your Top 10 SummerSlam Matches


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok guys like the title says whats you top 10 Summerslam matches ever........

10) Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio SS 2002
what a match this was it showed how Angle can adapt to any style of wrestling and put on a clinic

9) Bret Hart vs MR Perfect SS 1991
what a great in ring match back and forth all the way through a true legendary performance by Mr Perfect

8) Bret Hart vs Undertaker SS 1997
Ive always loved the Bret Hart vs Undertaker matches they just gel together so well the build up was great and the ending was the biggest shock know one expected it, and this pathed way to Screwjob at SS 97

7) HHH vs The Rock SS 1998
Leader vs Leader DX vs The Nation great Ladder match i prefer this match more then the HBK vs Razor at Summerslam 1995

6) TLC 1 SummerSlam 2000
Just WOW! great spots through out the match a must see for any fan

5) Elimation Chamber SummerSlam 2003
it is regarded as one of the best EC matches in history I enjoy watching it from the spots in the match and Goldberg wooping ass

4) Randy Orton vs Undertaker SS 2004
a rematch from their WM21 match and to me its just as good but these to all ways but on a great match together this match happened in the middle of the best feud of that year

3) Bret Hart vs Owen Hart SS 1994
the first brother vs brother in cage match Owen and Bret showed everyone why they are one of the greatest wrestlers ever if you havent seen this watch it!

2) Undertaker vs Edge HITC SS 2008
loved this match from the start the build up was epic this should of been voted match of the year great spots from both men worthy on any list of great matches

1) HBK vs HHH SummerSlam 2002
Shawn finally came back to the WWE and showed the world why he is the greatest of all time, the best street fight ive seen just for emotion and the way both men told a story we all knew HBK was going to win but through the match I did start to have doubts.

my favourite SummerSlam is 2002 it had Rock/Brock Angle/Rey HBK/HHH RVD/Benoit Edge/Eddie what a great PPV
I will have to go back and watch some more Summerslam; but Orton faced Benoit, not Taker, for the WHC in 2004.

I think Bulldog/Bret needs to be on here. Say what will you will that Bulldog wasn't focused. Go ahead and say that Bret carried him. But it was still a damn good match. In my opinion, the IC title was its highest peak ever in Summerslam 1992. It was a big four PPV and not to mention it was THE MAIN EVENT!!! It was higher on the card than Warrior/Savage for the WWF title.
No order

1) Rock vs. Triple H vs. Kurt Angle - 2000
Even though Kurt was out for most of the match, it was still a darn fine match

2) Austin vs. Undertaker - 1998
All the hype & build up leading up to this with the video promo playing to Highway To Hell by AC/DC and the storyline of if Taker was playing against Austin, in cahoots with Kane or not was just great. The match was good too.

3) Rock vs. Triple H - 1998
One of the matches that put the Rock vs. HHH feud on the map. Good build up to the match & had some good moments in there especially from The Rock which had the fans turn on HHH for Rocky.

4) Bret vs. Perfect - 1991
Technical beauty this was and the finish to the match is one I'll always remember, I just loved how he countered his legdrop into the Sharpshooter.

5) Bret vs. Taker - 1997
Personally I always believed Taker vs. Bret should've happened at WM 13 then this would be the rematch where Bret takes the title back from Taker. It had a great finish which lead to one of the greatest heels in the business.

6) Bret vs. Owen - 1994
One of the best Cages matches ever. I always remember the finish to this match and the Hart family getting involved after the match, trying to get in the cage only to get kicked off by Owen & Neidhart was hilarious.

7) Elimination Chamber - 2003
It's really hard for me to decide which EC match was better between 2002 & 2003. This match was just great and Goldbergs spear to Jericho through the plexiglass was epic. Also everybody loved HHH's beatdown on Goldberg after the match was over, it's a memorable beatdown.

8) Stone Cold vs. Kurt Angle - 2001
As Kurt Angle told it himself in the What? DVD, Kurt made himself look like a warrior who just wouldn't give up and Stone Cold would go to any means to retain the title. It was just an action packed match.

9) HHH vs. Shawn - 2002
I can't really remember what happened in this one but I can't exactly think of any other good match, well there's TLC & Steve Blackman vs. Shane O' Mac but I can't remember what happened in them also, so I go with HBK vs. Shawn cause it had a good build up, was a longtime dream match and never expected HBK to win really.

10) Taker vs. Mankind - 1996
Both these men went to hell & back plus the match was a good concept.
I can't believe no one picked Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog yet from Summerslam 1992. That was possibly one of the best matches ever, let alone for Summerslam. Also, Michaels vs. HHH, Bret Hart vs. Owen in the cage from 1994, Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect from 1991, Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon ladder match from 1995, Shawn Michaels vs. Vader, Bret Hart vs. Undertaker. I'll have to think about 3 more to choose.
Here are my ten, in no particular order.

1. 2003- Elimination Chamber. HHH vs Goldberg vs Kevin Nash vs Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels

I am a big fan of EC matches, and this early one was one of the best.

2. 2002- The Rock vs Brock Lesnar

The birth of a star. Lesnar could have had it all if he had not walked away from the business. The passing of the torch

3. 2002- Street Fight. Shawn Michaels vs HHH

HBK's return to the WWE. He showed he still had what it took to be the best. A great match.

4. 2004- Chris Benoit vs Randy Orton

Orton became the youngest champion in history with this win. I was a huge Randy fan at this point. Shame the title run was so short

5. 2001- Ladder Match. Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Hardy

I loved the feud between RVD & Jeff during the Invasion. They made the Hardcore belt mean something and this match was brilliant.

6. 2001- Tag Team Cage Match. Undertaker/Kane vs DDP/Kanyon

The blowoff to the DDP stalker storyline. I loved how The Brothers of Destruction let Kanyon escape then just layed into DDP. Not a great match, but a particular favourite. I was a huge Taker man back then.

7. 2000- TLC match. Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz vs Edge & Christian

No explanation needed here. Risk taking tag team action at its VERY best.

8. 1994- Cage Match. Bret Hart vs Owen Hart

One of the true classic cage matches. No violence, just great wrestling from 2 of the best in the business.

9. 1998- Ladder Match. HHH vs The Rock

These 2 in probably their first classic match. You could tell the IC title meant so much at this point. It is a shame it no longer does

10. 1999 Triple Threat Match. HHH vs Stone Cold vs Mankind

It was great seeing Mankind win the belt again, well deserved. Jesse Ventura as the ref was brilliant too.

I would love to know what people think of my choices.
If Shawn Michaels is Mr. WrestleMania, Bret Hart is Mr. SummerSlam

10. Hart Foundation vs. Brain Busters 1989

I loved tag team wrestling in the 80s and these were possibly my two favorite teams. They matched up really well together. This was a great way to open the show and is an often overlooked match. I’m sure it would be better remembered if there was more of a storyline.

9. Shawn Michaels vs. Vader 1996

This just had a big main event feel for me. I was always a mark for Vader and seeing him challenge for the WWF title at a big ppv was awesome. HBK of course can work well with any style. I wasn’t crazy about the finish at the time but I’ve warmed up to it and the match was pretty solid.

8. Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior 1992

The sun had just set over Wembley Stadium as these two locked up for the WWF title. It had a big fight atmosphere and the action lived up. The drama and mind games from Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair really added to the match.

7. Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon 1995

I have to watch this one again. I’ve read a lot of people thought this was better than the WM10 match. I always thought the mania one was better but this was very good nonetheless. I am usually of the mindset the first is usually the best so I want to watch this again with a more open mind.

6. Hart Foundation vs. Demolition 1990

This was an awesome tag title match. It was two out of three falls and the action was hot all the way through. The crowd was really into it and really went nuts when LOD came out at the end and the Harts finally regained the titles. This was pretty much the end for Demolition.

5. Triple H vs. The Rock 1998

This was a great blowoff to a great feud. The Garden was hot that night as these two stars literally and figuratively climbed the ladder to the next level.

4. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart 1994

I was in the United Center that night and it was awesome. It wasn’t the typical bloody brawl in a cage. These were two great wrestlers having a wrestling match surrounded by the steel cage. There were so many near escapes that the crowd was on the edge of their seats for over thirty minutes before Bret won the race to the floor.

3. Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect 1991

Savage and Steamboat raised the bar at WM3 and no one had really matched that match on a big stage until now. This was a beautiful match and the first in a series of classics Bret would give us over the next six years.

2. Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith 1992

Two and three are easily interchangeable but I put this one higher because it was the main event. It had a bigger feel to it and launched Bret to the main event. This is a true classic.

1. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H 2002

Well Bret Hart may be my Mr. SummerSlam, but Shawn Michaels stole the number one spot from him. This was such a great match and easily in my top five of all time. No one knew what to expect from Michaels after missing over four years with a back injury. It was like he never left. He had absolutely no signs of ring rust and picked up right where he left off. This match was perfectly done from start to finish. I felt like a little kid marking out for HBK when he got the pin.

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