New WWE Championship Belt Look!

I can't believe how simple minded some of you fans are. The belt isn't a new belt he spun the WWE logo and turned it into an M. It is not a new belt design, thats why the little red underlined is on top.

The Miz did a very good job last night of showing his "I'm better then everyone persona" ... I don't know how some of you fans missed that, must be the 8 year old John Cena fan's.
When I saw that black cover, I thought, "Are they finally giving us a championship that actually looks like a championship??" I was thinking, "Please don't be ugly. Please don't e ugly." And all they did was turn the logo upside down?? They could've at least gone TNA and make a belt to represent Miz. This is clearly a sign that we're about to see John Cena's tenth title reign. Miz however, played a heel the right way. So the segment was fairly decent.
Matt Hardy did this when Mattitude was born.

The Miz isnt original, he isnt clever, he isnt entertaining and sure as hell isnt a trend setter. He's bland, basic and is the product of desperation in the WWE for anyone somewhat competent and loyal to the company. This is a sad day for a true WWE fan. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. This guy is the epitome of trying to hard. If he was being himself he would have failed long ago. He's had an identity crisis since he entered the business. We had the "dorky preppy reality star" Miz with a microphone in the crowd... then the "trying to be cool rocker guy Miz"... then the"I think Im punk-rock so I'll have a mo-hawk Miz" he's the "Express model trying to be Jericho and use a monotone voice Miz"... terrible. He's the type of geek that I made fun of in high school cause he doesnt have an original or creative bone in his body. The fact that anyone buys into this first rate dork speaks volumes about how lousy the WWE has become. Yuck.

This completely shows that the Miz is and the WWE is reaching for a new way to gain heat for this dork. So, the WWE logo upside down has been done before....lets see if it'll work again for the miz!
just another MIZtake.
As soon as they said Miz was rewriting "Miz-tory" I told me roomates we were getting a new belt. When A-Ry was in the ring, I was sure of a nee belt, and when Miz came out beltless, I was extremely excited for finally having a new, decent looking title.

Then he revealed the same old belt, with the W turned into an M. I was a little pissed, because I had my hopes up for something else.

Great job WWE. I mean it.

Miz is a HEAL! The ICW seems to have their pantys in a bunch, they're pissed at the Miz for this, which is what the definition of a HEAL is. The guy no one likes, the rule breaker, the guy that pisses ya off. I was pissed off, yet I'll admit he played it up pretty good. Now more then ever I want a new belt, which is what the WWE is probably going to do if/when Miz loses. But till then, brilliant way to gain heat. Brilliant.
The belt design isn't gonna last. When he loses the belt, it will be reverted back to the original W, I guarantee that. It's just the same deal with Edge and his Rated-R belt.
For all you douches on the rag who are hating this title go back and look what the Warrior, The Rock, did to the same Title in the past. Both of them looked Gay and ******ed as I like the Diamond Belt that used to spin. This WWE Version of the Heavyweight title was partly made for Cena but mainly because the WWE was reminding everyone they are Sports Entertainment. I hope and pray The Miz retains as the Title needs it's prestige back and I personally think that after this Cena-Miz feud is over The Miz will finally get one over Cena. I think the person The Miz will drop it to is John Morrison as I see Morrison and Cena switching opponents. During The Rock-Stone Cold feud they kept it even and actually let Rocky beat Austin in his last match.
Damn, I can't believe how many people actually thought that the Miz really designed a new Belt?? Come on people, the fact that he took the logo and turned it over is Brilliant. It is such a dumb idea, and Miz sold it like a Mutha, shows that that segment worked.

He acted like he was the 1st person to ever notice that the "W" can flip over to become a "M". Hey, if Evan Bourne ever is champ he can turn it sideways to become an "E"?? (I thought of that one myself!)

People are lathered up over that horrible looking belt. They are SUPPOSED to be pissed off and disgusted.
I want more of that from him. I love the whole Miz-story thing. Brilliant.
Two thoughts:

1. Again, WWE taking a play from TNA's book and designing a belt that represents their Champion - while not done in the same fashion, the idea is the same. WWE handled this far more classy however because they let their character take it upon himself (in a true heel move) to declare himself larger than the company's championship - whereas TNA shoved it down our throat with the Immortal storyline. Interesting though that WWE would make this move, even if for the sake of the 'Mania storyline, right after TNA drops their mockerybelt.

2. Miz is a great heel. And in my opinion is doing wonders for himself in the way he has silently played the 3rd wheel role between Rock / Cena. I had a feeling this would happen that he would get the biggest rub from the Rock and while it is still TBD, I feel it coming. I expect next week to feature a showdown between Rock-Miz, whereas Rock-Cena will be saved for Mania. But Miz is definitely running with his role as top heel and champion, the new belt helped this because it was done in a much more strategic manner than my comparison listed above.
Someone posting pictures of both side by side to compare would be awesome. When I saw it I really thought there was no big difference. I mean really it used to be a spinning logo and now its upside down. Which actually happened all the time when it spun lol. Maybe there are more differences though I'd like to see. I personally don't think this is one of those times where a major change in the belt is occurring but I guess we will see.
Miz said it will no longer spin like a toy, even though it hasn't spun since 2007.

But I was hoping for a totally new design. And I think that was a replica belt because I saw the WWE license holographic thing on the back of the belt.

1. Again, WWE taking a play from TNA's book and designing a belt that represents their Champion

What? WWE has done the "custom" belt thing long before TNA did. (Smoking Skull?). And I wouldn't say either ripped off either in customizing the belt. Because it could make sense due to a gimmick, or a cocky heel as in Miz's case.
yeah i was disappointed as well. when i saw the black cover over the box in the ring i was hoping he would reveal a new belt but meh.... just an upside down wwe sign so nothing to get excited about.
I'll admit that the new championship revealing was a tad bit anti-climatic and simple but effective. It's just a way to garner heat for himself. I don't think it's a big deal. At least the belt doesn't look as hideous as Jeff Hardy's TNA title belt design.
I for one am staying optimistic with this whole New Belt. The Miz obviously has to drop it at one point or another, whether that be at WrestleMania or at a later date; the WWE will be forced to change the belt.

Hopefully to a more promising look than the one the WWE has been using for the past 6-7 years now.
I think it is fine ... I don't understand all the animosity toward it. Aren't heels supposed to do heel things?

This is pretty heelish. He is saying he is bigger than the WWE and that all the W's should be replaced my M's. He should continue with this ... have t-shirts with the upside-down "w" starting his name, etc. It is a perfect heelish sort of thing to do.

He is not the role of the vicious, hurt you at all costs, heel. He is the "I am better than everyone else" heel and "can do whatever the hell I want" heel. The point of flipping the W is to deface THIS championship that is so tied to his Wrestlemania opponent John Cena.

Everyone knows this is Cena's belt. By defiling this belt and not coming out with a different belt all for himself he is smacking CENA in the face directly. It is a perfect dick move for The Miz heading into WM.
This was really weird, I thought.

It didn't annoy me or frustrate me but it did manage to get my brainwaves working again. My thinking o this matter, is that if the WWE are readily going to change the belt for The Miz, then why not début a belt that is not so stupid looking. I know that the WWE have probably sunk a tonne of money into that Championship and they have used it for a long time now. However, everyone seems to think that it has run it's course and it is time for it to change. I honestly thought that The Miz was going to début a new Championship but this was just an anti-climax as soon as the curtain was pulled away.

In fact, probably the craziest thing about it, is that it is not even a new belt. It is the same belt that has just had the spinner repositioned from top to bottom. It doesn't require much and since they made it stop spinning a while ago, I am assuming that they also have ways of moving the plate without having to go to the added expense of making a new belt that might only be used for the next two weeks.

My hopes are simple though. John Cena wins at WrestleMania and uses the opportunity to bring in a new look Championship tot he WWE. He could put it down to The Miz ruining his Championship if he likes but as long as he is tossing that thing in the trash and bringing in something that is more professional and less ghetto, then I am all for the move.
I've got to admit... I absolutely laughed my head off when I saw it xD

But anyways the belt does get Miz extra heat with him saying he's turned WWE upside down and is greater than everyone in it *cough* CM Punk *cough* but it was... a bit... pathetic. Not going to lie I like the idea and thought process but atleast make it a bit more "Miz" and less "Cena's Spinner turned upside down". For example have the same "M" on the two pieces of gold next to the centre and maybe even tweak the Spinner's outer design (I dunno... making it flat?).
I think with this thread Miz just proved what kind of good heel skills he has by pissing you all, I think new belt design dont mean shit heading to wrestlemania, I still think Miz will win because he will benefit from it a lot, and how can Cena benefit he already won it many times at mania
Wow, is the OP serious? Its the same belt...just the WWE logo is upside down...yes..such a new design.

I know WWE has had a new design made and ready for quite some time...and I seriously doubt that THIS is what they came up with. They will debut the new title when the time is right. Your looking to much into this..there is nothing new about the belt..really, come on people.
All you people need to start realizing, that certain people will want a belt to signify them. Look at the Steaming Skull Belt that SCSA wore. It was tailored for him. Edge has had one garnered towards him as well. Even the failed attempt in TNA with Hardy was one. I am no a Miz lover like some fans and I truly hope that Vince comes to his senses and fires Miz sending him back to MTV, but for Miz to come out and disrespect the WWE by turning the emblem upside down is a disgrace to him and the bussiness. Most believe Cena is going to win, and I truly hope that is true. I cant stand the Miz or his little bed-buddy Cole for that matter. They should both just be fired and sent on their way. Miz could have at least had a belt created that represented somethng about his gimmick like the aforementioned people, even Cena did when he came up with the idea of the Spinner.
I have been enjoying Miz's WWE Championship reign, and I really don't have a problem with the new belt. I'll admit, I was expecting something completely different as far as the design goes, but I think turning the WWE logo upside down is just fine. This just helps boost Miz's tremendous ego, and the new belt really does show off his arrogance.

The new belt really does make you think about the outcome of the match at Wrestlemania. Would WWE have Miz drop a customized World Title belt this soon? It would be weird if they had him drop a customized belt so soon, especially when the new belt debuts so close to Mania, or this could be what WWE wants us to think. It could make the outcome of the match harder to predict. Then again, Miz is facing Cena at Wrestlemania for a World Title, and I always have a hard time going against Cena at the big show, because he is known to walk away with the gold most of the time. Either way, this was good timing on WWE's part, because it really makes you think about what might happen at Mania.
I think this is just to gain heat for Miz before he loses to Cena at WM in two weeks. The night after, it will probably be one of the best Raw episodes in a long time with a new belt introduced too.
Its the WWE symbol flipped upside down. You can do the by just holding the belt upside down.

Not that big of a deal and, IMO, a let down.

Although, if it did give him some extra heat I guess its useful for something.
We all know that this new WWE tittle is not for stick around, its only for Miz!!
But I think WWE want to stop the spinner thing!!

But I was also how thinking The Miz has become one hell of a champion, he gets a lot of promotion, he even gets a new type of championship!!
He is a main-eventer now, he will take Jericho spot for sure !!

But how he his being build, its very good!! They use TV Shows, they make him attack the face of the WWE, when he was unstopabble, since he was only down against 6 Nexus members!!

Hands-down for this Wrestlemania, because i'm really enjoying the way that The Miz as being builted!!

One year before he was defending his Tag Team tittles :p
and now Main Eventing with the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP :D

Hands-Down for the WWE!!
I like it. Obvioulsy it's not going to last past the miz. It adds abit more character to the belt and I think it looks good I have always liked it when they change the belts even if it is for a little while. remember Edges spinner? Unfortunately it will most likely end up going back to the old one if Cena wins at WM. but at least it hasn't spinned in ages.
The WWE Title is a joke. Seriously how can guys just go around and change the championship of a company? John Cena should'nt of changed it in the first place.

It worked for Ted Dibiase, it worked for his character, a rich man who wants his own belt, therefore the Million Dollar Belt. It worked for Austin, because Austin was the man of the 90's and didn't listen to no one. Hogan took over WCW along with NWO and defaced the world Heavyweight title and sprayed painted NWO on it. All of those worked into their character. And plus, those were more CREATIVE.

John Cena made a spinner belt, sold it as merchandise, okay I see it from a business aspect. But it should've stayed the same way it look liked when the Rock & Brock Lesner had it. It has a more OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC wrestling look to it.

If I was a WWE writer, I would've made Miz say that how he doesnt want the spinner belt anymore because it reminds him of Cena, so Miz takes the belt and throws it in the river of burns it on live tv. Then introduce the original WWE CHAMPIONSHIP. That would be so much better. But hey, we're not the writers.

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