Lawler/ Daniel Bryan double standard


Getting Noticed By Management
Last night on RAW, Jerry Lawler choked Michael Cole with his tie. Sooo...why again was Daniel Bryan fired last summer? Bryan was released, supposedly due to his using a necktie around ring announcer Justin Roberts' neck.

So why the double standard? Why does Lawler get away with it, but Bryan doesn't? this proof that the whole Daniel Bryan/Necktie thing was actually just a work and they really did plan on bringing him back at Summerslam from the beginning?
Lawler won't be disciplined for this, but I thought the same exact thing when I watched it last can argue Lawler's was worse as well since he was slamming Cole's head up against the plexiglass wall of the Cole Mine.

I hate the logic flaw with that storyline.....Lawler isn't fired because he touched Cole's tie? Beyond ridiculous
First off Bryan wasnt fired for the neck tie incident. If you look hard enough you can find the article on the main page, but he was fired for spitting in John Cena's face. VKM Fired him immediately, and it was Cena who got him rehired, so the point of this thread now is what.

Lawler used a loophole in the rule that he can not touch Cole and it was done an a great fashion. The look on Cole's face plastered on the glass was priceless.
First off Bryan wasnt fired for the neck tie incident. If you look hard enough you can find the article on the main page, but he was fired for spitting in John Cena's face. VKM Fired him immediately, and it was Cena who got him rehired, so the point of this thread now is what.

Lawler used a loophole in the rule that he can not touch Cole and it was done an a great fashion. The look on Cole's face plastered on the glass was priceless.

Mmmmm NO, Cena was fine with Bryan spitting in his face, he was fired because of the tie incident.

As for the topic I didn't wanted to make it but I was waiting for someone to make it and was shock no one did it earlier.

Now let's see the apologist saying that Bryan really choked him while Lawler just pulled on his tie so that he was pressed against the window.

But as far as I am concerned I don't want anything to happen to Lawler because I found it dumb back then when it happened to Danielson but yeah it's probably double standard or just the fact that WWE realised how dumb it was. Or it can also be that the performers in this money feud are immuned (well it would fall into the double standard category I guess) because even Cole who used an homophobic slur on twitter after the WWE had just started a partnership against it got away with it.
I think the manner in which the two were done is completely different. Lawler was pulling Coles tie through the Cole Mine, but at the same time they were showing mostly Coles face which was meant to come off as comedic. Daniel choking Roberts was different. They were touching physically because Bryan was on top of him, and wrapped the tie around him. That wasnt supposed to be comedic and came off as rather barbaric, which is why Bryan was probably let go. Geez that was so long ago though, almost a year to be exact. Either way, wrestling has never been for kids, trix are (Cena and Mysterio), so why not let something hardcore happen once in a little while?
I can't believe anyone would actually compare the two incidents. They were nothing alike other than the fact that both had a necktie. Lawler wasn't chocking the guy out with his tie, he was using it to slam his face on the glass. Would you try to make the same argument if Lawler was using Cole's belt and yanking it so his crotch was slamming against the glass? Of course you wouldn't.
Were we watching the same show? Not only was Lawler 'choking' Cole (hence the stupid look on Cole's face when it was pressed up against the glass), but he repeatedly slammed his head against the wall of the Cole Mine

I'm sorry, but I fail to see how one is ok and the other is not. PG hypocrisy at its finest
@Angry Cena Fan. Right on the money. I posted that when the DB incident happened if she's not running he's not fired. As long as you don't do anything off the charts right now your safe.

Here's a question Do you think Truth and Miz could have gotten away with they're words last night if Linda was running?
well i think Lawler is not going to be fired for this he has been with the WWE since IDK 1993 or earlier so i don't think this is gonna get him fired and i think this is a work for the feud to continue
Mmmmm NO, Cena was fine with Bryan spitting in his face, he was fired because of the tie incident.

As for the topic I didn't wanted to make it but I was waiting for someone to make it and was shock no one did it earlier.

Agreed.....for some reason I forgot about this and how big of a deal they made out of it....I recant previous post.

Were we watching the same show? Not only was Lawler 'choking' Cole (hence the stupid look on Cole's face when it was pressed up against the glass), but he repeatedly slammed his head against the wall of the Cole Mine

The stupid look was not from choking the tie was pulling the back of his neck, the look was because Lawler was pulling as hard as he could forcing his face against the glass. No comparison at all.

Daniel Bryan was Fired cause he sucks at everything that has to do with wrestling

Yea thats exactly why they rehired him shortly after:banghead:

@Angry Cena Fan. Right on the money. I posted that when the DB incident happened if she's not running he's not fired. As long as you don't do anything off the charts right now your safe.

Here's a question Do you think Truth and Miz could have gotten away with they're words last night if Linda was running?

Absolutely not
I think that it has to do with the mood the attacks created. Jerry Lawler did not get punished because everyone in that audience wanted to see cole get beat up after his comments on lawler's mother. And cole's face was hilarious, i laughed, i will admit it when i saw his face. Also so did my little sisters when they saw it. They did not laugh when they saw justin roberts getting choked because the mood was dramatic.
I wasn't aware you could choke from being squeezed on the back of the neck. Give it at try on yourself, guys, and see if you can still breathe when something puills you by the back of your neck.

Oh, that's right. The throat and windpipe are only in the front. So yeah, these two incidents are not anywhere even remotely close.
If you can't understand the difference between getting choked and what happened to Cole, I seriously can't help.

But even If they were the same, There's a whole lot of difference between a 50+ veteran doing it to another guy who is aware of the spot, and a young new guy in the company doing it to someone who was not aware of the spot beforehand.
How do you guys not see the difference in the 2 incidents? one was a deliberate attempt to choke out a poor announcer - DB ripped off Roberts' shirt and tie and then wrapped it around his neck and yanked with his might, look at the clip and look at Roberts flail around. Lawler simply grabbed Cole's tie in order to bash him into the Cole Mine, these are 2 completely different matters used in 2 completely different contexts (serious vs comedic)
I just watched the NXT invasion video and I can't believe y'all even make a comparison between them. The invasion was completely unscripted as it seems and if you look at Bryan, he was really pulling the tie which was putting Roberts in a very dangerous position. Now look at Lawler pull the tie that Cole wears from the front, how is that "choking"? The throat is on the front, unless he was pulling it from behind and slamming the back of his head to the "Cole mine", that's not choking in any way. He was just slamming Cole's head forward which I found so funny that I shed tears. Now compare that to Bryan, nothing was funny about it and in some way I actually felt the firing might have been justified, but as it is he was rehired so it's not much of a problem.
Lawler and Coles spot was obviously planned out before hand and had probably got the okay in the back. I think Danielsons was all ab lib etc. I also think he was just released to set an example while they always had an agreement to get him back.
I was just listening to Right After Wrestling with Arda Ocal and Jimmy Korderas and they agree with me that it's odd that Jerry Lawler is allowed to use a tie but not Daniel Bryan.

To anyone out there saying you CAN'T compare the two incidents. Of course you can! It's one guy choking another guy with a tie. lol. It's the same spot, albeit one is comedic and the other serious.

Obviously neither Bryan nor Lawler should have been disciplined, my point is that it just shows how RIDICULOUS the Daniel Bryan firing was that he was actually released from the company because of his use of a necktie. My god.

Whoever said the main difference is that Linda isn't running for senate....BEAUTIFUL. Best response so far. My thoughts exactly.
Try breathing when your face is being pulled/pressed into a plexiglass wall so you look like Garfield on a car back window - it's the same as trying to breath is someone is yanking your tie from behind - actually more so as the pulling against the leverage of the wall could in theory tighten the knot more if JKL was applying enough force.

Jerry gets off because: a) as Cole proved with the Twitter slur, if you're in a money making (albeit gawd awful feud), you have near immunity. b) Vince is obviously less concerned with image at present with Linda not trying to climb the greasy pole - hence the Rock's 'colourful' language, Cole's remarks about King's departed mother and many other recent examples. c) King plenty of backstage support to rely to deflect any momentary fit of pique by Vince over the actions or stupidity of the narrative - when it happened to Danielson, he was newcomer (to Vince's radar anyway) and respected indie wrestler, a combo Vince openly despises.

The only really question people should be concerned with is why is the IWC treating this a surprise? In the last decade how many examples of double standards or shear idiocy have come out of Titan Towers? PV
lawler wasnt choking him he just pulled him forward with the tie. bryan turned the tie around and started choking roberts. theres a huge difference. cole wouldnt have choked the way lawler had the tie.
Bryan's incident was much different. He was using an object to choke Roberts out, which is something that the WWE does not want its younger fans to mimic. It can kill someone. However, Lawler was using Cole's tie to slam him against the glass... he could have done the same thing by grabbing his shirt or his belt.

Is it really so difficult to grasp the difference? Either some people here have such big boners for Bryan that it's cutting out the blood supply to their brains, or they're purposefully (and desperately) seeking to discredit the WWE wherever possible. :\
WOw, really making a big deal outta this? Quit finding shit to bitch about people! REALLY! It's different cause Lawler was BOOKED to do it...simple as that!
Dude he was not by all means choking him, for Christ sakes he was pulling it from the back of his neck, its like grabbing someones shirt collar from in front.
I don't think it was proof that it was a work, it was all real. But really the reason he got fired was because he spit on Cena, it wasn't the tie thing, people just jumped the gun and thought it was that.

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