ZeroVX thinks....

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I'd like to stay here thank you very much. I'm not gonna get into a pointless argument with an ADMIN.

You're not going to stand up for yourself? He's not going to ban you for disagreeing with him. Shit, I've never even given ZeroVX an infraction, and I legitimately hate him.

If you don't think it's torture, say so. Sly won't ban you for that. And, if he does, well, fuck, you got banned from a wrestling site. I don't think that comes with a side of prison rape. Unless, you know, you want it to. :icon_wink:

I am done with this thread. If someone is writing a response to one of my flamey posts, sorry, but I just don't care.
You're not going to stand up for yourself? He's not going to ban you for disagreeing with him. Shit, I've never even given ZeroVX an infraction, and I legitimately hate him.

If you don't think it's torture, say so. Sly won't ban you for that. And, if he does, well, fuck, you got banned from a wrestling site. I don't think that comes with a side of prison rape. Unless, you know, you want it to. :icon_wink:

I am done with this thread. If someone is writing a response to one of my flamey posts, sorry, but I just don't care.

In that case NO I DO NOT THINK WHAT THE CIA HAS DONE IS TORTURE. As I've said before. You are not going to get someone to talk via the normal methods though I agree with the thought that Waterboarding is a little bit extreme but if you think about it it's the same thing as when the chineese water torture where they put you in a dark room with just a little light and water dropping. Actually according to the Geneva Convention that's torture too so its a loose-loose situation for intelligence gathering.
In that case NO I DO NOT THINK WHAT THE CIA HAS DONE IS TORTURE. As I've said before. You are not going to get someone to talk via the normal methods though I agree with the thought that Waterboarding is a little bit extreme but if you think about it it's the same thing as when the chineese water torture where they put you in a dark room with just a little light and water dropping. Actually according to the Geneva Convention that's torture too so its a loose-loose situation for intelligence gathering.

What? I can't hear you over the awesome sax playing I'm doing right now.
Doug...I'm not quite sure if you know what the definition of torture is.
any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him, or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in, or incidental to, lawful sanctions.
—UN Convention Against Torture

I was going by that definition.
And you don't think simulating drowning falls under the definition of physical and mental pain being intentionally inflicted on a person?

This isn't about your stance on whether torture is immoral or not, but to claim that waterboarding isn't torture is simply flat out definitively wrong.
In that case NO I DO NOT THINK WHAT THE CIA HAS DONE IS TORTURE. As I've said before. You are not going to get someone to talk via the normal methods though I agree with the thought that Waterboarding is a little bit extreme but if you think about it it's the same thing as when the chineese water torture where they put you in a dark room with just a little light and water dropping. Actually according to the Geneva Convention that's torture too so its a loose-loose situation for intelligence gathering.
Let me see if I understand your rant correctly:

1) Waterboarding ≠ (does not equal) torture

2) Waterboarding = Chinese Water Torture

3) Chinese Water Torture = Torture

4) Waterboarding ≠ torture...

...wait, what? you actually think you're winning that argument with Ricky?
No, I won it long ago. Hell, he doesn't even have a point, apparently, as everything I rebut him with he apparently didn't actually say.

You have in fact in actuality just described your own position, not his. Ricky most certainly has a point, and he's explained it several times now. His point is that he feels empathy for both that starving child in Africa and that drug addict dying from an overdose, and he doesn't think you have to choose one or the other like you are seemingly asking here.

Sly, sometimes you're wrong. Sometimes a person makes a mistake, shit I make mistakes all the time (inb4 witty remark by Sly), it's just strange that you absolutely cannot even begin to accept the notion that you be wrong about something though.
You have in fact in actuality just described your own position, not his. Ricky most certainly has a point, and he's explained it several times now. His point is that he feels empathy for both that starving child in Africa and that drug addict dying from an overdose, and he doesn't think you have to choose one or the other like you are seemingly asking here.

Sly, sometimes you're wrong. Sometimes a person makes a mistake, shit I make mistakes all the time (inb4 witty remark by Sly), it's just strange that you absolutely cannot even begin to accept the notion that you be wrong about something though.

Go back and read how the thread progressed. That was NOT his original point, his original point was that, aren't a fool. But if you really think that people are using drugs just to choose to be irresponsible, then you need to open your eyes.
basically saying that people (some or all) who become drug addicts have no fault in their addiction, which is just absurd.

MY point, through it all, is that I refuse to sympathize for a suicidal drug addict.

We then spawned off in many different directions, but I've been right the whole time, unless you truly believe drug addicts (some or all) are FORCED to take drugs, which if you do believe, shows a very large external locus of control, which is not a healthy state of mind.

I don't doubt, like I said, the environmental factors which go into the DECISION of choosing drugs, but at the end of the day, it IS a decision, and there's no way to escape that.
it's just strange that you absolutely cannot even begin to accept the notion that you be wrong about something though.
Why accept something that's not true, especially when the truth is on your side...or when it's in the form of a reasonable opinion?
basically saying that people (some or all) who become drug addicts have no fault in their addiction, which is just absurd.

Sly. Seriously. :banghead:times infinity

Stop. Taking. My. Posts. And. Making. Assumptions.

What you are claiming...I never said, nor intended. You are winning nothing, bud.
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