[OFFICIAL] Daniel Bryan Danielson Discussion Thread

Danielson embodies everything the IWC is. It is only fitting that his character DB is giving them a voice. Vince is a very smart guy and he believes the will sing his praises and shut up about certain issues if DB is the voice of us, the non-gimmicky wrestling fan. It is beyond certainty if this will lead to the development of the Danielson character evolving from his current state. Personally, I only see DB being around shortly after the finish of first season of NXT, as his character develops into the BD.
Well, I guess since this qualifies for general discussion and doesn't deserve its own thread, I wanted to ask if anyone else felt that Danielson's gimmick in the E is that he is kind of a mouthpiece for the IWC. Look at my arguements

1. Hes always called the Indie or Internet darling.
2. They allowed him to say his real name from his previous stints from everywhere else he was.
3. He voices several opinions of the people flooding this forums including his most recent ones about about how some people can't wrestle and Cole being a Poor Man's JR.

Any thoughts?
Well, I guess since this qualifies for general discussion and doesn't deserve its own thread, I wanted to ask if anyone else felt that Danielson's gimmick in the E is that he is kind of a mouthpiece for the IWC. Look at my arguements

1. Hes always called the Indie or Internet darling.
2. They allowed him to say his real name from his previous stints from everywhere else he was.
3. He voices several opinions of the people flooding this forums including his most recent ones about about how some people can't wrestle and Cole being a Poor Man's JR.

Any thoughts?

I have to agree. I think this is WWE's way of being experimental, not only in the way the show's presented in its concept, but I think this is also a way of them getting their target audience (in this case, the IWC) to go along with them, instead of being against them all the time.
even though everyone seems to be convinced that Danielson's firing was legit, I still stand by it being a shoot. As further evidence of this, today, they are announcing that Bryan has booked two independent dates...for July!!! What was the last time you ever saw ANYONE from WWE whether they left on good terms or not, show up anywhere else within 90 days of their release without WWE consent? The only exception being if said performers contact expired which clearly BD's did not.

He is getting indy bookings...with permission from WWE! Even if he was legitimately fired he is STILL getting their permission, which means obviously there is no heat or they certainly wouldn't allow this, but then one must ask if there's no heat why was he fired in the first place? Discuss.
even though everyone seems to be convinced that Danielson's firing was legit, I still stand by it being a shoot. As further evidence of this, today, they are announcing that Bryan has booked two independent dates...for July!!! What was the last time you ever saw ANYONE from WWE whether they left on good terms or not, show up anywhere else within 90 days of their release without WWE consent? The only exception being if said performers contact expired which clearly BD's did not.

He is getting indy bookings...with permission from WWE! Even if he was legitimately fired he is STILL getting their permission, which means obviously there is no heat or they certainly wouldn't allow this, but then one must ask if there's no heat why was he fired in the first place? Discuss.

I think it's kind of an in between. WWE was in a position I guess where they HAD to put him on a 90 day leave even though they didn't want to, only because those are the rules whenever their "PG conduct policy" or whatever the hell it is, is broken. So he actually was fired, but I think both sides agreed that it is only a formality and he'll be back as soon as the 90 days are up. I don't think this thing is part of a work at all.

I also don't think WWE would let Cena speak openly about a firing like he has if Bryan was gone for good and fired with heat.

And just one example, but I remember when Chris Masters broke their steroid policy...and had the future endeavors message on WWE.COM just like the rest of the firings. Wasn't he brought back after the 90 day suspension? I just think they list all firings/releases/suspensions the same even if they are just formalities and will be coming back to the company.
even though everyone seems to be convinced that Danielson's firing was legit, I still stand by it being a shoot.

I think you mean "work" here. Shoot would mean his firing was legit, which it was.

As further evidence of this, today, they are announcing that Bryan has booked two independent dates...for July!!! What was the last time you ever saw ANYONE from WWE whether they left on good terms or not, show up anywhere else within 90 days of their release without WWE consent?

Ummm, literally all the time? Tommy Dreamer was booked in no less than 6 different indy promotions within 2 weeks of his contract being terminated. He was already wrestling matches for independents again within a month.

The 90 day no compete clause only applies to appearing on television, so Danielson and anyone else released from the WWE can wrestle as many indies as they'd like after being released, they just can't show up on TNA or ROH TV.

He is getting indy bookings...with permission from WWE!

Highly unlikely, because again, he doesn't need their permission.
it is rumored that after his initial 90 days are up Bryan Danielson is going to return to WWE, so the question is if that happens how do you want to see him return. Face, Heel, part of NXT, Smackdown, Raw, etc....

I want to see Danielson return as a face against NXT. As great of a heel as he can be he has the momentum of the fans behind him and the potential feud with NXT "kicking him out" setup already. With that said the way I would have him return would involve a few things. I would start with Miz winning the Money in the Bank title shot. Have Nexus target Miz because his world title shot interferes with Barrett's and that the US title catches Barretts attention as well. This could seemingly turn Miz face. Have Nexus attack him during a promo and maybe even Barrett win the US Title after Summerslam at Night of Champions. Following the win or the next Raw Nexus attacks Miz pretty badly only to have Danielson run out and make the surprise save. With his history with NXT and Miz it would make sense and be an interesting dynamic. He would be a solid face upon his return and could instanly feud with Barrett over the US Title, Miz would be face/tweener and could move into a World Title feud with a newly champion and heel Triple H, who could reveal as the person behind Nexus, which would add more feul to a fued with Nexus attacking Miz earlier.... just a few thoughts...

What would you want to see?
I would want to see him return as a heel because he is mad at the WWE for releasing him, but I wouldn't want him siding with Nexus either. I would want him to be kind of a Loner, like Stone Cold was. That would be perfect for me.
I'd have him return next week on Raw (the tie incident wasn't a big deal and it happened nearly a month ago.) and I would have him say that he took out Wade Barrett (this would explain his absence) and that's he now the new leader of NXT. He could say that Barrett was afraid of him, because he knew that he wasn't as good as him and he tried to kick him out of the group. The group all knew who really was the best though and that's why they went along with Daniels plan.

This away the NXT angle continues to move along strongly. Without Barrett or Danielson this group is going to lose a ton of steam. The WWE should bring Bryan back to be the leader. (sorry for some of the wording, I've had a little bit to drink tonight ;))
I like Captain America's suggestion. People have to remember that this is a work, he wasn't REALLY released, and he can come back anytime before the 90 days are up. If Wade Barrett's Visa issues are going to keep him out for any length of time, I would definitely bring Bryan in as the new leader of Nexus. Otherwise I'd bring him in as a mystery entrant in a MITB match, have him win of course, and have him cash in his title shot on Barrett immediately after he wins his World title match. (And I'd have Barrett beat Bryan)
I would want to see him return as a heel because he is mad at the WWE for releasing him, but I wouldn't want him siding with Nexus either. I would want him to be kind of a Loner, like Stone Cold was. That would be perfect for me.

I partially agree with this, but i think he should be face. Maybe he comes out during a nexus assault and makes the save, but then continues the beat down on the guy(s) he saved. Initially he would get the heel heat for the beat down, but at the end of it he would be on team WWE vs Nexus and become a face, kinda like a stone cold DTA gimmeck.
I know this can't happen due to 90 day no compete thingy and all but I wish during either MITB match prolly raw though since the NXT is attacking Raw only. Anyway while the match is in its height all 8 guys are laid out and wtf from the crowd comes Daniel Bryan to climb the ladder and run off with the briefcase, and the ppv ends lol. But since that can't happen I guess to be lame I wanna see Daniel Bryan as be revealed as the masked man from SES. :)...ok 1 2 3 go procced to mock me I know its coming lol
I think the comments made by The Miz at the E3 convention is maybe an indication that Danielson will make a comeback and The Miz is just building the fued. if you havnt seen the comments check em out at the WZ homepage,

With about 2 months to go until he can be reinstated, it's all a matter of whether the Nexus feud is still going on or not. If it is, he'll clearly come back on a contract by some level of management, GM of Raw, Vinny Mac or whoever and help out the WWE after "earning" his WWE contract.

What does this mean? That we shouldn't worry about Bryan Danielson for at least 2 months and that he will come back against Wade Barrett in some sort of shape or fashion. Honestly, I think he should come back to Smackdown if the Nexus angle is over with as he could probably get an every show booking there and can grow easier.

Or, maybe...Just maybe, and this is one I'd like to see, he takes the NXT 2 crew on his back to face off against the NXT originals. Or have the NXT 2 crew join the original NXT crew, and that should happen close to the time Danielson comes back, and have him come back to the re-ignited shock factor of the Super-NXT group (15 members vs. the 7)
I see another thread merger, but this is not a work because WWE would never in their right mind ever let one of their own talent appear in other promotions. Let alone of all things challenge someone for the NWA title.

Here are a few scenarios

1) He returns and saves someone (Cena?) from an NXT beat down and then apologizes to the crowd, Justin Roberts, and everyone for his actions as a way to "redeem" himself to the WWE and it's sponsors. He then aligns himself for Survivor Series or War Games in a team against Nexus.

2) Miz, Cena or Barrett is looking impressive in the RR and we're down to the last 5-10 people. Then all of a sudden Bryan comes out of nowhere as a surprise entry to eliminate himself and one of the three mentioned. Thus setting up a feud leading into Wrestlemania.

Personally although he proved he can gain tremendous heat as a heel in the Cena beat down I don't think him redebuting as a heel would do him any favors until he gets more ring action in matches that last more than 5 minutes.
i got one more idea. have more NXT members "start to feel remorse". starting with Gabriel and then eventually Slater and Young and then have those 3 feud with the 4 remaining members of Nexus leading into survivor series where Danielson would return as the forth member of the face team.
I would really love to see this scenario go down. Since in my opinion Micheal Cole's whole tv personality has gained this "Smarkier than you are" attitude on NXT, starting with the Danielson story and continuing(coming from a Cole hater from day one), I'd like to see Cole revealed to be the mystery GM, and then the real ring leader of Nexus.

Cole is always safe in all of the Nexus beatdowns, since they started. He gets away. Also with the mystery GM giving Nexus license to touch anyone but "Superstars", it could be a hint as to the real intentions of the GM. So at some point you have Cole as mystery GM helping the Nexus group out in several ways. Then at some point you have it revealed that Cole is GM, and behind Nexus all together, and trying to forge his own legacy, because everyone thinks he's a cheap ripoff of JR.....like Danielson said on TV during their confrontations.

Once Cole is revealed, that is when Danielson comes back. He screws Barrett out of a title or match, or whatever. He's back as a face, for revenge on Micheal Cole who was the one who either "got him kicked out of Nexus" or "Fired from WWE", however they would play it.

You have built in feuds with Barrett, and any of the other Nexus guys, and eventually what everyone last one of us in the IWC wants to see could happen...... (If you say you don't want to see this.....I call you a liar)...... We get a match of some sort, that is Danielson destroying Cole. Just 5 minutes of Cole getting pummeled, ala Austin and Bischoff when Austin returned.

Danielson will come back with so much momentum that anyway they do, I'm thinkin it's a surefire hit for them. I honestly think, that the WWE is using this whole ordeal to finally open the doors to what is out there beyond them. They already started by showing pictures and things of matches Danielson and Low-Kaval had in other promotions and acknowledging their accomplishments in the indy scene during NXT. So when Danielson returns and Cole is ultimately the heel behind all of this, you can have Lawler and other announcers talking about what he did while he was gone. Challenging for World Championships and what not, drawing sell out crowds, all while Cole is yelling about him being a loser, and a nerd.

I think it's an awesome idea. What do you think?
I'd like the WWE to run a series of vignettes building upto his return, with Danielson not giving anything away as to where his allegiances lie & keeping everyone on their toes (& ideally, the eventual outcome not being leaked to the IWC) Then coming back & going straight after the Miz & taking the U.S Title off him. He can then address Nexus, saying that he appreciates the support they've given him & that they've done so much without him, that they don't need him. That could lead to Wade Barrett saying that they never needed him anyway & didn't want him back, then Danielson could have a few matches with Nexus memebers leading upto a PPV match with Barrett & after a run in or two from the like of Tarver & Otunga, Danielson could then be assisted by either Heath Slater and/or Justin Gabriel (The clear faces in the group) or someone from NXT season 2, preferably Low Ki. Thus building interesting feuds with younger up & coming stars that have grabbed the audiences attention, rather than the same old Cena, Orton, Edge, Seamus, HHH feuds that have been around since Hulk Hogans scrotum was still in good condition!!!
have the RAW GM whoever its going to be announce that at night of champions its gonna be Miz vs a mistery opponent for the us title (notice they made mistery oppenents or a mistery oppenet challenge for titles at NOC 08 and NOC 09) then have it be Brian Danielson. no not "Daniel Bryan". Brian Danielson. then have Danielson won with the Cattle Mutilation. then continue the feud and make it a "Miz cant beat Danielson feud". but thats just how i would do it.
Have him come to the ring in a few weeks or months and confront the nexus group.. When it looks like he's about to get beat down have the NXT season 2 guys come running down to save him..

He can lead the NXT season 2 guys who he says are "happy" to be in the WWE and don't think they are owed anything..

Then you have have a feud between the 2 factions leading to a Daniels vs Barrett Wrestlemania match..

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