The Anti-TNA Idiocy Of Justin LaBar And Josh Isenberg

Okay, I realize that you say that Isenberg and LeBar didn't show proof of the e-mail that they were reading...but I can tell you that I was one that purchased the Victory Road PPV back in March. I am one that was GREATLY disappointed with the ending. I am one that was offered the 6 months of free On-Demand. I saw one month...then it was taken away. So as far as I'm concerned...The CSR guys were justified.
Here is the problem with their show. They hardly ever talk about TNA at all. When they do it is some wise crack about them saying they could fill up more people in their back yard for a show.

Then when TNA does something bad or like what the OP said about that single event they go out of their way to have a show about it because

1. It supports their opinion on how they feel about TNA.


2. It helps them relate to the majority since the majority doesn't like TNA.

Since they are a show if they are anti TNA they will have more people agree with them. It is poor journalism, but that is how it works. I started watching their show a few months ago. Then just about every show had a jab at TNA and at times they said they refused to talk about TNA.

So in the end whatever. They are just two guys trying to get themselves over and just happen to have WZ as a platform to do it.
What they said was they got an email from a fan and if it was true then its bad pr for TNA. And who cares about tna anyways there a piss poor company that will go under in a few more years
OP, I'm glad you've found a company that offers wrestling that you like, believe me I am.

Personally I've never discredited the talent TNA has, it's always the booking and the storylines that have me shaking my head. But hey, different stroke for different folks right?

I think though you're claims are not without some merit about how idiotic CSR is, I watched it a few times myself and a fair amount of the predictions they make are full of absolute garbage.

I've always thought that no matter how much insider reports, exclusive news, backstage interviews, etc we get, none of us REALLY can accurately predict a fair amount that goes on, that's why we watch the product, to see what happens. If we predicted everything accurately then why bother watching it?

All in all, if CSR started using facts instead of opinions I think they'd be more respected around here.
OP, I'm glad you've found a company that offers wrestling that you like, believe me I am.

Personally I've never discredited the talent TNA has, it's always the booking and the storylines that have me shaking my head. But hey, different stroke for different folks right?

I think though you're claims are not without some merit about how idiotic CSR is, I watched it a few times myself and a fair amount of the predictions they make are full of absolute garbage.

I've always thought that no matter how much insider reports, exclusive news, backstage interviews, etc we get, none of us REALLY can accurately predict a fair amount that goes on, that's why we watch the product, to see what happens. If we predicted everything accurately then why bother watching it?

All in all, if CSR started using facts instead of opinions I think they'd be more respected around here.

Oh there's no doubt boss that there are problems with the product from time to time and there are things currently that I am not as enthused about but as a fan that orders from their merchandising division they have great offerings. Like their DVD deals, t-shirts and other items. I like going back to the TNA archives and seeing the genesis of the company and reliving some of their classic moments. And thus far I have not had any problems with their merchandising deals or customer service if any poster wants the proof I will gladly furnish receipts and what not to prove that I have had a valid customer experience.

Since merchandising is such a big part of wrestling in addition to the on-air product I felt the need to create this thread in response to the CSR segment. And so far I have not had a problem with ordering anything from and I can say the same for both of these divisions have served me very well as a customer.

Therefore when I hear about them "breaking promises" according to the great Justin LaBar and Josh Isenberg, I'm like "wait a minute here". I mean we all have problems from time to time with customer service. I'm not saying that they are not capable of error, hey it's like they say "to err is human and to forgive is divine", right?

I'm just an individual that's passionate about the wrestling artform and journalistic integrity. And to hear what I heard from guys like LaBar and Isenberg, well that's not what growing up a wrestling fan was about to me.

Whether it was the AWA, Jim Crockett Promotions/WCW or WWF, wrestling to me was something I could get into no matter what. All different flavors with a little bit of overlap in their styles and essence but just the same all professional wrestling. Did I ever have preferences of one over the other, you darn betcha. I'll always be a WWF kid at heart, but I will never discredit or dismiss another fans love for another brand as long as they are respectful towards me for what I like. However I notice that on these forums and places like Chairshot Reality that's not quite the thing I'm seeing anymore.

It's kind of sad too when Professional Wrestling itself is such a great thing.
I'm not trying to be rude and I have no desire to hurt Justin or Josh, but I gave up on watching their videos a long time ago. I read the headlines and the occasional forum topic (if it's not a corny "top 10", "what would happen?", "Under rated"? "Over rated?" run of the mill thread.

Still, I have to say that Chair Shot Reality is painful to watch. Their predictions are accurate about as often as a non-fan's would be. They seem to have no understanding of how the business works (nor do I - but I do make a living in films so I have an idea). They speak in absolutes with phrases like: "Bringing back so-and-so WILL draw money", "Pushing (insert midcard name here) is a dumb move because he's a flash in the pan". Those alone are not dumb things to say, but they say them with such conviction! They make claims as if they have any idea what they're talking about! They speak like industry insiders when they're just two geeks running a FAN SITE.

Finally, you can even write in to Justin LaBar to ask him questions about "the business" and he'll answer some of those questions in a Q and A format. That's right. A journalism major whose idea of "an exclusive interview with Kevin Nash" is following him around the baggage claim area is now available for insider information!

Come on. I'm not a wrestler, promoter, or booker. I have respect for those things in life on which I am no expert. Have the same integrity. Either immerse yourselves, learn the craft, do the work, or stop talking like you know. It's disrespectful and makes you look foolish. You can pick up all the "wrestling lingo" just by using Google. Throwing the words "mark" and "face" around doesn't make you a tree of wrestling wisdom. It makes you look like the nerdy guy wearing his "cool guy" clothing and standing as close to the cool guys as he can. That way, people might think he's with them.

He's not.
What they said was they got an email from a fan and if it was true then its bad pr for TNA. And who cares about tna anyways there a piss poor company that will go under in a few more years

I love this post. the age old TNA bash. been going since day one of TNA.

every day-month-year since TNA got their first national TV deal WWE or nothing fanboys have been saying. TNA dont matter. they suck. all they have are WWE hasbeens and never was's they ain't gonig to last till the end of the year, or only a couple more years and they will fold or be bought by WWE..

but guess what people. everyone single one of you are WRONG!! you are just admit it. TNA has taking all the critisism you all can hand out but guess what. The are still here. stilll fighting. and I don't think that they will be going anywhere anytime soon.

I like TNA I like WWE I like AAA(yes i do watch it when i can) and here is how i see it. I DVR RAW and IMPACT. every week cause i have to work. and on average I watch 20 minutes of RAW and FF throught the rest, with TNA on average i was 30 to 40 minutes. and I NEVER watch smackdown, but since Randy is there now maybe i'll watch his matches.
Now, there is no doubt that they don't like TNA, they have have said it on the show many times, but I think, in this case, it is somewhat justified. I mean this guy who ordered Victory Road, a rather average PPV up until that terrible main event, was told that he would six free months of TNA's on demand video service. Now correct me if I am wrong, but that means that he has to get it, TNA told him how to do it, and he did every step right only for them to screw him over. Now I don't hate TNA, they might not do the smartest things, but they have a lot of talent, and when they let that talent do what they do best, wrestle, they have an amazing product, but in this case, they are in the wrong.
I love this thread. Props to the guy who wrote it. I like any thread that takes on the establishment. Be it taking a stab at Wrestlezone, those CSR guys, or some of the moderators on these threads who think they know everything. Pfft. Anybody else get one of those silly "infraction" notices? Ahahaha. I got a few when I discussed spoilers that had ALREADY BEEN POSTED on the main site for all to see. I guess Wrestlzone's allowed to post spoilers but we can't discuss the content of those spoilers without getting an infraction notice from one of the moderators. They just like to feel superior. Even though they're not. I guess every group has to have their silly little rules.

As for those CSR guys, they certainly do come across as being bias towards WWE, as do most of the moderators on here who seem more overprotective of John Cena than even Vince is. Still, I wouldn't put it past TNA to screw over their fans and not keep their promise on something. Its a company run by Bischoff and Russo for pete sake. However, if those CSR guys are gonna read an e-mail on the air they should at least verify that it's real before doing it.

I'm not gonna bash TNA, because I don't watch it. I assume it's bad. Although I cant imagine it's half as bad as watching Cena do the same thing for 6 years straight on RAW. I checked out TNA for a while when it first came on Spike TV but haven't seen it since. I'll pass.

And if CSR really wanted to, I'm sure they could find countless examples of WWE ripping off it's fans too. Seems to me like they're looking for a reason to bash TNA. I'm sure there's some upset WWE fan who didn't get their moneys worth on some product. Maybe next week on CSR they can put out an open invitation for any WWE fan who's been ripped off by WWE to send in an e-mail telling their story.
Let me ask you this, have you ever bought anything from TNA have you ever been a customer of theirs?

Yes, and once was enough for me. I want TNA to succeed and I WANT to purchase directly from them, but I didn't have a good experience, mostly due to the shipping services they offered. I ordered a Brown Bag, shipping was around 20$. I figured that was a little high for what was being sent, but accepted it. When I got my order, it was water damaged (There was a flood there at the time), but I figured that as long as the DVD's worked that was fine. Then a couple of weeks later I get a letter from customs saying that I owed them another 23$. Then I was pissed.

Over the years, I've ordered from the US, Japan, England, Germany, Korea, China, etc with orders way above 20$, yet not had a customs charge that was double the original ordering cost.

I eMailed and complained about the crappy shipping 'n all and didn't get a reply back other than the general "Thanks for your eMail!" A couple of weeks later, then they offered a free shipping deal to Canada, and I said "Screw it. Not ordering." (I had also called the post)

I do my TNA shopping on eBay now. I'd give them another chance, but only if they did their shipping thru a different service. :suspic:
Now, there is no doubt that they don't like TNA, they have have said it on the show many times, but I think, in this case, it is somewhat justified. I mean this guy who ordered Victory Road, a rather average PPV up until that terrible main event, was told that he would six free months of TNA's on demand video service. Now correct me if I am wrong, but that means that he has to get it, TNA told him how to do it, and he did every step right only for them to screw him over. Now I don't hate TNA, they might not do the smartest things, but they have a lot of talent, and when they let that talent do what they do best, wrestle, they have an amazing product, but in this case, they are in the wrong.

This is the thing though man, LaBar and Isenberg are saying that this fan was not given his six months of free TNA On Demand, but as far as I am concerned until they prove otherwise this very story could be just a hypothetical, however there is one poster on this thread that did say something about having issues himself, so maybe there's merit to this, but on LaBar and Isenberg's show at least in my view they are not giving us a justifiable reason to believe their story because all LaBar is doing is reading a computer screen.
I agree with this topic for they do seem to be WWE marks and re against any wrestler who is not signed too the WWE or have left the company because they were un happy there. One personal reason i believe this is the whole Shane Helms and Shawn Micheals where they reported that Helms supposedly called Micheals fans ******s on twitter. I personally follow Helms on twitter and watch highway to helms either live or i catch the replays when i cant see it and i personally emailed labar and isenberg several times each with the tweets where helms explains what he meant and the actual tweet where helms was calling the people who were bashing him ******s not micheals fans and nothing was ever reported or fixed they just left it alone. So they are piss poor excuses for journalist and the reason i truely dont watch CSR is because they have fucking MARK MADDEN on it too give opinions. WHAT THE HELL DOES MARK MADDEN KNOW ABOUT WRESTLING. I remeber one wreslter claiming that Madden said he'd never be over that he sucks and to just quit i cant remeber where i saw that and i am gonna search to find where i saw that but I believe it was Jericho he said it too so obviously maddens has no idea what hes talking about and is jsut bashing TNA to stay relevant and keep his name in lights somewhere.

On a side note before anyone bashes me for being a TNA mark. I am personally a fan of both TNA and WWE.
Yes, and once was enough for me. I want TNA to succeed and I WANT to purchase directly from them, but I didn't have a good experience, mostly due to the shipping services they offered. I ordered a Brown Bag, shipping was around 20$. I figured that was a little high for what was being sent, but accepted it. When I got my order, it was water damaged (There was a flood there at the time), but I figured that as long as the DVD's worked that was fine. Then a couple of weeks later I get a letter from customs saying that I owed them another 23$. Then I was pissed.

Over the years, I've ordered from the US, Japan, England, Germany, Korea, China, etc with orders way above 20$, yet not had a customs charge that was double the original ordering cost.

I eMailed and complained about the crappy shipping 'n all and didn't get a reply back other than the general "Thanks for your eMail!" A couple of weeks later, then they offered a free shipping deal to Canada, and I said "Screw it. Not ordering." (I had also called the post)

I do my TNA shopping on eBay now. I'd give them another chance, but only if they did their shipping thru a different service. :suspic:

You see this I respect, because your story sounds plausible and I have experienced problems like this from other shippers before, TNA like I said has not given me any major issue, I had problems with WWE before but they made good on replacing my order. It sucks that that happened with you in regards to TNA though.

But thanks for contributing to my thread, you offered something with more substance than those two LaBar and Isenberg could ever do.
I can't beleive how paranoid some of you guys are. "Well if they can't show proof that the e-mail was real, they must be lying". What would you have liked them to do, show you the full e-mail, then you all would have been complaining on how they gave this guys e-mail address out to the public and how that is shotty journalism.

While I don't mind Isenberg and I think Lebar is a complete douche, I also do believe the e-mail was legit, because why in the world would the make something like that up, and why would they make it up with a name that is tough to read, instead of saying Tony or Tom etcc.. sent an email

In this thread alone there have been 3 or 4 other posters that have made the same claim that customer service is terrible at TNA, yet some of you refuse to accept it. Obviously this company needs to improve there customer service.

But like I said at the beginning of this post, WOW I just can't beleive the complete paranoia of some people
I can't beleive how paranoid some of you guys are. "Well if they can't show proof that the e-mail was real, they must be lying". What would you have liked them to do, show you the full e-mail, then you all would have been complaining on how they gave this guys e-mail address out to the public and how that is shotty journalism.

While I don't mind Isenberg and I think Lebar is a complete douche, I also do believe the e-mail was legit, because why in the world would the make something like that up, and why would they make it up with a name that is tough to read, instead of saying Tony or Tom etcc.. sent an email

In this thread alone there have been 3 or 4 other posters that have made the same claim that customer service is terrible at TNA, yet some of you refuse to accept it. Obviously this company needs to improve there customer service.

But like I said at the beginning of this post, WOW I just can't beleive the complete paranoia of some people

You can always censor the sensitive information out, there ain't no paranoia about it bossman. I'm just calling out a couple of yellow journalists like I see it. The way I look at it, if you're not confident enough to show us the proof don't bother reporting it at all. I'm not saying they're lying but I can't say they are necessarily telling the truth either if there is no proof to substantiate anything, I think I have the right to say that.
This will be my last post on this thread. because i was thinking of something. how much of this TNA on demand problems have come to the forfront because of the TNA rebranding? i know that the old site address takes you to the new one but does the on demand service move accounts and all(especially the free ones) or would they have to go and resubmit for their free 6 months(or how ever many months are left) since the rebranding.

just a thought and suggestion.
Personally I like CSR, have been watching since the beginning, but, as rightfully stated earlier they are clearly WWE marks.

I understand WWE is the top dog so the majority of the news will be based around them, yet they do only seem to mention TNA in a negative. Hell, I understand that TNA is not particularly great right now, but neither is WWE. It does seem the only time TNA get fair recognition is when they do something wrong.

I know this is going to cause a lot of "everything TNA does is wrong" posts, from WWE fan boys. But FFS look at the product, look at what they are obviously trying to become. There is no doubt they have the better wrestlers (it does matter).

I like Isenberg and LaBar, but I also agree they do need to pop the WWE bubble they live in.
You can always censor the sensitive information out, there ain't no paranoia about it bossman. I'm just calling out a couple of yellow journalists like I see it. The way I look at it, if you're not confident enough to show us the proof don't bother reporting it at all. I'm not saying they're lying but I can't say they are necessarily telling the truth either if there is no proof to substantiate anything, I think I have the right to say that.

And if they had showed the e-mail, but blocked the address, you would have been on here saying it was fake, because they couldn't show the address. Besides what's the difference between showing the e-mail (with personal stuff blocked) and just reading it. Absolutely nothing except for something in your paranoid head.

And also show me where Isenberg and Labar have mentioned they are are "Journalist", they are a couple of bloggers that were able to get an Internet wrestling show. Because I do agree that these guys are as much journalist as Mark Madden is
And if they had showed the e-mail, but blocked the address, you would have been on here saying it was fake, because they couldn't show the address. Besides what's the difference between showing the e-mail (with personal stuff blocked) and just reading it. Absolutely nothing except for something in your paranoid head.

And also show me where Isenberg and Labar have mentioned they are are "Journalist", they are a couple of bloggers that were able to get an Internet wrestling show. Because I do agree that these guys are as much journalist as Mark Madden is

Nope, I'd have respected that because at least it would have shown some substance to their argument as far as what they are claiming they received in the way of an email. And if they are getting their shows posted on a news site, it sure seems like they're coming off as amateur journalists. Also paranoid would be if I claimed that WWE is paying these guys off to talk smack about TNA, trust me I have a 99.9 per cent feeling that these guys are working independently but at the same time I do challenge their integrity on the issue, and I feel that my challenge has merit. If I was paranoid I'd say a hell of a lot more than what I am saying now, but I am not. Let's get that established right here and now.

I'm just calling something out and challenging the point. And yes well Mark Madden is another story for another day, we could have a whole thread about that guy and how sickening an individual he is. Just listen to what he said about Senator Ted Kennedy after his death...and you have all you need to know about how much of a hypocrite he is.
justin labar and josh isenberg act like they know whatl happen before the creative team does.

i watch csr but only if the titles sound promising.

yes they are HUUUUGE wwe marks. and they no srry isenberg keeps bitching abt the same thng over and over and over again.

let me break it down for u.

cody rhodes shud be the next big thing in wwe
i hate r truth
rey mysterio shud lose
hogan ruined tna (like they liked tna before he came)
i hate tna
im bttr looking than labar

now this is the only thng i hear frm isenberg week aftr week aftr week

i dont hate them for the tna bashing. i hate isenberg for stupid rants wev heard a dozen times. as for the email. true or not... WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL !!!!!!!! ok some guy didnt get what he was owed. GET OVER IT... if this were happening to other ppl dont u thnk there wud a shitload of angry customers. then labar did mention tht maybe this was a one time thng when isenberg says this is the way u lose clients.

as for labar. yea the whole sting thng was crap but his shit makes much more sense than wat u read on the net. like the rock tossing cena and miz out of the ring and then calling out austin for one more match at wrestlemania.

oh and lets not forget mark madden. the guy reads off a piece of paper and cant even do tht right. he makes jokes and they sound like the weather report.

then i hate when csr reports on stuff they dont know shit abt like mma. i remember a segment on brock lesnars diverticulitis. strts off with tht then turns to brocks return to wwe. i mean r u kidding me.

what wud make csr acceptable is. they report ONLY wwe, get rid of josh isenberg dont feature segments frm mark madden. keep it straightforward.

so instead of popping the wwe bubble they shud just report wwe and nothing else. tht wud make them more acceptable
I stopped watching WWE after the last DX angle (2006) because that was the last really interesting thing that the WWE did. I try to get involved and watch it every now and then but the WWE is like the new Corporate Country Music Sound, all pop music with everyone sounding the same and kissing up to Vince. My hope is that Triple H can change that a bit as he gains more power. Some people need controlled that way, others do not.

CSR is not horrible, but not great either. They are marks for the WWE, no doubt about it. They never comment on what TNA does well only what TNA does badly. They are more consistent on what the WWE does wrong and right and reporting both. They NEVER have proof of what they say so confusing them with anyone reputable is nonsense. You either like them or you dont.

Was that email legit? who knows. Would they create it to bash TNA? Wouldnt put it passed them. Will it keep me from buying the next "50 Greatest Moments" in TNA History? No. Will it make TNA fix how they screwed up Fourtune? Hell no. Will I still watch TNA and ROH over the WWE because the WWE sucks like the new Corporate Country sound? Absolutely. Whenever Labar or Isenburgh say anything about TNA it is best to ignore it because facts will be blurred and their love for WWE will shine through.

If you want to hear strong opinions about the happenings on WWE Raw or Smackdown then they are the ones you watch. If you want to hear OBJECTIVE opinions on TNA/Impact Wrestling, CSR is not some place you will find it. I would suggest Monday Night Meyhem if you want objective opinions and reporting.
This is a sad, depressing thread where the majority of posters in it are the very definition of "IWC idiots". On CSR, they are not news reporters. To the best of my knowledge, Justin LaBar and Josh Isenberg have never claimed to be news reporters when it comes to CSR. CSR is not a news show. It has never claimed to be a news show. They are wrestling critics, like all of us on here. The difference is, they are more intelligent than many of the people complaining about them.

"Oooh, they are anti-TNA". So? TNA is awful at the moment. To the point why I don't understand how people can defend it. They are giving their opinion on TNA, just like everyone in this thread.
I just wish that Isenberg and LaBar can find it in themselves to report the things TNA does right too. When its WWE, its a full report. The things they did bad, and the things they did good.

But TNA is shot down the minute they say TNA. TNA can put on a quality 20 minute AJ vs Desmond Wolfe match and it would get NO airplay on CSR. Not even a mention out of courtesy. Hell Mark Madden shows TNA more love than these 2 jokers.
This is a sad, depressing thread where the majority of posters in it are the very definition of "IWC idiots". On CSR, they are not news reporters. To the best of my knowledge, Justin LaBar and Josh Isenberg have never claimed to be news reporters when it comes to CSR. CSR is not a news show. It has never claimed to be a news show. They are wrestling critics, like all of us on here. The difference is, they are more intelligent than many of the people complaining about them.

"Oooh, they are anti-TNA". So? TNA is awful at the moment. To the point why I don't understand how people can defend it. They are giving their opinion on TNA, just like everyone in this thread.

Thing is real critics also give positive reviews. These 2 are just running a absolute smear campaign.
So wait just because they read an Email from someone who they mentioned or tried to mention by name you get upset about it? Wow,LOL. I really don't get when someone says anything remotely negative about TNA and the way they do things all the TNA Marks get in a frenzy and make posts like this. I don't hate TNA as I do watch them as well but come on guys give Labar and Isenberg a break. As a couple people have said they aren''t Reporters they just state their opinions on a 15 minute Show.

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