I'm bored and finger buttholes, so maybe people will ask me questions

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
It looks like I'm stealing Killjoy's thunder, but I meant to do this last week. I've been on Creative twice somehow, been around for almost literally forever, and had 5 (holy shit) characters. Ask me stuff. Or don't. Whatever.
Me first

What inspired elegANT? And what are the other characters you've had on the fed?

Bonus, what does elegANT do in his spare time?
What inspired elegANT? And what are the other characters you've had on the fed?

I love Chikara, so he's inspired by that. For those familiar, he is essentially Jervis Cottonbelly as a memeber of the Colony.

-My longest running character was Phoenix. He was a drug addict who was legally dead after a car crash but ended up surviving. He started as kind of a straight-edge militant, but evolved a lot from there.
-Next was The Internet Warrior. He didn't last long, but managed to gain a surprising amount of hatred after ending up in something similar to Gold Rush
-Then I had Brother Mason Westhoff. He was a radical religious zealot who followed The Almighty. Ask Yaz about him.
-And then there was Illapa. She was a follower of Westhoff who ended up having some matches of her own. I had some stuff planned for her, but it came at a time when I was kind of burned out, so it never happened.

Bonus, what does elegANT do in his spare time?

He's very philanthropic, so he spends a lot of time at charity events. At home, he tends to read and is also very fond of napping.
Thoughts on me, Alhazred and Diabolos. In what ways can I improve in your mind?

Diabolos unmasking as Alhazred is one of my favorite fed moments. I love both characters and you really are one of the best in the fed. The only real issue I have is that sometimes you go a bit to far outside of the box with your RPs. This analogy may go way over everyone's head, but just go with me. If you boil it down to the most basic level, each match is a wrestling promo competition. We, as the Creative team, are deciding which wrestling promo is better. On occasion the RPs you write, while still excellent stand alone pieces, go so far out there that it is hard to look at them in the wrestling promo context to judge them.

Sorry, that was a lot of confusing words for not that big of a complaint. Alhazred is awesome, just like Diabolos was, and I can't wait to see where you go with him in the future.
I forgot one question: When does elegANT go against Veejay again?

How do you see Veejay going forward?
I forgot one question: When does elegANT go against Veejay again?

Hopefully in the finals of the tournament ;)

How do you see Veejay going forward?

We've talked about this a bit in the back, but you and Dorian are two of the best new guys we've had in a while. You have a good grasp on your character, which tends to be difficult for people new to the fed, and more than held your own against someone that's been doing this longer than you. I really want to face you again and then I'd like to see you build off the momentum of your strong debut into either a tag team or singles title contention.
Not to tip my hand, but...

Has the mayhem division had enough time pass to be considered nostalgia? Consequently, if there was a character who was determined to bring back the mayhem division, and almost did like Raven's gimmick in WCW (Raven's Rules, no disqualifications) would that work in the e-fed now?
Not to tip my hand, but...

Has the mayhem division had enough time pass to be considered nostalgia? Consequently, if there was a character who was determined to bring back the mayhem division, and almost did like Raven's gimmick in WCW (Raven's Rules, no disqualifications) would that work in the e-fed now?

I'd think so. I can't believe it's been a year and a half in real time since that happened. I just re-read the show; I will never get used to how the roster turns over.

That is definitely interesting. That reminds me a bit of when we had the Mayhem Champion defend every round, and every match was at least a Mayhem match, if not some other stipulation. I mean, the division would be gone so there wouldn't be the multi-man clusterfucks that we had, but he would essentially be treated just like how the Mayhem Champion was minus the belt (unless he dug it up and started carrying it unofficially [you're welcome for the idea]). I could even see it being kind of an advantage (which he should have, in all honesty) kind of like how Ty's Ouija was back in the day, because opponents focus on the match more than the man in the match.

All in all, I think I'd give it a cautious thumbs up.
Is elegANT super ugly under the mask?

Well, he's an ant so he looks something like this:


Which character of yours has been the most fun for you to write?

elegANT is the most entertaining to write, just because I can do light-hearted and fun stuff. However when I was on a roll writing for Mason, they were by far the easiest RPs for me to write. I'm not very religious, but I spent 13 in Catholic school and am naturally persuasive/manipulative, so he came very naturally to me.

Will we ever see a Phoenix return? I love elegANT but Phoenix was one of my favorites when I first came in.

I know better than to say never, but it would have to be a perfect scenario, I think. I've toyed with doing him as a secondary character, just because I feel like I really messed him up. Once I finished the fallout with Second Coming, he was always just a heel for the sake of being a heel, or a face for the sake of being a face. If I could find a story for him and really sink my teeth into a gimmick, I could see it happening, but I don't know if he'll be my one and only again.

I am glad to hear you liked him. I understand why he's remembered more for what he didn't accomplish, but I'll always be proud of what I did do with that character.
But I just wanna be like you :(

Would elegANT and Lexi be the nicest team ever? What were things I could've done better with Lexi?

I think the main issue is that the character (the character, not your writing of her) as a stand alone entity isn't overly interesting. I know that sounds a bit harsh, so let me explain a bit. Pro wrestling is built on larger-than-life characters. WZCW is that taken to the extreme. I'm cherry-picking a bit, but lets look at a few characters and their gimmicks:

- Ty Burna: A kind of dark occultist
- Titus: Hollywood actor and super hero
- Alhazred: Mad scientist and/or sex addict

Those are fairly boiled down to the most basic level, but those all have gimmicks that almost write themselves. You could write a high quality RP for any of them without know anything about the opponent or stakes of the match. A more basic gimmick like Lexi's is much harder to do because unless you do backstory or have a very strong story going on in your RPs, you are needing a on-screen storyline to really move the character forward.

Does that make sense?
Yeah that makes sense. I guess that's one issue I've always had is I'm not overly creative when it comes to gimmicks.
Yeah that makes sense. I guess that's one issue I've always had is I'm not overly creative when it comes to gimmicks.

I really think it's just a matter of taking the gimmick and turning it up. Lexi Hayes, southern girl isn't that interesting. Lexi Hayes, country music star, for example, is. It's not a big difference, but that little change gives you so much more to work with.
As I'm vain, thoughts on Steven Holmes in general?

And because this is a thread about you of course: The internet Warrior, your thoughts looking back at it? Should it have gone better or was it doomed to fail? WIll we see him, maybe as an All Stars character?
As I'm vain, thoughts on Steven Holmes in general?

And because this is a thread about you of course: The internet Warrior, your thoughts looking back at it? Should it have gone better or was it doomed to fail? WIll we see him, maybe as an All Stars character?

I know he was much more than this, but Holmes was the ultimate cocky, rich heel. There was nothing likeable about him and you wrote him so well. He's overlooked for some reason, but I think of him as one of the best characters in fed history.

Honestly, I wasn't good enough to write a character like TIW yet. Even though I had been in the fed for months, maybe over a year, at that point, I don't think I was good at RPing yet and I definitely looked at myself in terms of wins and losses. People losing their shit when I was put in whatever that competition was didn't help either, because it legit pissed me off. We might see him in All Stars, but that would be it. He was a big swing and miss on my part.
Honestly, I wasn't good enough to write a character like TIW yet. Even though I had been in the fed for months, maybe over a year, at that point, I don't think I was good at RPing yet and I definitely looked at myself in terms of wins and losses. People losing their shit when I was put in whatever that competition was didn't help either, because it legit pissed me off. We might see him in All Stars, but that would be it. He was a big swing and miss on my part.

The NXT rip-off we did, with Angel as Titus' apprentice. Me and Numbers had the great idea of putting Darren Bull with Constantine simply for 'tine to bully the shit out of him. The visual of HHH doing a Double A spinebuster on Christiano Ronaldo filled us with great pleasure.

Considering you were a former tag champ then and we had people like Angel and Bull involved, you were a fine fit in there even if you'd only just come back.

Another question: What's been your favourite moment in WZCW outside of anything involving your characters (sadly rules out War Games I'm afraid)?
The NXT rip-off we did, with Angel as Titus' apprentice. Me and Numbers had the great idea of putting Darren Bull with Constantine simply for 'tine to bully the shit out of him. The visual of HHH doing a Double A spinebuster on Christiano Ronaldo filled us with great pleasure.

Considering you were a former tag champ then and we had people like Angel and Bull involved, you were a fine fit in there even if you'd only just come back.

That's right. I knew it wasn't Gold Rush, but I couldn't remember what it was.

Another question: What's been your favourite moment in WZCW outside of anything involving your characters (sadly rules out War Games I'm afraid)?

The first thing that came to my mind was Matt Tastic winning the title in the Lottery last year. I remember when he started as The Killjoy in the Mayhem Division, and seeing him evolve to Matt Tastic and beat almost literally the whole roster to become World Champion was really cool.
Since elegANT seems really nice, what would actually tick him off?

What's the best part of being on creative?
Thoughts on the following characters:

1. Mr. Santiago. A man obsessed with fishing who talks about making big catches and life on the sea. Uses fisherman's suplex, fisherman's driver and fisherman's neckbreaker. Thinks WZCW World Title is his greatest catch.

2. Fan Boy McCrane. A guy who wants to bring WZCW back to the days of his heroes: Barret Stratton, Armando Paradyse, Hollywood Jameson and his idol, Doug Crashin. Each of his promos includes a line from one of their great promos and inspires him to keep working harder. Finds all of the great performers like Titus, Everest and Showtime to be completely overrated and doesn't get their appeal.

3. More of an All-Stars idea: Jack Boring. He wrestles a very slow, old school style with moves like spinning toeholds, abdominal stretches and front facelocks but hears fans chanting BORING and thinks he's getting huge face pops. When he gets in trouble he wrestles an actually exciting style but the fans stop chanting his name and he goes back to the basics to calm them down.

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