ZeroVX thinks....

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I am telling you that Bush didn't take days off, didn't make brackets, wasn't shooting jumpers with CBS, wasn't going to games. He was working on winning war and making the country better. If you had any bit of unbiased nature in your body, you would realize that he was doing a pretty good job until he lost congress. Obama, on the other hand, made unemployment rise his first 11 months in office, borrowed a trillion dollars and didn't stimulate the economy, took two vacations, didn't respond to a terrorist act, and I could go on and on.

You know FTS, if you aren't trolling here and are serious in what you're saying right there, well, I'm just going to go ahead and leave this thread now because I completely and utterly disagree with that statement so much that it's actually hard for me to fathom how you could agree with it. And I'm in no mood for a political argument tonight.

tl;dr GTFO with that lasagna
You'll have to excuse FTS here, folks. He apparently thinks being the leader of the free world is the easiest job in the world and that we should be putting robots up there instead of people.

He's not stupid, just delusional.
First year in office, vacation days.

Obama: 26

Bush: 69

Note: neither of these include time at Camp David.

Time in Crawford isn't vacation. Time in Crawford was working in Texas. Obama's vacations are days off. The President of the United States does not get days off.
You know FTS, if you aren't trolling here and are serious in what you're saying right there, well, I'm just going to go ahead and leave this thread now because I completely and utterly disagree with that statement so much that it's actually hard for me to fathom how you could agree with it. And I'm in no mood for a political argument tonight.

tl;dr GTFO with that lasagna

Half trolling half pointing out how stupid ZeroVX is. He is a big moron.
Time in Crawford isn't vacation. Time in Crawford was working in Texas. Obama's vacations are days off. The President of the United States does not get days off.

So let me get this straight.

Going to Hawaii and taking less time to respond to THE SAME THING as Bush did is bad?

You'll have to excuse FTS here, folks. He apparently thinks being the leader of the free world is the easiest job in the world and that we should be putting robots up there instead of people.

He's not stupid, just delusional.

Who the fuck gave you the idea that posting in my threads was a good idea for you. I don't want you to wake up in the morning. Seriously, I think you are the stupidest person who has ever lived, and the day you day will increase the average intelligence of the entire world.

In all honesty, if I pointed out all the idiocy in one of your posts, I would miss holidays. You have never once made a good post, not even a good point. You make me miss JKO. At least he contributed something to the forums. You are seriously a parasite on this website. You are worse than a virus. I would welcome a virus, because the site would be shut down I would not have to bear your moronic bullshit for a day.

I am begging you, go find another forum. No one here likes you in the least. Seriously, when I told you I was just hazing you, it was a lie so you would keep coming back to the Lounge so I could kill you some more. I have gotten so tired of your idiocy that that isn't even fun anymore. You are a worthless fuck, and I swear, the day I ban you will be the happiest day of my life. I would quit my job if it meant you would never come back. I would slap my mother if it meant you would kill yourself.

Your parents hate you. I think they look at you and feel like big failures. I know I would. Every word form your mouth takes me one step closer to a pro-choice rally. Fuck late term abortions. They should be allowed to cover however old you are. Your life is a waste. Layne Staley died young when he had so much to give, but you get to live? I don't understand. You make me question my faith in God, because, surely, letting you live is an oversight on his behalf.
So let me get this straight.

Going to Hawaii and taking less time to respond to THE SAME THING as Bush did is bad?


It's not the response time. Bush didn't say anything publically, Obama didn't even fucking know because he told his staff not to bother him while he was counting the holes in lava rocks.
Who the fuck gave you the idea that posting in my threads was a good idea for you. I don't want you to wake up in the morning. Seriously, I think you are the stupidest person who has ever lived, and the day you day will increase the average intelligence of the entire world.

In all honesty, if I pointed out all the idiocy in one of your posts, I would miss holidays. You have never once made a good post, not even a good point. You make me miss JKO. At least he contributed something to the forums. You are seriously a parasite on this website. You are worse than a virus. I would welcome a virus, because the site would be shut down I would not have to bear your moronic bullshit for a day.

I am begging you, go find another forum. No one here likes you in the least. Seriously, when I told you I was just hazing you, it was a lie so you would keep coming back to the Lounge so I could kill you some more. I have gotten so tired of your idiocy that that isn't even fun anymore. You are a worthless fuck, and I swear, the day I ban you will be the happiest day of my life. I would quit my job if it meant you would never come back. I would slap my mother if it meant you would kill yourself.

Your parents hate you. I think they look at you and feel like big failures. I know I would. Every word form your mouth takes me one step closer to a pro-choice rally. Fuck late term abortions. They should be allowed to cover however old you are. Your life is a waste. Layne Staley died young when he had so much to give, but you get to live? I don't understand. You make me question my faith in God, because, surely, letting you live is an oversight on his behalf.

It's not the response time. Bush didn't say anything publically, Obama didn't even fucking know because he told his staff not to bother him while he was counting the holes in lava rocks.

Oh ok. So not responding and pretending the whole thing didn't happen is the right move. Bush 101 I guess.
Who the fuck gave you the idea that posting in my threads was a good idea for you. I don't want you to wake up in the morning. Seriously, I think you are the stupidest person who has ever lived, and the day you day will increase the average intelligence of the entire world.

In all honesty, if I pointed out all the idiocy in one of your posts, I would miss holidays. You have never once made a good post, not even a good point. You make me miss JKO. At least he contributed something to the forums. You are seriously a parasite on this website. You are worse than a virus. I would welcome a virus, because the site would be shut down I would not have to bear your moronic bullshit for a day.

I am begging you, go find another forum. No one here likes you in the least. Seriously, when I told you I was just hazing you, it was a lie so you would keep coming back to the Lounge so I could kill you some more. I have gotten so tired of your idiocy that that isn't even fun anymore. You are a worthless fuck, and I swear, the day I ban you will be the happiest day of my life. I would quit my job if it meant you would never come back. I would slap my mother if it meant you would kill yourself.

Your parents hate you. I think they look at you and feel like big failures. I know I would. Every word form your mouth takes me one step closer to a pro-choice rally. Fuck late term abortions. They should be allowed to cover however old you are. Your life is a waste. Layne Staley died young when he had so much to give, but you get to live? I don't understand. You make me question my faith in God, because, surely, letting you live is an oversight on his behalf.

I'm speechless. You sir, are now a hero of mine.....:worship::worship:
FTS said:
I know you're from Canada, and nothing is really important enough there for your President to need to be on call, but America is what I like to call a real country. Our President does not get a day off.

Canada doesn't have a President.

Yep. That's all I really got out of the thread.
I promise you, if I were President, I wouldn't stop meetings to give an infraction to an RVD mark.

But you would continue reading to children while our nation suffered it's greatest attack since World War 2? With all due respect to you as a person and a poster, and to your rights to political opinions, this is a crock of shit.

Bush was not Superman, and had his time off. If he built a situation room it was with his own fortune, and I don't recall Obama being the chosen son in a rich family dynasty. And are you privy to what Obama is talking about and with whom during his day? On these trips? No, you aren't. You are not part of the press corps. So we are supposed to agree with you that ZeroVX is wrong here because what you say is 100% fact with no doubt whatsoever? Nope, sorry.

PS: Those unemployment numbers, and the national debt? Bush's fault; a mess he couldn't clean up on his own.
Who the fuck gave you the idea that posting in my threads was a good idea for you. I don't want you to wake up in the morning. Seriously, I think you are the stupidest person who has ever lived, and the day you day will increase the average intelligence of the entire world.

In all honesty, if I pointed out all the idiocy in one of your posts, I would miss holidays. You have never once made a good post, not even a good point. You make me miss JKO. At least he contributed something to the forums. You are seriously a parasite on this website. You are worse than a virus. I would welcome a virus, because the site would be shut down I would not have to bear your moronic bullshit for a day.

I am begging you, go find another forum. No one here likes you in the least. Seriously, when I told you I was just hazing you, it was a lie so you would keep coming back to the Lounge so I could kill you some more. I have gotten so tired of your idiocy that that isn't even fun anymore. You are a worthless fuck, and I swear, the day I ban you will be the happiest day of my life. I would quit my job if it meant you would never come back. I would slap my mother if it meant you would kill yourself.

Your parents hate you. I think they look at you and feel like big failures. I know I would. Every word form your mouth takes me one step closer to a pro-choice rally. Fuck late term abortions. They should be allowed to cover however old you are. Your life is a waste. Layne Staley died young when he had so much to give, but you get to live? I don't understand. You make me question my faith in God, because, surely, letting you live is an oversight on his behalf.

But you would continue reading to children while our nation suffered it's greatest attack since World War 2? With all due respect to you as a person and a poster, and to your rights to political opinions, this is a crock of shit.

No, Bush kept reading to kids after being told about a plane crash. It's amazing how history changes. One plane had hit one building. No one knew what was going on. Bush couldn't have done anything until investigators arrived, so he continued to do what he was doing until information could be gleaned. But, that was just eight minutes.

Please, tell me what Obama was doing for three hours after the underwear bomber incident happened.
No, Bush kept reading to kids after being told about a plane crash. It's amazing how history changes. One plane had hit one building. No one knew what was going on. Bush couldn't have done anything until investigators arrived, so he continued to do what he was doing until information could be gleaned. But, that was just eight minutes.

Please, tell me what Obama was doing for three hours after the underwear bomber incident happened.

Please tell me what Bush was doing for six days after the shoe bomber incident happened.
No, Bush kept reading to kids after being told about a plane crash. It's amazing how history changes. One plane had hit one building. No one knew what was going on. Bush couldn't have done anything until investigators arrived, so he continued to do what he was doing until information could be gleaned. But, that was just eight minutes.

Please, tell me what Obama was doing for three hours after the underwear bomber incident happened.

Please stop acting like you're psychic and you know what Obama's doing every minute of every day.
Not responding to every battle in a war, just like every other President has done.

My point is that Bush didn't respond for six days, fine. You've made your point. You're completely missing mine though. You're talking about not responding, I'm talking about not even knowing.

Obama didn't know for three hours. He told his staff not to disturb him for anything, including terrorist attacks. That's irresponsible.
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