How did you choose your character rep

Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
A simple question I have always been curious about. What lead you to choose your character's rep? If you have created any NPCs what lead to that as well?

For me, I chose Husky Harris as Stormrage's rep for a couple reasons.
1) Obviously Stormrage is a bigger guy who isn't in the greatest shape so I wanted someone who fit that. I didn't want to go with a guy as big as a Rikishi or Yokozuna and I didn't want someone who was tall like Kane or the Undertaker. My initial thought was Brodus Clay but I didn't feel like he was a good visual representation of what I picture Stormrage as. Harris is a guy who irl is 300+ and is flabby.
2) I like Harris as a wrestler. I felt like he was underused while in Nexus. I follow his FCW career and honestly he had had some crap gimmicks down there.
3) Harris has a similar hair and facial hair style to myself and as I stated previously a lot of myself comes out in Stormrage

As far as picking Taylor Swift for Rose,
1) I have a huge crush on Swift, the irl Rose often teases me over it
2) I was listening to Swift on the radio earlier in the day when I wrote her debut rp. I found myself singing along, which I put into the rp. Pancake was less than impressed with this and honestly the more I think about it the more I want to change it just because I feel I rushed that aspect
3) AJ was already taken
Originally, Drake was Randy Orton which was kind of a seat of the pants decision I never thought out. Later I retooled him completely and wanted a cruiserweight. I was really into ROH at the time, thought Austin was the shit (he still is), and there you have it. This is also why Drake's moveset is a carbon copy of Aries's from that period.

NPCs, it was either Brutal Bob or Fonzie for Joe, and I thought Bob fit the bill a bit better, and for Kate, Summer Glau is hot as hell but not in a traditional way which is kind of what I'm aiming for with Kate.
For Ricky, I wanted to use Jeff Hardy, because I am a huge fan of being decked out in face paint. But Hardy was taken with Phoenix. I still wanted someone with long hair, and was lightweight. So I picked Ryder back when he was an Edgehead. But the image really wasn't working for me. So I decided to replace it with John Morrison. His look just fits so much better for what I had in mind with Ricky Runn. He looks like a fucking rock star.

For my NPC's, I chose the Dentist from The Hangover because he was exactly what I had in mind for Rob. And for Rachael, I needed to pick a Diva that still looked like she was in her late teens, early 20's. So A.J made a perfect fit.
I was listening to Serentiy by Godsmack (which became my theme) which got me thinking of Brian Kendricks last run in TNA which made me think of the character I have now.\ so i had to use Kendrick. I didn't really keep up with WZCW before I cam back so I was worried someone was using him. I'm glad they weren't.

I have an NPC in mind that I will be using from time to time and his Pic Base will be the Dalai Lama. With him being Buddhist and all it makes sense
I wanted cm punk, but couldn't get him because of Michael Winters. I needed someone grungy, so I chose Brad Pitt from fight club.
For me I wanted to use someone fast so I choose my favorite Soccer player Christiano.

As far NPCs go. I chose my next fav Soccer player Javier Hernandez. Then, for his dad I chose well Christiano's real dad.
Ace Stevens
  • The character of Ace Stevens and the rep of Domino/Cliff Compton came together in a package deal. I couldn't imagine a better rep if I wanted to.
  • The idea for the character itself came about because I was listening to Colt Cabana's podcast, and Compton spoke about how he was going to do a gimmick like Stevens after Deunce 'n' Domino ended.
  • Cliff Compton is awesome. Hilarious and talented (and he follows me on Twitter).
Lets see here. The character's name is The Beard, which is loosely based on myself. By loosely I mean the fact that I have a sweet beard. Mike Knox was the first guy that came to mind as he looked like a complete badass when he had that grizzly like beard. A match made in heaven really.

I chose Goldberg for Karnage because I needed a guy who came across as a legitimate monster heel. When I thought about it, Goldberg really fit the bill. No pun intended.He was big, he seemed uncaring about people's emotions and most of all, he looked like a fucking monster.

I remember wanting to change to Batista but a blue haired Murfish had stolen the rep.


I chose Triple H for Constantine because Triple H is, and always will be, my favourite wrestler to ever wrestle a match. Obviously, we all know about Anthony Michaels but I was lucky enough that my friends on Creative overlooked that fact and allowed me to use him. I think he fits the character very well. Put him in a suit and you can forget about it.
I picked Kurt Angle as:

A) He has been my favourite male wrestler of all time so I decided to go with him.
B) Angle's real name is Kurt Steven Angle. Remove "Angle", put Steven as his first name and use Kurt as a play on words of Courtesy and you've got Steven Kurtesy.

I took Mickie James for Sandy as she was my favourite female wrestler.
Brad Bomb

Originally I wanted a clean cut look for my character and I chose David Hart Smith. However, after I came back from my absence, I wanted a different look to Bomb, one that was more aggressive and rough and the edges. So I chose Seth Rollins/Tyler Black and he looks badass.
Chose mine because it fits my character description. Simple as that, the whole MMA backstory sorta came about because of the picture actually...
Originally Showtime's rep was DDP, mostly because I liked the ring attire he used, the gloves, vest, e.t.c. However, not long after starting in WZCW I thought he just looked too old to be Showtime. Then Dolph Ziggler started appearing on WWE and I thought he was a spitting image of how I envisioned Showtime. The rest is history.
When I wanted to to retool Baez into Matt Tastic, my first pick was Mr. Anderson. He had the right facials and there were many render of him in shorts and a cap. But he didn't have the longer hair I was aiming for so I picked Chris Sabin who had a similar look to what I was aiming for. Sadly there isn't as much footage for images and videos like for Anderson and he keeps cutting his hair more.
I actually pictured Marquel to look basically identical to Biggie Smalls. I didn't want to use him as a rep, because I knew I would mention Biggie in at least one RP, and use his lyrics in at least one RP, and also I wanted an actual wrestler/ former wrestler as my rep. I actually searched very hard to find a wrestler who looked like Biggie, and I just chose Lashley. I put Lashley in a shirt on my app with mainly only one side facing the camera plus parts of Lashley's arms not in the picture due to the numerous tattoos I pictured Marquel having.
I came up with the character first, after which there weren't a whole lot of options. Darkness Dragon and LA Park were about the only characters who looked appropriate.
Originally I was going to use Bizzy Bone with his hair unbraided and untied but I couldn't find a decent picture to use and Phoenix just grabbed a picture of Criss Angel (he legit didn't know who it was) and colored the eyes red and I went with it. I'm glad I did because he fit the crazy look that I wanted for Ty perfectly, however the image of Criss with his hair shorter isn't quite correct as Ty is supposed to have long hair.
I wanted someone who wasn't a wrestler, and someone outside the box. Blake (formerly of ITM) is a friend of mine, and he has a sense of humor that fits the personality of what I had in mind. From there, I built the look and backstory.
Pretty simple, Bret Hart is both closest to how Blade looks in my mind and he is the wrestler whose style I based Blade on. It was a no brainer.
My original rep for Celeste was an indy wrestler named Christie Ricci whose height, hair, and body style was very similar to what I pictured her to be. I later changed the rep to Beth when I found that Christie did not have many workable photos that could be made into signs and promos and whatnot. I've recently changed the rep again to Kaitlyn [who's real name is Celeste] because she's much prettier than Beth.

I haven't profiled all of my NPC's because not all of my regulars have debuted yet. There are 4 of them, and I've used 3; once I debut the last one I will profile them. Celeste has one brother, seven cousins, two BFF's, a husband, a son, an uncle, a father, two aunt's, and a deceased mother; all of whom could be used in my promo's.

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