Speculation Regarding the Death of Chris Benoit

TheShowzOver - Why did Chris Benoit a 234 lb muscular man bind his wife at the hands and feet when he could have easily over-powered her without the restraint? IF he tied her post death. Why truss up a corpse?

That is the ONLY ? in this case as far as Im concerned and nobody is answering it.
TheShowzOver - Why did Chris Benoit a 234 lb muscular man bind his wife at the hands and feet when he could have easily over-powered her without the restraint? IF he tied her post death. Why truss up a corpse?

That is the ONLY ? in this case as far as Im concerned and nobody is answering it.

Because it makes "sense". I'm not being sarcastic or joking, I am spreading the conversation open. Was it really official that Nancy was killed before Daniel?
Allot of people don't realize that when someone is killed the police ALWAYS have to find someone QUICK to blame & make it look like HEY WERE DOING OUR JOB!!!!

Thats why there is soo many innocent people in prison.
crucified - I don't know why Chris would tie his wife up when he could just over power her, but some reasons may be that he did it before he killed her and wanted her to just sit there suffering for awhile, maybe he had some things to say before killing her and tied her up and said what he had to say. The same can be asked for why would he kill his 7 year old child. A lot of things don't add up but it all points to Chris Benoit
Because it makes "sense". I'm not being sarcastic or joking, I am spreading the conversation open. Was it really official that Nancy was killed before Daniel?

It makes no sense whatsoever. Unless he was having a biblical psychotic episode at the time. Binding is often connected with religious crimes.

As far as I am aware. It is official that Nancy passed away sometime on friday afternoon/night.

However the damning evidence that will forever stain Chris Benoit as a murderer is the phone call that he sent to Wwe at 5:35 p.m saturday evening stating that he and his wife were with Daniel in the hospital. When according to the police reports Nancy Benoit died sometime on friday.

So he either is a liar and did it. Or the police and Wwe are hiding something and this is all an elaborate set-up. I think we know which holds more water though.
even as a benoit fan the fact is benoit is responsible for a 7 year old to die and therefore you are worthless

I think th eonly people that are worthless in this world..are people that refuse to look deeper than the surface, are people that are satisfied with what they are fed. I ask these question because this shit does not make sense, I want answers for the doubts I raise. And I think that this gone to trial, there would be enough to acquit Chris, I mean, why not? O.J. walked.
I talk to two people today that have been and are in the wrestling business.Both have talked to lots of the WWE people.The WWE says he did it.The people in WWE knew him.Truth is he did it.No one else did it.Guys he was a good wrestler.He was a normal person that had problems.No one wanted to set him up.He was on drugs and killed his family.It is that simple.
However the damning evidence that will forever stain Chris Benoit as a murderer is the phone call that he sent to Wwe at 5:35 p.m saturday evening stating that he and his wife were with Daniel in the hospital.

Yeah something ain't right with that picture.

Benoit called WWE Talent Relations stating that his son was throwing up and that he and Nancy were in the hospital with their son, and that Benoit would be taking a later flight into Houston, landing late, but would make the WWE live event in Beaumont.

Lets accept none of us knew Benoit... his family is in a better place and despite what he may deserve he may regret what he has done he is in hell dealin with what he deserves
Main question we all keep asking is WHY?

Why would he want to murder his Wife & Child?

We may never get that answer.....................
Hold on I have just thought of something else that doesnt make sense also.

Presuming Chavo Guerrero was one of the people who received a telephone call and text message from Chris Benoit (I only say Chavo because it states Benoit said "I love you" in the telephone call out of context. It could be Dean Malenko, Rey Mysterio or somebody else) But say it was Chavo. Why would he send him his address in a text message when Chavo Guerrero knew where the Benoit's lived due to staying there the week before?
I just don't think anyone would have the balls to try and set Chris up. Think of how many chances someone would have to be caught, your telling me someone was able to drug Chris or force him to cooperate, send text messages out, make phone calls. Bind his Wife to a chair, strangle her. Then Suffocate the child, leave bibles laying around, then hang a 234 lb muscular man. All while not leaving behind any DNA to be traced. I guess it's possible but highly unlikely, if Chris Benoit was the man his friends thought he was i think he would of died by the bullet, or some other way than being hanged by someone, clearly there was no struggle. Also leaving bibles near Nancy and Daniel's bodies does not sound like the work of a criminal trying to pull off a perfect crime. Neither does the text messages concerning the dogs. You would think they would try and pull the crime off as quickly as possible not take their time and do it over a series of days. This simply was a weekend of terror orchestrated by Chris Benoit and all the evidence confirms it.
Hold on I have just thought of something else that doesnt make sense also.

Presuming Chavo Guerrero was one of the people who received a telephone call and text message from Chris Benoit (I only say Chavo because it states Benoit said "I love you" in the telephone call out of context. It could be Dean Malenko, Rey Mysterio or somebody else) But say it was Chavo. Why would he send him his address in a text message when Chavo Guerrero knew where the Benoit's lived due to staying there the week before?

That might have been him asking for help. However he could have always TEXT message "HELP!!! FAMILY MURDERED!"

So it's anyones guess. As far as Chavo him and Benoit parted ways I do believe friday night. They both had to get on 2 seperate flights. Chavo didn't find out until the next day that Benoit never made his flight. Thats when all hell broke loose.

Next thing we know Banoit was on the phone saying his Wife and Son are sick.


I'd like to know if the Police ever recoverd those Cell Phones.
Hold on I have just thought of something else that doesnt make sense also.

Presuming Chavo Guerrero was one of the people who received a telephone call and text message from Chris Benoit (I only say Chavo because it states Benoit said "I love you" in the telephone call out of context. It could be Dean Malenko, Rey Mysterio or somebody else) But say it was Chavo. Why would he send him his address in a text message when Chavo Guerrero knew where the Benoit's lived due to staying there the week before?

nobody say the coworker is chavo although he does have high chance of being one, but maybe tat person or friend of benoit just happens to not know hes address. simple as tat
As much as it sucks....maybe we should just accept what has happenlled. Maybe we should accept that Benoit is a insensitive cold hearted killer and that he willl have a lot to answer for...i've always supported Benoit, believed he's be there for little kids....this is a big loss for WWE, it's going downhilll from hill
random thoughts for my first post on this subject

i was genuinly upset on first hearing the news but now as more and more facts come out it is impossiblle to think someone else was involved

some posters on here want to believe that benoit was innocent but should face the reality

it is his surviving kids from a prior relationship i feel sorry for what must they be going through.

in flairs book he makes comment on the von erichs saying pro wrestling didnt kill the boys and that fritz should have been held responsible for his son's drug taking.

wwe with the wellness program has been trying to address the problem and look after its talent but each and every wrestler must take a look at hinmself and if necessary sort themselves out.

i do think it is another excuse for the anti-wrestling brigade to knock the sport by focussing on the steroids and other aspects which may not have happened with an othe professional sportsman.

i shed a tear when eddie guerro and benoit hugged at wrestlemania xx and again when they showed it on the tribute raw now i think benoit is scum and should rot in hell.

this incident will erode the legacy of benoit and take away what would have been a deserved place in the hall of fame, it may even have impact on the von erichs place in hof

well done to wwe for cancelling their vince is dead story (however they were not to know that sherri would pass or benoit would throttle his family)

as i kissed my 2 month old son goodnight last night i thought only a complete scumbag could hurt a child especially a child that was his own flesh and blood
nobody say the coworker is chavo although he does have high chance of being one, but maybe tat person or friend of benoit just happens to not know hes address. simple as tat

Hence why I said presuming. :icon_neutral:

I think it is possibly more a case of he wasnt in his right frame of mind before or after the murders so he just sent out text messages to those who he thought of first. He obviously had no clue on how to use the "forward" option due to sending the same text message, to the same recipient, more than once.

I have heard enough. I have read enough. I have theorized enough.

The 5:35 p.m telephone call to Wwe Talent relations is evidence enough.

Chris Benoit selfishly took the life of 2 innocent people over the course of this past weekend. He then was too much of a coward to face the music and punishment for these crimes. I said it before, and I will state it again. We didnt know Chris Benoit like we "thought" we did and it would appear nor did he.
I sat last night watching Raw, and the scenes of Chris, Nancy, Dan and Eddie at WM 20, followed by the likes of Edge, Chavo and Hunter paying tremendous respect to a guy they thought they knew. A guy i thought must have been all they said he was, which in all honesty made the situation seem even worse. And I wasn't ashamed to shed tears as I imagined what the family must have been through, all the while realising how the lives of my family and I could change just as quickly.

Today we learn that Chris Benoit is in fact a child killer and complete and utter scum. What he has done, I simply cannot believe. There was talk last night of matches in heaven with him, Eddie, Mr. Perfect, Owen & more. We know now this will not happen. I hope with all my heart that little Daniel didn't realise what was happening and that his death was as quick as possible, preferably in his sleep. I fear Nancy suffered due to the bounding of her arms and legs etc, I just hope Daniel was unaware of what happened to his mother.

Benoit, I hope you burn forever in satan's personal sharpshooter. Your name should never EVER be spoken again on any wrestling show, or in any magazine. I don't care what the circumstances were, to kill your own son, especially one so young, is an act of unspeakable evil. May you burn in hell for eternity.

R.I.P Daniel and Nancy xxx

You just woke something up in this case that I didn't actually fully pay attention to until now. I was believing that Benoit did do this but as I am reading along, we are told his wife's legs and arms were bounded together. That right there is a sign of pre-meditated murder. I can see Benoit snapping and strangling his wife out of nowhere which would leave why would he tie her limbs up? Someone who ties ones limbs up like this is to watch someone suffer or planning out something. ALL OF US NEED TO WAIT OUT ALL THE FULL FACTS OF EVERY PIECE OF EVIDENCE IS FULLY CLEARED AND SORTED THOROUGHLY BY FORENSICS. Because there are so many ways to set things up to look like something happened. I now honestly believe if Benoit had mental problems and had a mental break down, he would have just strangled his wife not needing to tie her up and then waiting another day to kill his son who to closest to him said he love soo much but wait that long then wait a day after that to kill himself. Now that I look, this all doesn't add up but I do speculate a pre-meditated murder involving someone or someones doing this. People are going to ask how can someone get in the house? Or how can they get pass the dogs? Sedation, having attention drove in another area far away from the actual event that is about to go down. I wish I was in on this case, so I could see the full evidence of everything because not everyone in the country is a good investigator and can make simple assumptions just to get it over with. If however Benoit did commit this, it's sick but we all must wait until forensics can fully examine every piece of evidence because I just find it really fishy when you said "THE WIFE"S LIMBS WERE BOUNDED TOGETHER" because that right there tells me someone else could have killed the family, tied each and everyone of them up and put them in separate rooms in the house sedated killing the wife, the child then him leaving like someone said as if he killed himself after killing them. Lot of speculation but I just hope the truth comes out of this and patience is a virtue right now to stating someone burning in hell or going to heaven etc etc etc.
why it is a shock with benoit as opposed to someone else is that he was supposedly a religious man with morals. we could probably name some wrestlers who we would have thought capable

he helped eddie through his problems with drugs so one would assume benoit would have stayed away himself.

i would love to know why

its a shame wwe is going to be stained by this hence them removing the tributes. but when you have hhh and edge crying on raw all you can think is do you really know your friends
This might get me in some trouble, and i am in no way saying that this guy could be responsible, i'm just saying it to throw out the idea that there are many other possibilities of what could have happened.

What about Kevin Sullivan? Nancy's ex-husband, the former writer of WCW that after Nancy left Kevin for Benoit booked himself in a series of hardcore matches with Benoit, that sounds a little twisted to me. Since WCW was bought out by WWE Sullivan can't get a job there because of the bad blood between him and Benoit. So Kevin Sullivan lost his wife and his spot in the wrestling business to Chris Benoit. Could he not have had motive to plot out a murder scheme that would lead towards Benoit getting blamed for the murder. He would be able to get into the house without force because Nancy knew him and would have let him in.
The dude has been proven to be twisted, he has motive, and he has opportunity.
Just throwing it out there. This should get some good responses.

I actually believe in what you are saying because think about this people. Sullivan had a full motive, Benoit basically took away his whole life. Plus you said he was a writer for WCW, and writers of course are the world's best thinkers because they pre-meditate everything out. He could have planned this out and made it looked like Benoit did ruining his immortal symbol in life besides taking his and family life. But like I said before, we gotta wait out until forensics fully does their investigation and I hope they do the best job they can because I want the truth of this. Whether it was someone else or Benoit, I and others need to know the truth.
no he's not a Cena hater. he's just some *** who just signed up real quick and posted his little comment to be funny and cute.

You are correct except he's not funny or cute, but that is an act of lunacy for someone to come on this board and do that. That right there is a prime example of lunacy.
first off anybody that posted a thing on here did they know chris in his personal life i didnt but i did enjoy his matches on tv and at the ppv. i think everybody should rem. tha chris was the greated wrestler on earth . u could put him in the ring with anybody and they could have pulled a classic out of a hat .us as fans didnt know him outside of wrestling.why tarnish what we have have of him left too all this . nobody will every know what really happened this past weekend. i will say this the wrestling community has lost a hero and a damn good wrestler. yes there is alot of what happened qeustion.and for the people that think he should not be in the hall of fame u tell me u watched a bad match with him in it. u dont have a clue what was going threw his head. to me the wrestling world has lost one of the best wrestlers to put on a pair of trunks
just read a post on a news site which said that due to the time it would take to produce a 3 hour tribute raw with interviews etc wwe must have known about the suicide/homicide much prior.

absolute rubbish

vince and wwe has it its knockers, hell they have been responsible for some pretty atrocious storylines lest you forget owen but -

i believe the way wwe has handled this affair from the beginning has been first class every step of the way

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