It's Happening Again: BattleZone Tournament 3 Coming Soon!

This year's tournament looks quite awesome.

Why is Harry Potter a super?

The same reason Doom is I imagine. He may actually be human, but he possesses extra powers which make him far superior to any standard human.


If you look at the human bracket everyone there is naturally talented or has equipped themselves with technology that makes them a threat. They're just normal people, but highly skilled. Harry Potter was born with an ability that few others possess. He's basically like a mutant in the Marvel universe: there are many of them, but they are radically different from the overwhelming majority of the world's population.
My only fault is that I'd have used Lancelot, Tristan or Galahad instead of King Arthur, as all are better, more resourcefull fighters, Arthur probably wouldnt get past Achilles for example, but I'd fancy Galahad's chances, considering he doesnt even break a sweat most of the time and is basically a Jesus capable of disembowling practically anybody with ease, but he is a jonny come lately.

Sorry, I mean, Vader all the way.
Not to nitpick but isn't Megaman technically robot?
Yes, but he has many human weaknesses, and not enough powers or whatever to be Super. My brain's not working right now, so let's just say that "Human" is a general catch-all term. I mean, The Doctor is an alien, for example, and Samus has alien blood.


You guys considered putting in a Terminator, or a Tekken fighter in there?

We considered both of these during the signup process. No room, unfortunately. So many characters, so little room.
Don't know if I missed him or not but is Ryu in this?

Nah, he was in last year so we decided to replace him with a different Street Fighter character - in this case Vega - for variety.

I'll admit that Vega was because of some personal bias since I love the character and think his fighting style could be fun to argue for or against. Plus, he's about as far away from Ryu as you can get.
Spike vs. Afro Samurai. Book it the fuck now.

Vicious from Cowboy Bebop would have been an excellent choice as well.
Dear JG and Doc,

Curse you and all your generations! So many Marvel characters, I'll be tied up on Google trying to find faults in their opponents forever.

Thanks for making a 38 (and 2/3s) manager a big kid for several weeks again... I'm saying this now because my sanity might go the way of Mr Castle's or Mr Napier's if Iron Man / Samus Aran 2 happens! :p

Барбоса;4097849 said:
Kenshiro sounds like someone who could get thoroughly Indiana Jonesed by the likes of Bond or Boba Fett.

"You are already..."

BANG. Heat-seeking missile in the face.

Nah he only says it after he kicks the holy hell out of you in your vital areas.

Edit: you wouldn't be able to get a shot off anyway.
Барбоса;4097863 said:

No sweat to Boba Fett and his Mandalorian armour then, which is essentially lightsabre proof.

Wrong bracket, Kenshiro is a super. That said, I think The Incredible Hulk or Juggernaut could withstand a few Kenshiro kicks. I also think Kenshiro might have a hard time getting past Achilles.
Wrong bracket, Kenshiro is a super. That said, I think The Incredible Hulk or Juggernaut could withstand a few Kenshiro kicks. I also think Kenshiro might have a hard time getting past Achilles.

You forget that kenshiro is rated 3rd on the all-time strongest anime characters. behind Goku and Doraemon respectively.

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