CM Punk = Jesus Christ or Charles Manson?


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
This week on Smackdown, Punk constantly referred to himself as the "Savior". The announcers put over that he "baptized" James. He has grown a full beard, and has let his hair get longer.

It is now CM Punk the Savior, "LUKE", and "JAMES". Those are names of Jesus' disciples if I'm correct, or at bare minimum they definitely biblical names. He is shaving their head in cult fashion and proclaiming that CM Punk is the one.

I think it is an interesting turn for Punk's character and the Straight Edge gimmick has taken a fresh whole new twist. The Straight Edge Society sounds like a Cult. So what's next?

My synopsis? He gets a few more people in, and they job in La Familia fashion within a couple of months with no pay off and no stars made. Luke Gallows may get a decent rub though. It gives Punk another dimension though which is pretty fun to watch.
Luke was writer of one of the biblical books I do believe, but he is not a disciple - James is however.

The cult idea would make sense, and I do think that they are trying to Make CM Punk into some form of Jesus due to the beard and long hair. To be honest, I can't see were they are going with this idea of him being a saviour, maybe another fued with the Undertaker?

This way it could be a fued named 'The Saviour vs The Phenom'
Luke wrote the Gospel According to Luke. James was Jesus' brother.

This is really quite interesting. They're making the straight-edge posse seem more and more cultish as you said. I think it could lead to something great if handled correctly. Punk could "save" more and more people, but I also don't see where this storyline could end. We'll just have to see how it pans out as the weeks go by.

I find it interesting that they seem to be going the Raven's Flock route, which is something many of us were clamoring for. This could be yet another thing WWE is listening to us on. It makes you think.
While I do think that WWE are going for a cult-type faction, whether they will link it to Christianity is very unlikely. WWE know they're getting away with a lot by making Straight Edge seem bad, but if they have Punk become some sort of Christ wannabe, then they're moving into very very touchy ground. Ground which they are not stupid enough to tread in. Plus, in a PG era, would they really try to pull off a proper religious angle? I think not.

But if they keep it vague enough, the cult faction could be pulled off and pulled off to great success. Like I said, as long as they don't call it a cult. Although, I'm sure Michael Cole will call the group "cult-like". But what Punk is doing seems to already be over, so it could be his ticket back to the main event since it seems they might be done pissing around with him in the midcard.
First of all, who was the guy they "initiated?" Was he really a "fan (plant)?" Or was he a developmental wrestler they brought out of nowhere? I think his permanent presence with the Straightedge Society depends on that question. To me, his association with the group doesn't seem like a long-term thing.

I think this character works wonders for CM Punk. He could become obsessed with "saving" people week in and week out, until the obsession drives him to complete madness. He already appears disturbed enough in his current state, in my opinion.

The success or failure of this "Society" could be his ticket back to the World Title picture. Hopefully more wrestlers join and give the faction strength in numbers, eventually interfering in Punk's matches and making their presence known on the Smackdown brand. I think this is Creative's way of seeing if they can make a long-term investment in Punk as a main event player. So far it's working.
First of all, who was the guy they "initiated?" Was he really a "fan (plant)?" Or was he a developmental wrestler they brought out of nowhere? I think his permanent presence with the Straightedge Society depends on that question. To me, his association with the group doesn't seem like a long-term thing.

Apparently Punk will be converting members of the WWE universe in every city, so this James most likely won't be making a repeat appearance.

I'm wondering how this weekly conversion thing is going to work; how long can they carry on with it, and how is it going to culminate? We can already see that Punk's got the messiah complex. But what would this angle need to put Gallows over and to convince fans that Punk can be a credible contender?
I loved his promo last week and I enjoyed his segment this week as well. I loved seeing him ringside for Gallows' match. I'm curious as to where this is gonna go. While the converting fans idea is still just beginning, I hope it doesn't continue too long because it's obviously going to get repetitive.

I would love to see Punk "save" a slightly better known wrestler as another addition to his Society because it would really establish them as a presence.
Well, I dont necessarily think it means they HAVE to be comparing him to Jesus or how many would we have?

CM Punk who's saving us from drugs & alcohol
Chris Jericho who came to save the WWE, twice
Triple H (they call "Jesus" "King of Kings")

I'm just using HHH as to say that I'm just not sure every little thing you could grasp from a wrestler and compare it to that has to be linked

But CM Punk's getting a boost again in the near future from what I see
I like it. Hope to see Mr. Pepsi win the rumble if Y2J or Morrison doesnt

And yeah, it may seem like a cult, but I'd think otherwise. Since when is doing the right thing cult-like?

Let's not forget that his heel gimmick is cool the way they did it, but he's still sending a good message he's just doing it in a mini Chris Jericho type of way

but when it gets right down to it, like it or not he's right
and that truly is why he's hated because he speaks the truth

If I said dont commit suicide, I dont attempt suicide so that makes me better would you despise me for that?

it's a good message all in all whether he comes across as arrogant or not

but as far as saviors go again, I'd consider punk like a doctor, a real savior type figure
A counselor

a person that actually helps you

oh it's true, it's DAMN true
I was also thinking that because he was calling himself a savior and growing out his beard... I don't know about the Luke and James stuff because I'm Jewish.. And they're not smart if they go with that storyline trying to make the straightedge cult thing being linked to christianity will be the most idiotic thing that the WWE would do. I mean, Jews watch WWE, Muslims watch WWE, Hindus watch WWE, Buddhists watch WWE, not only christians.. Some people may get offended that the WWE calls christianity the "correct" religion and may lose many viewers. Myself, being a Jew, don't really care about this but others may get offended. And think this straightedge shit is really, really getting annoying. I'll explain in a different thread...
They've been subtly hinting at this over the last couple of weeks and I like it, like someone said before it adds a fresh twist to the straight edge stuff and seems fairly logical as Punk edges towards this unhinged guy with a complete messiah complex.

I don't think he or they are reffering to him as a Christian or even religous leader, just a bat-shit crazy cult leader whose trying to clense the world.

The 'plant' I beleive was Ted 'The Trailor' McNaylor or Manbeast, whose down in OVW and since that's no longer a WWE development territory I'd imagine this was a one time deal, and they'll bring in someone one permenant next week.
If the WWE leaves out any and all sort of references to Christianity, then this angle will come off very well. If you think about it, beginning some sort of a straight edge cult faction is really the next step for Punk's character. For much of the second half of last year, Punk's character has literally preached about the straight edge lifestyle, how it's superior to others, how it's meant only good things for him, etc. Being the "pastor" of the straight edge church or whatever just fits. Eventually, I think that there will be several other WWE wrestlers that join up with Punk and it could be pretty interesting.

What the WWE needs to avoid is trying to go too over the top with the whole thing. Having some sort of a little ceremony to induct a member like shaving one's head is a good idea, but they need to avoid big, elaborate and complicated rituals as it'll possibly draw a lot of negative attention. Although, on the other hand, maybe a little negative attention would do the WWE some good.
I love the Straight Edge Society. And they way they are doing it with CM Punk. I think that if they dont go overboard with it they could make it the next Brood like thing going on. I wouldn't go as far with the whole christianity thing. Its a nice comparison but they would lose to many veiwers. Not everybody who watches WWE is christian.

I really hope that they dont screw this up and just drop the ball because this could end up being great.
I must admit being a person of faith I don't like the comparison between Punk and Jesus. However, I do see how you can connect those dots. And I can appreciate the entertainment value. After all, I do watch Family Guy. :) I just hope that they don't go to far down that road. I don't think they will because its more of a kids show anymore. Punk is doing a fantastic job playing the self-righteous savior who is going to save the WWE universe from our addictions. He really has me toning into smakckdown every week to see what he will do next. I think of his current character more as a self righteous cult leader, who in his own mind thinks he is doing the right thing. More like a Charles Manson like cult leader but without the drugs and killing.
TY...TY! The title of the thread made me literally Laugh Out Loud. But on topic, Maybe? I doubt they wanna actually bring religion into a storyline excluding the Mcmahon/HBK/God angle a couple years ago. This is remenicent of The Age Of The Fall ROH did back in September 07-early last year with Jimmy Jacobs/Tyler Black/Necro Butcher and later on Delirious. And that's a good thing because Punk is tailor made for this kind of gig. If he's not released I would love to see Matt Hardy as a part of "The Punk Party".
They look like lifeless robotic zombies,punk looks deranged and possessful,gallows LOOKS possessed,the guy they shaved looked like a mini jack nicholson,punk can make this work but more wrestlers(not known wrestlers)need to join, six could do the trick, punk is starting to resemble jesus a bit actually.
i dont think they are trying to make punk into a new jesus cos something like that could easily backfire and offend a lot of people. but im definatly liking this new storyline the only problem is going to be finding some more superstars to add to the group who can give them more credibility
You know what, I was watching Smackdown last week, and it did occur to me that he was acting like a bit of a Christ allegory but I don't think they'll go down that road specifically. There is certainly potential to call this angle cultist and to take that road, which will give birth to a stable, but to be honest, the wrestlers have to be chosen wisely. If they put a good debutant in there, like Danielson, and then maybe someone who's already established, like maybe Finlay or someoneand a fit diva that they make dress down, then it could work . I don't really want that to happen though, because Punk being all deranged on his own is probably more likely to be compelling in the long term.
The "plant" was Manbeast from OVW and he was signed to FCW that same night. At the beginning of the show I was wonderring why Punk hasn't been shaving as of late. Of course I put two and two together during the promo. I thing it has potential as a new stable, but they are gonna need bigger names than just Gallows and Manbeast. Perhaps Bryan Danielson can become a member. I like the thought but the PG rating can cut some potential to it.

By the way, Punk looks more like a skinny Zach Galifianakis than Jesus Christ.
I wouldnt say its Jesus Christ. I would more liken it to Charles Manson, personally.

Also, I must say: I love it!! Its the best thing goin on, on WWE TV rightnow IMO. Nothing is really close, if you ask me. Rey V Batista- for the right to get Taker...weak! Sheamus V Cena...decent at best. The only other thing goin on rightnow, that I think could be close to this Straight Edge Society angle is: whatever is goin on between Jericho & The Hart Dynasty rightnow. Of course we have the Vince Vs Hitman thing goin on- but I dont count that since niether of them are full-time wrestlers.

I still think Mike Knox needs to be added to this group. I've been saying that ever since Gallows debuted. He just fits perfectly into SES & having 2 big-guys only makes them seem that much more, "better then you"!

I also have mentioned Danielson being introduced to us this way. Keep it up for a while & then if/when Vince thinks Danielson is ready to be on his own...his 1st "face storyline" is already set up with CM Punk.

So theres Punk as the leader, Gallows & Knox as the big bodyguard type, that actually have potential to be a good tag-team if you ask me! Both of them are damn good in the ring, given thier size IMO! Then I add in Danielson to be the mid-card guy goin after the IC/US title. Perfect, no? I love it- personally!!

I dont think four guys is enuff- especially if its supposed to be a society or cult-like. So this is when I bring in more lower card minions. It could be guys already signed by WWE, that arent getting any TV time rightnow like:

Haas & Hawkins I think they could be a decent tag-team. Probly seen more just backstage with the group, but getting themselves some tag matches here and there. Having two tag-teams in the group wouldnt be a big deal & when the SES "breaks-up" you already have a tag-team rivalry too.

Or other members could be guys we dont know yet from FCW or elsewhere. I'd also like to add a female...maybe even two. Could this be a new/darker direction for the Bella Twins?
[QUOTE="The Kill Joy" Robert Morales;1694381]The "plant" was Manbeast from OVW and he was signed to FCW that same night.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that. I was wondering what role "James" was going to play in the overall picture.

I don't think they're going toward a Jesus Christ angle so much as a cult leader angle. This would be a faction that I could definitely get behind, even though I do fast forward through CM Punk's over-repetitive promos, just because damn... we need a real faction in the WWE that can produce. We saw Legacy essentially fail, so I'm going to cross my fingers and hope to see at least some tag team titles in the future from whatever might come of this.
Damn Punk is so sick I love every minute he is on TV! His looks, his attitude, everything screams he believes on this project and he is really our "savior".

Hope this leads to something better for Punk.

If the guy is very good at his promos, then you really buys his beliefs. And this week when he saved James it was awesome, I thing this won't lead to stable but it could, and Punk as a leader could bring momentum for the StraightEdge Superstar to go at Mania for a title.
I'm really liking this angle for Punk. It's a great way to keep his 'I'm better than you' thing going without it getting stale. He's recruiting a flock, didn't someone post a thread here that he should get a flock? Haha, I guess they read it lol.

I'm loving Punk more and more as his career goes on. I just hope he has another main event run this year. Probably after WM26 I guess but I hope it comes. I'd love to see a Punk/Edge feud with Edge as the face, I think they'd work really well together.

Well, I'm loving the new flock idea and am keen to see where they go with it. There's endless possiblities.
First off, if I read correctly, it wasn't Ted "Manbeast/the Trailer/James" McNailer that was signed this past Tuesday, but rather Asher Knight. Now, since I got that out of the way, the reason for this post.

I really think that the Straight Edge Society is going to be much like the Flock, and not in a good way. A couple of guys will benefit from it, but the majority won't. But with CM Punk as the leader, I can see the allegory to Christ, but I really don't see WWE going down that road. I also don't see him as a Charles Manson figure either.

The two figures that I think that the character is going to be like is Jim Jones and David Koresh. He's going to get that powerful, and as soon as he hits the pinnacle of his power, it's going to come crashing down on him.
he reminds of jesus/ a cult leader, aaaaand tyler durden. the shaven heads and all black militaryish outfits is very reminescent of the project mayhem stage of fight club. ive watched the recent blu ray release so its on my mind :p

was thinking up scenarios and if hair/mask doesn't pan out what if...

punk and the SES takes up the majority of MITB and just let him win. now they could do predictable multi man beat down via SES followed by cash in that night... or

punk finds loophole of mitb able to be cashed in for any title and cashes in for "title" of smackdown gm.

a man in punks mind with that power could be terrifying if done right. cue multi month struggle for power amongst sd and the SES kinda like MEM vs the frontline except ya know, not bad.

btw posting from ps3 due to bro in law accidentally breakin comp. sorry for grammar
Having been looking on YouTube, it appears as if James is Ted McNaylor from OVW rather than Asher Knight. There's no wrestling, only a few promos. If he has been signed, I'd see him as a Stevie Richards/ sycophant sort of role.

If the whole stable does come to fruition, then I'd hope to see some members become Tag Champs so he can appear across all three brands.

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