Lawler/ Daniel Bryan double standard

Bryan being fired was a work.

Lawler choking Cole is a storyline.

I'm pretty sure Bugs Bunny chokes someone like that in an old looney tune, so its not exactly breaking PG
I'm pretty sure Bugs Bunny chokes someone like that in an old looney tune, so its not exactly breaking PG

Bad example. If Looney Tunes had to live up to the pathetic standards of modern tv, it never would have made it past the dream stage. Every short contains at least one instance that would be considered taboo nowadays.

Looney Tunes is Hardcore
Yeah lol, looney tunes is a horrible example xD, have you SEEN most cartoons these days? Absolute crap because of all the restrictions. But i don't think that lawler did any lasting damage to cole and it was funny. Bryan on the other hand humiliated justin and it seemed really tense and serious, and spitting in cena's face probably didn't help much
I didn't read the third page and didnt watch the show. But based on the description, they are entirely comparable. If he was pulling from the front, yes its pulling from the back of the neck, but his face was smashed against the glass, which creates asphyxiation. If he was pulling the tie behind him, its pure asphyxiation. As I said, I didnt watch. It also seems like none of you remember anything of what happened. Sure, supposedly it was an unplanned spot, but no, Justin was not being choked and was clearly going along with the spot. Anyone can make their face blush, we all did it as kids by self applying pressure in your head, and Danielson is such a veteran he would never be so idiotic to actually choke an announcer to the point of making him flail. He might be the best wrestler on earth, come on people, he knows his way around the block.

And i know it was mentioned, but how the first post wasnt that the difference between the two was the senate race astounds me. How the second response wasnt how the WWE didn't want to fire him, it wasnt their initial reaction, it was after getting called out by the media and Lindas opponent that they had no choice but to fire him, and made it clear to him he would be back in 90 days also astounds me. It has nothing to do with Lawlers tenure or the difference in intensity, though the bashing of the head sounds entirely hypocritical by the WWEs "everyone has to be a bitch in their matches and segments policy". That's actually what the policy is called, look it up.
Mmmmm NO, Cena was fine with Bryan spitting in his face, he was fired because of the tie incident.

As for the topic I didn't wanted to make it but I was waiting for someone to make it and was shock no one did it earlier.

Now let's see the apologist saying that Bryan really choked him while Lawler just pulled on his tie so that he was pressed against the window.

But as far as I am concerned I don't want anything to happen to Lawler because I found it dumb back then when it happened to Danielson but yeah it's probably double standard or just the fact that WWE realised how dumb it was. Or it can also be that the performers in this money feud are immuned (well it would fall into the double standard category I guess) because even Cole who used an homophobic slur on twitter after the WWE had just started a partnership against it got away with it.

Ummm NO. He wasn't fired at all. It's called a WORK. Nice job falling for it, though.

And even if it wasn't a work, like YOU of all people would know exactly why he was fired? Who are you? Did you talk to anybody in the WWE? The way you talk, it sounds like you've spoken to John Cena about this personally. Please, fill us in on what he said.

Another flaw in this ridiculous argument of yours: let's pretend for a second that he was really fired because of the tie incident. Guess what the difference is? Go ahead, think about it. I'll give you some time...

Figure it out yet? No? Well, I'll tell you. Lawler was TOLD to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why the HELL would they punish a guy for doing what he was booked to do???? If you believe the myth that he was really fired, and he was fired because of the tie incident, obviously that wasn't scripted to happen. So that's huge difference that completely blows up this pathetic comparison right there.

Oh, and by the way, another difference? Bryan was using the tie to choke, Lawler was using it to pull Cole against the glass.

God I love seeing the lengths the bashers will go to attack anything and everything the WWE does. Grasping at straws, much?
I Carn't belive what i'm reading here, it was only about a month ago I joined this forum and priased it because it seemed to be having intelligent debates

You carn't choke people from the back of the neck, if lawler walked around the cole mine and then pulled the tie so it was around the front of Cole's neck then yeah that would be choking and you would have a case but there's no way you can choke a perseon from the back of the neck

I don't weather or not the people who are saying Lawler "choked" Cole love to bash the WWE or they love Daniel Blandon but eithier way, like other people have said there clucthing at straws
Get a grip people. He had the side of his face pulled up against the glass. That would not restrict breathing in any way. Pulling on the tie from the front would not restrict his breathing in any way. It is no way different than if he had reached through the hole in the Cole Mine and grabbed him by his shirt and slammed his face against the glass. Sitting on someone's back and wrapping a tie around their neck (a la Daniel Bryan) and pulling backwards is not remotely the same thing. Doing that will stop you from breathing. I wonder if all the people being critical of this have ever even worn a tie.
Ummm NO. He wasn't fired at all. It's called a WORK. Nice job falling for it, though.

And even if it wasn't a work, like YOU of all people would know exactly why he was fired? Who are you? Did you talk to anybody in the WWE? The way you talk, it sounds like you've spoken to John Cena about this personally. Please, fill us in on what he said.

Another flaw in this ridiculous argument of yours: let's pretend for a second that he was really fired because of the tie incident. Guess what the difference is? Go ahead, think about it. I'll give you some time...

Figure it out yet? No? Well, I'll tell you. Lawler was TOLD to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why the HELL would they punish a guy for doing what he was booked to do???? If you believe the myth that he was really fired, and he was fired because of the tie incident, obviously that wasn't scripted to happen. So that's huge difference that completely blows up this pathetic comparison right there.

Oh, and by the way, another difference? Bryan was using the tie to choke, Lawler was using it to pull Cole against the glass.

God I love seeing the lengths the bashers will go to attack anything and everything the WWE does. Grasping at straws, much?

Oh good lord. It was not a work. For the thousandth time, Linda was running for Senate. He was fired for fear of affecting her campaign. Do you really think her opponents would accept a simple mentioning of his release on the company website, and not look into paperwork, specifically his termination papers? He was working dates for Dragon Gate and pretty much everywhere, does that sound like he was under contract? It was understood he would be rehired in the mandatory 90 days, but yes, he was released.

And to everyone who keeps saying "grasping at straws", its annoying. Also to you all, its CLEARLY comparable. No one is saying Cole was actually choking, but having your faced smashed into glass would realistically constrict breathing. Justin Roberts wasnt actually choking either, even if it was unplanned, he was acting. DB isn't going to freaking choke someone half to death.

Read this clearly, so I can end this dumb debate. Neither situation had to do with booking versus ad libbing, the difference in intensity of the "choking", bashing the WWE, Lawlers tenure, spitting on Cena(Wtf?), or ANYTHING else other than Danielson needed to be temporarily released for Linda to avoid heat. In real life scenarios, both would in fact cause mild to major asphyxiation. Sorry, but you can't breath well with your face being smushed. Neither WERE, the simple fact is that if the senate race were happening now, that segment last night would not have happened. They are comparable, not the same because DBs was a direct choke, but comparable. And it is not a double standard, its called a senate campaign versus no senate campaign. Case closed, that covers every facet of this dumb debate.
I can't believe people are shocked about WWE airing something that might not have flown a year ago. It's pretty obvious that WWE is being a lot more relaxed with the PG rating these days as opposed to 2010. R-Truth smoking? The Rock's profanity? When's the last time you saw a match stopped cold for several minutes for a mandatory blood check? This is nothing new.
As a few others have mentioned, Lawler didn't use Cole's tie to choke him. He'd have had to have been standing behind Cole and pulling backward in order to choke him.

Also, as we've all come to notice over the past several months, the WWE has injected some edgier content into Raw. For instance, we've got people actually swearing on occassion. Last night, when they showed the replay of Rock beating up Cole from last Monday, they played the part where Rock said "go heat bitch". At this time last year if one of the wrestlers said words like bitch or ass on tv during a promo segment, Vince would've had shit all over himself before trying to do some major damage control with sponsors and the brass at USA.
There are a number of reasons, but the main reason is simple. Lawler wasn't choking him. He was using his tie to smash Cole's face into the glass. The situation with Bryan involved Bryan deliberately choking the guy with a his tie. There is no double standard, and even if there was, the climate in WWE is different. Linda McMahon isn't running for senate, and PG rules have been relaxed a little bit. But hypothetical aside, Cole wasn't being choked.
Not to get on that whole stupid DB debate cuz.. Well, it is stupid...

But does anyone watch the show anymore? Sorry, but Lawler was getting some payback on Cole. He has been continuously shitted on in this feud and finally gets some of Cole.. Only to get the cries of "double standard?" I am not a fan of the feud either, but it doesn't hurt to play along with the circumstances from time to time.

That and Cole's face against the glass entertained me much more than just about anything on the show.
Read this clearly, so I can end this dumb debate. Neither situation had to do with booking versus ad libbing, the difference in intensity of the "choking", bashing the WWE, Lawlers tenure, spitting on Cena(Wtf?), or ANYTHING else other than Danielson needed to be temporarily released for Linda to avoid heat. In real life scenarios, both would in fact cause mild to major asphyxiation. Sorry, but you can't breath well with your face being smushed. Neither WERE, the simple fact is that if the senate race were happening now, that segment last night would not have happened. They are comparable, not the same because DBs was a direct choke, but comparable. And it is not a double standard, its called a senate campaign versus no senate campaign. Case closed, that covers every facet of this dumb debate.

Well if that complete unsubstantiated crock of shit is the end of this debate, it sure as hell is a dumb end to a dumb debate. Someone's "face being smushed" clearly is not on the same par of graphic violence as strangling a dude with a tie until he turns purple. It is completely about perception. A "smushed face" is funny; a strangling is scary.

You would think the person who tries to be the final word in a completely asinine thread would at least have some bit of sense. I guess not.
You either have no idea how to read, or you have no vocabulary since the word comparable alludes you, or you just don't know anything at all. Guess what fool, I was a volunteer paramedic for two years, which meant both classes and mainly riding in the front seat of ambulances and getting to see a lot of crazy shit. In doing so, I not only learned the many ways of asphyxiation, but also witnessed a fight in which one guy was holding another mans face against the ground after tackling him, and who would have guessed it, he came up coughing and gasping. In a real life scenario, if King were truly pulling with his full strength, it would have both likely broken his nose, and Cole would have had trouble breathing. You see, for all of you saying the back of a mans neck can't cause choking, the main artery in your neck, coincidentally enough, is on the back of the side of you're neck. Which, if say put in a CHOKEHOLD, the bend of the elbow is in front of esophogus. Why, you ignorantly may ask? Because the point is to constrict the artery, not the windpipe, which can and would have been done given the position of Coles head, and that the pressure would have spread to some of the side as soon as his face touched glass, just by pulling his tie. In addition, having your face smashed against a surface will also make it difficult to take breaths. In summation, since you're such a wise ass, and "assinine", had it been a real event, especially given Lawler has strength, Cole would be turning red, struggling, and finding it hard to breath, and eventually would have passed out, all without his windpipe being effected. Next time you want to try to look cool, don't spam the thread and actually make a decent point, instead of trying to nitpick at words and make proclamations of things you clearly know nothing of. And I'm still not done. Comparable means anything with a similar factor, even if the situation is entirely different. Meaning it is comparable even if Cole would have no chance of harm, because he was still being pulled by the neck with a tie. I'll say it again. It was allowed because Linda was not running for Senate, and while not breaking the Benoit "choke" rule per say, Cole would have begun suffering from loss of oxygen to the.brain almost immediately, thus would not have been allowed as a segment back when Nexus debuted.

I've found the biggest tool on the forums already it would appear. Go troll a new guy who doesn't know what hes talking about, or at least know what YOU'RE talking about when trashing someone.
In a real life scenario, if King were truly pulling with his full strength, it would have both likely broken his nose, and Cole would have had trouble breathing. You see, for all of you saying the back of a mans neck can't cause choking, the main artery in your neck, coincidentally enough, is on the back of the side of you're neck. Which, if say put in a CHOKEHOLD, the bend of the elbow is in front of esophogus. Why, you ignorantly may ask? Because the point is to constrict the artery, not the windpipe, which can and would have been done given the position of Coles head, and that the pressure would have spread to some of the side as soon as his face touched glass, just by pulling his tie. In addition, having your face smashed against a surface will also make it difficult to take breaths. In summation, since you're such a wise ass, and "assinine", had it been a real event, especially given Lawler has strength, Cole would be turning red, struggling, and finding it hard to breath, and eventually would have passed out, all without his windpipe being effected. Next time you want to try to look cool, don't spam the thread and actually make a decent point, instead of trying to nitpick at words and make proclamations of things you clearly know nothing of. And I'm still not done. Comparable means anything with a similar factor, even if the situation is entirely different. Meaning it is comparable even if Cole would have no chance of harm, because he was still being pulled by the neck with a tie. I'll say it again. It was allowed because Linda was not running for Senate, and while not breaking the Benoit "choke" rule per say, Cole would have begun suffering from loss of oxygen to the.brain almost immediately, thus would not have been allowed as a segment back when Nexus debuted.
your saying IF Cole.... Cole WOULD of.... Cole MIGHT of.... but it's pointless saying that or else your going to be saying that for every move done in the wrestling for example IF Evan Bourne did his Air Bourne wrong he MIGHT break his nice or IF Undertaker did the Tombstone wrong he MIGHT break his opponenmeants neck but we don't say that because the people taking and delivering these bumps are trianed athletes, Cole & Lawler we're obviously given the run down of what was going to happen before the show and Cole was told how to take this bump and if you look at the footage again Cole clearly leads into the flexicon glass with his forehead and reducing the impact with his hands

The difference between this and the Daniel Bryan incident is Justin Roberts was not trained to take bumps like he did and Bryan clearly had a rush of blood to the head and then choked Roberts and was rightly punished for his actions and weather or not it was done last year or this year he would of got the same punishmeant and rightly so. but if Lawler did this to Cole this time last year then like this year he would of recived no punishment and rightly so again
First off Bryan wasnt fired for the neck tie incident. If you look hard enough you can find the article on the main page, but he was fired for spitting in John Cena's face.

I'm glad someone said that; I was starting to think I had it wrong from the beginning. It was the spitting thing that did it and it was apparently an unscripted action by Bryan. I was never aware it even happened; the first I heard of it was when he was "fired." The difference between that and the Cole incident is that the tie-pulling thing with Cole was obviously planned; the camera was in a close-up of his face the whole time.

Daniel Bryan's firing was of a "political correctness" nature. For some reason, WWE must have thought they would come under fire for allowing it (I can't imagine why, but PC is running amok today, ensuring that someone will be outraged at something that used to be brushed off) and they looked to head off any trouble by "firing" Daniel. It's my belief that they were simply giving him a paid vacation; telling him they would bring him back as soon as it was feasible, which they did.

The Cole incident was so out in the open it was obviously part of the act.
More importantly, Daniel Bryan was and, really still kinda is, an expendable talent.

Jerry Lawler will not be fired for something that petty.

Daniel Bryan was, at least to the fans, some nobody who lost on NXT and then got fired.

Jerry Lawler is a legend and one of the faces of Raw.
your saying IF Cole.... Cole WOULD of.... Cole MIGHT of.... but it's pointless saying that or else your going to be saying that for every move done in the wrestling for example IF Evan Bourne did his Air Bourne wrong he MIGHT break his nice or IF Undertaker did the Tombstone wrong he MIGHT break his opponenmeants neck but we don't say that because the people taking and delivering these bumps are trianed athletes, Cole & Lawler we're obviously given the run down of what was going to happen before the show and Cole was told how to take this bump and if you look at the footage again Cole clearly leads into the flexicon glass with his forehead and reducing the impact with his hands

The difference between this and the Daniel Bryan incident is Justin Roberts was not trained to take bumps like he did and Bryan clearly had a rush of blood to the head and then choked Roberts and was rightly punished for his actions and weather or not it was done last year or this year he would of got the same punishmeant and rightly so. but if Lawler did this to Cole this time last year then like this year he would of recived no punishment and rightly so again

I understand what youre trying to say, but I think my point is being missed. I didn't say might, I said would and if, because I'm comparing both incidents to real life. Justin Roberts wasnt choking, he was going along with the act, even though unplanned. What, was he gonna no sell his only ever spot, during the biggest segment of the year? If DB were actually pulling, Roberts would be choking. If King were truly pulling hard, he would be cutting oxygen to Coles brain because of both artery constriction and his face being smashed. He likely would have broken his nose too, which as we all know, is hard to breathe through. Neither happened that way. Danielson wasn't fired for hurting Justin, he was fired because it looked like he was and Linda was getting heat. The WWE is loosening up, they allow cussing and even replay them, blood is flowing on occaision. All I'm saying is that segment would not have been shown last year. The former was a much clearer choke, of course, but as a matter of fact it takes longer to make a person pass out thay way. They are comparable because the outcome would have been the same, an unconscious man. I'm sure Cole was told or just knew to make comedic faces to take away from the reality of what was really happening. If Roberts were looking all goofy, it,might have been less of a deal. If you're gonna make the original incident and say look what would have happened if it were real, you have to do it with Coles too. My points are so simple, they arent the same, one was more graphic, but they both would have caused asphyxiation in real life and would not have been written during Lindas campaign. The E has loosened their grip on PG, even the head bashing probably would have gotten a no no. I mainly just wanted to clear up everyone who was saying Cole would have been able to breathe fine, because I know better, he would not have. And anyone who thinks the only difference in the WWE allowing more adult things these days is anything other than the senate race is just wrong.
I'm glad someone said that; I was starting to think I had it wrong from the beginning. It was the spitting thing that did it and it was apparently an unscripted action by Bryan. I was never aware it even happened; the first I heard of it was when he was "fired."

Not to be rude, but yes you were wrong. I'm a little confused because you acknowledged the PC factor. Do you think Lindas PR reps and opponent were more turned off by the spitting than the tie choking, especially considering how frightening Roberts was selling it? Not to mention, Cena is a f*cking class act of astronomical proportions. He would have fought nail and tooth to keep Danielson, and probably didnt even care he was spit on. He knows how talented and valuable Danielson is, and was always a supporter of his hiring and push. The WWE and even the media outlets that all picked up on the story all made it clear it was because of the tie incident. The only mentioning I've seen of the spitting being a reason has come from members of this forum. You are very right about, and I would even guarantee, he was released with the understanding he would be rehired after the 90 days, and I'm sure Cena was an ambassador for that too.

EDIT: Tooth and nail, nail and tooth, whatever haha.
yeah but it was justin roberts (actually i dont really care bout him lol), this is michael cole, michael cole sucks.
i would have to say that daniel being fired was just a way to put him in the summerslam match so that he could be put over, thy had other plans for the other 7 rookies, daniel went on to win the US championship from the awful miz, so i would say that daniel was a storyline completely.
You want to know what the REAL difference is? Jerry Lawler actually matters in the world of pro wrestling, and Daniel Bryan doesn't. I know that's going to be hard for some of you IWC fanboys to accept, but it's the truth. Jerry Lawler has given great service to the WWE for nearly two decades, he's a Hall of Famer, he was a good draw back in his day, and Jerry Lawler is still far more relevant to pro wrestling now than Daniel Bryan has ever been.

I didn't even see the incident from Monday, but, assuming the situation was as similar as the OP indicated it was, if you want to know the real reason the two incidents are treated differently, it's because one has earned his spot in pro wrestling, and the other is a rookie midget that the WWE fans don't give a damn about.
So obviously sleeper holds are allowed again because 'Linda isn't running for Senate'. Haha....I bet Prestige is either this guy or his boyfriend. Typical know-it-all douchebag. And I'm a troll. Amazing.
You want to know what the REAL difference is? Jerry Lawler actually matters in the world of pro wrestling, and Daniel Bryan doesn't. I know that's going to be hard for some of you IWC fanboys to accept, but it's the truth. Jerry Lawler has given great service to the WWE for nearly two decades, he's a Hall of Famer, he was a good draw back in his day, and Jerry Lawler is still far more relevant to pro wrestling now than Daniel Bryan has ever been.

I didn't even see the incident from Monday, but, assuming the situation was as similar as the OP indicated it was, if you want to know the real reason the two incidents are treated differently, it's because one has earned his spot in pro wrestling, and the other is a rookie midget that the WWE fans don't give a damn about.

I would hope a wrestler who debuted in 1970, has held over 30 world titles, and has commentated on Raw since '93(though sporadically the first few years) is more relevant than a man in his first year with the company. It doesn't take a "fanboy" to recognize the rookie is one of the best in ring workers in the world, though. He seems to be very high on Vinces mind, he won the U.S. title, consistently wrestles former world champions, and won his first ever feud against the second most talked about wrestler in the company, behind only Cena, who less than six months later was the defending world champion in the main event of WrestleMania against the aforementioned man.

I'm not disagreeing with your premise, I just wasnt a fan of the way it came off. Clearly Danielson is considered a high commodity within the WWE circle. A handful of squashes can't change that, and frankly I would be annoyed if a WWE rookie never got squashed a few times. The fact that the live crowd gives him little reaction means about nothing at this stage of his career. With his historically corny music, and having about 3 chances to cut a promo in a calendar year screeeaaam don't react to me, especially a rookie with a flat name and no gimmick. I don't quite know what the master plan behind him is, his whole WWE career has contradicted itself. Maybe its Vinces idea of making him pay his dues within the company, but its undeniable after his rehiring, SS main eventing, and the majority of his booking that the higher ups have high expectations of him.

Call me a fanboy, I'm sure you will, but I don't blindly look at anything. Randy Orton is an overracting, poor speaking, self centered corny ripoff of Steve Austin, but hes also the top dog on Smackdown so he should be champion, even though he sucks as champion, and though out of respect that Vince will never have, Christian should have gotten to keep it till the next PPV. John Cena is the best wrestler in the world. I wouldnt put him in my sig, and Im not sure if its there sarcastically or not, but he is. Not at in the ring ability, probably so on the mic, maybe second if Jericho comes back. But hes the hardest working, the biggest draw, and truly loves the company, which combined make him the best in the world. My point is I see that wrestling is all about making money and DB makes almost none. But as I said, he's a rook so it all means nothing yet. And its not as if King hasn't been in danger if losing his job, he had a long stretch where he was probably the worst announcer in the company. He's undoubtedly more relevant than DB, but my money is on it being a 1000% more about the change of the tides becauuuuuuse......Linda isn't a damn senator. If she were, the WWE wouldnt be loosening their PG grip. The WWE will ALWAYS be about making money at any cost, anyone who cant see that doesnt understand the world. But in extreme circumstances, such as last year, its about PR too. King would have been fired if he had done what DB did, when he did it. He's not THAT relevant.

So obviously sleeper holds are allowed again because 'Linda isn't running for Senate'. Haha....I bet Prestige is either this guy or his boyfriend. Typical know-it-all douchebag. And I'm a troll. Amazing.

You again? Dude, you've done nothing to prove me wrong. Sorry I actually DO know what im talking about and you don't seem to. All intelligent people who can present and support facts are douchebags, and you're clean right. You have 6 posts and two of them are shots at me without so much as a thought pertaining to the discussion except a few lines about Coles face and nitpicking that I used the word smushed instead of explaining my point more thoroughly, which I did in my second post. Yeah, that makes you a troll. Oh and a gay shot, thats funny. Do you even know anything about wrestling? Please follow me around the forums and continue to try to look cool, I've got tough skin and would love to continue, with precision, to show you everything I know that you don't. My superiority complex is no bigger than yours, I'm just smarter. Or you can go back to your cave and only come out when you have something relevant or intelligent to say, and grow up to realize everyone doesnt have to agree with you. A mod can come delete this and both your posts, this trash doesnt belong here.

EDIT: Before this gets deleted, can a mod or a vet tell me how or if you can check which post got a rep point, or by who?
There is clearly a difference in how Daniel Bryan choked someone and how Jerry Lawler went about using Cole's tie. Keep in mind I didn't say Lawler choked Cole, because any idiot who has ever put on a tie will tell can't be choked front-wise with a tie unless you're clasping onto the knot. Lawler wasn't choking him; all he did was pull on his tie, making Cole hit the glass a few times in comical fashion. But it's not choking in the slightest.

Completely not what Daniel Bryan was doing. The jury rests.

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