The Complaint Thread

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We are a privately ran forum, and we have created a set of rules for posters to operate under, so yes, what we define as Spam is spam mate.
So if you make a rule saying something is spam, it's spam?

Yeah. See, that's how a forum works. We have a set of rules. You need to follow them, just like every single other person on this forum. I'm sorry you think you're above the rules, but I assure you, you are not.

My posts are not spam regardless of what your rules say.

Under our definition of spam, it is. Do you seriously not understand the concept of an internet forum? We make the rules, you follow them. If you don't like them, you don't have to post here. Simple as that friend.

"I say it is spam, so it is spam." - The Forum God?

Yep. The Forum God whispered it to us as we enscribed our rules on stone tablets.

Done being a smartass? Oh, well then feel free to read the rules and follow them like every other member of this forum, including the staff. Kind of sad that you can't seem to understand these rules considering we have regular posters on this forum as young as thirteen years old who are able to understand this concept.

I'm sorry to butt in, but this post kind of proves their point, luciusfunk.

That Urban Dictionary link you gave has definitions of spam that people post. It has many different users sending in their own definitions of Spam. Which goes to show that every person has their own idea of what constitutes spam. This forum's idea is that a post that doesn't give reasons for an opinion is spam. You can't be pissed off because there's no official definition for spam. Every forum's definition of spam is decided by who runs the forums, it's their say.
I can be pissed off when every fucking post gets fucking deleted. It's fucking annoying.

But if the posts BREAK the DEFINED rules of our forum, then they will be deleted. It is the same if any of us were to break the rules.

I am a nice guy, so I advise you to post in the Spam Section of the forum,w here you can post whatever you like without backing up your posts. Try the Bar Room.
If you want to talk definitions, the general definition of spam seems to be a message that disrupts a website, commercial or otherwise. A post in a forum that doesn't add to the discussion in any way could be considered disruptive.

And having your posts deleted may be annoying, but to some people, posts that add nothing to a thread are annoying. Go figure.
I messed up a few times thinking I was getting singled out and targeted for BS reasons, but it's simple when you just read the rules. They are fair regardless of your opinion, certain people have more power here because they have put ALOT of time on this place. The most difficult thing for me used to be not getting easily pissed off when I felt provoked. Ignoring is a very simple thing to do. Thanks to the mods here for your hard work...
Motor City Jeezy said:
I was simply responding to a comment someone made to a comment that I had made. It was a continuation of an already ongoing conversation. If that is your definition of spam, I'm going to flounce. PEACE.

Motor City Jeezy, you have your PM's turned off, so even though you contacted me, I have no way to get back in contact with you. So I am just going to post a response to your inquiry right here.

We do allow for responses to comments in two ways.

1) You can respond to the comment, and still contribute something to the thread by taking a position and providing justification for that position


2) Issuing a PM to that person, if you don't feel like taking a position to the thread topic or discussing it any further.

So the choice is really yours. However, if you make a Spam post in the Non Spam sections, that essentially is a green light to other posters to do the same thing. Therefore, we can't make exceptions.

There is a Wrestling Spam section as well, which is a much more loose section, which you can do that type of thing, without worrying about the Spam rules.

So we give many different opportunities to do that type of thing, but all we ask is that our posters respect the rules of the section they decide to post in or simply post in another section.


Lord Sidious- WWE Forum Moderator
I have a complaint to issue on one of your moderators Lord Sidious, and it's not bullshit either. He has given me an infraction for supposedly "flaming another user" in a post I wrote, when my comments were not directed at any individual and no one was named. Here is the part in question, you won't be able to see the rest of my post either because he deleted it, must have been too much truth in it or something. I find it all too convenient that he went ahead and was talking shit addressing all the posters in the thread to, but I am the one flaming people supposedly. And wouldn't you know it, his posts are directly contrary to the message in my own, and he is supporting the initial poster who he accusing me of flaming, beyond that he has been in a heated debate on the matter, talking down to anyone and everyone who opposes his ideas. Going even further, upon evaluation not only did he hit me with an infraction for "flaming" he deleted my post, and took arguments from my post and use them in his own. After doing so, Mantaur Rodeo Clown countered his argument beautifully, and may have insulted him in the process, does he get charged with flaming too? He aimed directly at Lord Sidious, I made a general statement that Lord Sidious took out of context, you tell me? Another poster shot on him too, does he get a flaming infraction? He was getting his ass kicked in the debate, and seemingly went on a frenzy to punish people. He even made mention of it to me that " I wasn't the only one facing consequences" So what does that mean? Anyone who says something he doesn't like get's fucked with because he has power to abuse?

Alright! Now this is the type of shit that makes me fucking puke!!!! I can't stand it when some motherfucker has to come on and start crying about race. Fuck Race. Fuck Glass Cats! Fuck Egypt!(Dewey Cox Moment).

Ok, a lot of swearing, but I get my point across do I not? That was the worst of it, the rest of the post was strongly spoken but did not contain as much profanity. It was the last post of 4 pages, and as you can see I didn't name anyone, or point a finger. I made a general statement. Instead of seeing that, Mr. Sidious decided to twist my words into his perceptions. Now if that is too much profanity I understand that, a warning would have sufficed more than enough, my bad, whatever. The point is I never flamed anyone. Here, let me re-word it for you ever so slightly and listen

"I can't stand it when people have to come and start crying about race"

Same statement, without the profanity, and it is not flaming anyone either way. It's a matter of interpretation. Lord Sidious took it in a way it was never meant to be, and instead of maybe asking my to edit out some of the swearing which I would understand, he accuses me of flaming and unjustly gives me an infraction.

That's just the beginning. I pm'd Lord Sidious in protest of his claims and so forth, and it is no secret he and I have had a past, I felt pretty singled out, and like this guy is just fucking with me because he has the power to abuse. Let me show you the conversation.

Original Infraction Message.
Dear The_Game_Rage,

You have received an infraction at WrestleZone Forums.

Reason: Flaming Another User
Really disappointed in you, Game Rage. You had a prior Infraction for Flaming Another User and now another one has to be issued for your comments here:

Alright! Now this is the type of shit that makes me fucking puke!!!! I can't stand it when some motherfucker has to come on and start crying about race. Fuck Race. Fuck Glass Cats! Fuck Egypt!(Dewey Cox Moment).

Calling one of our posters a "MotherFucker" is uncalled for in the Non Spam sections and is only appropriate in the Bar Room, where flaming is allowed.

Your post has been deleted.

Please go back and read the rules when you have a chance, and let me know if you have any questions.

I used the word "motherfucker" and I used it in reference to people in general coming and bitching about race. I don't know how much clearer I could have made that since that is exactly what I said. I never said "That guy is a motherfucker for starting this thread" That would have been flaming, obviously you see the difference. I even ended the paragraph with what was supposed to be a funny reference to "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story", the way I said everything I said was meant to be comedic, instead Mr. Sidious decided to accuse and punish me for something I didn't do. I thing that is abuse of power, and I let that be known. Here is my response to the infraction.

Bullshit! I didn't direct my words at the person, I made a statement about my disdain towards the situation, and how much I can't stand it when people come in and bitch about race. If that is how you took it, that is too bad, I am not in the wrong. Don't try to pull up some magical rules that don't actually exist either like "pissing you off" Abuse your power at the expense of someone else. You completely twisted the point I was making. I've never seen anything that says you can't swear either, people do it all the time. So I may have used more profanity than normal? Big deal, I see other people do it regularly, why don't you hold everyone to the same standard, or stop finding excuses to target people. I'm going above your head believe that, and I will go to a number of people if I have to. You are not going to punish me for giving my opinion.

That is what I wrote. I will stand by it 100% and it is what I feel, and that is that I was unjustly targeted and punished for making a strong opinion on a matter. There is more to explain and I will get to that shortly, but first take a look at how he responded to me. It's like a blatant challenge and a fuck you.

Be my Guest, Game Rage. My ruling stands as it is right now. If an Admin wishes to over-turn it, then we can talk about it and discuss.

There is the blatant fuck you and challenge

Don't lecture me on Abuse of Power. It has to do with "How the rules are interpreted" and I have interpreted that you flamed another user, who was also dealt with, as you can well see.

Here he is blatantly admitting to twisting my words to suit his interpretation,and casting the actual rules aside. Essentially saying " I decide what the rules mean" in order to punish me for something.

So don't give me this story on how you feel singled out when MANY people in that thread had consequences.

I am not any of the other people, I don't know of any of their consequences, only mine. And, I find it rather funny that Lord Sidious find it somewhere in his heart to find a way to get me above all.

I don't know who you think you are Game Rage, or what you think you are above, but you are not above the rules, either.

Isn't this hypocrisy. A guy who basically tells me the rules work for him, not the other way around, talking about who is and is not above them. I never said, insinuated, or attempted to be above the rules, but I sure ass hell won't let someone manipulate them to get at me over old wounds, new wounds, or any personal vendetta which is what I believe this is all over and will explain that logic.

If you wish to make a formal complaint about it, please post the entirety of your comments in the Complaint Thread in the Admin section. I will ensure that they are copied word for word if you do so.

And Staff will then discuss it.


Lord Sidious- WWE Forum Moderator

I did as instructed, but he tells me to like it doesn't matter because he's "One of the boys" or something, and I'm just some insignificant uptight asshole. Is this the way it really is? Are moderators free to twist and bend the rules to their wishes? Are people seriously powerless to do anything against them? What justice is there in that? What is right about that? Where is the honesty, truth, or dignity in that? It can't exist if that is the case.

I wanted to go further in depth about this thing with Sidious and I to better explain why I feel this also a personal attack on me, as much as it is just a blatant abuse of power.

First of all, there is a motive. A while back I bested Lord Sidious in a debate and I did so in such great fashion that someone else was motivated to make a thread about the humiliating defeat. I can only imagine the embarrassment. Obviously Lord Sidious was not happy about that, and being a person in the position he is in on this site, took great offense to being bested by someone who he considered beneath him.

After that, a friend of mine pm'd me telling me how everybody thought I won our debate, and how glad they were to see someone put him in his place. They also mentioned that he was making more enemies than friends. I thought the aftermath of the whole deal was blown out of proportion and I actually felt bad for Lord Sidious, so I decided to give him a heads up about what was being said in case any of those enemies might be people in power above him. I never inferred that it was, but I didn't want him to be blindsided or anything so I just told him "A little birdie told me you have some enemies" in the interest of protecting both parties. In doing so, he threatened me with disciplinary actions for "trying to interfere with moderator issues" which I am willing to bet is not in the rules, and as you can see is an obvious twisting of my words and intentions, not to mention a veiled threat.

I let that go, and even tried to support his posts after our debate, to show no hard feeling, and to make better relations with him. That was not good enough it seems.

Recently, I had made a post in a thread about DX holding the tag titles. There was accidentally two of the threads made due to some issues with the site, and the thread needed relocating. So, when the thread was relocated I noticed that my post was miraculously the only one not to transfer. Can you guess who the moderator of the section where my post disappeared was? Lord Sidious. Someone sent me a pm about it basically laying the blame on him and so I addressed it and demanded he fix it as it looked like an intentional shot at me. I was wrong. Apparently the moderator (Luther) of the section containing the original thread and my original post, forgot to send the original responses to the second thread. I had noticed that in the second thread, the original post was also spruced up and just so happened to address stuff I mentioned in my original post, but mine was nowhere to be found. The original thread started pm'd me and told me Lord Sidious helped him fix his post and that mine was just somehow lost or something by coincidence but seemingly laid the blame at Lord Sidious's feet, making it sound as though it was done intentionally.

I confronted Lord Sidious about it, only to be threatened again with disciplinary action, this time for "pissing off the moderator" another legit charge I am assuming and for the "accusatory manor of my post". After he and I got to the bottom of it, it turned out neither of us were to blame, and I apologized over and over for mistakingly thinking he had a hand in what happened. That was not enough however. Lord Sidious found this as an opportunity to blackmail me as well. He stated that I "Owed" him since he didn't give me any infractions for my accusations (Keep in mind, someone put me under that impression), and told me I had no choice in the matter.

So he threatened me on numerous occasions to abuse his power and make infractions against me for frivolous charges, and used those threats to blackmail me into giving him information about who initially told me that he had enemies(remember earlier?) All I wanted was for my post to be replaced as I thought it was pretty good, and the only one that really offered a different perspective than what everyone else had presented. So, believing he would stoop to such lows I caved, and gave him all the info he wanted to avoid his threats.

Now I am here, he has finally found something he could manipulate and twist to give me an infraction, and I feel I have a real problem here with this guy. Not just me, but you too. He is trying to throw his weight around at people who are defenseless to do anything back all the time, and making you the moderators and staff look horrible. I am really really depending on you to seek out justice here, and the right course of actions. I obviously want my infractions removed, and I don't care what happens to Sidious after this outrageous episode. I feel I was in the right, and will concede to maybe using too much swearing and give my word that will not be a problem again, maybe I got too comfortable or to impassioned with the topic I was responding too. Still, I never flamed anyone. As I stated I think a lot of this is personal on Lord Sidious' behalf even though he would never admit it, and I am relying on you to see the right thing done. I have pleaded my case, and I will back any of it up. Everything I said here is true, down to a "T". Just take all that into consideration. Thank you.
Just to the Admin team for reference, here is the entirety of the post that Game Rage made, which I asked him to post when I directed him to the Complaint Thread. He was infracted for flaming the OP and referring to him as a "Motherfucker", as were MANY, MANY people from that thread, as you can see from all the posts that were deleted, warned, and infracted:

Alright! Now this is the type of shit that makes me fucking puke!!!! I can't stand it when some motherfucker has to come on and start crying about race. Fuck Race. Fuck Glass Cats! Fuck Egypt!(Dewey Cox Moment).

Really though, what's the fucking point?! Could there be a worse argument? Could there be a more bullshit excuse to get a hand out? I really have no tolerance for people who are so held up on race. If that is the only reason you can come up with to justify someones success or lack thereof, than you don't really know what the fuck you are talking about. I don't even need to get into all the reasons the initial poster is wrong, you all did that for me, and thank you NorCal for doing it well.

I just can't stand it when this cry-baby-black shit starts up? It's like "What's wrong? You thought you were blessing the world by being black so now everyone owes you something?" Fuck that. You don't deserve shit. You get what you earn, when will you ever learn that? It's called WORK, but I better not mention too much of that or else I will be racist for suggesting a black man work for his place in a company or society for that matter. I forgot now days your just supposed to hand them everything because of shit that happened generations back. I call bullshit 101 on that one.

No one gets a free pass based on the color of their skin, on the other hand no one gets overlooked or treated unfairly as a result either. I don't get it, black people want equality on the surface, but then when that equality comes back to bite them in the ass it's the white man keeping them down, or they were profiled and are a victim of bigotry and prejudice. Sure, a likely story in todays society, a place where I have less rights than any minority or immigrant because ya know, I was born here, I'm white, I work for my money, and I never asked for a hand out, I work for mine. But that makes me the "White Devil" because like myself I expect others to earn their way, just like I do.

I know I've got off track a little bit, I can't explain to you the RAGE that burns inside of me when I hear this kind of blind, mindless, bullshit. You do realize you are calling the very company racist, that gave Mark Henry a title for no other reason than his skin color right? Someone said the wrong thing, and the big silver back motherfucker suddenly decides to get offended, but he-calls-himself "The Silver back" that's not hypocrisy is it? Make any excuses you want, race has nothing to do with success or failure in the WWE. Fuck, if that were the case, since about 75% of the company is white, why don't I argue that they are only pushing Kofi because he is black, when Ted DiBiase is more deserving of a push? That would be fucked up right? Exactly. Go find somewhere else to spew the projectile vomit that is your racist bullshit views on wrestling.

I am happy to discuss this further in the Board Room, as I have all PM's saved from my conversation with him.

Basically, he wants to make it an issue from the past conversations we had, when it isn't whatsoever. We actually ended on good terms. However, then when this happened, he obviously threw a fit about it because he can't take criticism, and thinks it is because of a grudge from the past PM'es we had. It isn't.

So with that being said, please look at it in the context of this actual post and what he was infracted for. And please also look at all the other people who received warnings and infractions in the thread, as well.

And any other conversation, I am happy to discuss in the Board Room. Keep in mind that I have a record of every single PM conversation he and I had, and they will be turned over upon request.

Thank you.
Sorry, I know it's a lot of reading but I wanted to make a solid case, and get my points across as I feel this really is a load of crap. I have been the Administrator of a large site before, and I would have never tolerated any of my moderators acting like this. I had to go back and edit my post a few times too, because I found new evidence to shed light on as I was writing it, so that made it a bit longer too. This has nothing to do with taking criticism, it has to do with someone going too far because they feel they can. I am telling you, that is all a guise. I didn't show you the entire post because there was only one part of it in question that I was punished for, unjustly at that. We had parted on good terms too until this guy goes on a holy war through a thread and takes me as a casualty. His past actions are only further proof of his misuse of position and power, and I am not willing to be a victim of that. I don't care who else was punished for what, he got one wrong for sure, and that was me. There you might want to take his advice and measure his judgment in the other infractions he dealt out. See the validity of the others versus mine. In my second paragraph I mention the initial poster on one occasion stating that I didn't need to counter his argument because everyone else did granting credit to Mighty NorCal for his exquisite work. I gave my personal commentary. Lord Sidious wants to discuss this in private quarters where I can't call him on his bullshit, and he can make up a goo d excuse. Don't be fooled folks.
That's fine, we'll take some time looking it all over and let you know via PM what the deal is. Thank you everyone for presenting your side of the issue.
Fuck It! You might aswell ban me, because I don't want to be a part of a forum where everyone haves to be worried about getting infractions or warnings, every where I look it's no spam, no spam, this place is like a fucking concentration camp, your fucking forcing everyone to write essay's in their replies when a forum should be about having fun and saying whats on your mind whether it is small or big, this is probably how you lose people, and come on what place has a fucking prison, is it so you can degrade the people in their and feel your bigger than them!

I hope this place fails and burns!
Fuck It! You might aswell ban me, because I don't want to be a part of a forum where everyone haves to be worried about getting infractions or warnings, every where I look it's no spam, no spam, this place is like a fucking concentration camp, your fucking forcing everyone to write essay's in their replies when a forum should be about having fun and saying whats on your mind whether it is small or big, this is probably how you lose people, and come on what place has a fucking prison, is it so you can degrade the people in their and feel your bigger than them!

I hope this place fails and burns!

I'll issue you the same reply that I sent you via PM, when you sent this same response to my inbox over a message I sent you regarding a comment of yours being deleted (not warned and not infracted) because of borderline spam.

The Non Spam sections have a more strict on topic set of rules because the goal of that section is quality of discussion.

We also try to be respectful to the thread starter by keeping the discussion on topic.

If you don't want to worry about any of that, then we have the Spam Section for you to post in.

SO you have the option what type of section you want to post in. So, I'm not seeing what the problem is.

The problem is that people like you and many others don't want to read the forum rules when you sign up, and just want to go to town posting. Then, you get upset when you start getting warned and infracted because you are posting in sections when there are a clear and simple set of rules with where you are posting, that you aren't aware of because you don't bother reading anything.

Non Spam rules:

1) Take a position relative to the actual thread topic
2) Justify the position you are taking

Does that sound like you have to write an essay? No. You can do this in two sentences, and in some cases, maybe even one sentence.

But, if you read the rules BEFORE you began posting, none of this would come as a big shock to you.

And if you still can't manage to do that, then we have the Wrestling Spam Sections where you can post whatever you want without the rules.

The problem is you, not the forum.
Ok this is my complaint I've read the rules twice followed them but I cant post any threads yet why is that I've posted well over 10 post and even waited the short period but still cant post none theres alot of topics that I would love to discuss but no one talks bout them so if you can shed some light thanks
Ok this is my complaint I've read the rules twice followed them but I cant post any threads yet why is that I've posted well over 10 post and even waited the short period but still cant post none theres alot of topics that I would love to discuss but no one talks bout them so if you can shed some light thanks

According to the rules, you need 10 "Non Spam" posts. Not just 10 of any post. It looks like you have made some posts in the Spam sections, which don't count towards post count.

When you do cross over the 10 count, please make sure that you take time and effort in creating your threads to drive discussion. We have some posters which demonstrate a lot of excitement in just seeing their name attached to a thread, however the thread and their OP is quite poor.

So please strive for quality, not quantity, when creating threads, after you make a couple more Non Spam posts.

The spam rules are too much. I just got two warnings that were quite frankly ridiculous. In saying this, I'll probably recieve another warning because this post doesn't amount to a paragraph. Thing is, had I wrote five paragraphs of complete ranting bullshit it would go without a warning.

Non Spam rules:

1) Take a position relative to the actual thread topic
2) Justify the position you are taking

Does that sound like you have to write an essay? No. You can do this in two sentences, and in some cases, maybe even one sentence.

Bullshit. I just recieved a 'warning' where this was non applicable. Thing is, you get forums with people who treat moderating as an extended hobby. Fuck it, no wonder nobody posts here anymore.
Ok this is my complaint I've read the rules twice followed them but I cant post any threads yet why is that I've posted well over 10 post and even waited the short period but still cant post none theres alot of topics that I would love to discuss but no one talks bout them so if you can shed some light thanks

You have 9 posts as is clear by it saying Posts: 9
The spam rules are too much. I just got two warnings that were quite frankly ridiculous. In saying this, I'll probably recieve another warning because this post doesn't amount to a paragraph. Thing is, had I wrote five paragraphs of complete ranting bullshit it would go without a warning.

Bullshit. I just recieved a 'warning' where this was non applicable. Thing is, you get forums with people who treat moderating as an extended hobby. Fuck it, no wonder nobody posts here anymore.
Actually, the thing is that it's sad that people automatically get upset at the rules, ignoring that you were sent a copy of the rules the very first day you signed up on these forums. I know you got the PM that explained all of the rules, because I set it up on the forums for that to happen.

Additionally, I know for a fact that the Spamming rules are very clearly defined, because I also wrote much of the Rulebook. Additionally, I wrote every single word of the FAQ thread in the Site Administration.

So, you have now been given FOUR different opportunities to know and understand the rules (the PM with the Rule book, the FAQ, and now two Warnings), and you want to blame our strictness for your inability to comprehend the English language?

I'm sorry, but that doesn't cut it. It has been explained to you multiple times, now you need to do a little understanding of your own, if you wish to avoid future discipline.

As far as "nobody posting here", the Forums are the busiest they've been in years. Good try, but again you prove how little you understand these forums.
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I'm sorry, but that doesn't cut it. It has been explained to you multiple times, now you need to do a little understanding of your own, if you wish to avoid future discipline.

Oh, further 'discipline' won't be necessary. Like the person above, my final post will be here, in the complaints section.

As far as "nobody posting here", the Forums are the busiest they've been in years. Good try, but again you prove how little you understand these forums.

Well, I've spent longer at this forum than you. I can tell you, this is anything but busy. Even when Pro wrestling was twice as shit as it is now, we had twice the daily log-ons. Even when the forum officially split in half, the WZ 50% still had more posters. Probably, because the staff didn't supplement the lack of things to discuss with tedious police work.

Anyway, carry on.
Oh, further 'discipline' won't be necessary. Like the person above, my final post will be here, in the complaints section.
See you later.

Well, I've spent longer at this forum than you.
Congratulations. I'm smarter than you, so now we both have something to feel good about.

I can tell you, this is anything but busy.
Actually, you can't tell me that, because you don't actually have access to any of the Statistics regarding posting rate, etc.

I, on the other hand, as an Administrator, do.

Even when Pro wrestling was twice as shit as it is now
And with that, you give yourself away, because wrestling has NEVER been twice as bad as it is now. Except in the Attitude Era, but at least we had Rock and Austin to entertain us.

Probably, because the staff didn't supplement the lack of things to discuss with tedious police work.
Then obviously they didn't have the amount of idiots we seem to have now. You know, the ones who have had the rules explained to them on FOUR separate occasions, and still don't seem to understand how they work.

Anyway, carry on.
Will do. You have yourself a nice life.
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