The Best Wrestlemania Match of all time (Doesn't limit to the main event)


American Dragon mofos
I was thinking from seeing the worst wrestlemania main event of all time, I thought to make this. In your opinion, what is the best wrestlemania match of all time in your opinion. Can be anywhere on the card of all 26 manias. All I ask is one thing is to not say the HBK/Taker match at wm 25. I hear it a lot of from people. Yes it was a epic match, but I say not worthy of the greatest wm match of all time.

I would say the best match from Mania is at wrestlemania 20. Madison Square Garden...Shawn Micheals v. Triple H v. Chris Benoit.

To me, it had an epic build-up from both brands slating back from SummerSlam 2002 where you had HBK and HHH had their on-going feud for about 2 years. Then the fall of the next year, we had Paul Heyman
trying to screw over Benoit with every fiber in his being while you had the on-going feud of HHH/HBK on Raw. Then Benoit entered the Rumble at 1. At that time, we had HBK and HHH go to a draw in a last man standing match. Benoit won and he was the first person to use the loophole and challange. Then the GM( I think Bischoff) gave HBK his shot and Benoit their shot at the same time. Come mania they have the most epic match in WM history. The 3 of them went through hell to stop each other from winning. Then come the ending after 25+ mins. HBK's out of the ring and Benoit got HHH in the crossface for about 2 mins...taps out and Benoit wins. Then Eddie Gurrerro comes out and celebrates with him with it being one of the greatest wrestlemania moments seeing 2 best friends celebrate their victories both as world champions. Some say this match was tarnished seeing Guerrero dying from drugs and Benoit's troubles, but to me and them that night...they were on the top of the world. - The end of the match
Thats easy for me. My favourate WrestleMania match of all time was Stone Cold vs Bret Hart Submission/I Quit Match, in WM 13. The WM was crap, but the match was excellent. I loved it, the first time wrestlers fought in the crowd for that long. I remember watching it, cheering my ass off for Bret Hart. Bret Hart in the end, turned into a jerk. A heel even. He started acting bitchy to the crowd, and thats when everybody loved Stone Cold, myself included. I thought it was epic the way Bret Hart won, Stone Cold passed out due to blood loss. I didn`t even see that coming. The feud itself was one of the greatest build ups I have ever seen. It was fantastic. My second would be Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Ladder match. I loved the feud and build up to this also, but it was nothing until you saw the actual match. This was the first time I`ve seen wrestling this crazy. I didn`t think it was possible for WWE to go this far in matches. I was an HBK fan ever since he hit that splash from the ladder. It will be way better than any swantan bomb off the ladder I`ve ever seen. It was just historic.
I would have to agree. First match that popped into my head. I knew who won the first time I watched it and still at a few moment thought someone other that Beniot was getting the pin.

Honorable Mentions: Edge vs Mick Foley WM22

Shawn Michaels Vs Jerhico in WM19

The Stiener Bros Vs The Headshrinkers WM9 (personal fave of mine as a kid I know its not on everyone list)
I want to really say wm 26 HBK vs The undertaker because it was the end of a very big legacy even the acting WITHIN the match was some of the best ever
but if it wasnt that it would definately be hulk hogan vs king kong buny WM3
I would say Hogan vs Rock at Wrestlemaina 18. The match had such a great build up to it and really forced the Rock over with the crowd. It solidified The Rock's legendary status and made him one of the all time greats. Its not often we see Hogan job to a younger, up and comer. He's more likely to job to someone that's already considered a legend in the ring. This match made Wrestlemania 18 the biggest PPV of the year and no wonder it received match of the year. The match is seriously one to watch if you're a true "sports-entertainment" fan. Here you have two of the biggest stars in wrestling's history. Hogan and the Rock also drew a lot of publicity wherever they went. This match was a classic. I have some others that I feel are worth watching over and over, such as Michaels/Undertaker, TLC II, and more but this match right here wins my vote.
i have to say my favorite match was Undertaker vs Kane at WM14. actually this is my favorite match ever. for some reason there was something about this match that non of there other matches had. It got me HOOKED as a wrestling fan for life. It was possibly the best storyline ever put on my the wwe and the match just told their story soooo well. love that match

my second fav wud have to be Rock n Austin at WM17. My 2 favorite wrestlers ever and 2 of the most popular stars ever going head to head in a rematch from 2yrs prior. Both men put on a show that basically defined what the Atittude Era was all about and basically brought it full circle, especially the way it ended, with Austin turning heel and alining himself with Vince Mcmahon..this match= greatness personified
Benoit/Triple H/HBK from 'Mania XX is easily my first choice, but since someone's already discussed it, I'll go with HBK vs. Jericho from Wrestlemania XIX. One of the greatest "past versus present" contests ever. These two, who arguably two of my favorite, and two of the greatest wrestlers of all time just doing what they did best, entertain. The build up was great with Jericho playing the younger, idolizing fan of HBK turned heel who wanted to destroy the icon to prove he was better. These two are probably on the top 5 list of guys who are great wrestlers because of the way they can make their opponents look, no matter how good or bad. The series of false finishes was in credible. It rarely happens as a much older wrestling fan that I am blown away with a match, actually wondering and wanting to know who's going to walk away the winner, and these guys did it for me. It took more than just one of these two hitting their finishes to win. HBK had roll-up Jericho and squeak out a win, ultimately making both competitors come out stronger.
shawn michaels vs. _______________
Just fill in the blank and i almost guarantee its in my top 10
I can't really choose, but if i had to it would be the very first ladder match.
It was the perfect match. But then again his match against triple h and benoit. And his match against angle was great. His undertaker matches.
Ok back to what i originally said.

Shawn michaels vs. _______________
There's a lot of great Wrestlemania matches and moments. But I think the one of the greatest matches of all time was Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels. That match stands out to me as one of the greatest stories told inside the ring and outside the ring. The build for this feud was perfect. Everything from the set up at the Royal Rumble up until the night the feud culminated. The match wasn't about titles or championships. The feud was about pride, glory, and respect. Just as every wrestling match should be like.
First two off the top of my head,
Taker @ HBK at WM25,Just when you thought that these guys had no more,they kept on going!
Taker @ Batista at WM23,Best match I've seen involving 2 guys that big.
And to go old school,Steamboat @ Savage at WM3....In a time of strutting bodybuilders..these two waged a great back-and-forth/hold-for-hold battle that can still hold up over time.

Memorable moments...Twin Towers vs. The Rockers,HBK went for a high body thesz-type press from the top rope,Boss Man caught him and threw him down powerbomb of the most vicious finishes I've ever seen.
Along the same line...Tito Santana vs. The Barbarian,WM6,
Barbarian lands one of the most vicious off the top rope clothesline I have ever seen,I'm suprised Tito's head didn't come off!!!
Bret vs. Owen at WrestleMania X was epic but it doesn't get my vote

Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior was HUGEEE i think it was Hogan's first ever loss at WrestleMania and it was supposed to be the passing of the torch I've always been a fan of face vs face matches and this one is probably the best one of all time

The Rock vs. Austin at WrestleMania was just similar to Hogan vs Warrior but i hate the ending so much that I hate mentioning this match (I think Rock should've been put over).

Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 12 was also a great match, the 60 minute thriller that gave Shawn his first ever title reign.

Hogan vs the Rock at WrestleMania X8 has my vote though, that was legendary and the best pass of the torch I have ever seen in a single match
I cannot look back the TLC match at Wrestlemania 17. This for me was when wrestling was the coolest thing in the world. I lived it, breathed it and slept it. The Hardy Boyz were my absolute idols and seeing this match had me on a high for ages haha. It was just the perfect "attitude" era tag match, with little or no pcychology and just high spot after high spot. For a young teenager, it was perfect.

Another one of my all time favourites was the Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels match at WM 19. It marked HBK's return to the grandest stand of the all, after several years away and it showed he hadnt lost a step. Y2J was at his best here, and everything about this match was brilliant, starting with the epic HBK ring entrance, firing bazookas as he came down to the ring, and pyro going off all around the top of the stadium when he posed in ring.

Obviously, the HBK v Undertaker match at WM25 was mind blowing too, a definate all-time classic! The amount of times I thought "this one is over" and then someone kicked out was astonishing. For 2 veterans to put on a match like this shows how good they really are, and sets the bar higher for all young wrestlers to try and match this.
Two come to mind. I have to be consistent, I have maintained that this is the greatest match in Wrestlemania history for well over a decade now, but its got to be Randy Savage vs. Ricky the Dragon Steamboat from Wrestlemania III. This is the match by which I judge every other match ever. Few have ever come close. The buildup to this match was expertly done, and those two put on an absolute wrestling clinic. I have yet to have seen a match that I thoroughly enjoyed as much as this one. Thank you to the OP for not limiting this topic to main events only.

Honorable mention: Hogan/Rock at Wrestlemania X8. Hulk Hogan had absolutely no business putting on a match of that quality. Not at his age, not with the amount of injuries he had. The reception Hogan got when he walked down the aisle was absolutely priceless. The reception he got once he stepped into the ring was even better. Hogan, the clear heel before the start of the day, instantly became the face, and the Rock, the WWE's biggest face, instantly became the heel. Why? Because it was Hogan, and it was Wrestlemania. How could it possibly be otherwise? Best match ever? No. However it was by far the best validation of any single wrestler's professional career ever. The fact that Hogan didn't break down and cry in the middle of the ring astonishes me. God bless every single one of those fans in Toronto that day, you made what should have been an upper mid-card match into one of the most memorable Wrestlemania moments of all time.
There are far too many great Wrestlemania matches. I long for WWE to bring out a "Best of Wrestlemania DVD"

Rock Vs Austin WM17 - sheer brutality and the turn at the end
TLC WM17 - First of its kind, of the one we always remember
Bret vs Austin WM13 - Face/heel turn in mid match. Made Austin.
Shawn vs Taker WM25 - The near falls, old skool style. Amazing.
Shawn vs Angle WM21 - Old skool match, great matt skills. Loved it.
Bret vs Piper WM8 - First match I saw with Bret, and there was blood!
Rock vs Hogan WM18 - Crowd were hot, 2 icons facing off.

I think all these are worth a mention.
I loved Wrestlemania 17 so much as a kid, and still do to this day. It is by far my favorite pay per view ever, and needless to say my choice will be coming from it. However, it is almost a toss up between the TLC 2 match and The Rock/Austin match. Both are such classics. But, push come to shove I think I would go with Rock/Austin. TLC 2 was exciting as hell but Austin/Rock left the crowd in shock. I don't know how many people thought and even considered Austin turning on the fans and joining Vince McMahon in a brutal beat down of the Great One. I was truly shocked when I first witnessed it. Not to mention the match itself was fucking awesome. The match was better then the original meeting between the two and left the crowd with a memorable ending to go home with. A lot of matches can be considered the greatest of all time, but for me Rock/Austin from Wrestlemania 17 takes the cake.
i am willing to put Edge Vs. Undertaker from WM 24 as one of my favorites, it is impossible for me to pick my one single favorite mania match because every year atleast one leaves a life long impression...
My favorites are probably the two matches between Shawn Michaels and Undertaker from Wrestlemania 25 and 26, respectively. They are my picks because you had two legends giving it their all to steal the show. The first one had the really cool "Heaven VS Hell" theme where HBK did his "Holy-Taker" character and the second of course was Streak VS Career. They are my favorite wrestlemania matches, although many others that have also been mentioned in other posts are great too.
I believe there are many great matches at wrestlemania too me so here are my 10 favorites not in any order

Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guererro WrestleMania XX for the WWE title a classic technical match with a great finish

Randy Savage vs Ultimate Warrior career ending match WrestleMania VII an emotional ride back n forth between 2 of the all time greats the ending of the match was monumental with Savage career ending but him leaving with his love Elizabeth

Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin submission match WrestleMania 13 great match hardcore style plus great wrestling action and it launched the Texas Rattlesnake into the attitude era

Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle Wrestlemania XVII one of the best technical matches I have ever seen truly a classic match that out shined every match on the card including the main event yeah i said it the main event.

Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage for the Intercontinental title WrestleMania III one of the best matches in wrestlemania history with non stop action and a great ending with Steamboat ending Randy Savage's 12 month regin as champion

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart Wrestlemania X brother vs brother, this was the first match for wrestlemania X and it was best match overal on the card 2 brothers battling to see whose the more dominate brother with Owen winning the match cleanly

Bret Hart vs HBK iron man match for the WWE title WrestleMania XII one of the best mania matches of all time but the ending was lousey

Kurt Angle vs HBK Inter-Promotional Match Wrestlemania 21 definately the best wrestlemania match in the last 5 years the only match close enough too it is Undertaker vs Batista at wrestlemania 23 The match was epic the build up was great the match even better and the ending the best HBK tapping out its just a shame it wasnt for a title

The Rock vs Hollywood Hogan Wrestlemania X-8 the old lion vs the young lion the old WWF vs the new WWF era definately the most epic match in wrestlemania history with everyone at home at and the crowd all into it the match was a wrestlemania moment

Ultimate Warrior vs Hulk Hogan for the WWE title Wrestlemania VI the Ultimate Challenge
what a match what a moment in my eyes this has to be te greatest wrestlemania match of all time, the 2 biggest faces in the company squareing off with both of their respective titles on the line and the ending no one really expected Ultimate Warrior winning the match and recieving the torch definately one of the biggest matches of wrestlemania history
TLC WM17 - First of its kind, of the one we always remember

Uh, no it wasn't. It was TLC II, which means it was 2nd. The first was at SummerSlam 2000. Still, TLC II ranks as probably one of my all time favorite matches.

Bret vs Austin WM13 - Face/heel turn in mid match. Made Austin.

End of the match, but close enough I guess.

Seriously though, this is a two answer question. The thread title is best WrestleMania match of all time, which there is only one real answer to. In the OP it asks for our favorite. So I guess I'll go ahead and answer both.

I'll start out with the actual best. Steamboat vs. Savage at WrestleMania III. Widely considered one of if not the greatest match of all time. There really is no talking up this match other than what it is. The build was great, the crowd was hot, and the match was executed perfectly. They stole the show and got Match of the Year honors for 1987. That was before Hogan slammed Andre and put wrestling into the stratosphere about 30-35 minutes later.

My favorites include, Austin vs. Hart at WrestleMania 13. It was simply a war and had the great iconic moment of Austin's face with the blood pouring down. That redneck bastard wouldn't quit and the crowd in Chicago applauded his efforts.

TLC II. Best TLC match of all time. Each team knew each other so well and had amazing chemistry. It launched Edge's career once he hit Jeff with the spear off the ladder.
Austin vs Rock WM X7: This match was simply an ALL OUT WAR! Both or should i say icons were at the top, they gave their best. And i couldn't imagine vince mcmahon giving one of them a clean win over the other, that's why the match ended the way it did.

Rock-Hogan X8 was a great one, because of the atmosphere at that night, but technically, it was a good one(not great).

HBK-Angle: This what i call pure wrestling!

WMX7 TLC match Hardyz-dudleyz-E&C: NO COMMENT...

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