ZeroVX thinks....

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Sly. Seriously. :banghead:times infinity

Stop. Taking. My. Posts. And. Making. Assumptions.

What you are claiming...I never said, nor intended. You are winning nothing, bud.
My bad, I guess I just pretended you wrote this (click the little blue arrow, it's a link :thumbsup::

Some people are mentally ill (psychotic) do not have control over their minds and thus, how could they CHOOSE to do anything?
Fault and choice? Didn't realize they were interchangeable.

Admit it, you are caught. You DID say that, and you fucked up in this thread.

But, okay, I'll play your little game. So, without putting words in your mouth, are you now saying it's their fault, despite not having a choice?

Which is ridiculous to say as well, but for the sake of the debate, we'll pretend they didn't have a choice. So it's their fault, despite it not being their choice? Is that your position?
I can just picture Ricky now, sitting in front of his monitor trying to think of the next word game to play...
Sly...since you won't answer...I'll just do hypotheticals here. have been a bed-wetter your whole life. Now, this is something you have great anxiety and shame about, but you just can't seem to get it under control. No matter how hard you just can't stop yourself from pissing in the sheets.

Now, is this something you choose to do? Of course not. You are fast don't have control over your body at this point. But mom comes back to change the sheets and sees massive yellow stains on them. Whose fault is it that the sheets are yellow? Technically yours...since your urine is what caused the yellowness. Does that mean we shouldn't feel a little sympathy for you and the fact that you don't seem to be of right mind when you are sleeping?
Sly...since you won't answer...I'll just do hypotheticals here. have been a bed-wetter your whole life. Now, this is something you have great anxiety and shame about, but you just can't seem to get it under control. No matter how hard you just can't stop yourself from pissing in the sheets.

Now, is this something you choose to do? Of course not. You are fast don't have control over your body at this point. But mom comes back to change the sheets and sees massive yellow stains on them. Whose fault is it that the sheets are yellow? Technically yours...since your urine is what caused the yellowness. Does that mean we shouldn't feel a little sympathy for you and the fact that you don't seem to be of right mind when you are sleeping?

And another word game...

You never answered my question Ricky.
Sly...since you won't answer...I'll just do hypotheticals here. have been a bed-wetter your whole life. Now, this is something you have great anxiety and shame about, but you just can't seem to get it under control. No matter how hard you just can't stop yourself from pissing in the sheets.

Now, is this something you choose to do? Of course not. You are fast don't have control over your body at this point. But mom comes back to change the sheets and sees massive yellow stains on them. Whose fault is it that the sheets are yellow? Technically yours...since your urine is what caused the yellowness. Does that mean we shouldn't feel a little sympathy for you and the fact that you don't seem to be of right mind when you are sleeping?

So people are doing drugs in their sleep? This would be a better analogy if said bed wetter got up in the middle of the night, pulled his trousers down and pissed on his Power Rangers bed sheets. Drug users don't unknowingly do drugs.
Actually, I did if you would read and put two and two together. And you never answered my question initially, suckah. :bringit:

No you didn't, you gave me a hypothetical about something that happens in a state of sleep. I'm talking about taking drugs, which occurs in a state of being awake.

So, answer my question. Is it your stance that taking drugs is not a choice, but is their fault?
So people are doing drugs in their sleep? This would be a better analogy is said bed wetter got up in the middle of the night, pulled his trousers down and pissed on his Power Rangers bed sheets. Drugs users don't unknowingly do drugs.
Shh...that's logic. You ruin his argument with it.
You've had nothing to say about anything I've posted Ricky, when I feel it's been just as well written and poignant as Sly's. I've decided you hate me.
So people are doing drugs in their sleep? This would be a better analogy if said bed wetter got up in the middle of the night, pulled his trousers down and pissed on his Power Rangers bed sheets. Drug users don't unknowingly do drugs.

"you must spread some rep around before giving it to Via Armbar again"
Waterboarding is torture, Obama couldn't have done shit about the underwear bomber, and he's not the worst president of all time. Anyone who says otherwise is a new level of idiot, or has no clue what the fuck they're talking about.

Also, FTS = sheep-fucker.
Daaaaamn this one got crazy! Finally, it's not me!!! Finally, it's not me!!!!!!! Sorry FTS, FINALLY IT"S NOT ME!!!!!!!!! Man I feel better now.

While I agree with multiple points on both sides of the argument, since for now IT"S NOT ME!!!!!! I am going to refrain from really going on about this whole messy topic in general. Bi-Partisanship is a wet dream, it's a 2 party system. At some point we're all just going to have to get along like Rodney King asked us to do. Really? Can't we all just get along???
So your argument is that what you said is right and I'm wrong without countering what I said? If only all debates were this easy.
Yeah, but Ricky didn't actually say that, so don't put words in his mouth. :rolleyes: I've never seen anyone argue so much without ever actually saying anything. :lmao:

Oh, and Ricky, I already answered your bed-wetting post.
No you didn't, you gave me a hypothetical about something that happens in a state of sleep. I'm talking about taking drugs, which occurs in a state of being awake.

So, answer my question. Is it your stance that taking drugs is not a choice, but is their fault?

If this is your answer, then it is insufficient, bubs.
Response? Yes. Answer? No. It was a yes or no question that requires a yes or no answer to be satisfied.

I will not answer until you "answer" appropriately.
Response? Yes. Answer? No. It was a yes or no question that requires a yes or no answer to be satisfied.

I will not answer until you "answer" appropriately.
Coward. You got your response, you just don't like it, so you "take your ball and go home".

Yeah, again, I think I've shown to have thoroughly trounced you, as did Armbar.
Xfear, don't ever re-open a thread that I close again. Thanks. There's no need to have two threads on the same thing, which this had turned into. And since the topic was wrestling related, the one in the Wrestling Spam Zone stayed open.

Again, don't ever re-open a thread I close.
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