What is the best Triple Threat Match in WWE history?

The Chosen One of WZ

Even TNA cant ruin ECW for me
Triple Threat matches often get hated on due to not being underperformed but no one can deney there have been some amazing ones in WWE history.

My question to you is which one is the best of all-time in WWE?

My choice would be Benoit v. Shawn Michaels v. Triple H at Wrestlemania XX. I remember Wrestlemania 20 was the first PPV I ever got and this match was freaking amazing. Just the technical work of Benoit and Michaels and the amount of Heat HHH had at this point of his career. A great storyline went along with it too. And with michaels doing the moonsault off the top rope to the outside of the ring on both of them will go down in history as a wrestlemania moment. Also an iconic match for that matter.
Yeah I say Wrestlemania XX also.

I also like Rock vs Undertaker vs Kurt Angle at Vengeance 2002. The beginning of that match was also quite funny with Angle jumping up and down for attention.

Angle vs Orton vs Mysterio at Mania 22 was also good for the time it was given. It was fast and furious. Just imagine if they had 15 or 20 minutes for it at that pace.
my personal favorite was Armageddon 2007 - Edge vs Batista vs Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Title, when Edge hid outside the ring towards the end of the match and rang the bell which made Taker and Batista both confused as hell. thats when Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder both entered the ring at separate times both impersonating Edge, and Taker and Batista didn't even notice. Hawkins and Ryder took some pain then Taker hit Batista with a Tombstone when Edge hit The Undertaker in the back with a chair while the referee was recovering and pinned Batista for the win. Edge drew so much heat for this, and it continued a pretty awesome heel phase for him. I believe this time was when Edge was at his best, doing things like he did in this match because the only thing that mattered to him was being champion. It was great
I'll go with the same:

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit
Wrestle-Mania XX

Triple H was so damn hated wrestler at that time. Shawn Michaels made his way into the match by stealing the contract from Benoit. He wanted to beat Triple H and get the world championship so bad, it showed. I almost felt like it was made a Triple Threat only so that Shawn can win it. And then there was this great wrestler who had never won the world championship. Getting the shot at the world title by winning the Royal Rumble. I wanted him to win and he won. I love this match for the sheer amount of emotions involved in it.

I also liked the recent Triple H vs HBK vs John Cena match! Haha....three face wrestlers....it was awesome.....and the highlight of the match was the first few seconds into the match and HBK hit Sweet Chin Music to his best buddy!!!!! :)
WrestleMania XX
HHH vs. HBK vs. Chris Benoit

Triple treat matches are not really all that to be honest, but this match has you in it the whole way through, you have powerhouse, charismatic and highflying and then a technical wrestler.. This has got to be arguably the best triple Threat match in WWE history..

Honourable mention to the Rock/Angle/Taker match from 2002..
Personally I love triple threats. I really think it should be the focus of a WWE dvd release.
That being said how about Orton vs. Angle Vs. Mysterio @ WM22 where Rey won the World title. That was obviously memorable.
I don't think that this match is gonna be mentioned so I'll say Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam at No Mercy 2001. It's not as legendary as WrestleMania XX Triple Threat, but it's a personal favorite. I loved the way they managed to make the match very entertaining to watch, even if their wrestling style didn't match at all, Steve Austin being a brawler, Kurt Angle a technical wrestler and Rob Van Dam a high flyer.
Mine would be HHH vs Undertaker vs Austin (sorry i don't remember the name of the ppv)when they were in the UK. It was the star of HHH's push to become world champion for the first time. Also what made it special, was the fact that Undertaker and HHH were both part of the Corporate Ministry and you rarely see two members of the same faction fight for a title.
I'm gonna say the Submission's Count Anywhere Triple Threat at HIAC last year. Had alot of unique submission spots alot with some cool acrobatics from Morrison, mainly his epic dive off the top of the stage.
I'm going to say one besides the obvious WMXX match, and that's from Survivor Series 2009 between Cena, HHH, and HBK. I absolutely loved every second of this match and is actually one of my favorites of all time, and I can't tell you 100% why. I'm not a Cena lover, or hater for that matter. I don't mind HHH, always enjoyed HBK, but all 3 together is amazing. If you haven't seen this match, go check it out.
i could pick any of the matches posted or named earlier like WM XX( CB, SM and HHH) and the others, i have one that was entertaining from beggining to the end, Wrestlemania XVI two fall triple threat match between Kurt angle (euro-intercontinental champion) vs chris jericho vs chris benoit, the first fall was for the intercontinental championship and it was won by chris benoit, the second was for the european championship and it was won by chris jericho, so angle enters wrestlemania XVI as double champion and leaves with no championship at all hahaha...
Definetly my choice is Wrestlemania XX's World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match between the reigning champion Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Chris Benoit. That was the match which defined Chris Benoit carrer.
Vengeance 2002 - The Rock vs Kurt Angle vs The Undertaker.

This match is the greatest Triple Threat of all time, in my opinion, far superior to the WrestleMania 20 Triple Threat match. These three guys absoluetly tore it down that night and I can watch that match over and over again without getting sick of it. It was a great match with everyone hitting each other's finishes on each other and The Rock and The Undertaker having a staredown and Angle trying to get their attention, only for them to turn to him and bash him.

Crowd popped hard too for The Rock when he won the title too. That's my choice.
My choice is a Tag Team Triple Threat match, and that is Edge & Christian vs The Dudley Boyz vs The Hardy Boyz in a triangle ladder match at WM 2000

Just one of the classic series of matches that these teams had. Great tag team wrestling at its best. Plus it was the match where Edge & Christian won their first WWE Tag Team Titles, thus beginning their spell as the best tag team in the world.

5 Second Pose!
I know a lot of people are huge on the WrestleMania XX match, but I personally prefer the rematch from Backlash. The setting was Montreal and with a Canadian champion like Benoit and the history there with Hebner & Michaels. The finish was perfect with Benoit proving his dominance over both Triple H and Michaels having made both submit. The sharpshooter to Michael was the perfect way to end it. A similar formula to the Mania match, but it flowed better for me. Great three way.
I'm not a huge fan of triple threat matches as they seem to be too messy, I much prefer fatal fourways.

However, I love Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle at wrestlemania 2000. Awesome match with two falls, just lots of action constantly happening!
My choice is a Tag Team Triple Threat match, and that is Edge & Christian vs The Dudley Boyz vs The Hardy Boyz in a triangle ladder match at WM 2000

Just one of the classic series of matches that these teams had. Great tag team wrestling at its best. Plus it was the match where Edge & Christian won their first WWE Tag Team Titles, thus beginning their spell as the best tag team in the world.

5 Second Pose!

Crap I forgot about that match. I was just thinking of regular triple threat matches between individuals and not tag teams. If you want to throw on triple threat tag team matches then this one is certainly amazing! It is one of the very best matches ever!
I always loved the no mercy 2001 triple threat with austin angle rvd

But I think my favourite has to be vengeance 2003 angle lesnar big slow ...I had low expectations but I have to say they tore the house down that night
I have two choices, the triangle ladder match from Mania 2000 and obviously the triple threat at Mania XX.

The triangle ladder match was a show stealer, I don't even remember any other match at that WM. If I remember correctly, this was one of the first ladder matches I had ever seen, and for me it was mind-blowing, making it one of my favorite gimmick matches and obviously one of my two favorite triple threat matches.

My absolute favorite triple threat is Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple HHH for the world heavyweight championship at Wrestlemania XX. Until this point of my life, I wasn't really fon of professional wrestlig, I was a casual fan. It was my first ever Wrestlemania VHS. This match right here made me fell in love with professional wrestling. I was every second at the edge of my seat, screaming at every near fall " 1.....2....NOOOO!". Great macth with a great ending.
Wrestlemania XX HBK vs HHH vs Chris Benoit

The match was awsome, and the aftermath was Chris Benoits career reached its peak on this night.

(other earning votes: Angle vs Mysterio vs Orton WM 22 had soe incredible spots, and Edge vs HHH vs Cena at Backlash 06, i believe that match was pretty great, and cena winning with a surprise pin instead of a finisher was a good change.)
The Mania XX match for me is highly overrated. WWF don't do Triple Threats well at all. The match was marred with constant one guy gets knocked out of the ring for an age while the other two take each other out and the third man makes the save at the last second. Beniot then disappears from the match all together for a while to emphasise that they can't book these types of matches.

This also happened in the Rock/HHH/Angle match where Angle got knocked out, but I think that was legit.

I would probably have to go with the Rock vs. Mankind vs. Shamrock inside a cage. That was probably the best triple threat the WWF has done in a very long time...
Vengeance 2002 - The Rock vs Kurt Angle vs The Undertaker.

This match is the greatest Triple Threat of all time, in my opinion, far superior to the WrestleMania 20 Triple Threat match. These three guys absoluetly tore it down that night and I can watch that match over and over again without getting sick of it. It was a great match with everyone hitting each other's finishes on each other and The Rock and The Undertaker having a staredown and Angle trying to get their attention, only for them to turn to him and bash him.

Crowd popped hard too for The Rock when he won the title too. That's my choice.

I agree w/u :worship: Rock/Angle/Undertaker put on a clinic, not saying that the Mania 20 match wasn't, but it is a close 2nd IMO!!!! The feud for this match was good also cause at 1st it seem as if Rock & Taker was just gonna go at it, but Kurt find his way in. Also every1 knew that who ever won this match was going up against Brock at that following View so the match was really unpredictable cause anyone of these guys was a worthy opponent Brock. The crowd was bananas which made the match that much more better.
The Mania XX match for me is highly overrated. WWF don't do Triple Threats well at all. The match was marred with constant one guy gets knocked out of the ring for an age while the other two take each other out and the third man makes the save at the last second. Beniot then disappears from the match all together for a while to emphasise that they can't book these types of matches.

This also happened in the Rock/HHH/Angle match where Angle got knocked out, but I think that was legit.

I would probably have to go with the Rock vs. Mankind vs. Shamrock inside a cage. That was probably the best triple threat the WWF has done in a very long time...

Yeah Angle got hurt doing that match foreal, the table gave way before HHH could put him through it. I just watch that match lastnite it was a classic.
Well no doubt I am going to agree with everyone that it was Benoit vs. HHH vs. HBK. First Triple Threat main event for Wrestlemania, the build up for the match was good and so was the match, also loved the finish and the celebration Benoit had with Eddie to end the show.

I got to mention the Triple Threat with Rock, Mankind & Shamrock in the cage though. It was sweet, had comic moments in there and had a great finish to the match with Rock stealing the win with the pin while Mankind climbs down the cage. This is my favourite Triple Threat match ever.

Also honorable mentions go to Austin vs. Taker vs. Kane at Breakdown 98, Kurt Angle vs. Jericho vs. Benoit at WM 2000 & Rock vs. Angle vs. Taker at Vengeance 2002.

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