Ensembled Thoughts

215-> These scars are my documentation of the mistakes I’ve made in trying to overcome them. I am both the things I’ve done to myself and the things done to me. Along these nerve endings, you will find a history of me.
- Iain Thomas
216-> उसूलों पर जो आँच आए तो टकराना जरूरी है,
जो जिंदा हो तो जिंदा नज़र आना जरूरी है।
219-> There's good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too fucking sad.
- Kurt Cobain
220-> When you’re damaged, you learn to take what’s given to you and be grateful for it. You learn that love is not a game, and cherish it. You learn how to appreciate the smallest things people do for you. Because when people have gone through wars that have left them broken, they understand how fragile life is. They understand how they must make the most of it. And most of all, they understand how important it is to always be kind.
- Nikita Gill
221-> Great marriages have an ease about them, a back-and-forth, non-reactive, non-defensive, open and ongoing flow in which you never stop talking and figuring it out together.
- Rob + Kristen Bell
222-> Since when
How ..
too late are these beginnings
to form any question
After ..
my heart , became roads for
what wants to go forth
what wants to come back
& what wants to belong
to me
forever ..
You , alone
keep the shape
of my heart , whole .
the soft gazes of
my eyes , still .
- Miral
224-> My soul is made up of warm pleading palms, worn-out jeans, old library books, winter mildew and odd photographs.
- Pieces of September
225-> Going with your gut is not easy.
They will not understand
why you swim against the current,
and you will watch as their faces become smaller and smaller,
until you are finally left with the decision to go your own way.
Trust your shaking hand.
It acts on an instinct that will guide you to better things,
to healthier people.
Have faith in the choices that were always yours to make.
That responsibility cannot be donated to someone else
out of fear, intimidation, or laziness.
Act when the time is right.
See how your future plays out like a deck of cards,
cascading beautifully across the table.
- Noor Shirazie
226-> There’s a place that he takes her…it’s only in his mind…
They sit there, just the two of them…laughing, talking, kissing…
It’s not heaven, but it’s really close.
- Thoughts of a Silver Fox
227-> plot twist: the introverted character who doesn’t like big social gatherings or speaking in front of people is still an introvert by the end of the story because introversion is not a character flaw and it doesn’t need to be overcome.
- capillaries
228-> There’s always something about beginnings that intrigued me. The beginning of a new book or new film, a new potential person, moving to a new unfamiliar place. All the possibilities you can’t even begin to fathom just laid out in front of you. You can never know what’ll happen next unless you take a chance.
I used to be very cynical and controlling– I made sure I was always secure so that nothing could catch me off guard. Then as the years went by, I can actually say I experienced a lot of sh*t Life threw at me. I became more open to myself, my thoughts and towards other people.
You shielded yourself from the slight chance of maybe meeting somebody that you’ll fall for, somebody that makes you nervous but calm at the same time. Closing yourself off from a person and not being able to put yourself out there without the fear of being hurt– not giving any chance of falling in love is very depressing. Sure, be independent, take care of yourself, etc. but not ever experiencing that feeling of real love and care, the kind of love that consumes you and can ruin you, I find that very unfortunate.
Love isn’t always that fairytale storyline. You’ll never find that one person who’s perfect for you. When you meet that one person, relationships are about compromise and communication. That doesn’t mean “settling.” It means making things work between the two of you because that’s what you want.
Love isn’t always beautiful, real love will always ruin you.
- aftertheam
229-> You never wanted anyone to be sad, so you kept singing.
You’d sing yourself to sleep when your parents were fighting.
And when they weren’t fighting, you’d sing to make them laugh.
You used your voice like glue to keep your family together.
And then to keep yourself from coming undone.
- Ava Dellaira
230》सब वापस लौट आये इस दिसंबर,
बस मोहब्बत भटक गयी..
सुना था ज़माने को कहते,
मोहब्बत अंधी होती है..
231》सर्द मौसम में याद आते बहुत हैं..
धुंध में लिपटे उसके वादे और वो..!!
- आकांक्षा
232》ज़िद पर है कलम मेरी अब
किसी के रोके न रुकेगी-थमेगी
- Meri Kalam Se
233》10 things I learnt in 2016:
  • Putting your needs first shouldn’t be a problem to those who truly care about you.
  • Love isn’t something that can be rushed, and it is certainly not a requirement for happiness.
  • Life scars but it heals with time.
  • Nothing is forever. And that’s both a blessing and a curse. Pain will pass but so will the moments you love so much. Cherish them and then learn to let time slip away.
  • If somebody makes you feel more blue than they do golden, it’s time to let them go, no matter the memories you made with them. Memories last, love doesn’t.
  • You will go places. New places. It’s only a matter of time.
  • Sadness is a good writing prompt, it’s a beautiful painting on a canvas, it’s poetry, but it’s no way to live your life.
  • The world is so big, so big that nothing can be too bad. There’s always a place to run.
  • Time by yourself is when you can truly feel everything you need to. Solace is serenity.
  • Only ever thinking of the outcome of your actions, how you make others feel and questioning if it will affect you in 5 years is not living a life for yourself, it’s living a life for others, for time. Live life for yourself, and yourself only. There’s only one, and it is truly so short.
- libralune
234》What I’ve learned in 2016:
  • Expectations are the biggest double edged swords. We are comforted in the belief that it is the truth, but it holds us back and keeps us from better possibilities.
  • Don’t place all of your happiness in other people. The only person you can completely trust with that is yourself. If you don’t look out for you no one will.
  • Love doesn’t always last, but if you keep your heart open you will always find someone to love again. You can’t find your soulmate with your heart locked away.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We all understand what it means to fall on rough times. Reach out to the people closest to you when you’re in need.
  • Don’t take the people in your life for granted. Sometimes we are so worried about what goes on in our lives that we forget how much our presence means to our loved ones.
  • Make everyday thanksgiving day. Not the food, although it would be amazing, but the way you think about the world. Spend every day realizing just how many great things happen, so that when you’re down on your luck you realize there’s something to smile about.
  • Sometimes you have to let people go. We want to hold on because we think our love and attention can solve everything, but then we have nothing left for ourselves. When someone leaves you feeling drained after talking, or being with them, it’s time to let go.
  • Learn to accept your flaws. If you accept every part of yourself there will be nothing that can take you down. You will be more invincible than Achilles.
  • Accept and acknowledge when you’re wrong. When you take a step down and let go of your pride, and stop pretending to be invincible that’s when people will be most comfortable to approach you.
  • Open up to people. Share your soul with them. If they are really meant to be in your life they will stay and accept that part of you. The things that are really meant to happen, will.
- Felicity K.
235》 27 Things to take into 2017:

  • I know letting go may feel like hitting pavement but sometimes staying is like getting hit by a train you’ve seen coming for miles.
  • There are symphonies that are screaming it is going to get better. Listen to the music.
  • The most fight you’ll ever feel is from inside your heart.
  • Nostalgia is only good for telling you bedtime stories. Don’t let it tuck you in at night, don’t let it keep you warm.
  • Keep the moments that you wish could live on for a gazillion years close to your heart, never let them burn out.
  • You’ll find someone that’s not them. You’ll love again and it’ll be pure and significant in its own way.
  • They remember it all. They’ll see how much you impacted their lives much later.
  • You may hate high school, but it’s when it’s almost over that you get flashes of when you were young and passed notes with your first love in art class and had talks with teachers that really mattered and you’ll want it to slow down. Take it in, there’s good in everything.
  • Sometimes the one that was your perfect match will be the one to watch you burn.
  • What’s meant to be yours will always find its way home.
  • It’s okay to change without them. Remember that you are the main character of your story.
  • Music cures it all.
  • Telling the story of how I fell in love with you still warms me from the inside out. Teach me how to let go of you.
  • Falling out of love makes you feel like you’ll never want to do it again, but the feeling of your heart dropping when he tells you he’s wanted you all these years is worth the stab at the end.
  • You jump off the cliff hoping there won’t be daggers at the bottom, and when you’re young you think you know how much it’ll hurt. When it comes, you’ll realize you had no clue.
  • My biggest fear was not being with you. I’m becoming someone without you, and it doesn’t feel right.
  • The nicer you are, the more beautiful you become.
  • One day you’ll meet again, and it’ll be just as scary and beautiful as the first time.
  • You’ll find your person. You may not recognize them at first because they’re not as shiny as they are in the movies, but you’ll know by the calm they bring.
  • Thank God for him.
  • The boy who runs in my dreams isn’t as dishonest. He holds my hand whenever I need to feel less alone and I sit around his kitchen table and talk to his mother about poetry. She goes on to say something about how statistically people are more afraid of love than anything else and the things I don’t say- tell her all there is to know about me. That I’m afraid beyond measure of what love can do to a person. Because I spent the last two years loving someone who didn’t know anything other than tearing apart the sole purpose of my existence. The boy who runs beside me in my dreams convinces me that love isn’t always teeth and bite marks. In my dreams, my scars aren’t there because I never tasted a bitter love before. The boy in my dreams loves me enough to let me meet his mother and destroys the idea that love is what I came here to die for.
  • Maybe love stays, maybe love can’t. Maybe love shouldn’t.
  • I glance off in another direction, but I always glance back at you.
  • Things that are sweet like this attract the worst kind of hungry.
  • I don’t think you’ll ever realize you changed everything for me.
  • I found faith that summer. The lips told stories I fell asleep to, the hands promised to hold on. But bliss is temporary when you pull your hands away from your eyes, and summer only lasts 3 months.
  • Let it pass; April is over, April is over. There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice.

- roseyheartbeats
236》Just because you don’t say much doesn’t mean people don’t notice you. It’s actually the quiet ones who often draw the most attention. There’s this constant whirlwind of motion and sound all around, and then there’s the quiet one, the eye of the storm.
- Amy Efaw
237》Take me to your trees.
Take me to your breakfasts,
your sunsets,
your bad dreams,
your shoes,
your nouns.
Take me to your fingers;
take me to your deaths.
- Margaret Atwood

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