Coco Answers Wrestling Questions

Is it justified that Edge is my all-time favourite wrestler?
Of course not. Stop trolling.

Do you have a favourite theme in WWE? Or even a least favourite?
CM Punk's is my favourite. Because it signals I'm about to watch CM Punk do something, or he's just been victorious.

I can't think of a least favourite off the top of my head. Maybe after thinking about it during Raw and SmackDown this week.

Would you enjoy taking over an hour and a half to watch a wrestling show so you can pause it to write about what you're seeing? If not, you wouldn't.
Well that settles it.

Haha, no need to apologise, we've all got our favourites. I did try to get back into TNA again when they semi-rebooted it into Impact Wrestling, but Hogan really gets on my tits and I gave up. There's no reason for me not to watch it though, since it's all free over here.

So is there any one from WWE you'd like to have on the TNA roster?
Never let one person ruin a wrestling product for you when fast forward exists.

CM Punk to TNA would do wonders for me just because I love Punk and would be interested in seeing him go some place that booking isn't on cruise control.

Will you ever stop using your current username and go back to Coco, thus ending my continous confusion and mixing you up with Great White?

Hulk Hogan shows his age as a general manager, though he does an admirable job for someone who's clearly a befuddled old man. Sting, however, is easily the best GM of the last decade. Agree/disagree.
Agree. You know me too well.

Is Ziggler' selling more or less acceptable than Ric Flair's or Shawn Michaels'?
Less. There are times I try to watch HBK matches where Shawn being a goofy cunt just puts me off. Although Ziggler's committed the equally unforgivable sin of being consistently boring.
What one thing (if anything), more than any other, would tip the scales back in the favour of the WWE to encourage you to watch it and enjoy more than TNA as it is at present?

Is Pope truly pimping?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how stupid are the posts in the "was Shawn Michaels REALLY injured?" Thread?

1 being not at all, 10 being dumb enough to give themselves a circumcision with a band saw.
What is it with the Dolph Ziggler lovefest?
It has to do with what smarks think constitutes talent rather than him actually possessing the kind of talent he's alleged to have.

What one thing (if anything), more than any other, would tip the scales back in the favour of the WWE to encourage you to watch it and enjoy more than TNA as it is at present?
I still watch it. What I'd like to see is more effort put into the stories being told. AJ-Punk-Bryan-Kane is a breath of fresh air. We need similar intrigue and originality all over the product.

Is Pope truly pimping?
God no.

Robbie E or Ryder and why?
Ryder. It has to do with the fact that TNA has two hours of television a week and WWE has four. If each of them get a meaningless throw away match each week, Robbie's taking up more of my TNA time than Ryder would be taking up my WWE time.

I couldn't care less about either. I can take them or leave them.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how stupid are the posts in the "was Shawn Michaels REALLY injured?" Thread?

1 being not at all, 10 being dumb enough to give themselves a circumcision with a band saw.
A solid 7. I think the premise of the thread merits discussion, but he's stupid to think smarks at large will play along. The responses lived up to my expectation.

Do you prefer Jeff Hardy in TNA or WWE?
Do you think Chavo was as good as Eddie when it pertains to in-ring ability?

In 2003, if you could trade one Raw and one Smackdown wrestler, who would you have traded?
Do you think Chavo was as good as Eddie when it pertains to in-ring ability?

In 2003, if you could trade one Raw and one Smackdown wrestler, who would you have traded?
In a world where audience connection is part of in-ring ability, Chavo doesn't come close. Although Chavo certainly had his moments where his exceeded what you'd expect of someone at his place on the card.

Considering that in 2003 I didn't know how bad RVD's booking on SmackDown would be, I'd have sent RVD to SmackDown.

Rhino to Raw. No idea why, but I don't see anyone else fitting in as well on Raw's upper midcard while not leaving a trouble absence on SmackDown. If Edge weren't injured, this would have been much easier to answer.

I'd be interested in hearing your opinion on this thread:

Seems like the same shit I've been reading for years.
In the world of professional wrestling, are "entertainer" and "wrestler" interchangeable terms? For instance, being a good wrestler - i.e. the fabled "being good in the ring" - isn't all about technique and athleticism, it's also about charisma, psychology, storytelling, pacing, etc. etc. Hence why I find it so irksome when people say "he's just good in the ring" or "he's a good wrestler, just not a good entertainer." If you're not entertaining people in the ring, you're not a good wrestler, you're a cunt.
Considering that in 2003 I didn't know how bad RVD's booking on SmackDown would be, I'd have sent RVD to SmackDown.

Rhino to Raw. No idea why, but I don't see anyone else fitting in as well on Raw's upper midcard while not leaving a trouble absence on SmackDown. If Edge weren't injured, this would have been much easier to answer.

I thought RVD would have been a decent challenger for JBL.

I would have sent Jericho to Smackdown and Benoit to Raw. Jericho was always going to be the second heel and all he did was feud with HBK and bicker with Austin. On second thought, I think I would have sent Guerrero to Raw instead of Benoit.
In the world of professional wrestling, are "entertainer" and "wrestler" interchangeable terms? For instance, being a good wrestler - i.e. the fabled "being good in the ring" - isn't all about technique and athleticism, it's also about charisma, psychology, storytelling, pacing, etc. etc. Hence why I find it so irksome when people say "he's just good in the ring" or "he's a good wrestler, just not a good entertainer." If you're not entertaining people in the ring, you're not a good wrestler, you're a cunt.

Fuck I love you. Easily the wittiest guy on here. I have a man crush, thought you'd want to know.
In the world of professional wrestling, are "entertainer" and "wrestler" interchangeable terms? For instance, being a good wrestler - i.e. the fabled "being good in the ring" - isn't all about technique and athleticism, it's also about charisma, psychology, storytelling, pacing, etc. etc. Hence why I find it so irksome when people say "he's just good in the ring" or "he's a good wrestler, just not a good entertainer." If you're not entertaining people in the ring, you're not a good wrestler, you're a cunt.
Yes. Give me harder questions please.

I thought RVD would have been a decent challenger for JBL.
Well duh. But even forgetting that he never got that shot, he only got to feud with Booker T for like a week before that was dropped so Taker could have someone to feud with. Then he teamed sporadically with Rey which while fun kept him from generating any singles momentum. And when he was a singles guy, he was floundering as the fourth wheel in Cena vs Booker or the Cena vs General Manager Angle stuff. Just a frustrating time to be an RVD fan.

I would have sent Jericho to Smackdown and Benoit to Raw. Jericho was always going to be the second heel and all he did was feud with HBK and bicker with Austin. On second thought, I think I would have sent Guerrero to Raw instead of Benoit.
Benoit probably would have been the smarter choice, but knowing his push was coming in the fall on SmackDown and knowing he'd be cast aside on Raw spoil the idea for me. Whoever you're sending to Raw, you have to know that they're going to be in a terrible position.
Was there ever a time were you actually were a fan of Edge?

Personally, I find any wrestling prior to the 90s to be utterly unwatchable with a few exceptions. Is there a similar cutoff with you?
Bitch, please. It's the one that made its first appearance at WrestleMania 20, followed by his Vengeance 2002 attire, and his No Surrender 2010 attire. The worst are the ones that are mostly black. Easy sauce, Sam. Right off the top of my head.
Was there ever a time were you actually were a fan of Edge?

Personally, I find any wrestling prior to the 90s to be utterly unwatchable with a few exceptions. Is there a similar cutoff with you?
I can go way back, but I can't sit down and watch whole shows filled with guys I don't give a shit about. I'm not KB. It needs to be top-shelf quality or it has to involve guys I have a reason to care about.
Bitch, please. It's the one that made its first appearance at WrestleMania 20, followed by his Vengeance 2002 attire, and his No Surrender 2010 attire. The worst are the ones that are mostly black. Easy sauce, Sam. Right off the top of my head.

And just when I was starting to lose all respect for you. Thoroughly excellent choices. I assume the No Surrender attire was this:


I always liked the original attire-on-fire.

I have a further question, surprisingly. Would you deem this Blu-ray worthy of purchase?

It will be going on offer tomorrow. I recall enjoying both Elimination Chambers and the Miz/Jerry Lawler title match. In retrospect, I should have put Lawler on my wrestlers of the year list.
I remember taking to calling Angle "Olympic Heat" around the time he started wearing that particular singlet. Better days. Too long ago to recall exactly how they were better, but I'm sure they were.

I bought the same PPV on DVD when it was marked down to about seven Canadian dollars. The Raw Chamber alone was worth that price.

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