HHH Taking Over For Vince McMahon - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

Fantastic, shocking segment to end RAW. I never thought that it would be revealed publically in such short notice that Triple H was going to be the new guy in charge. I mean, I heard about the rumor's of that happening, but I never in a million's years thought it would happen tonight. Just utter shock and amazement right now. Just the fact that we might never see Mr.McMahon on telvision anymore is a bit, how do I say it, underwhelming. Vince McMahon, is and always' wil be one of the best character's in the history of professional wrestling, and to not only hear that music anymore, or heae that Mr.McMahon voice anymore, will be a bit hard to get used to. But, when we move forward, it's a new tide.

Triple H is now kayfabe (or maybe not) the guy in charge. So, does it mean were in a dawn of a new era for WWE, something that will bring forth a more cutting edge and entertaining show, and make alot of fan's want to watch? What does this mean for the landscape of WWE, and for the CM Punk? The reason why Vince was released from Chairman is because of Punk, will Vince try to get him back to keep his job? We still have so much question's that need answering, and after 2 show's, we stil have no answers at to what is really going to happen.
Ugh... just another reason I hate HHH...

Lest this be misconstrued as spam let me add that I've never had any respect for HHH and I agree with CM Punk that he's a goof. I guess the one good thing I can say about HHH is he really knows how to ride coat-tails clear to the top.

I guess a lot of the HHH marks will like this, but I was having fun watching the matches tonight. They were all pretty darned good showings, and aside from R-Truth losing to Mysterio, I liked all the outcomes too. I just wish we could have finished it off with The Miz or R-Truth as the new champion.

Gaaaaawd I hate HHH, he does nothing but spoil everything I want to see in the WWE.

On a side note, Vince did great acting IMO. Let's see Donald Trump pull that off.
-triple hhh as the big kahuna of the wwe :D, i think we can all agree that the wwe might start rising up once again. or, thats what i would say if i was one of you people who bag on the wwe claiming that its all garbage.

-they have great matchs and feuds, they simply need to stop giving the titles to the same guys 10X's over and they would already be utilizing talent better. then they would need to make the endings more unpredictable. then they would need to have new feuds instead of seeing the same feud we saw a few years ago happen again, or having a feud go on for more then 3 ppv's, unless a new champion is crowned at the end of the 3rd ppv, then either a match on RAW/SD or one final ppv match then drop it.

-with these few changes alone, at least people would have a higher interest in the company. of course, some fans stop watching once their fav wrestlers retire, and might watch only to see their old favorites compete once again or make a televised appearance.

-honestly, in the end, no matter who controls the wwe, it doesnt mean its gonna be better, just means that it could become more interseting, the wwe needs to spark interest in their product in order for more people to watch. that alone would help the wwe out ten fold they would do great if they were to simply make a few changes as to how things are run, but just because triple hhh is in charge, it does not mean that the product will be better unless triple hhh makes it better.
I will probably get beat to the post about the comments of Triple H tonight so feel free to merge this. Vince has pulled two great things in the past month with CM Punk going on his rave and Triple H returning tonight to take over the company. I must say... Wow....

But I did think two things tonight that reminded me of TNA. One, since CM Punk's rant, the mention of other going to other promotions has been mentioned, ROH has been talked about but I heard Cena say he will walk onto another television show and keep on doing what he's doing. Ending it with 'Brotha.' Which made me think he was referencing Hulk Hogan in TNA. Then Triple H coming out and relieving Vince of his duties. I wouldn't have thought about this until I started thinking about Cena saying 'Brotha' but Vince being relieved of his duties somehow reminded me of when Dixie was forced out of her duties. So. One, I felt like WWE wanted to put some spotlight on another promotion and two, I felt like WWE stepped on TNA and took the Dixie firing and made it 100x better. Any thoughts?
I loved that touch by Cena actually, it made the situation feel more personal since the "McMahon" character and probably the real Vince, depises Hogan.
WWE Universe,

Sometime, when you're not busy believing everything you see on TV, visit http://corporate.wwe.com. While there, click on the "GOVERNANCE" link. This link lists the members/roles of WWE Board of Directors. Vincent K. McMahon is still your WWE Chairman (and will be until HE dies or HE decides to "step down"). No secret special meeting at the office will remove him from this position. It's an excellent television storyline and it's KUDOS to Vince for playing his part at his best Monday night.

Mr. McMahon, the TV character, is gone. For how long? That's why you will tune in. Enjoy this for what it is because it's been a long time coming to the fans of WWE.
Now there's talk that Vince is stepping down for real. I wonder how true that actually is. If it's not well who cares, but if it is in fact the end well that is sad to hear. Vince really did a hell of a lot for pro wrestling and that is not to be forgotten. At least the fans turned their silly 'goodbye chant' to a 'thank you Vince' and he got a proper send off. Be cool if they dedicated an episode of Raw to him and you got to hear interviews and stuff from wrestlers.

Either way if it's real or not things will definitely get more interesting.
I can't take it anymore! And I REALLY hope I hurt some of your feelings with this but, Get Real! It's called a "male soap opera" for a reason. Since you've been watched professional wrestling or sports entertainment, how many times has somebody been "fired" or "quit" and returned a few weeks or months later, either with same company or with a different one? I've been watching for over 30 years and I can count on one hand how many times I've seen somebody quit/retire and it be real.

So, it's time to WAKE UP PEOPLE! Do you really think that the promo CM Punk gave on RAW a few weeks ago was real? Do you really believe that Vince would put CM Punk in a title match, much less let him win the title if Punk wasn't already signed to a new contract? That's like the owner of Coca-Cola giving the secret recipe to a guy on his last day as a going away present! It's a STORYLINE! Think of it like this: This is a perfect way to get rid of the out-dated Spinner Belt! Punk wins & takes a few months off. RAW has a tournament to crown a new champion, who in turn gets a new belt. Cena wins new belt at Summerslam. Punk returns around Survivor Series claiming he is still champ and was never beaten. Cena & Punk have a unification title match. Cena wins & Wrestlemania Main Event is still on. In the meantime, Vince has managed to get over a million extra buys for some PPV's that aren't any of the "Big 4".

Sure WWE is a public company, and yes, they DO have a Board Of Directors, but that is for the BUSINESS side of things, not the ENTERTAINMENT side! What's that? You don't believe me? Well then, turn your TV's to MSNBC, Fox News, CNN or any other news channel. Did you see or hear any mention of a publicly owned multi billion dollar company reliving the CEO? Vince STILL owns at least 51% of HIS company, his wife and kids STILL own 25-30% of HIS company! It's a STORYLINE!

The entire "Board Of Directors" led by a former wrestler has a familiar ring to it......
1. Remember when ECW was on TNN (now Spike TV)? Cyrus was representing "The Network" and was always saying "The Network demands ratings"?
2. Remember WCW? When Stacy Keiber was representing "Standards & Practices"?
3. Remember when Mick Foley was representing "The Network" on TNA/Impact Wrestling?

Oh, my mistake, Xpac just Twittered "That was real", so it must be true, right? I mean, he only works for WWE and is buds with HHH.
To those who think this real. Seriously? Recently on a Bloomberg TV Special they did on WWE Vince stated(I'm paraphrasing a bit) "I would like to die in the chair".

Storyline wise I think this could be the start of something great. I also think its a good way to to get Triple H back on TV in a non-wrestling role since he apparently has little in continuing his in-ring career(outside of the occasional big match).

I Hope CM Punk is not gone to long. I am not going to even try to make a prediction on where this is going since WWE has been throwing curve-balls lately.

For the 1st time in a long I have actually been kinda of excited for Raw the last few weeks and next-week is no different.

I am just going to sit back and watch and hopefully enjoy.
Its only a story. We know wrestlers like Undertaker take time off, but even Vince takes time off every now and then. Don't you folks remember when he had that car blast accident on TV and then disappeared, only to appear when Chris Benoit passed away?

Similarly, Vince likes to get off TV from time to time, because honestly, fans should not get too much of him. Also, as it is known that HHH and Steph will be running the company after Vince is gone, it is important to see how fans perceive HHH as a manager/ boss rather than a wrestler in the future - hence they have made this story so that fans can start letting HHH sink in as an executive rather than a wrestler. Of course this does not mean he is retiring - he will do a story and few fights before he retires but for most of the year he will be your on-screen boss.

Vince is still the owner and the boss.

However, I don't like the way they keep bringing on the "cena will be fired" angle every year, in which he also becomes eligible for firing, and then he either gets re-hired or does not get fired at all. We all know he is not getting fired, so stop bringing it into the story. He is a dumb-a** and we don't need to know what his never-give-up-always-stick-and-shove-yourself-on-the-throats-of-fans character is.
Of course it not real, who the fuck said it was? I believe Vince, even if he's not the Chairman on the WWE, would stay with them in some sort of capacity, maybe as CEO or something. I honetly don't think Vince will ever leave his creation, it was his company since the early 80's.

There many scenerio's that can play out of this storyline. Does Triple H, will all this power, turn heel? Does CM Punk get reinstated? What happen's to Vince McMahon? Wil there be a new WWE Championship belt next week? Will Triple H taking over mean a changing of the gaurd, and russle in a new era? Once agian, were left with so many question's that need answering. That's why this whole storyline is so fuckin' good, nobody know's what the fuck is going to happen next. The more unpredictable, the better.
I am surprised at how many people think that Vince is actually stepping down / been releaved as CEO.
Visit http://corporate.wwe.com/ . Not only is Vince still listed as CEO... Paul Levesque is not mentioned as being a board member (Triple H stated that he was called to a meeting along with fellow board members).

While I agree that this is the best WWE TV has been for quite some time (stemming from Punk's great promo to Punk "leaving" the company with the WWE title), please remember.. its all kayfabe! While WWE did speak about a new buisness model and the new "Bigger Better Badder" initiative (which can be seen here at the buisness partners summt --> http://corporate.wwe.com/company/initiatives/index.jsp) ... this does not change the fact that Vince is still the man calling the shots. We have all known that WWE has wanted and needed to change the landscape with the absence of lots of top tier superstars (HBK, Edge, Undertaker, Triple H etc), and this is the start of that in my opinion. BUT . . . . Remember . . . . they have done this through storyline and by working the fanbase in a VERY good way. If you watch the summit video prior to this year's wrestlemania, Vince speaks about changing the "Core Product". That started last night on Raw.

It is great that creative has finally came up with a great storyline and not done the usual "Bait and Switch" which has turned many fans against them during the past couple of years. WWE has finally gotten peple talking again and wanting to see the next piece of WWE TV to see whats going to happen next. They have done a good job at working everyone, and thats what it is all about. Enjoy it for what it is!
I've been wondering for a while since Vince came back to TV if HHH will be recieving the baton, it looks like it for now. But I do agree with OP, i think its a gradual phase at the moment for TV but Vince will probably be doing alot more than HHH but just not as much as he was doing say 2 months ago. Good luck to HHH also and thanks Vince! <3
Hello WZ Forum members... I've been a faithful follower of this site and occasional reader of this board but I've chosen tonight to "Officially Debut!" ...

First off I've been a WWE fan most of my life but really got into it in the summer of '98 when Austin/McMahon really started to heat up. From all the time that I've watched wrestling I can say that there have been 2 Definining Era's in the the WWE (the Hogan era - 1984-1993-ish and the Attitude Era 1998-2005-ish) with this possibly being the Third Defining Era (if they don't screw it up!) If you notice anything about these eras you'll notice a significant "gap" of time between spikes in overall interest in the WWE product. Lets face it Hogan got stale by 1992 and the last few years of him doing the same old thing became much like what Cena's done for the past 5 years. Wrestling for the most part from 1992-early 97 wasn't very good and interest in it really waned. The Attitude Era (in my mind ended the day after WM 17 when Austin had his ill-fated "heel run" and they followed it up with the awful Invasion angle.) was over by 2005 when Cena was starting to be billed as the "modern day Hogan." Since about 2008 I've felt the product was really stale with only fleeting moments of good tv.

But what has made what's happened in the past couple weeks so compelling is that it's blurred the lines of what we've come to expect from WWE as wrestling fans and in doing so you get the increased interest in the product that they're putting out. The biggest reason that the Attitude Era was so successful was because it became a "what will they do next" But you needed the right guys to do it. - Austin/McMahon was and still is (from a pure entertainment perspective) the greatest fued in Pro Wrestling in my mind just because we'd never seen that line crossed before.

What's made the CM Punk storyline so compelling is the fact that he's been given "permission" by Vince/HHH/creative to talk about the taboo subjects of former wrestlers/ROH/backstage politics that we all read about and his own opinions about all of it. It's never been done in the way that they've allowed Punk to do it and you're seeing the ratings and overall interest in WWE go up right now. "Getting rid" of the Vince McMahon character on TV and putting HHH in charge officially "ends the Attitude era characters" and now they can go forward with an entirely brand new landscape of characters that could define the next 10 years!!
"Getting rid" of the Vince McMahon character on TV and putting HHH in charge officially "ends the Attitude era characters" and now they can go forward with an entirely brand new landscape of characters that could define the next 10 years!!

I disagree, why? HHH was a power figure in the Attitude Era and had control of the company much like now apart from he is doing it from a non-wrestling role. There was a whole era within the Attitude Era that covered this. You still have the likes of Kane and Big Show knocking about doing the same characters they did in the Attitude Era abeit Kane not wearing a mask.

I still reckon Vince will gain control again by Wrestlemania when HHH will focus his attention back to Undertaker, Vince will use that to convince the board HHH isn't doing his job well (yes, the old Vince/Flair rehash of exactly 10 years ago).

I do agree the landscape is changing to the extent it will be a big one not seen for 10 years but I can't see it for little more than being a test for the true future of the company.
I am just happy that we are going to see HHH back on TV, albeit in a non-wrestling role right now, the man is one of the most talented guys in the business and WWE is bound to be a better show with Trips back on screen.

This is a very interesting development. Obviously Vince is still in control behind the scenes but having HHH take over as the on-screen character definitely will shake things up, and it will be fresh and exciting. I was a bit disappointed not to see Cena "fired" as I think some time off would be good for him and make his return a big deal, but I can live with that.

I hope we don't see Punk re-hired immediately, as that would kill what could be a very special storyline indeed, but I have to say that all these developments are making RAW must-see TV for the first time in years! I love it!
Kayfabe or otherwise, this is pretty compelling.

How does Waltman fit in there, though? Easy. They want to sell this angle something fierce, right? Waltman's still on decent terms with the 'E, especially with Triple H, so 'Aitch just asks him to post a few things online to lend it creed.

If it somehow, someway, impossibly, manages to be a real thing? Even better. Either way, I'm back to being a wrestling fan after five years of adamantly ignoring it. Punk's promo created waves, making things like this socially relevent for a little bit. Was tonight a kind of slow down from last night? Yes, yes it was, but anyone that expected that level of heat and insanity from the crowd to continue after last nights PPV is expecting too much.

That came from being in Punk's hometown and from the brilliant lead up to the PPV. It was pretty great, honestly. But Punk was a non-entity tonight, and that was possibly the best thing that could have been done. Why would someone that is publicly not employed with a company show up and have sudden access to their equipment and time?(Realistically, which is what Punk went with this whole time, this is enough to make even the most long term fans step back and go 'Hokay....is this still a work or are we entering shootsville here'. Yes, I know Cena was 'fired' but it was so easy to see through all of that, there wasn't any doubt to that with Cena, not like there is with Punk.)

I'm kind of agreeing with a lot of posts saying that Punk's gonna come back with the title and proclaim himself the world champion and have a match with whomever is the champ at that point. It has shades of the Hall/Ramon ladder match, and look at how that one turned out in the history books, to this day that match is still in a lot of peoples top whatever of specialty matches.

Like I said, compelling either way here, I can't wait to see how this all pans out.
Most of you guys know nothing about business. Vince will never EVER stop being the owner. Never. However, he doesn't have to be the chairman of the board or the CEO. That doesn't mean this isn't a work though. If you guys want to see some real stuff, here ya go.

The whole actual Board of Directors http://corporate.wwe.com/company/board.jsp
Executive officers http://corporate.wwe.com/company/executive.jsp
Company overview http://corporate.wwe.com/company/overview.jsp

And if you REALLY want to see how the company is doing with a much more precise tool than silly ratings numbers (outdated and only a portion), here are some financial reports.
Balance sheet http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s=WWE+Balance+Sheet&annual ZOMG 80M in plant/property/equipment assets alone
Income statement http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=WWE+Income+Statement&annual
Cash flow http://finance.yahoo.com/q/cf?s=WWE+Cash+Flow&annual
Interesting to note that WWE has actually made more money each of the past 3 years. About 45M in 2008, 50M in 2009, and 53.5M in 2010. I'm excited that they're about to announce second quarter earnings for this year. See if all the great shows they've had so far this quarter mean anything.

Don't ever forget that WWE is actually a business and is actually traded on wallstreet. YOU could buy a stock and be part owner of the WWE in a way (well, like .00001% owner). You can look up all their shit if you really want to, you can pay people to dig even deeper legally. It's a publicly traded company. If you aren't sure if something is a work or a shoot, just start checking the business stuff out.
If this is just an angle, give vince props he sold it so well. His eyes were red and teary. I think this is just an angle but at the same time there is truth to it as they are slowly...and i repeat slowly transitioning Triple H as the next chairman. I can't wait for raw next week.
This is just a storyline and Vince will be back, back of mind I'm thinking it was a way they could get out of firing Cena.
To some degree I think Vince set this up nicely for us if we think about his opening monologue last night. He said that he always does what's right for the business and he does it for the long term vision that most don't see.

I don't for a second think that Vince is relinquishing his role within WWE as an organization, but I do think that it was a way for the character of Mr. McMahon to "pass the torch" so to speak to start building the next long term character in the WWE - Mr. Helmsley.

We all know that ultimately it will be HHH and Stephanie running the show beyond Vince's departure. What a better way to prepare then to start development of the new long term vision of the "on air" owner.

Of course, Vince could be swerving us all into something else. Wouldn't be the first time. But I hope not. I think what we saw last night was a great historic moment. And for those of us that have been watching for 20+ years, it's one of those changes that we will look back on and remember.
I think every post here should start with,I liked MY Raw prediction better than what actually occured.I mean,yeah,no better reason to relieve the boss of his duties than CmP,leave with the world title.But cant believe they ArE letting him do that.& thats it.with a Lost The World Title,Dont Worry We,ll Just Make Another attitude,kinda demeans it a tad dontcha think? Till H turned up,it had a One PPVs over,,,,Next one Please anti climax to it all. Then again,if CmPs got the title but aint with the company,whats he gonna do with it.Yeah,put it in the fridge I guess.Note at time of writing.,he,s StilL on the roster & listed as current holder.
,First thing H did was unfire Uncle Cena,hurray say the littlle Jimmys,Oh No,you promised say the fans.At the end of the day,,,Surprise!-not! Cena vs Rock,still ON course.
,I feel this would be better as a work,Vince officially in charge but with H as kayfabe boss appearing every week,& suddenly his cliq friends appear.I hope they do it well,cause Vince IS getting on a bit,& some day H has gotta say ,You know I took over from Vince,well he,s dead & I AM taking over from Vince,sadly that day will come & in that sense its a tad early to be doing this,but better when they want to rather than forced to.I agree this could be an Austin in charge scenario to tide them over to Summerslam,Do you think Vince can handle another Streetfight against Son In Law?,then again,Cenas not doing anything right now...Im sure Im not alone though in hoping it doesnt drag out like TNA,s ,who runs this joint,,,,,Hogan,Eric,Dixie,Flair,Angle,AJ,Foley,& The Network (The Network?! The Channel that ShowS your prog ,really?!)
Just one thing though,for those with long memories,What has the anon Raw GM got to say about it?
At the end of the day there SeamS to be interesting times ahead,but more interesting will be the speculation of what may happen than what will happen. This Monday Night Raw was case in point.
Right now the E is a step ahead of everyone, so that makes it almost impossible to predict. Where is Punk going to come back in the picture? Is really something I can't wait to see. Im not even going to give a prediction on what happens there is just too many ways they can go. Thank God the days of predictability are gone. Don't sleep on a Cena heel turn though. That could be the next dominoe to fall.
He won't turn heel. Why would he? His character is perfect as it is for reasons I don't even wanna go over again. He makes too much money and gets too good of a reaction for a turn to make sense. Plus if he's not the iconic all american good guy babyface at Mania then it cheapens the match. It'd be like turning Hogan into Mr. America months before Mania X8.

I can't stand how many people want an attitude era redo only with new guys. It's a lame idea that they won't do and that, in all actuality, would get shit on here too.

I can't stand that people think CM Punk is like Austin, they really aren't anything alike other than challenging authority. Punk is like a liberal that protests a war or politician, Austin was like an angry factory worker who beat the shit out of his boss.

It's something NEW. Something you've all been saying you want and now that it's here you want them to revert and do a rehash of an old feud that only worked as well as it did because of Montreal? Come on guys, you SHOULD know better.
Man that was classic last night!!! I agree with QBall111 It took TNA's firing of Dixie Carter and made it a whole lot better and well thought of. When Cena did the Tease about going to another promotion and ended by saying and I quote "Brother" I was in my bed rolling hard. Then Triple H's music hit. I honestly didn't know what to think after that but it happened. When I saw Triple H tell Vince that he was relieved of his duties it reminded me of a movie I resently saw on cable t.v. where a mob boss was killed by his right hand man. After watching last night again all I have to say is classic. Since Triple H is in charge, I just hope he gives guys like Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and Big Jackson a chance and win the World and WWE Heavyweight Championship Belts. WWE I give you guys props!!!
I think every post here should start with,I liked MY Raw prediction better than what actually occured.I mean,yeah,no better reason to relieve the boss of his duties than CmP,leave with the world title.But cant believe they ArE letting him do that.& thats it.with a Lost The World Title,Dont Worry We,ll Just Make Another attitude,kinda demeans it a tad dontcha think? Till H turned up,it had a One PPVs over,,,,Next one Please anti climax to it all. Then again,if CmPs got the title but aint with the company,whats he gonna do with it.Yeah,put it in the fridge I guess.Note at time of writing.,he,s StilL on the roster & listed as current holder.
,First thing H did was unfire Uncle Cena,hurray say the littlle Jimmys,Oh No,you promised say the fans.At the end of the day,,,Surprise!-not! Cena vs Rock,still ON course.
,I feel this would be better as a work,Vince officially in charge but with H as kayfabe boss appearing every week,& suddenly his cliq friends appear.I hope they do it well,cause Vince IS getting on a bit,& some day H has gotta say ,You know I took over from Vince,well he,s dead & I AM taking over from Vince,sadly that day will come & in that sense its a tad early to be doing this,but better when they want to rather than forced to.I agree this could be an Austin in charge scenario to tide them over to Summerslam,Do you think Vince can handle another Streetfight against Son In Law?,then again,Cenas not doing anything right now...Im sure Im not alone though in hoping it doesnt drag out like TNA,s ,who runs this joint,,,,,Hogan,Eric,Dixie,Flair,Angle,AJ,Foley,& The Network (The Network?! The Channel that ShowS your prog ,really?!)
Just one thing though,for those with long memories,What has the anon Raw GM got to say about it?
At the end of the day there SeamS to be interesting times ahead,but more interesting will be the speculation of what may happen than what will happen. This Monday Night Raw was case in point.
Seperate your thoughts out into paragraphs please. Your last statement about 'speculation being more interesting than what actually happens" well, to me, speculation and suspense is more important. If "what happens" creates more speculation and suspense (which it did) then it did it's job and was obviously pretty interesting if it's making you speculate right?

In other words, "more interesting" is a very subjective term, what's objective, is that the show is making you speculate about what will happen. Meaning it's interesting.

I like the idea that HHH is taking over. The main thing I'm wondering is how prominent of a role he'll have. He has a big job with all his executive duties. He's obviously more than accomplished to handle himself in the ring or on the mic, but I wonder if he needs more practice in the office.
I am very excited about this new Era we are heading into. I think WWE has been slowly but surely getting better since just before Wrestlemania and this Triple H thing almost marks the official begining of a new Era in WWE. Hopefully a new WWE Title will be bought in for the next Champion and again I am hopeful we will see CM Punk return somewhere down the line to defend his honour as the true WWE Champion.

Now CM Punk has left though I feel it leaves a slight hole in the main event picture as far as legit wrestlers for cena to fued with. I would like to see The Miz and Cena go at it once again because I think the last time this happend put The Miz on a new level. Bring Wade back over to Raw and put him in the picture also.

As far as Triple H taking over goes.. be it legit or Kafaybe I am really looking foward to what unfolds..and bringing in Nash and X-Pac to form The kliq Era could lead to some interesting developments. (Involving Micheals at some point also).

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