If Jeff Hardy is convicted....


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We all know that right now Jeff Hardy is facing possible jail time but my question is...If Jeff Hardy is convicted and has to do jail time should TNA make him the World Champion anyways ? I'm not saying keep the title on him the whole time while he is gone but maybe for a couple of days. Imagine if Jeff was found guilty and had to surrender himself by november, TNA can give him a proper send off by having him will the championship at BFG and coming out on the next IMPACT saying "Due to personal issuses in my life I have to step away from pro wrestling and TNA...This isn't goodbye forever it's just goodbye for now". Then he can either hand the belt over to Kurt Angle or TNA can do a tournament.

What do you think, If convicted should TNA make Jeff Hardy Champion as a proper send off ?
We all know that right now Jeff Hardy is facing possible jail time but my question is...If Jeff Hardy is convicted and has to do jail time should TNA make him the World Champion anyways ? I'm not saying keep the title on him the whole time while he is gone but maybe for a couple of days. Imagine if Jeff was found guilty and had to surrender himself by november, TNA can give him a proper send off by having him will the championship at BFG and coming out on the next IMPACT saying "Due to personal issuses in my life I have to step away from pro wrestling and TNA...This isn't goodbye forever it's just goodbye for now". Then he can either hand the belt over to Kurt Angle or TNA can do a tournament.

What do you think, If convicted should TNA make Jeff Hardy Champion as a proper send off ?

With all due respect, that's downright silly. If Jeff Hardy is convicted and ends up having to do time in jail, TNA will distance themselves from him as much as possible and as quickly as possible. What good could possible come to TNA Wrestling as an organization, having their champion, the face of their company, be revealed to be a convicted drug felon? TNA would drop him faster than Samoa Joe would drop a salad if someone passed him a cheeseburger.

TNA really would owe Jeff Hardy nothing. Due to the turmoil in Hardy's life at the moment, he's really been a non-factor with TNA during his second tenure there. Maybe, and it's a huge maybe, if TNA were faced with a similar dilemma with a long-time TNA original such as Styles or Jarrett, maybe. But for Hardy? No way. There'd be no send-off, no attention drawn. He'd quickly and quietly disappear, and his professional wrestling career would be over. Because let's face it, after jail time for a drug conviction, TNA probably wouldn't be rolling out the welcome mat for him to return. And he'd hardly be returning to the PG world of WWE either.
I agree with the whole Jeff Hardy should win at BFG thing, but the only part I didn't agree with is having ANOTHER tournament, we're just going to be ending one and then another one starts? It'd be better having Anderson and Angle square off at the Next PPV to determine The World Champion. But yes, Jeff should be given a proper sendoff, from TNA Wrestling by winning the belt at BFG. He's come close to winning it a lot of times, and I hope to see him hold that TNA World Heavyweight Title once, before (HOPEFULLY NOT) going to jail.
If Jeff Hardy is convicted then TNA will have absolutely nothing to do with him until all the "jail" situation is over. Why would TNA want to put themselves at risk with a jailbird? Jeff's just a liability. He's a disaster waiting to happen; he always has been.

He doesn't even realise how lucky he is to be where he is right now. If he can't get over his demons or his godforsaken addictions just to save his own worklife then he's an idiot; and I have no more respect for him.
Yes, let's reward people for going to prison. Not only is it a great message to send to your employees and fans, but it creates even more instability for a World Championship that is coming off of a two-month vacancy.

*slow, sarcastic clap*

Seriously dude, this is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. For one, and the most simple point of all, Jeff doesn't deserve the World Title. He's not on the same level as Angle or Pope. Two, the uncertainty about his future makes putting the title on him nearly impossible.

Three, Hardy would hand the belt over to Angle? The same Kurt Angle who threatened to retire if he lost one match during the last several months? You really think Kurt wants to be "handed" a belt he didn't cleanly win? I know consistency isn't something TNA's known for, but this would be pretty terrible.

Lastly, did you actually suggest TNA hold ANOTHER tournament? I'm going to pretend you didn't. Please let me pretend.
Jeff should be given a proper sendoff...


Let's forget about what Hardy has actually accomplished in TNA, because like someone else said he isn't owed anything based on the limited work he's put in so far. The much more important point here is that Hardy IS GOING TO JAIL! He's not going off to serve his country, go on a honeymoon, or begin chemotherapy. Why in the world do you guys feel he should be given a reward for criminal behavior?
Oh, that sounds like a great idea. Let me read exactly how the articles relating to his jail time will look like.

Future Time TMZ and all NC area newspapers said:
Wrestling Champion Sentenced to Prison

TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy was sentenced to 10 years in prison yesterday in (court district) Superior Court on charges including drug distribution, possession of opium, maintaining a dwelling where...
TNA needs mainstream press, this is true. But, and call this a hunch, I definitely don't think this is the kind of exposure they're looking for. While we're at it, why isn't the WWE hyping the fact that Natalya is Jim Neidhart's daughter? That's good for some free press now, right?

And of course no one would know what he was talking about when he discussed his "personal issues".

This might actually be a worse idea then the person who suggested putting the Knockouts title on Dixie Carter.

Let's forget about what Hardy has actually accomplished in TNA, because like someone else said he isn't owed anything based on the limited work he's put in so far. The much more important point here is that Hardy IS GOING TO JAIL! He's not going off to serve his country, go on a honeymoon, or begin chemotherapy. Why in the world do you guys feel he should be given a reward for criminal behavior?

I'm so glad that I'm not the only person on this forum that isn't constantly trying to defend Jeff Hardy. I don't see why so many people love him. He jumps off of ladders, switches companies, does drugs and gets put in prison alot. He's a threat to society and I really really dislike him for it.

He shouldn't be given praise for what he's done; if anything he should just be thrown back in the slammer where he belongs. Harsh or not, it's the truth. All the Hardy marks on here just need to stop and see the truth; while they're at it they can take their hand out his ass.
I have to agree with That 90s Kid. Jeff Hardy has never been anything special in my eyes, and with all his "personal issues" I don't see why any company would even take him on. It's off subject, but I was annoyed enough when he won the WWE Title, but letting him get the TNA Title just before he goes to jail?! Fuck dude, that's ridiculous.
What do you think, If convicted should TNA make Jeff Hardy Champion as a proper send off ?

Give a guy going to jail a proper sendoff? This is the most fucking ridiculous thing I have read in a long time. Here, Jeff, have our biggest title, in celebration of you being nothing but a world class fuck-up! GREAT IDEA!

Hell, TNA never should have even signed him. His arrest came before TNA signed him, so they knew damn well what they were getting into. Congrats, TNA...when Hardy is sentenced to prison, it won't be WWE wrestler Jeffy Hardy, it will be TNA wrestler Jeff Hardy. I hope you love the negative publicity you get out of this...come to think of it, if TNA is stupid enough to sign a guy who just got busted for running a fucking pharmacy out of his house, maybe they are dumb enough to give him the title immediately after he gets sentenced. Hey, and here is a great idea, since you are so keen on rewarding felons, how about starting a thread about whether TNA should sign Jim the Anvil Neidhart? He just got busted for drug related crimes too! They can be a new tag team...you can call them the the Rx express.
I honestly don't understand why so many people are trying to defend Jeff Hardy or make excuses for his behavior. Not only should TNA not even remotely consider putting the TNA World Heavyweight Championship on Jeff Hardy until/unless he's found not guilty, but they should also not have yet another tournament. As far as tournaments go, I'm actually kind of sick of them. As with gimmick matches, TNA tosses tournaments around as if they're nothing and they do it so often that the tournaments lose a lot of meaning in my book. On top of that, BFG will mark roughly 2 months since TNA hasn't had a World Heavyweight Champion. RVD just got off a pretty lackluster run, in my opinion, without having had any real significant matches or feuds as champions so couple RVD's reign with the title's vacancy and you have a championship that really needs some stability.

As for Jeff Hardy, Hardy is simply not the wrestler he was 13-14 months ago. Some of that is due to TNA's booking of him, though I can't necessarily criticize them for that because they've been caught between a rock and a hard place on that. TNA hasn't really been able to push Hardy significantly with this criminal trial hanging over his head because the TNA brass doesn't know when or how often Hardy's presence in court might be required. The NC courts aren't going to adjust their schedule to accomodate Jeff Hardy's wrestling career.

Let's just say for the sake of argument that Hardy would have been pushed the exact same way by TNA if the charges had never been brought in the first place. In all the time Hardy has been in TNA, he really hasn't done anything to warrant being TNA World Heavyweight Champion in my view. Granted, that didn't stop them from giving RVD the championship but, then again, RVD's run wasn't exactly the spectacle fans were expecting. And, in an even more basic sense, Jeff Hardy's past troubles seem to have caught up with him so why should he be rewarded with a World Title run all the same?
Here, Jeff, have our biggest title, in celebration of you being nothing but a world class fuck-up! GREAT IDEA!

Anybody who can actually see the light about Jeff Hardy and why he shouldn't be praised for what he's done is awesome in my books, so just for that, I'm green repping you. You deserve it and your opinion is spot on; enjoy your green rep.
I am not a huge Jeff Hardy fan... He is not a "channel changer" for me when I see him like the Miz is... However, I really don't look forward to seeing him on my tv... If you all know what I mean... So no, Jeff will not be given a World title run, nor does he deserve one...

I guess one of the biggest problems that I have on here is that we have SOME 16 year olds on here saying that Jeff Hardy should just be locked up and have the key thrown away... Yeah... Let's NOT give people second, or even third, chances to redeem themselves... Let's NOT root for someone to triumph over their demons... WTF??? What "hard living" have most 16 year olds done??? At age 16 do you really know anything about life??? Neither you nor I know what Jeff has gone through on a personal level... So, for anyone to make IDIOTIC comments like this, when they really don't know what the "real world" is like is really mind numbing...
lets not forget friends, jeff was in trouble BEFORE signing with TNA...so that might have been a little shortsighted of TNA....why hire someone who was currently going through a major criminal investigation? did they really think Jeff could help with their ratings????
Wow some of you guys talk about Jeff Hardy like he's some NXT season 3 rookie...The man is a 10+ year veteran who lives and breathes the business, He deserves a proper send off by winning the TNA World Championship. Just imagine when he's in the IMPACT zone giving his farwell speech the crowd screaming "FREE HARDY" "FREE HARDY" There won't be a dry eye in the house or anyone else's house thats watching it on TV.
Wow some of you guys talk about Jeff Hardy like he's some NXT season 3 rookie...The man is a 10+ year veteran who lives and breathes the business, He deserves a proper send off by winning the TNA World Championship. Just imagine when he's in the IMPACT zone giving his farwell speech the crowd screaming "FREE HARDY" "FREE HARDY" There won't be a dry eye in the house or anyone else's house thats watching it on TV.
No, we talk about him as if he's a man who's facing several years in prison for drug crimes during a period where professional wrestling is trying to distance itself from drug abuse (at least in perception.) I won't even get into the future history you discuss, where a company actually celebrates a wrestler who was convicted of those crimes.

The WWE didn't come out on the Wednesday after their Chris Benoit special and say "well, yes, he did murder his family, but he was a long time veteran who gave his heart to the business and we felt he deserved a proper sendoff. We stand by our programming."
If they gave Jeff the title he'd probably sell it for some meth. Seriously I can't believe anyone would even think that TNA would consider giving a (potentially) convicted felon the title...but then again, I wouldn't be that surprised if TNA actually did it. Frankly I'm kind of surprised that they even hired him to begin with, or at least I should be surprised, but they brought in Hogan, Hall, Waltman...
If Jeff Hardy gets sent down to do some time it would be good for TNA. Hardy has not brought anything to TNA in his second stint. I laugh everytime Taz calls him "the charismatic Inigma". This guy has no charisma what so ever, he is lazy in the ring, lazy on the mic and just looks bored of wrestling. Hardy is in the main event on name basis only, it has nothing to do with current performance level.
Some of you may shout about his match with angle, but performing 7 swantons and 12 twist of fates does not make a great match, nor does being put in an ankle lock for 10 minutes without tapping.
Finally they will be able to get rid of the waste of Shannon Moore who is only in TNA because of hardy, this guy straight up sucks.
So lets all hope hardy is sent down for 6 months so he can take a look at his life and TNA can get rid of another dead weight dragging down the company.
Let's ger Pope and Wolfe in the main event scene and put on some really "great" matches.
I guess one of the biggest problems that I have on here is that we have SOME 16 year olds on here saying that Jeff Hardy should just be locked up and have the key thrown away... Yeah... Let's NOT give people second, or even third, chances to redeem themselves... Let's NOT root for someone to triumph over their demons... WTF??? What "hard living" have most 16 year olds done??? At age 16 do you really know anything about life??? Neither you nor I know what Jeff has gone through on a personal level... So, for anyone to make IDIOTIC comments like this, when they really don't know what the "real world" is like is really mind numbing...

Where'd you get that soapbox; Bed, Bath, & Beyond?

I love how you've gone off on a rant based purely on a guess. Who here is 16-years-old? Do you have any idea? Nah!

Besides, your perspective is completely backwards. The teenies are more likely the ones calling for Jeff to be given more chances and World Titles. I could be wrong, but I imagine those of us saying Hardy should pay for his mistakes are the older folks. I'm 28 and I've learned through the years that people typically don't change unless they suffer consequences.

Also, do you really think Hardy hasn't already received his second or even third chance? This guy has been a problem for a while, and that's only with the things we know about.

I don't think any of us wouldn't be delighted to know that Jeff's cleaned up his life. I'd be just as happy for any other fellow human being. But this thread is about the OP's ridiculous notion of giving the guy a World Title as a "sendoff" before he goes to pay the price for his mistakes.
lets not forget friends, jeff was in trouble BEFORE signing with TNA...so that might have been a little shortsighted of TNA....why hire someone who was currently going through a major criminal investigation? did they really think Jeff could help with their ratings????

Yes, we know. TNA did too. Notice how they haven't given him any major ongoing storylines yet? They brought him in and booked him with his uncertain future clearly in view, trying to get a quick ratings pop while not committing anything to him long-term. It wasn't short-sighted at all. Maybe he didn't give them the ratings they'd hoped, but was a failed experiment and they can easily cut ties with him now without any damage done.
I love how you've gone off on a rant based purely on a guess. Who here is 16-years-old? Do you have any idea? Nah!

Take no notice, Rasha. When he says "16-year-old" he's refering to me. He decided to start having a rant at me earlier on and caused an argument just because I said I didn't like the Hardy Boyz and that Degeneration X were arguably one of the best teams in history.

He's just trying to get at me, not working though; he's just made himself look like a complete idiot.

But you're right though, he's gone completely off of subject and his views are completely backwards; Hardy doesn't deserve anymore chances. He's had more than enough to change his life around and people still talk about how "Jeff has overcome so much in his life." - He hasn't overcome anything whatsoever; I'll hand it to him, he lost his Mother when he was younger yeah, that must of been hard; but everything else? No. He's a drug addict plain and simple and just because he's a big "star" in a terribly composed backlot company, doesn't give him the right be getting away with all his illegalities.
Wow some of you guys talk about Jeff Hardy like he's some NXT season 3 rookie...The man is a 10+ year veteran who lives and breathes the business, He deserves a proper send off by winning the TNA World Championship. Just imagine when he's in the IMPACT zone giving his farwell speech the crowd screaming "FREE HARDY" "FREE HARDY" There won't be a dry eye in the house or anyone else's house thats watching it on TV.

So every 10-year veteran who "lives and breathes" wrestling deserves a World Title? Eric Young will be thrilled to hear this.

You know what a "proper sendoff" for Hardy would be? A freakin' pink slip. That's what many, if not most, of us would face from our employers if we were guilty of his behavior.

And it's funny you bring up rookies, because they are one of the reasons Jeff should NOT be rewarded. You want to promote a drug-free workplace, right? How does doing favors for violators accomplish that?
It doesn't matter how old you are. Any internet fan knows whats happening with Jeff Hardy and we all have opinions on what Jeff Hardy deserves, but that will be for the court to decide.

To the person that wondered if Jeff deserves the World Title before leaving. NO! I like Jeff Hardy but I admit he acts like he doesn't care about his wrestling career at all. He has been fucking up his whole career and when he finally got that major push he left the WWE.

Since then he's been convicted of drug charges and signed by TNA. His recent work has been sloppy and far from entertaining. He just doesnt seem to care anymore, so why make Jeff Hardy, a man whos lost his passion for wrestling and convicted of drug charges the face of your company and a role model.

Its Jeff's fault that he screwed up his career and he is paying the consequences and he shouldn't have any special treatment veteran or not.

Thats it! Lets try and put this thread to rest.
Due to the fact that he may be convicted, don't even put the title on him in the first place. Anybody who knows what's going on with jeff and his drug issues will facepalm and shake their heads at TNA for putting the title on a drug felon. If he does get convicted, don't just avoid crowning him the title, drop him from the company. He's a risk to losing fans and will only decay a growing business in the long run.
Well I haven't read all the posts here, only due to the fact that I'm sure 90% of them are saying "HELL NO!" I did catch this funny little bit though

Wow some of you guys talk about Jeff Hardy like he's some NXT season 3 rookie...The man is a 10+ year veteran who lives and breathes the business, He deserves a proper send off by winning the TNA World Championship. Just imagine when he's in the IMPACT zone giving his farwell speech the crowd screaming "FREE HARDY" "FREE HARDY" There won't be a dry eye in the house or anyone else's house thats watching it on TV.

Do you know WHY people yell out "FREE ___"? Because they feel that the person was wrongly convicted. There is nothing wrong with this one should he get locked up. He got caught. End of story. I wouldn't be crying at all. In fact I doubt most people would care. Why would you want to support criminal activity?

As for the OP, NO. They should not. I know the old saying is "There's no such thing as bad publicity" but in this case that is wrong. Why would TNA, a company that is trying to pull in more viewers/sponsors, go and reward criminal activity on TV? WWE didn't have Jim Neidhart come out after his drug bust, or even Grandmaster Sexy after his. So what is Jeff so important? He's not. TNA has many people who can take Jeff's spot when he is gone. Can you imagine the bad PR that TNA would get for rewarding someone because they are about to be locked up? I don't wanna see TNA die, and this would be a way to make it happen, as they would alienate themselves. Not cool.

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