Best PPV Match in History

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Here is your chance to tell everyone what match you would rank no.1 of all time in WWE history, List the match, PPV and also why it is the best.

I'll start - WM 20 HBK vs HHH vs Benoit world championship

The reason this is the number one for me is because when watching this match i think there is nothing i would change its perfect. i never get fed up with it. HHH at the time was the champion and the best Raw had to offer. HBK had just came a secound away from beating HHH at the royal rumble in another great match (last man standing) and Benoit had just gone 1-30 in the rumble match. well planned build up fantastic match, perfect finish
Savage vs Steamboat WM3.

Maybe its because of the emotion of today, or maybe it is cause it is just that awesome. This match holds up almost 25 years later. It had everything, a great build up, high drama, awesome crowd reaction, and oh yeah great wrestling. Hogan/Andre may have main evented WM 3, but everyone left Detroit talking about Savage/Steamboat. Plain and simple, the greatest match of all time.
Props for recognizing Benoit's talent.

I'd definitely have to go with an HBK match. Just not sure which one.

The Answer to this thread, and I mean ANSWER not opinion, would be

Hogan vs Warrior at Wrestlemania.

Two faces. Mad hype. Warrior pinned Hogan clean. Warrior had both championships. Mega moment.

Many will say Andre & Hogan at WM 3 but fuck that. That was just an "incredible feat" in front of the biggest crowd.
Andre Hogan @ Wrestlemania III

It defines the entire era, and it was THE Wrestlemania moment. It's one of the first things you think about when you think WWF/E.

Not to mention it drew the largest indoor crowd in American history for over 20 years.
From a technical stand point Savage vs Steamboat WM 3 bar none. Any list of the greatest matches in history you look at that is usually number one and for good reason everything was perfect.

From an emotional standpoint i would say to me it would be HBK vs Flair at WM 24 the emotion was off the charts and come on who didn't shed a few tears as Flair cried in the ring, kissed his family, and thanked everyone over and over again.
i dont know if you've actually watched the match (Hogan vs. Andre WM3) and not just the clip of Hogan scoop slamming Andre, but the technical aspect of the wrestling match was horrible. its the idea of the match that makes it "so great" not the actual wrestling. just like wrestlmania 17 when it was Hogan vs. Rock...the idea of the match was cool but it was basically Rock letting Hogan do his spiel...the match itself sucked, but it "stole the show" because it was "so great" simply on the fact that Rock and Hogan were if we are gonna talk about actually wrestling and not just name power, both of the Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels matches at Wrestlemania 25 and 26 were amazing. I am also partial the Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit at Royal Rumble 03, which could possibly be the greastest technical match ive ever seen.
Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels- Wrestlemania 12

The 2 best workers of all time, going at it in an iron man match for the WWE championship, as the main event of Wrestlemania. How can it get any better?

These 2 had real heat with each other, and I feel this was kind of like Dr. J vs. Michael Jordan. Bret changed the landscape of pro wrestling in the early-mid 90's, taking it from the cartoonish characters that were popular in the 80's (Hogan, Andre, Warrior, Slaughter) having 8 minute matches, to the more realistic athletes we saw in the 90's (Bret, Shawn, Hennig, Austin, HHH) telling stories in the ring and displaying true athleticism, intensity, & emotion.

Bret's matches were longer, more athletic, and a lot more physical. Shawn took it to another level with his ladder matches and hell in a cell matches.

The epic showdown that was the main event at Wrestlemania was nothing short of breathtaking, as they went toe to toe for over 60 minutes, pulling out all the stops, not letting up for the entire match. The athleticism for that time was unmatched (outside of Steamboat/Savage from WM3), and the drama and storytelling in that bout are what dreams are made of.

From Shawn zip lining from the top of the arena, to the non stop action for an hour, to the final seconds of Shawn refusing to tap to the sharpshooter, to the 2 superkicks in overtime, and Vince McMahon counting the ONE-TWO-THREE in unison with the crowd, it just doesnt get any better for me. This match was way ahead of its time and will also remain timeless.
SUMMERSLAM 91 - BRET HART VS MR. PERFECT!!!! Those two had so much chemistry together, and on that night they stole the show! This is my first post and I chose to pick this thread because their have been some exciting matches since then, ones that have had me jump up and say "Oh my God" Hell in a Cell w/Taker and Foley, or will the Streak end at WM27, Ladder Matches, TLC, HARDCORE, whatever!!! Take away all the gimmicks, the weapons, the stipulations and when you compare Apples to Apples these two guys could make anyone with minimal skill look like a player in this business. Together they set the bar and no 2 superstars since has surpassed it! Maybe come close, and not to disregard what they achieved, but the best match of all time was between Perfect and Hart!!!
When i think of this 2 matches come to mind:

HBK vs Taker WM 25
HBK vs Bret Hart WM XXII

Both had amazing drama and display of technical wrestling, and for 30 and 60 mins they kept the match interesting from start to finish, its really hard to choose between them so i have to choose both of them.
Oh and as much as i love savage and steamboat, their match at WM III is one of the most overrated matches ever! Good match, but definitly not great, great for its time though, but not of all time
I think my personal favorites of best PPV matches have to be Wrestlemania 21 Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels and Edge vs Mick Foley at Wrestlemania 22 in a Hardcore Match.

Both are completely different with Angle/michaels being technical with some spots and false finishes and epicness. Then the Hardcore match having a lot of amazing hardcore wrestling involving the hardcore king and edge who is amaing, as we know. This match also had an epic finish with the flaming table.
It's a tough one.. really really tough.

Most people will say Savage v Steamboat (more so today after what has happened to Savage) but like Jericho I think the real show of how great Savage was is his match with Warrior at Mania 7. That for me was one of the biggest moments in PPV history, that match made Savage look like a god and the reunion with Liz afterwards still gets me.

For me though the greatest PPV match was the Rumble in 92. Flair showed everyone in New York he really was the man and topped it off with another legendary promo after winning the belt.

Rumble 92 for me.
WWE/ECW One Night Stand - Masato Tanaka vs Mike Awesome. This match was a throw in and I don't think anybody knew this match was on the card. And boy was this match great. It had technical, high flying, hardcore combined it made people wonder why did Bischoff use Awesome the way he did. The only match that night the crowd chanted " This Is Awesome " from the opening bell that was the match of the night. Even if you weren't a fan of ECW you had to be a fan of this match. Once again Match Of The Night.
who the fuck said Aweome/Tanaka was technical? Also, people on here, STOP using "technical". Do you know how to do the moves? Probably not, so you don't actually know what technical skill is. A guy does basic chain wrestling and a few suplexes, is that more "technical" than good punches and slams?

Anyways, off my soap box. I'm going to say Austin/Rock WMX7. Insane heat, the peak of the attitude era, and the end of an era really. The end of Austin vs McMahon, the end of the attitude era, the end of the Rock being around for any lengthy period of time. All the call back spots, Rock using the sharpshooter, Austin using the million dollar dream, etc. It was kind of the pinnacle of everything about the attitude era.
WWE/ECW One Night Stand - Masato Tanaka vs Mike Awesome. This match was a throw in and I don't think anybody knew this match was on the card. And boy was this match great. It had technical, high flying, hardcore combined it made people wonder why did Bischoff use Awesome the way he did. The only match that night the crowd chanted " This Is Awesome " from the opening bell that was the match of the night. Even if you weren't a fan of ECW you had to be a fan of this match. Once again Match Of The Night.

It had guys being smacked with chairs and going through tables. That isn't technical.

But the best PPV match, that I at least have seen, is Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels. Which had REAL technical ability which was truly an epic epic EPIC match.
I said it was technical,high flying and hardcore don't tell me your gonna go through the internet and punch me in the face (not unless your Chuck Norris) oooh I'm scared of another internet tough guy. You troll.
I said it was technical,high flying and hardcore don't tell me your gonna go through the internet and punch me in the face (not unless your Chuck Norris) oooh I'm scared of another internet tough guy. You troll.

Dude 2 guys said it wasn't technical, it's not trolling. I get onto people for claiming to know what technical is, but a match consisted of guys throwing shit at each other and throwing each other through shit, they don't actually really do any wrestling. It's not technical. Not in any universe. Unless you were speaking absolutely meaning that like, they used the chair shots with technical prowess (meaning not to injure the other guy). Which, you probably don't know how to do, if you do, I stand corrected.
I have to agree with joshmosh127, chris benoit vs kurt angle was a great technical show case. Technical wrestling is one of my favourite styles and this match was terrific, it had me interested and glued to the screen the entire time. I havent seen much old school wrestling so im voting for this match, just an all round great showcase of pure skill. This match will always be my fondest memory of chris benoit.
i dont know if you've actually watched the match (Hogan vs. Andre WM3) and not just the clip of Hogan scoop slamming Andre, but the technical aspect of the wrestling match was horrible. its the idea of the match that makes it "so great" not the actual wrestling. just like wrestlmania 17 when it was Hogan vs. Rock...the idea of the match was cool but it was basically Rock letting Hogan do his spiel...the match itself sucked, but it "stole the show" because it was "so great" simply on the fact that Rock and Hogan were if we are gonna talk about actually wrestling and not just name power, both of the Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels matches at Wrestlemania 25 and 26 were amazing. I am also partial the Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit at Royal Rumble 03, which could possibly be the greastest technical match ive ever seen.

:lol:You better check the records because rock vs hogan happened in wm 18 not 17
anyways, I think the WM 12 match between shawn michaels and bret hart just steals the topic...Look the match they had...It had everything...Shawn micheals winning the rumble twice and main eventing wrestlemania against Bret ....The match went overtime because neither was able to score the submission...The match is my best ppv of all times...Finally shawn won the WWF title...That shows how passionate this match was!!:)
I have a few picks for best match. The obvious being Wrestlemania 3 Steamboat vs Savage. But nobody so far has mentioned The British Bulldog vs Bret Hart at Summerslam 1992.

But the match that I think was the greatest PPV match was Wrestlemania 6. Hogan vs Warrior. The hype for this match was incredible and that promo the Warrior cut where he said he was going to hijack Hogan's plane and crash it was my favourite promo of all time. The Warrior's power carried the IC title to WWE title status and it was Champion vs. Champion title for title. For me when Hogan got pinned for the three count clean, it was like Hogan slamming Andre x 1000. The match itself was alright too (for these guys it was one of their finest displays of wrestling).
You can say Rock vs Hogan sucked as a match but it didn't. they WORKED the style of match that fit the crowd. If they went into this big epic instead of playing to the crowd's reaction of "holy fuckin shit" then the reaction would have been killed. It's the difference between a worker and a spot monkey. A spot monkey or really anyone going into a match with a set idea, would have done whatever they planned, instead it clearly looks like Hogan and Rock both changed it up and played to the crowd. I don't think the match sucked, they worked the crowd. Was it a really complex, deep story like Rock/Austin the year before? No, but it was the perfect match for the crowd, which is the essence of pro wrestling.

Nobody has mentioned Hart vs Bulldog because Hart isn't the IWC jizz magnate he was before he made ammends with Vince. You poll this same question 7 years ago and it's nothing but Hart matches. The match was very good, but I don't think anyone but Canadians and Bret Hart marks will put it as the best PPV match ever.
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