Official 2013 Award Nominees

Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
The following are the official nominees for the 2013 Best of WZCW Awards. Simply PM your votes to me(to cut down on confusion) and the winners will be revealed on the upcoming edition of Aftershock. Due to a lack of nominees some categories have been omitted.

Best Wrestler of the Year: S.H.I.T. Vega, Showtime, Steven Holmes, Barbosa, Saboteur

Worst Wrestler of the Year: Hades, Joey Sexton, Justin Cooper, The Angel, Armando Paraydse

Best Storyline of the Year: Drake Callahan conspiracy theorist, Titus/Vega feud over Mayhem title, Zeus plays mind games with Steven Kurtesy, Ricky Runn is the swagtastic savior, Mikey Stormrage seeks revenge for James Howard, The Power Glove Saga

Worst Storyline of the Year: DC has a bazooka, Fairy Glitter Armageddon breakup, The Sacrificial Altar, Angel kills a little kid

Best Match of the Year: War Games(KC V), Zeus/Kurtesy Submission match(Redemption 2013), Zeus/Kurtesy Inferno Match(Apocalypse 2013), Vega/Titus Mayhem Title Match(Redemption 2013), Coffee Cup Match (All-Stars 3)

Best PPV of the Year: Kingdom Come V, Apocalypse, Lethal Lottery, Redemption

Worst PPV of the Year: Unscripted, All or Nothing, All-Stars 3

Best "Show Episode" of the Year: WZ Weekend '13, Supershow 3, 2012 Aftershock Awards Special

Tag Team of the Year: Technosa, Saxoteur, Magnitudinis, LMD, Bearded Gentlemen

Moment of the Year: Barbosa becomes #1 contender, Everest is first into the HoF, Red Mask returns, Showtime turns heel, Celeste turns heel and helps Steven Holmes win World Title, Dragon vs. Dragon at Lethal Lottery, Action Saxton retires, FaceCrush destroys WZCW, Ricky Runn wins Gold Rush tournament on a roll up, Celeste wins her first title, Vega ends a division, Krypto gets married

Surprise of the Year: Ricky Runn becomes #1 contender, Ty Burna, Hunter Kravinoff, and James Howard return at LL, Chris KO makes Titus quit at KC, KB reviews the fed, Joe West returns, 1st round of Gold Rush Tournament

Title Reign of the Year: Showtime as World Champion, Sam Smith as Elite X Champion, Vega as Mayhem Champion, Chris K.O. as EurAsian Champion

Feud of the Year: Stormrage/Howard, Saxoteur/Strikeforce, Zeus/Kurtesy, Rush/Matt Tastic, Alhazred/Krypto, Vega/Titus, Titus/Chris K.O., Drake Callahan/ECD

RP of the Year: Showtime KC V, Vega Total Mayhem, Drake Callahan at LL, Vega KC V, Ace Stevens Apocalypse, Chris K.O. KC V, Coffee Cup All-Stars 3

Title Win of the Year: Barbosa WHC, SHIT Elite X, Saxoteur Tag Team, Beard KFAD, Baez Elite X, Chris KO EA

Rookie of the Year: Amber Warren, Theron Daggershield, Fallout, Grizzly Bob, Dr. Zeus

Breakthrough performance of the Year: Ricky Runn, The Beard, Vega, Steven Holmes

Favorite Creative Writer: Showtime, Yaz, FalKon, JGlass, Kermit

Favorite Guest Writer: Theo, KB

Favorite RPer of the Year: Miko, JGlass, Doc, Kermit, Infinity(Vega), Barbosa, Haiku, Dagger, Dynamite, Red Skull, Ty, Lee

Best use of a NPC: Miko using Backstage Bob, Alhazred using pickles, Vega using Alexis, Krypto using FaceCrush

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