Paul Heyman Would Have Made Bryan Danielson a Star in TNA?

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Dragon Gate USA booker Gabe Sapolsky wrote a new blog in which he laid out Paul Heyman's creative plans for WWE star Daniel Bryan had both men ended up in TNA. Heyman saw Bryan as a star and part of his plan was to defeat several people by submission in under a minute. To read the rest of the plan, check out Gabe's blog at

Powell's POV: For those who don't remember the story, Bryan Danielson (a/k/a Daniel Bryan) was fired by WWE for choking Justin Roberts with a necktie during an attack by Nexus. Thus, Danielson would have been free to sign with anyone at that point. Heyman's idea would have made him a star and is certainly better than what WWE has done with him since he re-signed with the company only to be lost in the mid-card shuffle.

Though somewhat of a direct jab at WWE that might have been with Danielson choking out/submitting each of his victims in less than a minute, would this plan have been realistic, truly?

While personally I can see the appeal in the timing and in the idea of building a star who dominates via submission (see Samoa Joe, Taz), I'm not entirely sold that Danielson would have been the guy to go to there — I still see him as a very, very generic personality, albeit one with fantastic technical ability.

Your thoughts on what could have been?
Danielson (before Hogan came in) fit TNA perfectly. Look at the Desmond Wolfe/Angle series and Styles as Champion was just great wrestling. Danielson walking in and touted as "being too violent for WWE programming" would have been awesome for TNA and he submitting people and kicking heads in would have been great, leading to a match with Kurt Angle which would have been a money match and a possible passing of the torch/building a wrestling technician type star for the TNA product.

Danielson vs. Joe, or Styles, or Wolfe again on a bigger stage, or vs. RVD, Hardy would all be great matches that TNA could have really capitalised on. TNA not picking up Danielson and Heyman/Gabe during this time is a real what if scenario and a missed opportunity by Dixie.
I would have abso-fucking-lutely loved to see Danielson go on a violent rampage though everyone that TNA could throw at him. The guy's skilled enough to pull off a series of varied and interesting quick submission finishes, hell, with booking like that his matches would speak for him, as long as he faced a mounting wall of opposition before someone finally took him to the limit it could have been solid gold, in my mind.
Thats would be awesome cuz Danielson would have been able to put on even better matches in TNA then WWE cuz TNA doesn't tie down most of the wrestling in the ring but only problem i see with that is that Danielson said in an ROH ring after he got fired from WWE that he was never going to go to TNA cuz nobody would want to see Desmond Wolfe vs. Lyole Boner or something like that so i doubt that even Paul Heyman and Gabe could get The American Dragon Bryan Danielson to TNA
That would have been amazing. I think most of the IWC would love to see a resurgence of the "Rabid Wolverine" character, that Danielson seems tailor-made for. This would have been far better than watching him dance with the Bella Twins.

Hopefully the WWE will wake the hell up and realize the gold they're sitting on with Daniel Bryan.
shows Heyman was serious about his plans to push all young guys and not the older talent. Danielson was a good choice - fresh in a lot of peoples eyes, fired from wwe under questionable reasons but has years of talent so he would be able to work well. could have been interesting.

Though somewhat of a direct jab at WWE that might have been with Danielson choking out/submitting each of his victims in less than a minute, would this plan have been realistic, truly?

While personally I can see the appeal in the timing and in the idea of building a star who dominates via submission (see Samoa Joe, Taz), I'm not entirely sold that Danielson would have been the guy to go to there — I still see him as a very, very generic personality, albeit one with fantastic technical ability.

Your thoughts on what could have been?

TNA cant win and this would be a perfect example of how and why.

Say he did come in hot and submit 3 or 4 guys in under a minute as many weeks in a row. You know what you'd have man. You'd have an explosion of threads from fans of the talent tapping, making bs threads about how Heyman is burying them. You can also bet on some bs about political backstroking to accompany that thread.

Or option 2.....

You'd have just as many threads complaining about TNA rehashing "old WCW angles". "Goldberg totally had a streak aswell but and well and but Hulk Hogan its his fault" ETC ETC ETC blah blah. Other possibles being Benoit and Jordan angle on and so forth.

Any mention of Heyman or another coming in and pleasing these folk makes me larf my big British ass off.

BTW. Off topic.

Doesnt Angle and Jarrent providing the most legit looking 5 minutes of competition we've seen on any of the shows the 2 companies produce, worthy of its own thread. Ladies and Gents that, THAT is what 2 great workers at the top of their games look like.

The beauty of it of course is that it wasnt real.

'Scuse the french here mate; It fuckin' looked real.

Work of ART.
'Scuse the french here mate; It fuckin' looked real.

Didn't know 'real' was French, you learn something new every day! ;P

That segment was excellent. Fact of the matter is, as much as I hate Jarrett usually, as much as every single family segment has caused me to fast forward, as much as a month or two back I was convinced the Jarrett/Angle feud had gone on too long... much as all that, I'm into it. The work these two have done in recent weeks has been fan-bloody-tastic.
I think it would have been great, Goldberg didnt have to speak, why? because he used brute strength to destroy people in under a minute. When he started speaking he became human.

Danielson could have done that only instead of doing it with strength he would have done it with skill. Danielson would have been awesome in that roll, he's too damn good for what the WWE does with him.
It would have been stupid and here is why.

Bryan Danielson is arguably the best wrestler is the world. Why would you waste your best wrestler in matches that last a mintue or less? You don't have minute matches with your best wrestlers. You have them put on 15-20 minute matches while they tell stories.

The reason it worked with Goldberg is .....

A. He looks like a monster

B. He wasn't very talented in the ring

When Bryan Danielson is on the card I want to see him go. Not submit a guy in a minute. This would go on for an entire year. Fuck that.
It would have been stupid and here is why.

Bryan Danielson is arguably the best wrestler is the world. Why would you waste your best wrestler in matches that last a mintue or less? You don't have minute matches with your best wrestlers. You have them put on 15-20 minute matches while they tell stories.

The reason it worked with Goldberg is .....

A. He looks like a monster

B. He wasn't very talented in the ring

When Bryan Danielson is on the card I want to see him go. Not submit a guy in a minute. This would go on for an entire year. Fuck that.

Remember Taz? Remember how short he actually is? Remember how much of a badass he came off across in ECW, going toe to toe with the likes of Bam Bam Bigelow who was far bigger?

Heyman doesn't care how big you are, and I'm sure he knows how good he is in the ring. But for this story line it would be impossible to not be submitted by Bryan since he is the "best wrestler in the world". He is that good he'll beat you in under a minute. It also didn't say it would go on for a year.
Wow. This just shows how TNA would have crumbled if Heyman comes in, and proves what Bischoff says about the 10%'ers. Daniel Bryan? Are you kidding me? Besides the loser IWC, and Wrestlezone knobs blowing their loads over this guy, nobody really gives a damn about him. He's as bland as it comes. I'd rather watch a Bastion Booger match.

If throwing a bunch of "young" no names in the ring for 20 mins with no personality, skill, or story whatsoever the keys to success, then by the IWC lame logic, ROH should be the top promotion going right now. Guess what. They can barely get a tv deal.
Wow. This just shows how TNA would have crumbled if Heyman comes in, and proves what Bischoff says about the 10%'ers. Daniel Bryan? Are you kidding me? Besides the loser IWC, and Wrestlezone knobs blowing their loads over this guy, nobody really gives a damn about him. He's as bland as it comes. I'd rather watch a Bastion Booger match.

If throwing a bunch of "young" no names in the ring for 20 mins with no personality, skill, or story whatsoever the keys to success, then by the IWC lame logic, ROH should be the top promotion going right now. Guess what. They can barely get a tv deal.

I agree Bryan Danielson is overrated. He is bland and his technical skill is just martial arts thrown in with maybe a few suplexes, submission holds, and maybe 1 highflying move or there. He doesn't interest me, Davey Richards is better
Agreed. Daniel Bryan is just a poor man's Dean Malenko. Sorry but thats the truth. Plus i'm glad heyman isn't around tna. if he was i would stop watching.
Remember Taz? Remember how short he actually is? Remember how much of a badass he came off across in ECW, going toe to toe with the likes of Bam Bam Bigelow who was far bigger?

Heyman doesn't care how big you are, and I'm sure he knows how good he is in the ring. But for this story line it would be impossible to not be submitted by Bryan since he is the "best wrestler in the world". He is that good he'll beat you in under a minute. It also didn't say it would go on for a year.

Taz also didn't go a year straight beating people in under a minute. It has nothing to do with how big or small you are. IMO you shouldn't have your best in ring worker beating people in under a minute.
Heyman is a fool. Having your best wrestler (arguably Brian Danielson) submit wrestlers in one minute matches, is he insane? Danielson is no Goldberg ( i.e a big strong man that can mow down his competition), he is similar to Bret Hart ( obviously not in the same league) a technical wrestler. Technical wrestlers have wrestling clinics in the ring not 1 minute matches. No wonder Heyman's company went under, having ideas like that would kill any company.
Reasons this would have been a miserable failure include but are not limited to Danielson has one of the least intimidating presences in prowrestling, he is never going to be "the man" in a mainstream company, the only good thing he does is wrestle yet this takes that away, 10+ straight PPVs with a one minute match and throwing away 8+ months for one match is stupid business.

Heyman only knows how to take nothing into something. He isn't especially adept at taking something and working within realistic constraints to build it further. TNA already is something.
I think this totally proves how hypocritical the IWC losers are. They bitch and moan about wanting nothing but 20min matches, yet they want to have this clown come out and beat everyone in under a minute. What?
So, would'nt Daniel Bryan beating the everyone in the roster in 30 second's, plus the "monster heel," Heyman build's to face Bryan, would that (I use this word lightly) bury the entire roster?

Goldberg mostly beat WCW jobber's, TNA doesn't have much jobbers for Bryan to beat. How would that make the "monster heel" look like if he tapped out in 30 second's?

I just don't think Heyman is making himself look like the "smart" booker he made himself out to be, doesn't he, ya know, think about the future?
So, would'nt Daniel Bryan beating the everyone in the roster in 30 second's, plus the "monster heel," Heyman build's to face Bryan, would that (I use this word lightly) bury the entire roster?

Goldberg mostly beat WCW jobber's, TNA doesn't have much jobbers for Bryan to beat. How would that make the "monster heel" look like if he tapped out in 30 second's?

I just don't think Heyman is making himself look like the "smart" booker he made himself out to be, doesn't he, ya know, think about the future?

I total agree with what u said about Heyman, I had to think about this for a while to figure out how he thinks this is a good idea for TNA. this is exactly why they didn't hire him. He talks as if he learn from his mistake in ECW yet he hasn't prove that he can actually book a match or wrestler correctly to carry on the company.

Bryan Danielson looks like the type of guy that they he needs to be in a match for more than a minute, 5 to 10 minutes at in a match at least. I would say i am glad he didn't go to TNA, and i don't understand what sense that makes coming from Paul Heyman
It would have been stupid and here is why.

Bryan Danielson is arguably the best wrestler is the world. Why would you waste your best wrestler in matches that last a mintue or less? You don't have minute matches with your best wrestlers. You have them put on 15-20 minute matches while they tell stories.

The reason it worked with Goldberg is .....

A. He looks like a monster

B. He wasn't very talented in the ring

When Bryan Danielson is on the card I want to see him go. Not submit a guy in a minute. This would go on for an entire year. Fuck that.

I was also going to add a comment along these lines. Basically pointing out that Danielson was known as the "best in the world" because he put on technical masterpieces that went around the 30 minute mark usually.

However TNA being on tv is different and Danielson could do the 1 minute submissions on tv to build him up, but have the longer matches on ppv. When you're on tv it's a whole new game
This to me (along with cutting everyone over 40) just convinces me that if TNA had signed Heyman it would've been a complete disaster.

I'll admit I don't know much about this Bryan guy, only what I saw of him on that nxt program (last wwe show I watched) but he didn't stand out at all. And that was on a show full of nobodies. How the hell does Heyman expect him to stand out when hes surrounded by the likes of AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Bully Ray, Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan, Gunner and countless others?

As for the submitting everyone in a minute? WTF? He's a 5 foot, 150 pounder and the audience is supposed to buy into that (Taz was small but he looked like a tough son of a bitch). If he was up against Amazing Red then perhaps yes, but anyone else on the roster, no chance.

After hearing some of Heymans recent ideas, I'm starting to wonder now whether he actually created ECW.
This to me (along with cutting everyone over 40) just convinces me that if TNA had signed Heyman it would've been a complete disaster.

I'll admit I don't know much about this Bryan guy, only what I saw of him on that nxt program (last wwe show I watched) but he didn't stand out at all. And that was on a show full of nobodies. How the hell does Heyman expect him to stand out when hes surrounded by the likes of AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Bully Ray, Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan, Gunner and countless others?

As for the submitting everyone in a minute? WTF? He's a 5 foot, 150 pounder and the audience is supposed to buy into that (Taz was small but he looked like a tough son of a bitch). If he was up against Amazing Red then perhaps yes, but anyone else on the roster, no chance.

After hearing some of Heymans recent ideas, I'm starting to wonder now whether he actually created ECW.

Lol he never created ECW in the true sense of the word, he took over the promotion after Todd Gordon left. Anyways now back on topic, you are right Danielson ( i refuse to call him by his WWE slave name) would never stand out in TNA. How does Heyman expect us to believe that Danielson could beat Abyss in 1 minute, when guys like Angle and Sting need at least 10minutes to beat him? That and cutting every wrestler above 40 just proves that Heyman is a moron.
Lol So, If he can make Danielson a star then shut up and join ROH and make those guys stars.

This is why Heyman is a COMPLETE MORON. Danielson will still be a no-name, he still will be a wrestler who zero charisma and marketing ability.

Idiots like Heyman think they can push a Dog in the Wrestling industry and people will care. It doesn't work that way. This shows how massive his ego is to believe people would care about HIM pushing Danielson like fucking Lesnar and it does not work that way at all.

There is a reason ECW is dead and it's because of him. He did not know how to manage money, he did not know how to make a product appealing and he damn sure didn't care about it to sell it to someone who would help it instead of WWF who took it.

Heyman says stupid shit like this to get the IWC to like him and dislike TNA, so they would have no choice but to hire him. It's pathetic honestly. It really is.

Gunner is more of a star right now than Bryan will be in WWE, TNA or ROH. Wolfe was more of a star than him too.
Even though I like Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan, this, in my opinion, has failure written all over it. Bryan is someone with great legit technical skill and ability, I like the guy and respect his abilities and how much he loves wrestling, but he doesn't have much of a physical pressence. And yes, when you want to pass a guy off as a real badass, physical presence is a factor. Bryan's about 5'10" and weighs about 195 lbs. He's a "normal guy". A "normal guy" in great physical condition, but a "normal guy" all the same. Goldberg has been brought up and Goldberg's look, his presence played a big factor in how he got over with this particular sort of character. Goldberg was the Hulk, Bryan is Spider-Man. When you think of the image of a tough, badass kind of guy, which character has the look that goes with that: Hulk or Spider-Man?

So Bryan potentially gets over at the expense of burying half the roster in the process? Yeah that's just not something that's good in the long run. I think Bryan could have been a star in TNA. After all, there are several guys on the TNA roster that don't have a great physical presence yet are huge stars in the company. I just don't think it'd happen for Bryan with this idea. I'm sure mega marks for Bryan would love the idea just as the mega marks for Zack Ryder would love for him to pop up on Raw next week and win the WWE Championship, no matter how little sense it'd make.

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