Double Standard? Why isn't Mark Henry fired?

You guys are right. I'm glad I posted this cause it was bothering me. I thought the "you're hurting me" was disturbing for some reason. Looking back Bryan's was way worse!
I don't think it's a double standard so much as it could be just a simple change in policy.

If you compare WWE now to roughly the same time last year, you can easily tell that there's a lot more of an edge to the Raw product now than there has been in several years. The violence of the matches is generally a bit more brutal in some ways.

For instance, Randy Orton smiles & laughs like some sadist getting his rocks off in some match situations and he didn't do that before this year. It could be construed as "disturbing" to some. There's also the more heated promos as of now in which feuds do seem to have more of a personal ring to them. Swearing has become more common in WWE promos now. They don't go overboard with it but swearing seemed to be a big no-no before this year. Jim Ross screaming that Mark Henry was hurting him could be seen as "disturbing" but it also added more realism and believability to Henry's character.

To me, it's just Vince realizing that it's easy to add a bit more edge to the product while still staying within the surprisingly broad boundaries of PG and taking a stand on taking the overall product into something of a different direction.
I agree with everyone. Bryan was a blatiant choke where as Henry was an intimidation tactic. He was using his tie to choke him, but merely grabbed his collar and twisted it, not meaning to choke him.
Considering JR was heard yelling and saying things like "you're hurting me" that would imply that Henry wasn't choking JR, he was obviously just trying to hurt him but not choke him.

Justin Roberts was on the ground with his tongue hanging out while Bryan choked the shit out of him, it looked like Bryan was trying to kill Roberts not intimidate him. Blatant choke and intimidation are 2 entirely different things.

Although they are still PG they are being a little edgier these days as well.

Lastly I'm pretty sure Daniel Bryan didn't really get fired and that they worked everybody in doing it, sure he worked indy events but I think they just put Bryan on the down low to turn him face at SummerSlam. If Daniel Bryan legally got fired then legally he wouldn't have been able to work indy events that quick (90 day no compete clause).
Because Daniel Bryan probably went off script. I'm thinking he wasn't told to choke Justin Roberts with his tie and to spit on Cena. That probably rubbed some higher ups the wrong way.
The same reason some of the big stars were not supended during the steroid thing and u know it was many stars who should have been sitting home like bautista randy orton rey mysterio and etc. but that how it goes
Daniel Bryan's firing was a work. He was fired making it look like the Nexus didn't want him. That way he could come back when Nexus was about to disband, and be PART of the cause of it. If he was fired for allegedly choking Justin Roberts with a tie AND spitting on the Golden Boy, John Cena, he would not have been welcomed back. Much less, be introduced, by John Cena. I'm pretty sure Bryan and Roberts had the choke tie planned and he didn't go running around choking people, just like Henry choking Good ole JR.... its called cheap heat.

I agree completely with this statement. Why would the WWE hire him back that quick? Why would they throw him into such a big match at one of the Big-4 PPVs? Why give him the US Title? Why give him the MITB? If they fired him, they would not have pushed him as quickly as they did. It was all a work, just like Nash, Miz and Truth is all just a work
Keep in mind the tie firing was a work, and it was the dirt sheets that picked up it was because of the tie.

Too many people accept the dirt sheets blindly.
You do realize that DB has been wrestling for 15 years, and lots of people give a shit, just not people that only watch WWE...DB is an ROH legend which is why he is in the WWE, and as a great wrestler..Get it straight...People gave a shit Bryan Danielson before anyone gave a shit about Mark Henry...

He hasn't been in the WWE for 15 years, and thats what actually matters. Henry has been actively competing in the WWE for 15 years. DB was off in the Indy's doing whatever you do in the Indy's. He hasn't had the main stream WWE exposure like Henry, thats why when he was only a few months into the company when that Nexus stunt happened he was released.

Again Henry is a COMPANY GUY. He's done loads of bullshit for Vince and the WWE. Its also completely different, Bryan joked a guy with his tie, Henry grabbed JR by the lapels
I think sometimes ppl online read way too much into little details like this. From what I read around the time he was fired, it was for spitting on Cena, not choking JR with his tie. Plus, several others have attacked JR in a storyline and NOT been fired. Remember Foley using the Mandible Claw on JR? Or what about Kane setting JR on fire? See where I'm going??? Those guys used JR to make their characters look stronger, but didn't get fired.

Seriously, it's really not a big deal to me. If anything, someone needs to attack Michael Cole like that and shut him up for good. Maybe he needs to join The Hall Of Pain...

You gotta remember though those attacks on JR from Kane and Foley were before the WWE banned those kinds of things on TV so that really has no impact on what this thread is about.

I do agree however that this is not really that big of a deal. I totally understand why DB was fired because that was a painful illusion to the Benoit thing but as far as Mark Henry goes it was all part of the storyline.....The storyline called for him to do that to JR and Jerry Lawler so if anyone should be fired it should be the writers :rolleyes:
I understand everyones point including the creator it does look bad sure they look completely different but it still looks bad compared to how Mark Henry's looked i just think that its not a big Deal DB is not actually fired and is still in the business so it really doesn't matter
Another idiotic thread. Mark Henry was authorised to "choke" JR as Daniel Bryan was not authorised to "choke" Justin Roberts.
I still think Daniel Bryan was fired last year so he could fulfill his Indy engagements, and then come back, so no. No double standard
There's really no proof behind my theory, but I'm guessing that segment was pretty well scripted out by Henry, JR, and whoever in charge backstage. If I remember correctly, the biggest issue with Daniel Bryan using his necktie last year was that he did it spontaneously without consent. There are a lot of things the WWE asks the network about, and a lot of fines they are willing to pay to put out their product. It may just come down to being a double standard between an established champion and a debuting undercarder, but I'm more inclined to believe that if they set that segment up that way it's not really a big deal. After all, they choke each other in the ropes all the time, and make money beating the shit out of each other.

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