Nick PagLeeno presents: WZCW Awards 2012


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

Hi ladies and gentlemen it's me again your Uncle Nick PagLeeno. What news do I bring you? Why I've been doing some digging backstage to find out what the WZCW superstars and creative team thought of what went on in 2012. With my surveys in hand I asked a few questions. Who won?

According to my sources at PWInsidher there was only one real winner as to the feud of the year. That of course went to Saxoteur for their feud over a spoon. Yes there rumour is there is no spoon but this brought the A game from both parties involved. Not only were creative impressed by the intensity of this feud but their ability to co-exist as tag team partners was copied by other wrestling companies.

The opposite end of the scale had the great Black Dragon unmasked as Johnny Scumm. Who? Exactly.

Whilst we're on truly bad people the most disliked wrestler of the year was Darren Bull. This was according to sources on Twitter. The worst matches of the year were any that were organised by a guest match organiser called Awesome_Miz.

Some positives brought a heated argument as to who offered the best interview before a match. El Genio Verde of All-Stars fame was up there with Ace Stevens' Magazine at Kingdom Come IV. In addition to that was Action Saxton starring in Fistloose! Triple X at Lethal Lottery was also counted amongst there.

To bring us back down a peg or two sources at confirmed the worst PPV of the year and that was Apocalypse. Again. Though that wasn't as bad as Meltdown 81 which saw Big Dave try to ignite a feud with Holmes who was then fired and reinstated the following Ascension.

There are a few guests that WZCW uses throughout the year and the favourite went to Yazloz. He's failed to let the team down and surely it's only time before he has a full time position. Sources on Facebook also stated that the ensemble cast of Action Saxton's promos were the favourite out of anyone.

Congratulations also go to the creative member Showtime who is no relation to Showtime the WZCW champion. The way he acts with staff, talent and fans alike makes him the creative member of the year for 2012.

Lastly the WZCW universe voted as to who was the best at delivering promos and there was a three way tie. Ace Stevens jumped up the card to win this award and he will be sharing the spoils with Saxoteur who have took WZCW by storm. What's in store for 2013? Only time will tell.

Full results:

Best Storyline of the Year: Action Saxton vs. Saboteur over a spoon

Worst Wrestler of the Year: Darren Bull

Worst Storyline of the Year: Johnny Scumm & Black Dragon

Worst Match of the Year: An Awesome_Miz match

Worst PPV of the Year: Apocalypse

Worst "Show Episode" of the Year: Meltdown 81 (Holmes gets fired)

RP of the Year: Triple X at Lethal Lottery, Ace Stevens' Magazine Interview (Kingdom Come IV), El Genio Verde (WZCW All-Stars), Doc's Fistloose! RP

Favourite Creative Writer: Showtime

Favourite Guest Writer: Yazlov

Favourite RPer of the Year: Sanka (Ace Stevens) & Doc & JGlass combined (SaboSax)

Best use of a NPC: Doc using NPCS

Coming soon:

WreZtle CWap

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