Team: CMHBKlunder -versus- Team: Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane

5 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
6 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
4 Milikipediako
5 FromTheSouth
5 Ricky
5 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller


Vote #1
6 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
6 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
4 Milikipediako
5 FromTheSouth
5 Ricky
5 Ty Burna
4 Dolph Thriller


vote #2
Time out. I don't know if this will help or hurt, but Milenko's name on our list looks like Milk, and that is a huge difference.

Plus, I don't want anyone thinking I would team with him. :lmao:
I'm not voting, just clarifying

6 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
6 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
4 Milenko
5 FromTheSouth
5 Ricky
5 Ty Burna
4 Dolph Thriller
5 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
5 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
4 Milikipediako
6 FromTheSouth
5 Ricky
5 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller

FTS: +
Milky: -

Vote #3

EDIT: This is my first time voting in this thing, I did this correctly right?
5 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
6 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
4 Milikipediako
5 FromTheSouth
5 Ricky
5 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller

FTS: +
Milky: -

Vote #3

EDIT: This is my first time voting in this thing, I did this correctly right?

Have to take away the numbers from beside their names

5 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
5 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
4 Milikipediako
6 FromTheSouth
5 Ricky
5 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller

FTS: +
Milky: -

Vote #3

Like this
5 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
4 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
4 Milikipediako
6 FromTheSouth
6 Ricky
5 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller

+ Ricky
- Milk

You're suppose to add/subtract the points you decided into your post xfear.
KB currently has 6 points. Do to Xfears mistake, and TM's attempt to correct it, it was messed up.
6 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
4 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
4 Milikipediako
6 FromTheSouth
6 Ricky
5 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller

This is the correct current score.
I realized my mistake about a minute after posting it, and corrected it. So my post is legit and done correctly.
6 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
3 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
4 Milikipediako
6 FromTheSouth
6 Ricky
6 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller

Ty Burna +
Milk -
6 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
3 Milkyway!!!
4 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
4 Milikipediako
7 FromTheSouth
6 Ricky
6 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller

- HBK-aholic
7 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
3 Milkyway!!!
4 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
3 Milikipediako
7 FromTheSouth
6 Ricky
6 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller

6 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
3 Milkyway!!!
4 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
3 Milikipediako
7 FromTheSouth
6 Ricky
6 Ty Burna
6 Dolph Thriller

+ Dolph Thriller
- K-RhinosHBKJess-B
6 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
2 Milkyway!!!
4 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
3 Milikipediako
7 FromTheSouth
7 Ricky
6 Ty Burna
6 Dolph Thriller

- Milkyway
+ Ricky
5 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
5 Milkyway!!!
6 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
5 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
3 Milikipediako
6 FromTheSouth
5 Ricky
5 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller

+ HBKaholic
- Milikipediako
5 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
5 Milkyway!!!
6 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
6 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
2 Milikipediako
6 FromTheSouth
5 Ricky
5 Ty Burna
5 Dolph Thriller

- Milikipediako

Vote #21 guys are not keeping track of the numbers very well.

6 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
2 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
6 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
1 Milikipediako
7 FromTheSouth
7 Ricky
6 Ty Burna
6 Dolph Thriller

That's the current score.
6 K-RhinosHBKJess-B
1 Milkyway!!!
5 HBK-Aholic
5 The Lariat
6 C.M.V.P


Thank GOODNESS We Don't Have Jane
2 Milikipediako
7 FromTheSouth
7 Ricky
6 Ty Burna
6 Dolph Thriller

- Milkyway!!!
+ Mikiwhothehellever

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