Where Do You Think Mark Henry Will Stand?


Whether you're a fan of WWE or you hate it, I don't think anyone can deny with any degree of legitimacy that Mark Henry has finally arrived. In the second half of 2011, Henry has quickly risen from almost complete irrelevancy to a main event level star & his run as World Heavyweight Champion is quite possibly the single best reign in the near 10 year history of the title. Mark Henry has been able to deliver very well on the mic and his matches have even been good all while generating the sense of intimidation & believability that we almost never see from monster heels in any wrestling company anymore. Henry's current character isn't exactly original, but it's a role that he's been able to shine and I think it's fair to assume that Mark Henry is the new standard for monster heels to come.

At the same time, however, it's also true that Mark Henry has been among the worst aspects of WWE for almost his entire career. In a career that's lasted 15 years, Mark Henry is probably better known for his display of virtually no charisma, boring matches, a disasterously stupid storyline with Mae Young back during the Attitude Era and losing to damn near everyone for the first 14.5 of those 15 years.

Can Mark Henry's current success overshadow 15 years of pretty much nothing? I think it depends on how long the WWE and Henry are able to keep this going. Henry turned 40 earlier this year and while no one can truly know what the future holds, I think it's a reasonable assumption that Henry will be done with wrestling within the next 5 years.

If that's how it turns out to be, can Henry remain a viable star that will continue to generate interest?

Will Henry be ranked among the great big men in wrestling history?

Might Henry be considered one of the all time greats at some point?
Quite simply, in the business of pro-wrestling, longevity builds legends. If you put in the time, you get rewarded in more ways than just 15lbs of gold around your waist. Wrestlers like Jim Duggan, Koko B. Ware, Don Muraco, Jimmy Snuka, etc... These guys never won world championship gold. And a few of them were nothing more than midcard fodder for the majority of their careers, yet they all wear Hall of Fame rings.

Regardless of whether Henry won a world championship or not, this guy was destined to be in the Hall of Fame. He's been around long enough where people would always acknowledge his career and the many storylines, factions, and feuds that he's be a part of. And when you get to the HOF, you're one of the all-time greats.

Presently, his gimmick is EXACTLY what it always should have been. Henry was brought into the WWE to be a monster of a legitimate strongman contest winner. They just never took the time to write storylines that truly depicted this. Now that he's portrayed as an unstoppable force, no one is finding it hard to believe. And that's because he's always BEEN this force but he had so many others ahead of him on the food chain that he was an oversight. He's been through crappy factions, backstage politics, racism, and stayed loyal throughout. And loyalty to the WWE goes a LOOOOONG way.
Presently, his gimmick is EXACTLY what it always should have been. Henry was brought into the WWE to be a monster of a legitimate strongman contest winner. They just never took the time to write storylines that truly depicted this.

Agreed. In a recent topic, someone expressed the opinion that: "A push isn't what gets you over. You get yourself over."......and I heartily disagree with that. Without a push, no one gets anywhere. Even if you've got Cena-like charisma inside you, you're not getting anywhere unless the organization decides they're going to write good stuff that lets you take advantage of it.

I feel this way about Cody Rhodes. Personality-wise, he's got nothing. He's a pretty good ring worker who has worked hard at improving, but that can be said of a lot of people. His success stems from the multiple programs he's had written for him. Hell, they've always got something new for Cody to do. In fact, I do like him, but I'll bet folks like Trent Barretta, Primo Colon, and my man Drew wonder why Cody's been getting the best of everything while they sit and wait.

Then, there's Mark Henry. What's different about him now, as opposed to what he's been for the previous 14 1/2 years? As D-Man said, he's finally been given a program that presents him as he always should have been. Instead of taking Chyna on a date.....and instead of offering a hand to Mae Young, he's now the unstoppable, raging monster.....and it's working!

To be fair to WWE, they started "monster" programs with Mark before, only to have them rudely interrupted by one of his many injuries. He was out for such extended periods of time, the company had no choice to abandon his pushes.....and it's certainly understandable they were reluctant to give him a new one.

But he hasn't been on the injured list in a few years, has he? I have to wonder if that is due to his association with Tony Atlas, whom it was rumored was hired to be a traveling companion for Mark, keeping him on the straight and narrow as far as curbing his night life and riding herd on his nutritional habits. I don't know if any of this was true, but look how much more reliable Mark Henry has been since that time, no?

Now, here's his reward......at long last. Rumor also had it that Mark planned to retire in 2012 and he was being given one last run as a gift for his years of service.

Well, I'll bet the company never thought things would turn out as well as they have. Good for you, Mark Henry.:)
I believed that he was near the end of his career right when his reign started, and I thought that it was going to be a very nice World Title run that would be finished out within a month or so and then we'd see him retire. Now he's getting up there in the rankings of longer World Heavyweight Championship reigns and has done such an excellent job since his turn that I definitely see this continuing as long as he's a heel, he's always had the potential but was totally screwed over when he went from a badass ECW Champion to the move to Raw and the face turn where he became the big jolly giant who couldn't be taken seriously. I don't see Henry being remembered as one of the wrestling greats, I think that he'll be remembered for this title run and go down as one of the greatest World Heavyweight Champions, but nothing more than that.
Mark Henry has been the biggest pleasant surprise all year. Until this title reign Mark would always have been the guy, in my eyes, who helped Mae Young give birth to a hand. Since he won the title, he's been the most dominant champ resent memory. Mark has done such a great job with his character lately.

The only thing that rivals this turn around in a superstar is JBL. When Bradshaw became JBL, and got all the success with it, I was so happy for him. Here is a guy that has given so much hard work for the company, and now he's being rewarded. Mark's change is almost greater than JBL's because I feel Mark was further down on the totem poll than Bradshaw was. But once again, a man that has worked so hard for the company, being reward for his years of dedication and hard work. Almost brings a tear to my eye.

I hope Mark can keep up this streak. The only problem is it's tough to keep this unbeatable monster story line going without it becoming stale.

If Mark can stay health, and wrestle for another 5yrs like Jack-Hammer said, I can't see how his name wont be on the list of top big men of all time. He won't be on there for greatest wrestler of all time, but I will always have a special place in my heart for Mark. It's also nice to not just think of him as giving birth to a hand, but thinking of him as a dominant champ.
While I have personally not enjoyed this title reign, Henry definitely has earned a better legacy for himself once all is said and done. Up until he won the ECW Championship he would have been known as the guy who fathered a hand with Mae Young.... Now he has joined the ranks of those who have held a world title. I can see Henry staying in the main event scene after his reign ends up until his career is over, he could always go the JBL route and be a jobber to the main eventers who still wins over guys further down the card. He's hardly going to be one of the best big men in my opinion because he still sucks, world title or not. The title reign didn't change anything in terms of his overall skill. He's going to be looked back upon as better than all those who never held a world title though. At least he has that going for him.
If that's how it turns out to be, can Henry remain a viable star that will continue to generate interest? It's really up to Mark himself. We've all seen the big monster thing done again and again. He needs to find ways to stand out and while you could say that's more up to the guys in the back? True. But even the greatest story can suck if one of the guys hasn't fully bought in. If Mark Henry can do all that? Anything's possible. While this isn't entirely relevant, I think it might help that he's looking at retirement soon. Simply because he only needs to keep things fresh for at least a few more months/feuds. Will Henry be ranked among the great big men in wrestling history? I don't like saying this but I really don't think so. There are really a few reasons. Firstly? One good reign can't raise him as high as he'd need. I've seen big men with more charisma; personality and agility than he's ever had and my opinion that still hasn't wavered. Do I think it'll pull him out from the hole he's been digging himself? Indeed. Might Henry be considered one of the all time greats at some point? Again, I'd love to say yes. And while I'm not sure he'll make it to the all time great status? He won't be forgotten. His loyalty to the company has been something else and while I'm not sure anyone will remember him for his stuff inside the ring? I'm certain he'll be remembered for many things outside of it.
If that's how it turns out to be, can Henry remain a viable star that will continue to generate interest?
Depends on how they book them after the first few angles post-WHC reign.
Right now, Henry is largely seen as a legitimate threat to anyone in the WWE. If they don't have him job to everybody cleanly when he's no longer WHC and involved with title-feuds, then yes, he could still generate interest.

However, I think the WWE isn't anticipating much from Henry post-Hall of Pain run because I've read somewhere that 2012 seems to be Henry's preferred retirement year.

Will Henry be ranked among the great big men in wrestling history?
In WWE history, yes. WWE rewards loyalty. Once Henry's career is over, they could depict him in a very good light: Put him over as truly dominant.
That may even earn him a spot in the WWE's hall of fame. Plus this nice run in the concluding stage of his career helps his case.

In wrestling history? I believe no. The only reason why we're talking about Henry now is because of the strong run he recently has. Keyword being recently. Examining his career, nothing really stands out except for this run but haven't we seen other big men who are more talented,both in the ring and on the mic, get similar runs?
Might Henry be considered one of the all time greats at some point?
To be considered an all-time great, one has to be special. Someone who stood out among the other people who were given the same number, or perhaps more, opportunities than him.
Henry has finally gotten solid support from creative(kudos to creative as well for this push) and he has done his part in making this push work. However, I don't think this current run would overshadow the fact that he hasn't done much for the majority of his 15yr. career. He hasn't done anything special, he's just executing his gimmick the right way. Nothing more, nothing less.
If that's how it turns out to be, can Henry remain a viable star that will continue to generate interest?

I honestly do not think that that will be the case. Henry has had a great run with the title but there are superstars on both the brands who are waiting in the wings for that one push that will propel them to superstardom. Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler are a push away from becoming World Champions. The possibility of another title reign for Henry will depend on the people on the roster at that particular time.

But it's not as if this title run has done nothing for Henry. I think that Henry will end his career as an upper midcarder after this reign. I doubt, that after this fantastic title run of his, he will slip beyond that level.

Will Henry be ranked among the great big men in wrestling history?

That would have to be a "no" simply because there are tons of people who are just better than him. Undertaker, Andre The Giant, Big Show, Lesnar, Vader, Kevin Nash and many others have had multiple title reigns at different points in their career and have been bigger draws.

Henry will be remembered as the guy who paid his dues, was a loyal company man and as the guy who grabbed the brass ring with both hands when he was given the chance. Somewhere down the line people will perhaps regret the fact that Henry was not given a title reign at an earlier point.

Might Henry be considered one of the all time greats at some point?

That is once again a "no". Same reason. Too many people ahead of him in terms of title reigns and being a draw.
If that's how it turns out to be, can Henry remain a viable star that will continue to generate interest?

It's all booking. If booked to be continually in the main event mix, then absolutely he can be. I feel at times that Henry is better in the ring then the modern day Big Show, so why not. It's all about booking, for Henry, he must be booked strong or the fans will not care.

Will Henry be ranked among the great big men in wrestling history?

Possibly, there's been alot of big men. What goes in Henry's favour is longevity. Generally the bigger guys come and they go. That is one thing about the modern era that we should respect. We've had Taker, Kane, Show and Henry for the past 10-15 years minimum. Respect to all of these, hence I think he should go down as one of the best big men in history.

Might Henry be considered one of the all time greats at some point?

I can't see why not. It's not always about title reigns. Anyone who can wrestle for WWE for 15 years must be doing something right. If now is the time that Henry gets the rewards, well I don't see that being an issue.
1. Definitely. He has proven that he can carry himself as a main-eventer and a believable title-holder; why would it be derailed unless Henry suffers a severe injury that could jeopardize the WWE's long-term plans for him?

2. Will he be able to offset 15 years of continuous overshadowing and disappointment? Unless his last few months as a main-eventer reveal something that even Mark Henry the champion haven't revealed - something that elevates him to, say, JBL-like status or even higher - I don't see how he can be anything but a late-blooming late entry into the WWE Hall of Fame.

3. No, and for many of the same reasons.
I've been loving the new Mark Henry...then WWE goes and kills it. I knew it would be just a matter of time before they started making him run from people and act like a typical heel. What sense did it make to build his character up so much over that last summer then soften him up as soon as Big Show returns. Henry should still be carrying the strap and probably will destroy Daniel Bryan sometime soon as I can't really see that kid holding the belt long. He got little to no crowd reaction at RAW and quite frankly I understand why. He's an underwhelming personality he can actually wrestle though. Put the strap back on Henry or Orton WWE. Smackdown will be better for it.

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