New WWE Championship Belt Look!

So he unscrewed the face plate and a turned it upside down . Then they either took a crayon like kids used to do an sort of did a rubbing or just painted it and wiped off the paint from the high points. Any way you look at it is ugly.
You can add that to the list ugly belts in the WWE,divas/womens and tag team. I mean on tv the tag teams belt looks copper color guess that shows how much they think tags teams are worth there. But I digress, I would have Vince come out and strip Miz of the title. Vince should tell Miz that belt does not represent the the WWE and if he insists on carrying it he is stripped iof the title and fired.

PS If I remember right I just read that when Sting won in TNA recently he
showed up with a new title belt. Are things that bad they have to steal ideas from TNA again.
I personally think it's Miz's defining moment. Austin had 3:16. Miz has turning the WWE logo upside down. We'll look back on this 10 years from now and compare everything to this moment, like we do with 3:16.
I didn't watch RAW Live... I saw the photo in this thread... this is DOWNRIGHT DISGRACEFUL AND DISGUSTING!! The reason they kept the "old" WWE Belt was because it became sooo popular when Cena made it a spinner; They decided to keep the design, only without the spinner, when Randy Orton was awarded the Title at No Mercy 2007... They clearly have no understanding as to what the fans want.

Also, for what it's worth, I liked the Miz as WWE Champ at first, but his schtick has become stale... Come to the ring with the (brown nosing and absolutely awful) Alex Riley; Cut the same dry promo; Yell and scream about how he's the Miz and he's awesome... and beat the crap out of whoever comes to the ring to confront him. I'm surprised, quite frankly, that they've decided to keep the title on him this long. Cena will win the title @ WM 27, and Miz will go back to the same mid card status he was at before he won MITB.
It just boggles the depth of my mind how stupid and dumb everyone posts in here. All the Miz did was turn the W upside down and make it into an M. It is not a new belt. All they did was make the spinner part of the belt stop. I hope this is the last post that i will make in here because it is obvious that i am smarter than every single person that does post on every single topic that comes up. And now the powers that be that run this site will probably send me an email as a warning of what i just ranted about and delete this post.
It's just the cocky heel champion showing even more cockiness and getting more heat. I think it's ok because it's just a simple change but keeping the design of the belt. It's not like that awful belt Jeff Hardy had in TNA. I'd say is better than Austin's smoking skull belt and Edge's rated R belts too.

You my friend are on some unknown other mystical crack if you think its better than austins belt...

i really didnt think that they would have the belt look any worse than it did already...i guess i was wrong. Way to go wwe....i understand its only for The Miz and its only gonna be until wrestlemania, but the entire idea of just turning the logo upside down is ******ed...

on the other hand tho, it does accurately symbolize the direction WWE is going compared to what it used to be
Thats just horrible. Why wouldn't you make a decent personalised belt like the smoking skull for austin. That is just really stupid. I understand what he was trying to get across but, wow, just wow...
It seems to me that all they did was turned the w upside down and gave the belt a good shinejob. I dont think its that big of a deal for two reasons:

1. It dosent like that much different from the orignal belt
2. There is a good chance that he wont even have the belt after wrestlmania.
2.5 I always hated how that damn belt was always spinning anyways, it was cool for the united states belt when cena was holding it, but disgracing the WWE belt with that was just stupid.
It could be worse, it could have a drug dealers face on it.

But in reality, the change to the belt was so minor that in a couple months, we'll forget all about it. if Miz has a lengthy run, you satisfy half the people wanting a title run to last decent, if he drops the belt already and gets Swaggered, you'll make another half of the fans happy. Its a 50/50 whichever way the WWE goes with, But if he drops the belt I don't see the M sticking around for long. Disrespecting the company is a great way to garner heat, its kayfabe, hes not disrespecting the company as a person, but as a character. People who get disgusted over kayfabe aren't watching the product right.
You my friend are on some unknown other mystical crack if you think its better than austins belt...

The post I quoted said the belt should represent the entire company and not just one man. That comment is what I was referring to when I said it was better than Austn's because Austin's belt required a whole new design.

It's ridiculous, yet not surprising, how many people are complaining about this. This is not a new belt. Miz is simply saying he is the most important man in WWE and the logo should be changed to reflect that. He is a heel you know. I guess I should be happy that so many people are upset about this because it means Miz is doing his job to piss you off.
I hated the US title spinner belt, I hated the WWE spinner belt, I hated the Jeff Hardy purple poop belt and guess what...I hate this belt too. All these belts have one thing in common. They all look like gawdy pieces of crap that look like a 3 year old designed
I'm also speculating that we will get a new belt after Wrestlemania, regardless of who wins.

I think the Miz did something very important tonight for his match. He spat on the entire company, and generated the heat that has all off us on our last thread, begging to see Cena demolish him at Wrestlemania. Because of that, he did his job perfectly.

*To everyone who was confused by my "R.I.P. Spinner" comment. Sorry, i heard Miz say that this belt would no longer spin, or something like that. I took a few years of hiatus from wrestling and i just got back into it in September. So i hadn't realized or heard that the belt had stopped spinning already.
I'm a huge Miz fan, but the last 15 minutes of Raw was TERRIBLE.

I wasn't expecting a new belt at all, but even with the surprise value this was just crap. To be honest, I didn't even think Cena's belt spun anymore. Or at least barely. What makes it worse is that there was a damn drumroll and a spotlight.

Though, I believe that if he released a completely new belt, they wouldn't have him lose at Mania weeks after making a custom belt.

This wwe belt has no prestige !!!!!!!!!!!!! it is not a true world championship belt!!!!!!!!! this belt and the previous ones has
"champ" in the belt whereas the world championship belt usually has that prestigious "champion" in it look at the previous belt designs they were more classy and prestigious than this one it has "M" instead of " W" :wtf: so it is MME INSTEAD OF WWE :disappointed:
As everyone says, it's just a ploy to generate a response from the audience, no need to look into it any further

Get over yourselves
I will say that a better alternative instead of rotating the letter on the belt would've been to add some custom side plates to it or something. All he would've done was move the letter a bit, where he could've put his face on the side of the belt, something cocky like that.

A 4 year old could've done what he did.
I have never liked the Bling Belt design. It looks like something a wannabe rapper would buy at the Flea Market. I too love the idea of personalized belts (I still want a SCSA Skull belt replica), but this one never looked right to me on anyone except Cena in his rapper gimmick. We saw HHH at a house show last time he held the Bling Belt and it just looked wrong on him.

On the same note, I hope they never change the Big Gold Belt in anyway. What a glorious, gorgeous piece of mat history that thing is! I'm probably in the minority here, but I also really dig the new Tag Team belts. They may look like pennies on TV, but up close they look awesome and old school, especially the brown colored straps.
I am not a fan of personalised title belts, I think it kinda takes away the prestige of the belt itself when its design keeps changing. I want to see a wrestler desperate to win the title belt, not desperate to become the champion so he can make his own belt. That is not how it should be. I am so glad they have not messed around with the look of the World Heavyweight Title, that is the most beautiful belt in the business.

However, I do not think Miz doing this is bad. It has only had the logo turned upside down, and it is likely to be just a short term thing until WM when Cena reclaims the title. If they had really wanted to make the belt specifically for Miz, they would have completely redesigned it. This upside down W looks cheesy, and its perfect to piss people off until WM when Cena wins the belt and spins the logo the right way round.
I am not the biggest fan of the "New" WWE Championship... however... I also think I remember reading that the WWE had a new Logo they were going to debut... If true the perfect time to do it would be the night after Mania. Which will probably be the highest rated raw for some time. You tune in and see a new logo, I personally can't think of a better time to debut a new logo.

In my dream senario, The Miz would deliver a beat down to Cena and walk away WWE Champion. The following night on Raw The Miz gives a speech about how looking at this title reminds him on John Cena and he can't stand the sight of it. The Miz then procedes to debut a new WWE Championship. And no matter what it will look like everyone on the forum will say how stupid it looks and wishes they wouldn't have changed it.
I don't think its any kind of "epic fail". Yeah it wasn't the coolest thing to happen on an episode of Raw. But the fact you people (I've only read the first page and a half of posts) are talking about how disrespectful it is, THATS THE PONIT. He's supposed to be egotistical and an ass, and think he's above everyone. I assume that him making the belt stay in an M is a prelude to an entirely new belt design when someone beats Miz for the title (I want him to win at Mania, though I know its a pipe dream). Then again Cena could always walk about going "it spins again!" The funny thing is, you people are complaining about how disrespectful it is, ridiculous, and I thought that exact same thing when the face of the company, John Cena, made the title belt into a spinner toy. (granted it wasn't him in real life, but neither was Miz last night).

Its no big deal, its temporary, and it shows how much he thinks of himself and how little he thinks of those before him, which is what he's been saying out loud all along his title run.
It's not like anyone else is going to wear the M belt, relax people :banghead:
I liked the belt ever since they made it not spin. When it wasn't in a fixed position the logo would always end up sideways and that was worse than upside down like an M for a guy named Miz. The only thing that'd improve the belt is if it said champion instead of champ, but otherwise it's a modern design. What's wrong with the WWE title having a big WWE logo in the center? I won't mind if they get a new design soon as rumoured though , as long as it looks good. I thought the attitude era belt was perfect. I hated the undisputed championship design, it was a smaller belt and boring IMO. For all you fans that want a belt that's regal looking there's the Big Gold Belt over on SD!. And Jeff Hardy's TNA diva's title was the worst looking belt ever.
I get that they wanted to put more heat on the Miz because no one gives a flying shit about him going into the biggest PPV of the year but I have to agree with pretty much everyone else: The last segment was SHIT! Even Cena himself said that the spinner belt was outdated. I was hoping for a new belt design too. I don't necessarily hate the spinner design but I could appreciate a new look considering the WWE has been using it for close to a decade now. It's just time! To my understanding, the WWE has had a new design for almost 2 years now. I can only assume they're saving it for the right time to debut.
Wow so many people are upset that the Miz turned a W upside down on a spinner belt that has not been spinning in a while, I guess him flipping it did what it was supposed to do.... I hope he does not lose at WM just because everyone pretty much says he is going to lose and thats too predictable but more than likely its whats going to happen I guess....
They might change the belt after Mania... But I think some of you are missing the point of Miz's shenanigan... I didn't read all the posts, so someone might have elaborated already but most of you are blowing this in the wrong direction.
Changing the belt this way makes complete sense with the way this has built up recently if you look back at all the forshadowing having to do with the WWE logo, and Miz claiming to be the new FACE of the WWE. John Cena has been recently associated with the WWE logo for years now. Miz making it his own is his way attempting to make people associate WWE with his own face. It's Miz's way of having taken over. Totally appropriate, for Miz to "besmirch" the WWE logo, thereby besmirching Cena and what he stands for, all as a result of the confidence he built up over the past month for one-upping Cena every week since Elimination Chamber. Then for Cena's stunt, where it looks like he's "via satellite" after all this time talking about the Rock not showing up I though it was very well played for him to reveal himself as being in the arena and taking his house back. This is obviously a feud WWE put some thought into. Expect to see Miz take the upper hand again next week leading to a Cena victory at Mania. There's a slight probability its vice versa, but there's a pattern with these things. As far as the belt, I personally thought it was a cool idea, and if I were him I would have done the same thing. You guys are blowin this out of proportion, it's obviously not going to last.
Honestly I didn't watch RAW last night, I only watched the recap on, so when I read here on the forums that the WWE championship had changed I thought: "Oh good, let's see if it looks like the old championship belt", but nah, it was just a minor change.

But then, I read this topic and my mind just blows up. What the hell? Does it bother you so much that The Miz changed a W to a M? So what about the Rated R WWE Championship? Did that make you cry? Seriously, what's the problem? It's just a instant heat magnet. The fans didn't like it, but that was made so they wouldn't like it and to establish The Miz as a truly hated wrestler by the fans. (which he isn't right now, but he is getting there)

I don't see what the big buzz is about, the belt is just a prop anyway. Does it looks goofy? Yes. But who cares?
Honestly, I think this is a strange thread and a strange thing to be passionate about. It's a belt that fits miz's persona, and once he loses it, it will go to something else. I don't see why it's a big deal either way, myself.

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