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Who will Lesnar face at Mania

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Cowboys Stadium is due to host the Final Four in 2014, so unless something gets re-scheduled, it can't be there.

It's hard to guess where it would be. I love traditions, so I would love to see it back at MSG for WM 30, but I know that's a one in a million shot at this point.

For my guess, I'll stay in the state of Texas and say Reliant Stadium in Houston.
I say that Wembley Stadium would be a perfect location for mania. London would be a perfect place for mania. With the NFL coming to London every year now it only seems fair that the occasional PPV comes to the UK!
I know it would be a long shot and probably to hard to do now, but what about having a mania at multiple location like they did with mania 4 I think!!!!!!
The Garden is The Garden but an average stadium can hold twice the average arena ($). The magnitude of WM deserves a larger than life stage. As for WM30, how about a covered stadium?
I think the move of WM29 to MetLife has something to do with MSG going into "Phase 3" of their renovation next year. Meaning that around that time in 2013...holding a Mainia would be very difficult.

I think Cowboys' Stadium would be great...of course the Final 4 would pose an issue since it's usually the beginning og Aptil when it kick's off.

So why not Canada, hell even Mexico as they have huge soccer stadiums?
I know it would be a long shot and probably to hard to do now, but what about having a mania at multiple location like they did with mania 4 I think!!!!!!

You're thinking of WM2 where it was in NY, Chicago, and LA. But like 10 and 20, it will be at MSG. Hard to picture it anywhere else for the big 3-0.
I am an Indianapolis native and I actually attended WM 23 in Detroit and I gotta say, Lucas Oil Stadium would be perfect for WM 30. I saw the whole "stadium atmosphere" in Detroit and I think it would be great for Indy. Especially because we just hosted the biggest annual sporting event in the nation, if not the world. I totally understand if it heads to Arlington but I would absolutely love to see it back in Indy. Especially because we haven't had a 'Mania since WM 8 in the old Hoosier Dome
I am an Indianapolis native and I actually attended WM 23 in Detroit and I gotta say, Lucas Oil Stadium would be perfect for WM 30. I saw the whole "stadium atmosphere" in Detroit and I think it would be great for Indy. Especially because we just hosted the biggest annual sporting event in the nation, if not the world. I totally understand if it heads to Arlington but I would absolutely love to see it back in Indy. Especially because we haven't had a 'Mania since WM 8 in the old Hoosier Dome

I'm a fellow Indianapolis native, and I agree wholeheartedly.

We just got tremendous praise from the media and the sports community across the country with our job of hosting the Super Bowl earlier this month. I even read a sports article in which the writer claimed that we had done a better job of hosting the Super Bowl than any other city in the Super Bowl's history.

So I think with the attention our city got and the praise we got in hosting it, I really think that will go a long way towards getting the WWE to bring back Wrestlemania to Indy.

Before the stadium shows of the early 2000's and present, we did have the third biggest drawing Wrestlemania at the time, only behind Wrestlemania VI and Wrestlemania III.

And with talk of Madison Square Garden, Canada, Wembley Stadium, and the Cowboys Stadium being out of the question, I think that puts us as a front-runner for getting it. There's also St. Louis which has never hosted a Wrestlemania and has been in the running for awhile, plus New Orleans which is in the same situation. I thought I also heard that Orlando was trying to get Wrestlemania again, so they could be a possibility.

I'm just hoping it's Indy. I'm traveling to Miami this year for Wrestlemania, so it'd be nice to be able to just stay home and only have to purchase event tickets instead of also having to buy airplane tickets, and hotels, and rental cars, and whatnot lol.
I'd love St. Louis (Edward Jones Dome) or Chicago (Soldier Field) but Indy would also be a great idea.

If I had to choose....I would say Chicago is a real possibility because it is a top WWE city with an always hot crowd. Only thing that could hurt Chicago is Solider Field (largest place to hold it) is outdoor and it gets cold in Chicago in April...but at the same time...New York is about the same temp.
It's too bad Dallas isn't an option because it really seems like the ideal choice for a show like this. Jerry Jones and Vince McMahon working together? Oh boy. Guaranteed to be the most heavily promoted Wrestlemania in history, if and when it does happen. Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis wouldn't shock me. Definite possibility there. I could also see a return to Toronto and the Sky Dome. Only thing about them is that Toronto is "reverse land" where the fans LOVE heels.
Bring it to the UK! Two others have already suggested Wembely and I couldn't agree more. The stadium is so iconic, it's sure to be remembered for years to come. It holds something like 80,000 (feel free to correct that) and UK crowds are usually red hot.
Undertaker Undertaker Undertaker Streak Streak Streak! I cant take it anymore. I'm sick of it. I have nothing but respect for the deadman. But can we just kill off the Undertaker He can only wrestle one match a year, So let him go with some dignity, Lets not let him end up like a Brett Farve, Michale Jordan so on and so forth. Undertaker vs Triple H for 3rd time is kinda nuts, But lets go with it, They do this they better build and hype this match up somthing special, And Taker and Triple H tear the roof off because last year's bout between the two was to me lower than my expectations. So hopefully they step it up this year. John Cena is prolley and most likey right now in the WWE that would have the chance at ending the streak. and if rock lose to cena at wrestlemaina this year to pass the tourch. like andre did for hogan. Cena will be the man to end the streak. I'm not a cena fan, But he bust his ass.

What's up with this cena busting his ass shit? They all bust their ass. Punk wrestled like 80 something minutes once in ROH. So punk busts his ass. I'm sure orton did. Ziggler was in the spirit card. Now he's in main event title matches. Look at miz. Sure his ass was busted too. Shut this cena busts his ass he deserves it shit.

Undertaker will not lose. To anyone. At wrestlemania. Undefeated forever. And ever.

Not triple h. Not dx. Not stone cold. Not kane. Not cena. And definitely not a guy who has to get canned heat on smackdown to make you think he gets a crowd reaction-wade barrett.

Watch the true story of wrestlemania. Vince says thr streak will not end because that character lives forever.

Ppl look way too far into it. Yeah on screen you think hhh can do it. But we won't. Vinny mac will not let taket lose regardless of who's pokin his baby girl
Wembley holds 90,000 plus floor seating. The reason it hasn't happened is because of the time difference affecting buyrates but I think that's actually a naive excuse. By having it in Europe and at a reasonable time you massively increase the international buys and open the US buys to a younger audience who can watch during the day.
I live in Canada and although it would be sweet to see WrestleMania there i believe it should be in MSG. People have complained that WrestleMania is too big for the arena but to me tradition means so much more than how big an arena is. I don't see why 1 year out 10 they can't stay true to the sport and have a legit wrestling WrestleMania. Thats just my 2 cents.
I live in Canada and although it would be sweet to see WrestleMania there i believe it should be in MSG. People have complained that WrestleMania is too big for the arena but to me tradition means so much more than how big an arena is. I don't see why 1 year out 10 they can't stay true to the sport and have a legit wrestling WrestleMania. Thats just my 2 cents.

Your 2 cents hey?

Well, while we're on money, the WWE has a couple of MILLION dollars why they will say to hell with tradition and keep it in big stadiums from here on out.
For all those saying it should be held in the UK....there is something called a time difference. The WWE starts their shows between 7 - 9 to accomadate the Eastern Timezone because it is there highest audience population.

In order for them to start WM at those times they would have to start at what....Midnight UK time? Is it fair for the wrestlers to have to be up all day and the perform at MIDNIGHT!!!!

I agree that WM 30 should be held at MSG because that is just tradition. However if Vince decides to keep it at sports stadiums, how about Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor it holds close to 110,000 and correct me if i'm wrong but WM has never been to Michigan
Your 2 cents hey?

Well, while we're on money, the WWE has a couple of MILLION dollars why they will say to hell with tradition and keep it in big stadiums from here on out.

I fully understand that. But sometimes things are bigger than money. There is no reason why they couldn't make up money through PPV buys. and overall hype for the event. But money is everything and they will more than likely say screw tradition and go somewhere else.
For all those saying it should be held in the UK....there is something called a time difference. The WWE starts their shows between 7 - 9 to accomadate the Eastern Timezone because it is there highest audience population.

In order for them to start WM at those times they would have to start at what....Midnight UK time? Is it fair for the wrestlers to have to be up all day and the perform at MIDNIGHT!!!!


No that would mean the event would start at 7-8 UK time and for once, people in North America would have to experience waking up late for an event lol Trust me UK fans are hella passionate for doing this and that's why maybe not Wrestlemania, but they do deserve a PPV for that.
Wrestlemania 3 was in Michigan. Was in the Silverdome in Pontiac. Holds the attendance record for a live indoor event.

They should have wrestlemania 30 in Dallas. The new Cowboys Stadium. New York is already getting WM29.
The most obvious location for Wrestlemania 30 should be at Rogers Centre in Toronto. Keep it there every 12 years (WM 6 and 18). Hell I'd make the main event ic title vs world title to keep with tradition. But I think we have a better shot of seeing Undertaker lose at Wrestlemania to the Ultimate Warrior then to see that. Just sayin....
I can tell you where it WON'T be.. That's sunny Southern California... With getting SummerSlam for the 4th consecutive year in a row, we're not getting Wrestlemania any time soon. AEG and the City of Los Angeles have to build "Farmer's Field", which they have yet to actually proceed on. So when that stadium is built (supposed to be right next to the Staples Center) then we'll get Wrestlemania.

As for where it might be held... Bank on the North East somewhere. Possibly Connecticut... Just because that's where it all began. Don't know of anywhere else besides possibly (and this is an extreme long shot) RFK Stadium in Washington DC. The only issue there is with the current tenant DC United plays there during the MLS season... but that's remedied with a road series... (its pretty easy to do actually)

That would be a cool place given its history and being in the shadow of the center of our government... It would be a cool place to have Mania 30... The seating is 46,000 for soccer currently... For wrestling I would say they could add at least another 20k seats... including a boatload of floor seating as per normal for Wrestlemania.
If they're gonna hold it in Washington, why would they have it there and not in FedEx Field? No one even knows RFK exists anymore. I'm sure RFK wouldn't even enter the conversation if Washington is considered.

WM30 should be held in Aztec Stadium in Mexico City. It's time WWE branches out to a different market for WM. That place gets hella loud when packed. It'd be a good opportunity to put the Mex Aristocrat over in the Main Event. He'll be a constant maineventer by then.
I say Indy or maybe St. Louis. It hasn't been in the midwest recently (closest was Chicago for WM 22 & Detroit for WM 23). If Indy did a great job with the super bowl recently and holds NCAA men's basketball many years, why not bring back WM? Besides we got dumped on with that last SmackDown show back in December.
I know it would be a long shot and probably to hard to do now, but what about having a mania at multiple location like they did with mania 4 I think!!!!!!

Well, it'd be easier to do it now than it was at WrestleMania 2 with all the advancements in technology. But there's only one way I could see it happening - if they legitimized the brand extension again. No 'supershows' or anybody from one brand ever appearing on the other, etc, maybe even bringing back brand exclusive PPVs. If that happened, they could have WrestleMania in two locations - one for Raw matches and one for SD! matches, with maybe one cross brand match in each location. You could really fire up the competition between the brands by making a huge deal about which one could sell more tickets.

There's no way that would happen under present circumstances, but it could happen under the right conditions.

Wembley holds 90,000 plus floor seating. The reason it hasn't happened is because of the time difference affecting buyrates but I think that's actually a naive excuse. By having it in Europe and at a reasonable time you massively increase the international buys and open the US buys to a younger audience who can watch during the day.

No. Just no. You don't realize that they could just as easily have a PPV start earlier when it's based in the US as if it was in Europe. There's a reason they don't do that. There's a reason PPVs start at the time they do. Because it gives them the absolute most buys possible. The extra international buys and US younger audience buys would not make up the difference. Likely not even close. Just ask the UFC, they know - when they have an event in England, they don't even bother putting it on PPV. It's on cable TV.

WrestleMania is the most important show of the reason. It's the one event, far more than any other, where they go all out to get the biggest buyrate possible. Why would they intentioanlly sabotage themselves? I'm all for having a show like Night Of Champions in London. But there's no logical reason for them to even consider having WrestleMania there.

To answer the original question, where will WrestleMania 30 be held? Reports are that WWE hasn't even decided yet, so anything that anybody says here is just a guess. The one thing we know for sure is that it won't be in Cowboys Stadium in Dallas, due to the Final Four. I would expect 31 to be there, though.

Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis seems like as good a choice as any. It hosts the Big Ten Title game every year, the Final Four often, and the Super Bowl this past year, and the city always does a great job hosting all of them.

I wouldn't discount MSG, though. People forget that WWE doesn't view MSG as a regular 20k seat arena. Everything there is bigger. When a house show goes there, they treat it like a live TV show. When a TV show is filmed there, they treat is almost like a PPV. A regular PPV that's there is treated like a huge PPV. The Rock has only wrestled one match in the buildup to WrestleMania, and it was at MSG. If they're going to make an exception to the stadium rule, it will be for MSG.
I fully understand that. But sometimes things are bigger than money. There is no reason why they couldn't make up money through PPV buys. and overall hype for the event. But money is everything and they will more than likely say screw tradition and go somewhere else.

Nothing is bigger than money to a publically listed company

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