Mark Henry Leaving WWE in 2012

If hes really being considered soft for working through a groin injury I dont blame him for not wanting to re-sign. WWE can try to devalue the man all they want but at the end of the day these past two years have been some of the best for him and will be a great way to end his career. He could certainly get some acting roles and go to another promotion if thats what he wishes. I heard he was originally going to retire last year but postponed it due to some health care expenses resulting from a disease his brother was suffering from but dont quote me on that.
Really is a damn shame. But I don't think Mark Henry was in the WWE's plan in the long term anyway. I remember it was being reported that Henry's push simply was for out of respect, loyalty, and overall hard work he's done for the WWE. Now he's the bad guy? Absurd.

Will absolutely miss him on the WWE TV.
Before he goes, a Funkasaurus / Henry feud would be all kinds of awesome.

If Mark Henry does decide to leave - why the hell doesn't TNA pick him up? This would seem like the ultimate no-brainer to me, and he could revolutionize TNA (TNA needs a credible monster heel IMO, this is it).

Btw, about him being a Hall of Famer - if Sparkplug Holly isn't a HOFer, then no way is Mark Henry.

Bob Holly is an asshole that nobody likes. Seriously, I think he may be the most hated person in wrestling. Even Warrior is more liked.

People seem to really like Mark Henry, he's by every account I've heard an incredibly nice man, and his run is my favorite World Heavyweight Title run ever. DAMN shame that he got hurt, as I have been a Mizark fan for YEARS now.
he has been with wwe for 15 years, he wants to move on. maybe he feel he accomplished all he wanted to in the past year and wants to go into acting.
I don't mind Henry leaving and getting out of the business.

He's been doing this for a long time now, and for a guy his size, the wear and tear on his body must be starting to get to him.

I'm just glad he had such a great 2011. He absolutely deserved a run like that before he moved on.
Goodbye. Good Riddens.


No, but really. Mark has has his only decent year of his career. But even I'm getting annoyed with him, and I love heels. The sudden change was amazing, but it's run dry and he's too injured to do anything of value anymore. If he wants to act, so be it. If he wants TNA, so be it. Either way, I doubt that anyone will see much significance out of him after WWE.
I would be glad to see him go if he does leave. Mark Henry is a joke and has been for nearly his entire career. The Sexual Chocolate gimmick. The Mae Young hand incident. Low quality matches. Boring promos. Getting squashed by Taker as a streak victim. A joke of an ECW Championship reign. Finally, this whole "hall of pain" thing and his World Heavyweight Championship reign. Not a single time in his entire career have I been able to take Mark Henry seriously. They try to build him up into this big scary monster type of role, but I laugh every time I see him. He's not intimidating, he is a joke. I hated that his main event run lasted as long as it did and I never thought he should have held the belt to begin with.

Apparently he's also trying to get into acting, despite the limited roles that would be available to someone like him

Goodness, I hope not. Henry's promos are pretty boring. If THAT is what he brings to the table as far as acting is concerned, then I feel sorry for the directors who will be working with him. I don't hate the guy or anything, I just find him to be boring and a joke when it comes to being worthy of a push. If he truly is on his way out, then I say good riddance. I give him credit for having held the World Heavyweight Championship and a couple of midcard titles, but nothing could ever make him not be a joke in WWE because he just does not come off as a threat. Save acting for the guys who can actually cut a promo, Mark.

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