change the fact that they will.

But of course that's not Punk or WWE's problem.

Personally, I love this. I was so dissapointed with the death of the SES. Punk is bringing it back in his own little way now. I'm loving it. I've always been a lover of cult leaders, and CM Punk potrays it better than anyone.
I am loving this. This is the direction I wanted them to take SES. This does well to garner added heel-heat and will, in its own way, bring in more fans.

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