New WWE Championship Belt Look!

Why do folks still call it the Spinner Title? I'm not a fan of the title.. but they got rid of the spinner aspect of it a LONGGG time ago. Instead of getting a new title... they just made the WWE logo permanent and kept the look.
The WWE title needs to look like this NOW!!

Have someone OTHER than Cena win this and bring back that old title. This title is awful. The spinner title was awful and just turning it around is horrid. They had a great opportunity to actually make Miz a formidable champion but all they've done is reassured the WWE Universe that Cena will win at Mania, the Rock will most likely screw the Miz and Cena will just turn the W back around and maybe even actually do the spinny belt thing again.
I thought this was pretty smart as in it's nothing major at all if anything it's Anti climatic which is the point he's just being an annoying heel gathering heat. He's done thie because he thinks he's better than he is, like his gimmick is. An folk are marking out and getting pissed haha. I'd love to see the Miz hold onto the strap at WM he deserves a longer run. I just can't see it though
It was a little anti-climatic, givin how I was pretty excited that he might be revealing an actual new belt. But after getting over that. I thought this was great. No better way than getting more heat on The Miz than him displaying himself as bigger than the business.
It isn't really "new", and the spinner was connected to the gold to stop spinning back when Triple H held it on Smackdown. So, the spinner, although sold as a toy, really hasn't been represented on television in a long time.

He flipped the "W" upside down. Big whoop. Its not like he pulled a Douglas and threw the belt down or anything. Whenever he loses it, the "W" will come back when the "M" gets flipped back.

If your panties are in a twist about this, of all things going on in the wrestling world currently, please go commando.
It isn't really "new", and the spinner was connected to the gold to stop spinning back when Triple H held it on Smackdown. So, the spinner, although sold as a toy, really hasn't been represented on television in a long time.

He flipped the "W" upside down. Big whoop. Its not like he pulled a Douglas and threw the belt down or anything. Whenever he loses it, the "W" will come back when the "M" gets flipped back.

If your panties are in a twist about this, of all things going on in the wrestling world currently, please go commando.

I would actually have to agree with this, to a certain extent. I feel that giving the championship itself the "M" is quite a disgrace. I posted something similar to this, in the TNA section, regarding the "Immortal" championship. I feel that the main championship should represent the company itself... Not represent just the ONE star who holds it, regardless of the reign they are having.

As far as the title after 'Mania? If Cena wins, I think the title will stay the same, if not brought back to the "spinner" version of the belt.

If Miz is the winner at 'Mania, I believe that the WWE title in its current position, (with the "w" or "m") I think the belt would change...

I am not angry, or have my boxers in a twist, I would not say i'm mad about the situation, just have quite a bit or embarrassment to watch that championship be changed to fit a current champion.
I personally really enjoy the Miz's WWE title however I feel that they are preparing to unveil something totally new. I think If Miz were to win then we would wait to see the new title once somebody else finally beats Miz. Until then we will be stuck seeing the Miz's title week in and week out. In a way I wish they did more to peronalize the Miz's title maybe even to put his face on it. If they went to these lengths to change it then the next title holder would have to either change it back to it's original or unveil a new belt. I think changing the belt simply made the Miz's character a lot more intersting and also makes him look like a person of power. I want the Miz to hold onto the belt for a little longer before finally losing so maybe we will see further modifiications to the belt. I think it would also be a power move for the WWe because imagine them selling the Miz's new belt to people. Huge money in that.
To be honest, I have always hated the belt. It just shows an arrogant side of John Cena. Besides, it's the WWE Championship, not the John Cena Championship. It's way to flashy, and fits the gimmicks of only a few superstars. I'm all about the future of WWE with guys like Ziggler, Punk, Miz, Cody Rhodes and John Morrison. But I still want to see the not so flashy guys like Undertaker, Kane and Triple H win world titles late in their career. But with a belt like that, it totally destroys the way those men look. GET RID OF THE BELT.
this belt is an outrage, im mad about this. btw, this isnt the new belt X_X miz turned the same spinning belt upside down.... cant wait for miz to not be champ after wm27.
I don't remember this much of an outrage when Edge debut'd the Rated-R WWE Championship belt and I've never heard a bad thing against Stone Cold's Smoking Skull belt. This is just a phase and it'll return to normal when Cena wins it back someday.
Yes, it does seem a little direspectful to the company by having the belt symbolize one person and not the whole company but if the WWE wasn't down with it, it would never have happened. It's their company and they seem like they don't care how it is represented for probably a week.
I must be in the minority, but I really don't see the issue with the belt change. It is generating more heat on Miz. Isn't that what the heel should be doing?

Plus with Cena, doesn't a heel have to try extra hard to get heat considering each match half the crowd is going to be pro heel opponent?
I'm not mad about what the Miz did with the belt, but I kinda just shook My head and thought typical Miz ~ it figures that he would do something like that just to generate more heat on himself (not that he needs more). I would absolutely love to see John Cena beat The Miz for the championship but I think it would be smarter to let him beat someone as big as Cena on the biggest stage of them all to truly cement The Miz as being "awesome" :)
I'm not a fan of the personalized belts. It's stupid. It's supposed to be a general prize everyone wants to grab.

I'm all for a new Championship belt design. The spinner is atrocious. But this is NOT a new belt. This is even less of a change than when Edge had his Rated R belt. It's just weak and when he wear it it looks as if he put on the belt upside down by accident.

Here's my idea for a new (if inspired by old) design:
Go with the look of the winged eagle belt, but make it as big as the big round attitude era belt. Can't go much better than that.
at first i liked where he was going, it would be cool to see an entirely new belt made. but i knew what would happen once he turned the mic logo upside down. and sure enough he unveiled the 'new' title and i lost nearly all respect for him.
Its not a bad idea what he did. Adds heat to the match. It is Cena's belt no matter what anyone says. I think its time for a new one but who am i.
I think the belt has looked horrible since they did away with the eagle belt from the 80's but I will admit that I liked the updated version of the eagle belt they did in the late 90's and early 00's but once the belt became gimmicky it just lost all importance...I actually have one in a case in my home that i got from the old WWF Times Square...

I think the eagle belt represented the rich history of all the people that held that belt in the past...I actually dislike all the new belt designs...they look like cheesy kids toys and whoever came up with the idea behind the spinner belt should be shot lol...

Is it just me or is this the first time in like 10 years where there has been an actual title run and the belt hasn't changed hands every other day?
I really REALLY liked the undisputed title look and have always loved big gold.

The best they use on Raw looks like a toy and looks silly on most guys. I don't get it but it sells a shitload and rounds out whatever character is holding it when they modify it. I guess it works.

Like the Italian guy above me, I like that guys hold onto the belt more. Rock has like 7 reigns and they probably total less than a year. It's ridiculous that a guy with as limited talent (he was never really super over either so it's not just me) as Edge has like 11 reigns. Triple H is a whole other can of worms.

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