How did you choose your character rep

I typed "robot" into photobucket and picked the one that made me laugh the hardest.

Gustav just looked like Gary Cole's character from Office Space in my head.
Oh god, my character rep has changed alot. I started with Shaggy 2 dope, Bowen started as the Hardcore juggalo, I thought it was pretty cool and Shaggy was a real wrestler. The next rep change was to Sting, I've tried to use Bowen as being an older wrestler. So this kind of helped me, and at the time I wanted to still use facepaint. I then wanted Bowen to be more edgy and lose cannon. I found a picture of an indi wrestler named Lenn Oddity. My friend at the time D.c said that it fit Bowen perfectly.

Well we are now at Raven, to be honest I wanted to drop the whole juggalo gimmick for quite some time. I dropped the face paint, and wanted to find the biggest bad ass that I could find. Raven fit that bill rather well. So here we are, five years later.
I picked 'Taker for DJ and Liam Neeson for James or the same two reasons.

They're badass
I have a legitimate fear of both.
I picked Muta because I wanted someone hidden and reclusive. Someone not easily figured out and someone who looks like a star.
Wunderbar: He looks tall and blonde. Good enough.
Stark: I mark for Richie Steamboat
Reese: I mark for Corey Graves and figured that a tattooed guy fitted what I wanted for the character.


Sascha: I googled receptionist or secretary and found the first appropriate picture I could

Stevens: Look at Rob Naylor and tell me he doesn't look like a weasel with no spine. He was perfect

There are also other NPCs I haven't seen fit to describe and thus assign a rep.
Joe Mason: My initial choice was Curt Hawkins, because he fit the bill for what I made him look like perfectly, but he was taken, so I chose the next best thing in Daniel Bryan. After a time, I wanted to change it, but I ended up deciding Bryan was the best, especially because he fit the submission expert and technical bill as well.

Tony: A_M sent the pic to me, and I loved it.
Mike Solomon: First pic I saw after Googling mutten chops.
David Richman: Just saw the Muppets, and thought he fit the bill for a manager perfectly.
Rose: Love the Golden Girls, love Betty White. Needed an old white lady. End of story.
Joe Mason: My initial choice was Curt Hawkins, because he fit the bill for what I made him look like perfectly, but he was taken, so I chose the next best thing in Daniel Bryan. After a time, I wanted to change it, but I ended up deciding Bryan was the best, especially because he fit the submission expert and technical bill as well.

Tony: A_M sent the pic to me, and I loved it.
Mike Solomon: First pic I saw after Googling mutten chops.
David Richman: Just saw the Muppets, and thought he fit the bill for a manager perfectly.
Rose: Love the Golden Girls, love Betty White. Needed an old white lady. End of story.

I helped you picked out Bryan as your rep, fool.
For Isabel, the idea was sort of suggested to me. But I picked Eve because:

1.) She's a backstabbing bitch who can't be trusted. Ever.
2.) She's good at persuading men with her charms
3.) She's tricky in the ring and can (sometimes) pop out and steal a win. Not portrayed yet.

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