Speculation Regarding the Death of Chris Benoit

The fact of the matter is this. Often in life, we put those in the entertainment industry up on a pedistal and worship then and think that they are perfect and infalible. What we forget is that they are people just like me and you and that they are vulnerable to the same problems as anyone else.

Just because someone does crazy stunts and high spots and gives their all when they entertain does not mean that they do not need help as well and are not fighting their own inner demons. Often, then the weight of fame on their shoulder, the pain is even more intensified and unbarable. Something that may seem like a down day to you and me may be much more serious to someone in such a position. And while I can never truly understand or even pretend to understand why Chris Benoit did what he did. Nor would I even want that weighty resposibility. But what I do know is that he was a performer. And when he performed, he gave his body, soul, and all to each and every fan throughout the arena and even at home. For this, I will remember him fondly and that fondness will never waiver, no matter what the circumstances turn out to be.

But first and formost, I will remember him for one thing and one thing only. You can call him a monster. You can call him a legend. You can call him a freak. You can even call him a God. But what I will remmber him for is the fact that he was a human being. Nothing more. Nothing less. And as all human beings, he is not without his flaws. But he is still a human being. Period.

Thank you for posting the best response someone has come up with in this terrible Tragedy. Erasing Benoit is not going to make anything easier it is just going to result in a similar sort of thing further down the track. While you may vilify him now, remember what he did before the weekend, the facts of the case are still too weird for the whole truth tohave been investigated, it looks one way but it could be the other. I hope they do a full investigation and not the half-arsed one they appear to be doing now because of its look as a cut and Dry case, I don't think it is. There has been no mention of a suicide note, from what I understand most people that commit suicide leave a note saying why, this is still open as far as I am concerned as all possibilities have not been ruled out due to there being no evidence for it to occur any other way except Gunshot which has been ruled out. This entire Tragedy has shocked me, even if Benoit did or Didn't do it it still shocks me. all I am saying is that the case can't be as cut and Dry as all of you are making it out to be. Motive is one thing that is there in terms of there being many possible motives, but reason for the motives are less clear. The size of the property and the time between death and finding is large enough for events like this to have had an outside influence involved, Benoits mental state, he was apparently worried that someone was after him, does that not seem either paranoid or maybe someone was really after him or his family for one reason or another. The Variables lead to the case still being wide open in my reasoning.
Like I said, I'm 99.9 percent sure Benoit did this, but these Hick cops aren't exactly blowing me away with their detective work.

Yeah,like the big city boys always get it right. Smothered,choked isn't it basically the same thing?

You are absolutely right, sometimes us officers can and will make mistakes. That's why I stated earlier within this thread that I hope someone with pure willingness to actually solve the case and not go with their gut feeling from seeing the surface of the crime. Because if a detective does that, the only evidence they will ever see the evidence that reassures their gut feeling. IMO I can see Benoit carrying out this ordeal but the time of events and the other clues that are so far brought out into the public are finicky to me because I have been an officer of the law since 2000 and I have been and seen a lot of cases in this time since I have now taken my new assignment once I completed my Master's Degree in Bio-science. But like you stated, 99% so far Benoit is indeed the murderer, and yes for some it is hard to swallow but not far me since I was never a Benoit fan, could care less but I do know the steps of the law and what happens behind close doors like the rest of world of law. Either way, it is a damn shame that a family is dead, especially a 7 year old boy. But so far the evidence points directly at Benoit and until any other evidence proves otherwise, Benoit is indeed a murderer and God have mercy on his soul.
Well, the thread is "speculation" so I can't react too strongly to some of the things others have tossed out as possible scenarios.

Let's be real, though. Chris Benoit called some of his friends on Saturday, and the coroner's report shows that at least his wife was dead at this point. These facts can't be disputed. At that time je gives some obviously untrue story about her and his son being sick with food poisoning. The text messages in the early morning Sunday from phones found in the home--I'm assuming the same ones used to place the earlier call--were sent to the same people with whom he spoke.

Yes, the messages were odd. Whoever described them as "mechanical" or "robotic" is spot-on. It's impossible for us--at least, I hope it is for others--to imagine the state of mind of a person who's been in a home with the bodies of family members he killed for many days, but I'd think he'd have a hard time simply texting "I did something terrible and am now taking my own life, so send people to my house." He'd already be in a pretty distant mental space just to be able to function. Others to whom he sent the texts--it seems it was Chavo and another person from things I read earlier--might know where he lived, and of course the WWE would have his address on file, but he had to realize that his absence from the pay-per-view and unresponsiveness to follow-up calls would prompt concern, and he seemed to want the authorities at his home.

Also, where was it written or said that Chris was "against religion"? And even if he was, again, in whatever frame of mind he was in to take the actions that it seems he did, how can we dismiss that he'd have some hope that there was a better end for his wife and daughter than what lay before him?

If some of his actions "don't add up" or "don't make sense" ask yourself this before concluding that the investigators have fudged everything up: is there any sense in the killings (and suicide) that took place?

It's hard to accept the awful facts, and it's natural to reject them. Denial's that first stage of grief.
While 99.9% of this points to Benoit, there is still that .1% that something else could have happened. I'm of the belief that he did do it. I just want to know what led to this. I just want the truth. Why did it take so long to release the texts? Why did he have to tie his wife up seeing as how he has dealt with bigger and stronger ppl all of his career. Something doesn't add up. I'm not looking @ this as a wrestling fan but as someone investigating a story from a distance. This is a case where every fact screams one answer but there are questions and it intrigues me.
All of you are right. None of this makes much sense, its a horrible tradegy. Most of all, that poor 7 year old little boy. I actually feel sorry for all of them. What must have been going through Benoits head? Im certain he didnt wake up one morning and say, "Ill think Ill kill my family this weekend". Especially with all these reports surfacing that Daniel had some form of mental ******ation and Nancy wanted him to take time off the road to help her. I truly believe, in my heart, that Chris did this without a shadow of a doubt. But, I wont pass judgment, only God truly knows - if he did do it Chris is burning in hell. I am still, 2 days later in complete and utter shock - and the sad thing is, we will never fully understand why this happened, the answers died with Chris.
Well,tell us Matlock,who else could have done it? The wife? It's already been determined that she died first.A break in? Yeah,someone is gonna break into the home and kill the wife. Then they're gonna come back the next day and kill the son. Then they're gonna come back later and kill Benoit? Get real,chief. Oh I know it was the leprechauns under the porch. Better yet,OJ did it. Yeah,that's it.

Seriously,you're worse than JFK conspiracy theorists. No matter how many ways you try to spend this,none of them are gonna hold up. Just like with the JFK Assassination,the evidence is gonna lead back to one guy,and thats Chris Benoit.

roflmao wait a second Chris Benoit killed JFK?!?!

Oh yeah and if you want to debate JFK, I'll start a thread about it. Infact, here I go. Let's debate, son.
We may never know all of what happened but it looks like something is starting to surface. Chris and his wife were indeed arguing over care of Daniel. According to an article on foxsports.com "Benoit's wife didn't want him to quit wrestling, but she "wanted him to be at home more to care for the kid." With the push Chris was about to get, this would have been a difficult task. He would be teaching the younger talent that would be put on ecw to help groom them for the other shows.

One question I do have, and maybe someone could clear this up, Fragile X is an inherited form of mental ******ation, does that have to be directly from the parents or just run in the family somewhere?

The article also states that "authorities in Georgia were investigating a link between Benoit and a Florida business that may have supplied him with steroids."

Like I said earlier in this saga, more of this story is starting to unfold. The biggest piece of information, the tox report, is still pending but as the days go on, more of this may come to light.
Um just fyi for you all i saw a promo that says Vince is gonna Be on the today morning show on NBC tomorrow. Didnt say what time the segment was gonna be though.
First, let me say that this is a terrible tragedy and my thoughts and prayers go out to The Benoit family and those who knew the Benoit's and those associated to this tradegy.

I am 42 years old and have been a wrestling fan since I was 5 years old. I myself suffer from an un-curable progressive illness and have so for the last 7 years (3 weeks after being married). This illness has wreaked havoc on my family and friends so I understand (at least in my case) some of what the family may have been going through. Although,, of course, I can't imagine how this would effect a family of a small child such as Daniel. Maybe I am trying to make sense of the senseless.

here are a few thoughts:

Does anyone know if they actually found steroids on the toxicology report on Chris?

Seeing as it has been reported and speculated about in the media that their son Daniel had a medical condition (I don't remember the name) in which Human Growth Hormone injections were used as part of the treatment, I wonder if it could be at all possible thet Chris (and maybe Nancy also) thought that perhaps steroids could be of benefit ( A type of steroid has been used in my illness which made me think about this).
I say this because the media as well as "anonymous" leaks associated with the official investigation have state there were no medications found without valid prescriptions.

I'm not naieve enough to think that there was no steroid use by Chris. This is just something that popped in to my mind.

Next, why would Chris have wrapped a cloth or towel (as has been reported) around his neck before hanging himself. If you were going to commit suicide would you do this? if so, why? So it wouldn't hurt?!? Could he have been strangled with the cloth/towel then hung with the weight machine? could someone else have done this.

Is it possible the text messages with the home address and info about the dogs been written as they were in order to try to get help.

The latest news reports I have heard/read say that Daniel was in bed, Nancy was in tthe living room (or office) and Chris was found in his weight room. Where they were found seems like they could have been doing what they normally do. Also there has been no report of a note being found.

In trying to make sense of this maybe I have these thoughts because this is so unfathomable...especially after hearing/reading what so many people have said about he and his family. Chris Benoit was one of my favorite wrestlers over the years, if he indeed, it does turn out to be responsible he must have evolved mentally into something that was not the Chris Benoit everyone new and have been severly psychologiclly ill.

In any event in order to cope with this type of human tragedy, I must remember the living and the good memories I have of Chris doing his best to entertain us, the fans. As well as, the reputation he had with his peers, friends and family.

I do not understand this and God does act in ways we can never know. As far as if he actually did this or if someone els did, I have reconciled with myself enough to try and wait for the authorities to complete their investigation.

Again, these are just a few random thoughts.
Why would he bother calling WWE and making up a lie? and such a bad lie at that. Was he planning on trying to get away with it, and making it look like Nancy and Daniel died of natural causes? Or maybe was somebody else trying to get Benoit to bide some time so people wouldn't come looking at the Benoit house sooner, thus leaving less time to stage the murder scene.

Seriously, you just killed your wife and son, you are planning to kill yourself, and you think to yourself "oh shit, i should call work", doesn't make any sense.
That phone call makes the least sense of anything.

He did it to prevent the Wwe from contacting the authorities and arriving at the home before he had completed what he had planned to do. Killing others be them family members or not, is one thing. Working up the courage to commit suicide even though in the end it is a cowardly act (depending on perspective) would take time.
Did Chris Benoit have any problems growing up? It seemed on the tribute show he had a very good family and was a good kid. But they made it seem like he was very quiet and a loner. Dean Malenko said sometimes you would talk to Chris and he would just mentally dissappear during the conversation. They called him 'Houdini'. Maybe he had some form of mental illness which could have been inherited by his son. I'm wondering if this was even premediated on his part, it seems he invited Chavo Guerrero to his house a few days before. And then he was one of the last people called, telling him he loved him. Maybe this was an emotional link to his best friend Eddie Guerrero. I guess more stories will come out from people that knew Benoit well..
His son was mentally ******ed and Chris was ashamed of it - I'm sure that probably played a part in making him think what he was doing was right, even though it's quite possibly the sickest thing anyone could do.

Hang on, why did he have a phone? Is anyone else seeing this? If he was planning to text work then he had to have a phone to do it with! Then it was the phone that did it! Obvious. You guys are stupid for not seeing this earlier, I'm just too good. Or it was the dogs - for that theory check some of my previous pasts in this thread. Or yea, it was his 7-year-old ******ed son that meticulously planned it, like I have seen suggested in some places. God, people are dumb.
Dean Malenko said sometimes you would talk to Chris and he would just mentally dissappear during the conversation. They called him 'Houdini'.

It's not an Illness bro. What IT IS, is when you don't cater to someones feelings they don't give a fuck what you say and just TUNE you out. The same thing happens on this board. You got all these groups & cliq's who only reply to each others comments and think they are better then the rest of us. Some people never grow out of that high school mantality. Like I said it's not an Illness I run into people like that 24-7. Why people act like that is beyond me.
I'm sure it's tough raising a kid with fragile x syndrome but ya know what, Chris could have paid to get his son help, he could have hired someone to help his wife take care of Daniel when he was out on the road. He could have even asked the WWE to give him some more time off during the course of the year. There are so many things he could have done instead of what he did. It's all just so sad.
I think it was a combination of factors. After Eddie's death they said he kept to himself backstage.Chris was probably depressed.There have been so many cases of respected men& women who have never been domestically abusive who suddenly kill their families.I believe the WWE's partly to blame for this mess.WWE has wrecked the lives of soo many of its superstars over the years.Look how many wrestlers are multiple-divorcees,have drug dependecies,permant injuries etc.
i think to blame wwe is a bit over the top

did pro football force oj to kill his wife
or the beatles force manson to be a killer

dont tell me the almighty god that is the music industry forced hendrix morrison et al to become druggies and take overdoses.

yes it is a demanding industry but im a soldier and i know guys that have spent the last 4 years doing 6 months out of every year in iraq or afghanistan that is real pressure.

do some of them have marital and personal problems well yes but it is there choice to get another job

similar to other professional athletes if these wrestlers feel they need to take steroids to maintain the look and keep their spot whilst you may not agree to be right we can all understand however the number of them that choose to take recreational drugs is disgusting especially when you think of the children that idolise them

this time last summer rvd and sabu effectivly ended their wwe careers away after getting caught with waccy baccy and now tna is reportedly chasing rvd - that is a disgrace
I think to say it's disgraceful TNA are chasing RVD because he got caught smoking marajuana is a bit over the top, it's hardly a drug that's going to cause anyone but himself harm, though it's not gonna make him an ideal role model for kids. It's not a dependency drug, and while prolonged use can lead to depression or mental problems he'd be to stoned to do anything!! Actors and other sportsmen ( role models) take recreational drugs, Wrestlers doing it shouldn't be any different. What they should be cutting out is the performance enhancing drugs, or painkilling dependcy drugs.

On Benoit, lot of talk about him being a great family man and how could someone who loved his kids so much do such a thing etc etc. These things were said by his mates, they're hardly going to say anythng else are they, neither would WWE film or show something that said otherwise, especially when the man had just died.

I think the fact that he was a quiet introverted peronality ( again only going by what's been said) dosen't really have anything to do with it, lots of people are quiet and distant dosen;t mean they;re thinking of killing people or have mental problems, it means they just like keeping themselves to themselves (many actors have been described as being the same)

It's a sad truth but apart from gangs, psychopaths etc a lot of murders are crimes of passion (in the sense of extreme emotion rather than love), where the killer is someone who was more than likely at one time described as a family man or loving husband / boyfriend. Being a celeb dosen't mean that he loved his family anymore than others who have killed their kids or lovers. At the same time being a celeb dosen't mean he was free from the stresses / pressures brought on by society in general.

I think it's clear by now that he is guilty. It may well turn out to have been pre-meditated, but that dosen't mean he was mentally sound at the time. It may not have been "roid-rage" as in a sudden angry outburst and attack, it may well have been brough on by years of dependancy on pills, a combination of stress, pressure and depression.

What should be painfully obvious is that no one in their right mind kills their child. It's clear to me that he was sick ( ill) in some way or another.

I don't believe Benoit the person was an evil cold blooded killer. Thats a description I'd reserve for people that kill for fun , money or personal gain.

I do belive that [COLOR="black"]the act[/COLOR] he committed was outrageous, shocking, disgusting and unforgivable.

That may sound contradictory at first but it's a bit like saying someone can give a one of 5 star match without being a 5 star performer. I belive anyone of us could at one point "snap", or reach a boiling point where things take over and we become irrational and even dangerous.

However in no way am I defending what he did. He should have sought help, or his mates should have made him seek it. After what happened with Eddie I would have thought they'd have been keeping a closer eye on each other. While fans should be free to remember him as a great wrestler I don't think WWE the company should.

There's also a lot being said about separating Benoit (wrestler) from Benoir (man) but is there a great difference? He didn't really portray a character on screen

Again, only going from what's been said as I didn't know him, he was always quiet, intense and not very charasmatic, which is exactly what his on screen character was like. It's different from someone like Eddie, who portrayed a fun loving character but in real life was battling his demons.

Wrestling was a large part of his life, it was more than just a job, it was connected with his personality and unfortuanetly may have contributed to the decrease in his mental state of mind.
what i mean about tna and rvd is that business and not "the busines" comes first.

in england we have a professional soccer player lee hughes about to be released from serving 3 years of his jail sentence for causing death by dangerous driving, dui, and fleeing the scene of an accident.

a club has signed him up which has caused quite a bit of controvosy. the club involved states if it was not them it would be another.

my point is that recreational drugs have no place in society neither do unprescribed prescription drugs.

performance enhancing drugs such as steroids have no place what so ever in sport.

all sports teams and companies should stay away from stars that use. tna included. how can we get the message to the children not to take drugs when these companies fell it is acceptable to use sportsman and wrestlers do.

if a wrestler such as chris masters who has been suspended as part of wwe wellness knows it is not a big deal to lose his job when tna will snap him up we are facing a losing battle.

i get regular drug tests for both recreational drugs and bodybuilding drugs such as ephrdrine and steroids and will lose my job immediatley if i fail. my army record will also say i am discharged administratly for failing a compulsory drug test CDT.

if we could get all sports especially wrestling to take such a hardline approach it go ssomeway to eradicating drugs in sport, thus aiding the sportsman and sending out the right message to our kids

but i digress

for the record marajuana causes lethargacy and memory loss amongst other symptons. it also is highly addictive and MAY lead to the use of other harder drugs.

if you were a wrestler would you want to put your life in the hands of such an individual

this benoit situation may not be down to drugs or steroids of any kind but be just the thing that is needed to clean up the business.

to chris benoit, this would indeed serve as a legacy an unfortunate one at that
disgagree with dope being highly addictive. People do it to relax, like they do drinking, and in my opinion marajuana is no different or more damaging than alcohol but that's a whole other debate!

I'm not so concerned about the role model thing, steriods were in constant use by wrestlers in the 80's and 90's, as a kid watching I was totally oblivious to it, but I suppose it is different times we live in.

Take your point though about performance, don't think I would want to get in the ring with them if they were stoned!

Agree completely about performance enhancing drugs no need for them and they definately need to get rid of them.
what i mean about tna and rvd is that business and not "the busines" comes first.

in england we have a professional soccer player lee hughes about to be released from serving 3 years of his jail sentence for causing death by dangerous driving, dui, and fleeing the scene of an accident.

a club has signed him up which has caused quite a bit of controvosy. the club involved states if it was not them it would be another.

my point is that recreational drugs have no place in society neither do unprescribed prescription drugs.

performance enhancing drugs such as steroids have no place what so ever in sport.

all sports teams and companies should stay away from stars that use. tna included. how can we get the message to the children not to take drugs when these companies fell it is acceptable to use sportsman and wrestlers do.

if a wrestler such as chris masters who has been suspended as part of wwe wellness knows it is not a big deal to lose his job when tna will snap him up we are facing a losing battle.

i get regular drug tests for both recreational drugs and bodybuilding drugs such as ephrdrine and steroids and will lose my job immediatley if i fail. my army record will also say i am discharged administratly for failing a compulsory drug test CDT.

if we could get all sports especially wrestling to take such a hardline approach it go ssomeway to eradicating drugs in sport, thus aiding the sportsman and sending out the right message to our kids

but i digress

for the record marajuana causes lethargacy and memory loss amongst other symptons. it also is highly addictive and MAY lead to the use of other harder drugs.

if you were a wrestler would you want to put your life in the hands of such an individual

this benoit situation may not be down to drugs or steroids of any kind but be just the thing that is needed to clean up the business.

to chris benoit, this would indeed serve as a legacy an unfortunate one at that

So then I assume you fully support the banning of cigarettes and alcohol, as well as aspirin and any other over the counter drug? They're all much more harmful to your body then marijuana is. Do I really need to get into this again? Seriously, aspirin does more damage to your body then marijuana does, that is a fact.

"Highly addictive and may lead to the use of other drugs" thats such bullshit and I hear that all the time. Marijuana is as addicted as fucking cupcakes or McDonalds, there is zero physical addiction, the only "addiction" part of it is that it causes you pleasure. ANYTHING that causes you pleasure can be highly addictive, be it McDonalds or weed. Lead to the use of other drugs? Thats total bullshit. Anyone who uses harder drugs obviously is almost always going to have smoked pot in their life, so hasn't 70% of the American population. Pot doesn't lead to harder drugs, unhappiness leads to harder drugs.

I'm not even going to get into this again, anyone who is against the legalization of marijuana obviously knows nothing about the drug and should be in full support of outlawing drugs like tobacco, alcohol, aspirin, and Robotussin.

Besides, I highly doubt any little kids were aware of RVD & Sabu being arrested. How would they be? Little kids aren't wrestling smarks, they don't come onto the internet rumor sites and news sites and read up on the latest backstage antics. Little kids still believe wrestling is real for christ sake, so your idea of "bad role models" makes zero sense. By that idea then the NBA, NFL, and NHL are all terrible influences on children because of all the controversies surrounding their players, who get into trouble much more frequently then wrestlers do.
disgagree with dope being highly addictive. People do it to relax, like they do drinking, and in my opinion marajuana is no different or more damaging than alcohol but that's a whole other debate!

I'm not so concerned about the role model thing, steriods were in constant use by wrestlers in the 80's and 90's, as a kid watching I was totally oblivious to it, but I suppose it is different times we live in.

Take your point though about performance, don't think I would want to get in the ring with them if they were stoned!

Agree completely about performance enhancing drugs no need for them and they definately need to get rid of them.

Completely agree here about Marijuana....Its not addictive at all and i know many people who smoke it and neither of them have ever been addicted to it. I agree also about it being the same or more damaging than alcohol.

Back on topic and im going to speculate for the first time since this happened.

I see the doctor of Benoit has had his office raided. I read also they now believe Nancy was murdered not long after he had seen his doctor.

So heres my wild story and i would love for it to be true as while it wouldn't excuse Benoits actions it would most certainly shed a whole new angle. Certainly far more believable and possible than some of the stories people have suggested as possibilites.

Maybe Benoit's doctor intentionally, or by mistake, prescribed a drug to him which he shouldnt have had. One that sends you a bit mad or whatever and puts you into a whole new mindframe. A drug that patients are usually given then sectioned off in their room/ward under supervision until the effects have worn off.

Im just looking for other options. I dont want Benoits legacy tarnished and this is an entirely possible scenario that the doctor could be to blame for it all.

Highly unlikely i know but you never know :icon_sad:
I wonder if they're going to ban benoit from future WWE games and even ban his signature moves. That would suck.
oh and btw- all the evidence in the JFK case leads to multiple shooters- but the police didn't go any further with that investigation either conviently enough.

What? Dude all of the evidence in the JFK killing points to Lee Harvey Oswald. Lets see,we have the rifle they found on the 6th floor has being proven to belong to Oswald. We have a man,one Howard L. Brennan,who has identified Oswald has "the man he saw firing the gun from the sixth floor window,another person,one Amos Lee Euins has also identified Oswald. When the Oswald's boss,Roy Truly, took a head count of employees around one o'clock,Lee Oswald was the only person missing from the building. There was no conspiracy,and the only reason people think that there was a conspiracy is because the guy was killed two days later.
oh and btw- all the evidence in the JFK case leads to multiple shooters- but the police didn't go any further with that investigation either conviently enough.

What? Dude all of the evidence in the JFK killing points to Lee Harvey Oswald. Lets see,we have the rifle they found on the 6th floor has being proven to belong to Oswald. We have a man,one Howard L. Brennan,who has identified Oswald has "the man he saw firing the gun from the sixth floor window,another person,one Amos Lee Euins has also identified Oswald. When the Oswald's boss,Roy Truly, took a head count of employees around one o'clock,Lee Oswald was the only person missing from the building. There was no conspiracy,and the only reason people think that there was a conspiracy is because the guy was killed two days later.

Please explain again the magic bullet theory then. If you honestly believe only one man killed JFK, you sir are caught in an extreme web of denial. Explain all of the eye witnesses who saw shooters on the Grassy Knoll? Explain how Lee Harvey Oswald was able to fire perfectly 3 shots within 5 seconds time when he was described as being a terrible shot, and when not even ballistics and gun experts can pull off those shots(and they've tried it)? Explain these things and maybe I can take you seriously. All evidence points to the conclusion that more then one person shot JFK. If you'd like, I will lay out the entire case for you.

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