The Anti-TNA Idiocy Of Justin LaBar And Josh Isenberg

it's not being above anything.. I agree with you that they are reporting, My point was just that.. They are reporting.. They don't report just bad stuff against TNA... In fact I would love to see TNA actually make a mark in the business, but thats not what this is about.. Everyone is KayFabe to the WWE. it's the big time...But they report against them as well and give their opinions there as well, "Please Vince" So they don't sing the praises of the WWE as well.. if the email proves to be a hoax, then they need to post a retraction, just like the "real news" is supposed to
Pretty sure CSR has always been and will always be a show centered around WWE. Justin and Josh clearly enjoy WWE more so than any other wrestling promotion, and what the hell is wrong with that? Just because they don't like TNA or ROH or any other promotion doesn't mean they're idiots. Now I don't watch CSR because I'm not a big WWE guy myself, so if you prefer TNA to WWE, why are you watching an internet show that talks about WWE? Doesn't really make much sense to me.

But like others have said, it's their show, you don't have to watch. Simple as that.
Pretty sure CSR has always been and will always be a show centered around WWE. Justin and Josh clearly enjoy WWE more so than any other wrestling promotion, and what the hell is wrong with that? Just because they don't like TNA or ROH or any other promotion doesn't mean they're idiots. Now I don't watch CSR because I'm not a big WWE guy myself, so if you prefer TNA to WWE, why are you watching an internet show that talks about WWE? Doesn't really make much sense to me.

But like others have said, it's their show, you don't have to watch. Simple as that.

If you're referring to me, the OP I'll have to ask you this, where did I ever say I preferred TNA to WWE? I am merely taking issue with something that I feel LaBar and Isenberg stupidly said, I don't recall a single thing I said being pro-TNA and anti-WWE. I merely stated that LaBar and Isenberg said something that they didn't prove and the fact they said TNA was breaking promise in their little headline for the video had me wondering what was going on. I will give them their due it was an attention grabber but I found it to be ludicrous that you post something and won't back it up, what's the post of even saying it in the first place.
Fair enough sir, god damn it, to bring some brevity to this thread, what the hell did happen to kayfabe actually? I miss it!

This week i don't think anything.. They were too roped in on Kharma and Reiley and Macho Man to really go nuts... There was no Please Vince this week... Put I know that it's not just against TNA, I know that they don't like TNA as from watching on a regular bases, but they don't like it for the product that they put out... which is my beef with TNA.... They could have taken the Wrestling world by storm... Could have.....
I might come across as standoffish, unlikable and condescending to several posters

Yeah, that about sums it up. You'd probably be taking less shit in this topic if you toned down the juvenile insults and attacks, the condescension (really, calling another poster "kid"? I'm 30, junior, but I usually don't use that to diminish the opinions of others) and the typical TNA-mark paranoia (someone said something bad about TNA, they must hate it/be WWE-marks). Any time I see a fan of a fake wrestling promotion getting pissed off and calling those opposed to them idiots and other derogatory terms, or alluding to an anti-TNA conspiracy theory, the first thing that comes to mind is "mark." You've got both right in the name of the topic.

Even if this is bad reporting, CSR is closer to punditry than journalism anyway, and that's hardly a secret. It's low-budget, Youtube quality punditry at that. And even actual news organizations often stretch the truth and blow stories out of proportion to generate interest. I'm not saying it's right (it's not), and I don't blame you for bringing this up or for objecting to it; realistically, CSR doesn't have grounds for claiming that TNA lies to it's fans on the basis of just one email. But that point is getting lost in all of this other nonsense, like accusing Labarr and Isenberg of making up the email entirely, or claiming that your positive experiences ordering (completely different) products somehow repudiates the possibility that TNA failed to deliver on the free 6 months of On-Demand service, which is a completely different matter.

So cutting through all the BS and getting to the point, here's a serious question: does anyone on this site actually have firsthand knowledge of this situation? Was anyone here promised the 6 months of on-demand service? And can you tell us if it's been delivered? Without that information, this is just another pissing contest.
Yeah, that about sums it up. You'd probably be taking less shit in this topic if you toned down the juvenile insults and attacks, the condescension (really, calling another poster "kid"? I'm 30, junior, but I usually don't use that to diminish the opinions of others) and the typical TNA-mark paranoia (someone said something bad about TNA, they must hate it/be WWE-marks). Any time I see a fan of a fake wrestling promotion getting pissed off and calling those opposed to them idiots and other derogatory terms, or alluding to an anti-TNA conspiracy theory, the first thing that comes to mind is "mark." You've got both right in the name of the topic.

Fair enough, but look at it this way, no one on this forum is perfect, maybe it doesn't make what I said right, but hell I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong when I'm wrong. Either in real life or on the internet, you have lots of people that don't know the first thing about accountability. Thing is I don't mind taking shit from most posters because many of these people aren't ones to talk about how they conduct themselves on these forums.Bottom line is we all have reactions at different levels about things involving wrestling or else we would not be posting on these forums. The way I look at it, I'm not making any death threats or anything of the norm and I've gotten some infractions at times but despite how acerbic I might be, I feel I'm far from the worst offender on these forums. My thread title was a mere tongue in cheek jab at what LaBar and Isenberg titled their video in regards to "TNA Breaking Promises". I'm a fan of wrestling on screen only, the backstage rumor mill and nasty things I read supposed fans write about just grinds my gears, what can I say? I grew up in an era where there was no WrestleZone or 1wrestling and you have SEVERAL wrestling outlets to watch. I'm a bit stuck in my ways about certain traditions in wrestling. I think any of us that call ourselves fans are subject to that error once in a while.

Even if this is bad reporting, CSR is closer to punditry than journalism anyway, and that's hardly a secret. It's low-budget, Youtube quality punditry at that. And even actual news organizations often stretch the truth and blow stories out of proportion to generate interest. I'm not saying it's right (it's not), and I don't blame you for bringing this up or for objecting to it; realistically, CSR doesn't have grounds for claiming that TNA lies to it's fans on the basis of just one email. But that point is getting lost in all of this other nonsense, like accusing Labarr and Isenberg of making up the email entirely, or claiming that your positive experiences ordering (completely different) products somehow repudiates the possibility that TNA failed to deliver on the delivery of 6 months of On-Demand service, which is a completely different matter.

So cutting through all the BS and getting to the point, here's a serious question: does anyone on this site actually have firsthand knowledge of this situation? Was anyone here promised the 6 months of on-demand service? And can you tell us if it's been delivered? Without that information, this is just another pissing contest.

I appreciate your challenging my points right back, and while I feel I might have been reaching outside the context I still feel that as a WRESTLING fan first and foremost that has done business with both WWE, TNA and other vendors, I've had overall good experiences. Some better than others and some just outright difficult. But I feel it's my right as a fan to contest something that I don't like. And that's why I said what I said. Maybe I didn't word it the best way, but thankfully there have been posters like you that have caught wind of this and offered their own two cents. Whether I agree with it or not is another matter but that doesn't mean I don't understand or appreciate it.
This week i don't think anything.. They were too roped in on Kharma and Reiley and Macho Man to really go nuts... There was no Please Vince this week... Put I know that it's not just against TNA, I know that they don't like TNA as from watching on a regular bases, but they don't like it for the product that they put out... which is my beef with TNA.... They could have taken the Wrestling world by storm... Could have.....

HAHA fair enough!

Oh there's no doubt that TNA/Impact Wrestling could do some things a lot better, it's a different wrestling world today. You can't go back to the Attitude Era and you can't recreate other things like the nWo. It's frustrating no doubt, no doubt at all.
If you're referring to me, the OP I'll have to ask you this, where did I ever say I preferred TNA to WWE? I am merely taking issue with something that I feel LaBar and Isenberg stupidly said, I don't recall a single thing I said being pro-TNA and anti-WWE. I merely stated that LaBar and Isenberg said something that they didn't prove and the fact they said TNA was breaking promise in their little headline for the video had me wondering what was going on. I will give them their due it was an attention grabber but I found it to be ludicrous that you post something and won't back it up, what's the post of even saying it in the first place.

Fair enough. I just assumed since you posted in the TNA section and were complaining about TNA not getting the proper attention that you preferred TNA.

I don't watch CSR often but once again man, it's a WWE show. Usually when TNA and ROH are involved, it's because they are poking fun. They are essentially WWE fanboys, but to each his own eh?

I'll have to check that video out though.
Fair enough. I just assumed since you posted in the TNA section and were complaining about TNA not getting the proper attention that you preferred TNA.

I don't watch CSR often but once again man, it's a WWE show. Usually when TNA and ROH are involved, it's because they are poking fun. They are essentially WWE fanboys, but to each his own eh?

I'll have to check that video out though.

No worries, and I appreciate your posting, I just like doing my best to give counterpoints to things and try to challenge the partisan rhetoric I hear on wrestling, because it's something I love to watch. Like I've told other posters I have my preferences of certain styles and brands over others but I've enjoyed it all over the years man.

Good posting and glad to see you on this thread.
I saw the headline and thought about checking it out but then I saw it was Justin LeBar and CSR so I just laughed and went on by.

I think the point being missed here isn't whether the e-mail was fake or not but why use it without trying to find out if it's true first. Before they post something that could be damaging to a company they should do a little investigating first. Maybe call TNA and get there side of the story or at least try to so they can say we tried but they didn't answer us. Anyone could send an e-mail making claims but if you read it and pass it along you are hurting someone without knowing the full truth. The guy may have never ordered Victory Road to begin with. There may have been an error or glitch that happened when they changed addresses on most of their website. You don't send an e-mail to CSR you contact TNA and let them fix the problems. If You're Justin LeBar and you do get that e-mail why not try and contact TNA before reporting it. That is what makes a good reporter if that is what he is trying to be.
The same Justin LaBar that reported Chyna is making another porn movie yet refuses to report her agent stating it is false(Yet has no issue posting tweets from talent that bought into the first report days AFTER Camp Chyna said NOT true)? That Justin LaBar?

SirJose, I like ya man, so lemme give ya the 411. Wrestlezone was founded by and has been ran by WWE fanboys since day one. A willingness to blow Vince in the middle of the ring is a prerequisite to landing a gig at Wrestlezone. It comes with the territory a fanboy of one product is not ever going to have anything positive to say about the competition. Look at the bright side, at least the current crop of smark "reporters" are nowhere near as bad as the 14 year old "insiders" that were "reporting" in 1998-1999. You know 1998, back when their "insiders" were reporting to them WCW was days away from bankruptcy? When the headlines would read crap like "Lex Luger haz aids lolz"? Or my favorite my friends and I still joke about how when WCW popped a 3.9 rating it was dismal and "A Time Warner exec has told WZ that WCW is days from being closed due to poor ratings(In 1998, while doing record business worldwide)" yet Cena pops a 3.2 and "WWE has record ratings Yayyyyy!"

Anyways the point is 14 years and nothing has changed. To be hired you have to be a blind WWE Loyalist, and that is what those two clowns are. Just ignore their show, someday they'll sprout pubes, their balls will drop and they'll move on. Yes it's a 99% certainty they crafted the E-Mail in LaBars moms basement and it's bullshit, but whaddya gonna do?

Back to the original topic: I've ordered merch from TNA for 8 years now and only had one minor issue that they handled. Never had an issue with redeeming my 6 free months TNA On-Demand nor on viewing it. I can't speak for others but i've not had an issue. Maybe some are and that's the nature of the beast when you're selling or giving a product to millions of people, there's going to be server glitches at times or the wrong piece of merch sent here and there. My only question would be is have any of you having issues shot an E-Mail to TNA to let them know their system glitched and bounced you out?

Again only speaking from my experience I E-Mailed them the one time I had an issue and it was promptly solved.
I don't have to much to add as I have hated these guys since the first time I watched their crappy internet show. These guys pretend they have some kind of behind the scene knowledge about wrestling when all they do is search google for stories or just make shit up. Its not just these two though, you have Madden spouting shit on wrestlezone aswell because he is just pissed TNA never hired him. In fact I have struggled to find any wrestling site, be it Wrestlezone, 411 or PWtorch that is unbiased against TNA. TNA gets slammed as most of these guys are wannabes who dream of getting hired by WWE so they try to bash the competition for no reason, they don't bash ROH as they realise they are not competition while TNA is (in some ways).

Finally I liked your post as I learnt a new word "dilettantes". Thanks :)
CSR? These are the same morons who bragged and claimed were better debaters than us. They even layed down a challenge for this forum's mods. What happened? They tucked their tails under their legs once they showed they barely had the capacity to write on a 3rd grade level. Simply put, the word of these two is as valid as a government campaign promising you world peace.

TNA may have it's issues but to whatever idiot can't come up with a better reason to say it sucks that it's booking really should just not post at all. Or end up looking like our monkey suited friends filming in their basement. Simply put, I don't give a living fuck about how bad the booking is. I enjoy it. They talk a lot? I don't freakin' care, I like it. Matches are short? So what? At least we aren't wrestling at 50 headlocks a minute. I like it that way. You don't like it? Shame. You wanna express yourself about it? Do it right. Don't be a CSRBot.
Look up the word IWC Deuche Bag Dirtballs, and you'll prolly see these 2 idiots, which is why I hate the IWC so much becaues they all think they are Wrestling Gods when comes to booking, and storylines. They would drop to one knee in a second to suck the crank of one Vince McManhon.

With the IWC Dirtball losers, Impact Wrestling will never get credit for anything.
Those guys are as far from journalist as I am. I really doubt anyone reads reports or watches videos on wrestling dirt sites expecting everything to be a 100% true. I lost what respect I had for Wrestlezone when they post that fans report of Over the Limit. It was obvious to many people that the fan was full of shit. If they post anything a fan sends in without verifying it no one will believe any reports they do.

You have to take pretty much anything they say on these sites with a grain of salt. We as wrestling fans don't demand to see proof when they report on things going on backstage. We shouldn't demand to see proof on this. I do agree that their idiots but if they want to hate TNA then so be it. I choose not to watch it. It gets annoying when people constantly bash one company or another.
I agree with the poster of this thread, if CSR had evidence that this e-mail from a TNA fan was legit, they should have done more to highlight their proof. Its not too much to ask that someone confirm that they're not just blowing smoke. Otherwise, it just seems like they're TNA bashing for the sake of TNA bashing....which is something they do a lot of on the show. It would be different if they decided just not to cover TNA at all, but it seems like they make a point to get at least 1 slam in per episode.

I use to watch the show regularly since episode 1, but stopped a few weeks ago because I got sick of Josh's blatant racism & both of their homophobia. I don't care if they slam TNA or disagree about who their favorite wrestlers are, but these two guys need to realize that their prejudices are communicated through what they call humor. Just because their "joking" doesn't make it ok or any less offensive.
wow.. If you don't like CSR, thats fine, I don't watch it much either. It's a good time killer here and there. But to get into an uproar over an EMAIL?? You either got some pent up rage, or a lack of a social life. Not once did any anger come over me from that video. They are not Journalists. I don't recall (they may have and i didn't see that episode) them ever saying they were. They are just a couple guys sitting in a make shift "Studio" with a camera, saying what they want. You can do it too. If you were getting mad about something Glen Beck, or any of the other tools on Fox News said.. I'd understand. They are supposed to be REAL Journalists. Yet are WAAAY more bias than these 2 guys. That I could understand. What do you mean they NEEd to show proof of an email? Since when have they EVER done this?

I live in Vancouver, and this is Canucks territory. I'm not a Canuck fan. Yet every day when I listen to the radio, they praise their team, and talk trash about every single other team. Including the ones that are better than them. Is it bias? Hell yeah! Is it something to get all pissy about? Not in the least. Canuck fans put down other teams. Dem supporters put down the Republicans. WWE fans put down TNA (and vis versa). You show me one non bias news publication, and I'll show you a load of shit.

The title of the article was correct. TNA IS breaking promises. So is the WWE. TNA says "Wrestling Matters Here" Yet they allow guys like Hulk, Ric, and a drug addict in the ring. WWE says that its the leading force in Entertainment. Yet sometimes I feel I'd be more entertained by watching grass grow. Maybe TNA DID rip this guy off. It does happen you know. Back in 98', I sent in the cable bill proving I bought a WW(F)E PPV, and was supposed to get a pair of The Rock's sunglasses. They never did send them. Was I mad? Yes! who wouldn't be? When you are promised something, you expect it. To just say "That didn't happen, they made it up" Is a close minded, ignorant stance to have. Yes, it is your right to have that stance, but it's also other people's rights to say you're argument is pretty lame.
personally what I like best about them is when they spend the entire "show" bashing TNA and then add at the end "but I hope TNA does well".
I remember when they said that if that Cena/Nexus storyline wasn't going to turn Cena heel then it was a huge waste of time or something. They were so sure that he was going to turn heel...oh wow.
Another interesting thing about these clowns (aside from them never criticizing WWE, seriously, they never do, at most they call a storyline mediocre but worth the watch) is that they never talk about TNA unless there's something to bad to say about them. Oh and I remember when Matt Hardy was still in the WWE in his last couple of months when he was out of shape and really irrelevant and not entertaining in the least, I remember them actually praising Matt for a lot of things, Labar(I believe) even saying that Matt's a really cool guy if you ever get to meet him. Now since he's in TNA, back in shape and putting out good matches, they're not only bashing him but they're also talking about how a piece of crap human being he is.
or how about when Shane Helms said that he doesn't like HBK as a person? they both acted like a bunch of schoolgirls, bashed Helms and were saying how he'll never be anywhere close to Michaels' in ring work(which Helms didn't even criticize in the first place, actually he praised him for being one of the best ever).
Wait a minute, you getting upset over two guy's talking about wrestling? This is why I don't watch Youtube video's anymore when people, usually imbred teenanger's who are so ful of themselves, talk about wreslting. It's a fuckin' pain in the ass to sit there and listen to some persom be so wrong on so many level's or bash you favorite company.

Hey, I got an idea for ya, don't watch it! If it get's you pent up anger and makes you wanna make a irrelevant topic on a forum about it, don't watch it anymore. No reason to watch it and be angry at what their saying. Their WWE mark's, whoop-dee-fuckin-do, then don't watch it if your a TNA mark. I'm not gonna watch some 20 year old asswipe's talk about why "TNA is the best company of all time."

Logic my friend, logic.
The main thing I don't get is why TNA fans are taking this so personally. Some dudes called TNA unprofessional and people in this thread are acting like they insulted their mothers, and personally attacking the CSR guys.

Why is everybody rushing to TNA's defence? What's the deal with this weird persecution complex?
wow.. If you don't like CSR, thats fine, I don't watch it much either. It's a good time killer here and there. But to get into an uproar over an EMAIL?? You either got some pent up rage, or a lack of a social life. Not once did any anger come over me from that video. They are not Journalists. I don't recall (they may have and i didn't see that episode) them ever saying they were.

Well it's funny if they are not journalists they're sure as hell fooling me, because they made it a point to imply that TNA is lying to their fans, so therefore I'd say it looks like they were pulling some armchair reporting here, I'm just making an observation. Even funnier is that you said I have a lack of a social life, but you happen to be a poster on this forum yourself and have posted substantially more than I have on this board, not to say there's anything wrong with that, but I'd be very careful about calling all the kettles black there Mr. Pot. Because it's obvious you spend just as much time on this site and participate on it just like I have, so to tell me I have no social life is a rather bold thing to say.

The title of the article was correct. TNA IS breaking promises. So is the WWE. TNA says "Wrestling Matters Here" Yet they allow guys like Hulk, Ric, and a drug addict in the ring. WWE says that its the leading force in Entertainment. Yet sometimes I feel I'd be more entertained by watching grass grow. Maybe TNA DID rip this guy off. It does happen you know. Back in 98', I sent in the cable bill proving I bought a WW(F)E PPV, and was supposed to get a pair of The Rock's sunglasses. They never did send them. Was I mad? Yes! who wouldn't be? When you are promised something, you expect it. To just say "That didn't happen, they made it up" Is a close minded, ignorant stance to have. Yes, it is your right to have that stance, but it's also other people's rights to say you're argument is pretty lame.

It was a video and not an article and no it wasn't correct. It's obvious you were NOT watching the video. The TNA Breaking Promises part of the latest Chair Shot Reality was dealing with a fan who supposedly emailed LaBar and Isenberg saying they did not get their 6 MONTH ON DEMAND reimbursement. All LaBar did was read a computer monitor and nothing else, there was no evidence that an email was ever sent. The "Wrestling Matters" slogan has nothing to do with this particular topic. The way I look at it, if they are not "reporters" but merely two guys talking about the wrestling business then where does bringing up the whole issue with TNA ripping off their customers fit into their program. If LaBar and Isenberg thought that they would be doing the wrestling fan base a favor they would send this supposed email to EVERY credible wrestling news site and get the word out there that TNA is a bunch of robber barons, but obviously they haven't. Hell, all I am saying is that if I was a wrestling fan and I felt I got ripped off by a company like WWE or TNA or any other vendor for that matter, I'd like to get the word out there. Oh and by the way I never said they were making anything up I am merely just suspecting that could be the case, I am not assuming. If anything questioning the validity of their claims that they got an email is open minded and to just accept what they're saying without any real proof is what's actually ignorant.

Wait a minute, you getting upset over two guy's talking about wrestling? This is why I don't watch Youtube video's anymore when people, usually imbred teenanger's who are so ful of themselves, talk about wreslting. It's a fuckin' pain in the ass to sit there and listen to some persom be so wrong on so many level's or bash you favorite company.

Fair point but this is a far different case, just read my above reply to the other poster.

Hey, I got an idea for ya, don't watch it! If it get's you pent up anger and makes you wanna make a irrelevant topic on a forum about it, don't watch it anymore. No reason to watch it and be angry at what their saying. Their WWE mark's, whoop-dee-fuckin-do, then don't watch it if your a TNA mark. I'm not gonna watch some 20 year old asswipe's talk about why "TNA is the best company of all time."

This isn't about being a mark, this is about calling out a couple of idiots like LaBar and Isenberg on an issue, being a wrestling fan isn't about some stupid brand allegiance to one company or another, go and read my other posts and you'll know that my wrestling fandom is not restricted to a set of initials, and that's not what being a fan of wrestling is about in my book.

But the way I look at it is like this WreslteZone made the choice to post LaBar and Isenberg's video as a news tidbit on their main site, and with a tagline like "TNA Breaking Promises" I felt inclined to click on it because I wanted to investigate into the matter. If LaBar and Isenberg are supposedly not reporting news, then WrestleZone should place links to their "insight" elsewhere, to quote a certain poster:

Logic my friend, logic.
The TNA Breaking Promises part of the latest Chair Shot Reality was dealing with a fan who supposedly emailed LaBar and Isenberg saying they did not get their 6 MONTH ON DEMAND reimbursement. All LaBar did was read a computer monitor and nothing else, there was no evidence that an email was ever sent.

You keep making this claim, but why would they lie? what would they have to gain?

If you want to make the argument that it was irresponsible to read out that e-mail without proof I'll listen, but your version of events requires a massive conspiracy based on the idea that everyone involved has some kind of irrational hatred of TNA as a company.
Wow. These threads where everyone is yelling about the trees without seeing the forest that they're in make me hurt inside.

First, it's been said. CSR isn't news reporting. No wrestling dirt sheet does news reporting. Professional wrestling dirt sheets aren't about the "news" business. People are getting angsty because someone hasn't proven a negative statement they made? I have a bridge I'd like to talk about selling to you, used often but in excellent condition. No dirt sheet does news. They give you the false impression that they give news, which you gladly accept, because you have the smarks' desire to want to know things that don't happen on your television screen. This is why I post something like "Jerry Lawler arrested for soliciting a prostitute", a hundred people post saying "OMG, really?!?!"

There is no journalist's creedo in professional wrestling writing, because it's not journalism. If you want hard hitting reporting that makes professional wrestling staffers squirm with its truthfulness, you're a fucking idiot, because professional wrestling is all about one group of people making money off of another group of people by making up stories. Do you read The Onion and get upset that they're breaking the final Harry Potter movie into seven separate movies? Is The Onion's reporting irresponsible? The response people would be tempted to give is "yeah, well everyone knows The Onion isn't news", and when you say that, now you'll know exactly how I feel when you bitch about the truthfulness of anything you read on a professional wrestling dirt sheet.

Then, we follow to this idea that some people have here that CSR owes TNA anything. Again, CSR isn't any kind of news show. They have no responsibility to cover professional wrestling in any kind of equitable fashion. They are an opinion and gossip show dressed up as wrestling 'news', because there are people on the internet dumb enough to believe that there is such a thing as "wrestling news". I'd name you individually in this thread, but hopefully you're starting to figure out who you are. LaBar/Isenberg don't owe TNA anything; TNA doesn't write them paychecks.

If you're still complaining about how unfair it is for CSR to slam TNA repeatedly, let me see if I can make it even simpler. Shows like CSR exist not to inform the viewer, but to get people to watch them. People taking pot shots at TNA sells.

Here's your solution if you don't like it, because all of the "OMG, his reporting isn't balanced" in the world is only going to make people like me laugh at you for completely missing the point of the entire business. Make your own show. You probably won't be able to start posting it on the main page straight off, so post it to various message boards. If all of the messages you receive about how awful you are don't cause you to give up (and if you try to express yourself creatively on the internet, no matter what you do, people will tell you you suck), keep at it until you build an audience. Wrestling dirt sheets are ****es for content, if people will click the link for it, they'll post it on their site. LaBar/Isenberg aren't anyone special, they don't have some kind of 'in' with the industry, they are two guys with a web camera you can buy for $100 (tops), a wooden anchor desk you can build yourself with a table saw and some black spray paint. You can do exactly what they are doing if you put in the effort.

On the other hand, if you're just looking to cry about how someone chooses to balance their opinions on a gossip show that they control entirely, good luck with that. It's a task that will keep you busy for a long time.
Wow. These threads where everyone is yelling about the trees without seeing the forest that they're in make me hurt inside.

First, it's been said. CSR isn't news reporting. No wrestling dirt sheet does news reporting. Professional wrestling dirt sheets aren't about the "news" business. People are getting angsty because someone hasn't proven a negative statement they made? I have a bridge I'd like to talk about selling to you, used often but in excellent condition. No dirt sheet does news. They give you the false impression that they give news, which you gladly accept, because you have the smarks' desire to want to know things that don't happen on your television screen. This is why I post something like "Jerry Lawler arrested for soliciting a prostitute", a hundred people post saying "OMG, really?!?!"

There is no journalist's creedo in professional wrestling writing, because it's not journalism. If you want hard hitting reporting that makes professional wrestling staffers squirm with its truthfulness, you're a fucking idiot, because professional wrestling is all about one group of people making money off of another group of people by making up stories. Do you read The Onion and get upset that they're breaking the final Harry Potter movie into seven separate movies? Is The Onion's reporting irresponsible? The response people would be tempted to give is "yeah, well everyone knows The Onion isn't news", and when you say that, now you'll know exactly how I feel when you bitch about the truthfulness of anything you read on a professional wrestling dirt sheet.

Then, we follow to this idea that some people have here that CSR owes TNA anything. Again, CSR isn't any kind of news show. They have no responsibility to cover professional wrestling in any kind of equitable fashion. They are an opinion and gossip show dressed up as wrestling 'news', because there are people on the internet dumb enough to believe that there is such a thing as "wrestling news". I'd name you individually in this thread, but hopefully you're starting to figure out who you are. LaBar/Isenberg don't owe TNA anything; TNA doesn't write them paychecks.

If you're still complaining about how unfair it is for CSR to slam TNA repeatedly, let me see if I can make it even simpler. Shows like CSR exist not to inform the viewer, but to get people to watch them. People taking pot shots at TNA sells.

Here's your solution if you don't like it, because all of the "OMG, his reporting isn't balanced" in the world is only going to make people like me laugh at you for completely missing the point of the entire business. Make your own show. You probably won't be able to start posting it on the main page straight off, so post it to various message boards. If all of the messages you receive about how awful you are don't cause you to give up (and if you try to express yourself creatively on the internet, no matter what you do, people will tell you you suck), keep at it until you build an audience. Wrestling dirt sheets are ****es for content, if people will click the link for it, they'll post it on their site. LaBar/Isenberg aren't anyone special, they don't have some kind of 'in' with the industry, they are two guys with a web camera you can buy for $100 (tops), a wooden anchor desk you can build yourself with a table saw and some black spray paint. You can do exactly what they are doing if you put in the effort.

On the other hand, if you're just looking to cry about how someone chooses to balance their opinions on a gossip show that they control entirely, good luck with that. It's a task that will keep you busy for a long time.

Youre right. Its not news reporting. Its a critics show. And a TRUE CRITIC gives positive and negative reviews about what theyre watching. My only gripe about them is that theyre giving off this look like its a wrestling show on a major wrestling website but theyre not true wrestling fans.

And I say that because a true wrestling fan notices the positives and negatives of more than one wrestling company. They honestly should just rename their "show" WWE Chair Shot Reality. Cause it isnt reality to them if it isnt WWE or that really minor indy league that LaBar only mentions every few months or so.
Youre right. Its not news reporting. Its a critics show. And a TRUE CRITIC gives positive and negative reviews about what theyre watching. My only gripe about them is that theyre giving off this look like its a wrestling show on a major wrestling website but theyre not true wrestling fans.

And I say that because a true wrestling fan notices the positives and negatives of more than one wrestling company. They honestly should just rename their "show" WWE Chair Shot Reality. Cause it isnt reality to them if it isnt WWE or that really minor indy league that LaBar only mentions every few months or so.
And that buzzing sound is the point, going straight over your head, but close enough for you to see it doing that.

"Critics show"- what is that? Are you talking like Siskel and Ebert? Having an opinion and putting it in video form on the internet doesn't make you a "critics show", it means that you have criticisms. LaBar and Isenberg aren't providing analysis of a product and then recommending if you buy it or don't buy it, they're talking bullshit about other people's bullshit on the internet. You have the entirely wrong impression of what they actually do.

"True critic"- You're still stuck on this idea that CSR has some kind of duty or responsibility to evenly cover everything in professional wrestling, if they like it or not. THIS IS WRONG. This is not a matter of my opinion versus yours, you are mistaken in this instance and I am trying to help you understand where you are wrong. The only responsibility CSR has is to their own view count. If you do not feel that their criticisms are even handed, you are free to start your own show where you and a buddy criticize professional wrestling; I have even given you tips on how you can start doing that and publicizing that.

"True wrestling fans"- What does this even mean? A 'true wrestling fan' is an absolute sucker, because only a sucker would be under the impression that someone who writes for a dirt sheet owes anything to a business. Dirt sheet writers are bloodsucking ticks who leech blood off of the industry for their own benefit. If you consider yourself a "true wrestling fan", the people who work in wrestling consider you an all-purposes sucker who it is far easier to sell to that most people.

CSR has no responsibility to you, TNA,, or anyone else on this planet to provide even-handed coverage of professional wrestling. That's not what they do. They are a dirt sheet in video format, that gives off a vaguely newslike impression (in other words, they wear a sportsjacket and have a faux anchor desk) because idiot smarks come to this website and trick themselves into thinking they are actual news.

There are times when I put forth a strongly worded opinion which fools some of the people on this board into thinking I'm stating absolute fact. This is not one of those times; if you think that CSR is any kind of news show, with any kind of responsibility to anything except how many people are watching their videos and the advertising sold next to them, YOU ARE WRONG. This is not a point for dispute or debate, if you think that CSR owes anyone anything in how they choose to cover their show, you don't understand the format or the business it takes place inside of.

But- if you think there is a spot in the professional wrestling mediasphere for people providing honest, even-handed professional wrestling coverage, get your ass to Best Buy, pick up a webcam, hit the Salvation Army and get a cheap jacket, and you can do exactly what LaBar and Isenberg do.

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