Your top 10 Favourite WWE PPV's and why?


Pre-Show Stalwart
im sorry if this has been done before but ive just finished work and im looking for a good PPV to watch with a couple of beers so here's mine and why?

10: No Mercy 2002
for me one of the bloodiest HITC matches ever Lesner vs Undertaker wow a must see for everyone! HHH/Kane storyline was shit but the match was really good, Angle/Benoit vs Rey/Edge proberly the best Tag match of the last decade, i even enjoyed Noble/Tajiri match too.

9: King of the Ring 1994
i really enjoyed this PPV because 1 Owen Hart won the KOTR and most of the matches through out the PPV was good, my Favourite was Bret Hart vs Diesel these 2 always worked well together and told a great story and the Owen vs 1 2 3 Kid was awesome for its time a must watch for every WWE fan.

8: Judgement Day 2001
what a great PPV Austin vs Undertaker no holds barred was another classic from these 2 legends HHH/Kane in a Chain Match was the best chain match Ive ever seen(just my opinion) Angle/Benoit 2 out of 3 falls 1st fall was normal rules 2nd was Submission then the 3rd was a Ladder match overall a great match.

7: No Mercy 2001
for some reason i really enjoy watching this PPV you had Edge vs Christan Ladder match, The Rock vs Chris Jericho, Austin vs RVD vs Angle 3 awesome matches which made this PPV great for me

6: Wrestlemania 21
most of the matches on the card was really good my favourite match of the night was Randy Orton vs Undertaker but also on the card was Angle/HBK , Batista/HHH , Cena/JBL, Rey/Eddie, the first MITB match and Big show vs Akebono was very entertaining, this PPV is up their with some of the greatest.

5: Summerslam 1998
people may think im mad but this was proberly the best PPV of the year for me Austin vs taker main evented and was a very entertaining match, The rock vs HHH ladder match was epic, Outlaws vs Mankind/Kane was brutal, Val Venis vs D'Lo Brown was proberly both of these guys best match and X-pac vs Jeff Jarrett was *** too so overall a great PPV.

4: Summerslam 2002
HBK's return match against HHH was the best comeback match ever Rock and Brock but on a classic worthy of Main Eventing Summerslam, RVD vs Benoit was a fantasic Techical match, Angle vs Rey was one of the best opening matches ever a must see PPV.

3: Royal Rumble 2003
the best techical match of all time Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit stole the show, HHH vs Steiner was ok the build up was better but it had the big match feel to it, Brock Lesner vs Big Show well i just love how Brock used to throw him round the ring, And the Rumble match was very entertaining a ***** PPV for me.

2: Survivor Seris 2002
every match from the start was great 6 man elimation Table match, Lesner/Show was great, first Elimation Chamber match set the bar, and the Triple Threat Elimation tag match was awesome ***** over all

1: Wrestlemania 17
we all know why so no need to go indepth with it ***** all the way
1. Wrestlemania 17 Need I say more.

2. Wrestlemania 19 A VERY underrated ppv imo Angle vs Brock / HHH vs Booker / Austin vs Rock 3 / Jericho vs HBK / Even Vince vs Hogan. I mean WHAT more could you possibably ask for???

3. Wrestlemania 21 The "changing of the guard" with Batista beating HHH and Cena beating JBL was the last time that people from the mid card made the jump to main event level (come to think about it Miz done it this year) Orton vs Taker that year was when the streak was ACTUALLY in trouble as in being broken. Then you also have the "wrestling masterclass" between HBK n Angle to top it off.

4. Wrestlemania 24 Flair vs HBK (we all know Flair came back but it was still emotional at the time) Edge PROVING he belonged on the same level as Taker. Cena getting PINNED at a wrestlemania and the BEST $$$ in the bank match IMO all on that card.

5. Summerslam 2002. Top to bottom a VERY GREAT card. HBK showing AFTER four years off he STILL "HAD IT" Great wrestling matches with Guerrero vs Edge, Flair vs Jericho and Beniot vs R.V.D and the "passing of the torch" from Rock to Lesner.

6. Survivor Series 2002. The "screwjob" only this time in the garden. Triple threat elimination tag team match for the WWF tag team titles. And the debut of the elimination chamber.

7. Survivor Series 2001. The "All on the line, There IS NO tommorow" feeling of that ppv just makes it for me.

8. Summerslam 2009. The epic "Big opener" match between Ziggler and Mysterio, Dx vs Legacy, The WWF title match with Cena and Orton, With Orton trying EVERYTHING to get out of the match with the title and he DOES in the end is awesome. Then you have the ladder match with Jeff vs Punk with that crazy ladder spot by Jeff Hardy :-0

9. No way out 2001. A fatal 4-way match for the IC title. A 3-way table match for the WWF tag team titles, One of the BEST womans matches EVER with Trish vs Stephaine and the WWF title match between Rock and Angle and the 3 stages of hell match between Austin and HHH is a CLASSIC.

10. Summerslam 2003. Even though imo it has the 2nd to worst elimination chamber match on the card there is still Shane O'Mac vs Bishoff, the 4-way matc for the U.S title (gotta love Eddjie at the end of that match, That is when I realiesd he was gonna be wwf champion soon) Kane vs RVD and Angle vs Lesner for the rematch from wrestlemania 19.
1. WrestleMania 17
Pointless writing why when it's in everyone elses list.

2. Canadian Stampede 1997
On paper this is a one match card, with the rest being fillers, wrong.. check it out you won't be dissapointed.

3. SummerSlam 2000
This event had a bit of everything, TLC, Hardcore, 2/3 falls, Triple threats, mix tag and title changes.. and a stink face between two HOT divas...

4. Rebellion 2001
Not many people have seen this, is pretty much a 3 match card, the rubber match between Christian & Edge in the traditional thick bars cage match, Angle/Jericho and Rock/Austin mania x7 rematch.

5. Summerslam 1999
This is a pinnicle PPV that was peaking with many roads and twists and turns leading to it... watch it.

6. Summerslam 1996

Personal fav, no other reason than I love the show.

7. Survivor Series 1996
Bret Hart VS Stone Cold I.. the best match of their feud and the debut the Rock, always loved this show.

8. SummerSlam 1994

My first PPV and holes sentimental feelings for me, plus Hart/Hart in the cage match.

9. WrestleMania 20
No matter what people think this PPV was pretty good and Brock/Goldberg should of been expected, great show in my opinion.

10. Survivor Series 2002
Pretty much a great a show and not the tradional Survivor Series show we're accustomed too.

Honorable list,
SummerSlam 2002 - I have too many Summer Slams on my list,
Backlash 2002 - I'd pretty much swap this show for Survivor Series 2002 both quality shows.
Royal Rumble 1997 - Awesome show I loved the Lucha match.
WrestleMania 18 - I've always liked the show, nothing special by any means just a good show.
WrestleMania 24 - Awesome show.
WrestleMania 19 - Awesome show and full of awesome matches.

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