ZeroVX thinks....

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He couldn't do a fucking thing while the plane was in the air. By the time it landed, everything was OK. Where in that did the President need to be involved?

Ground the plane. If you know the guy is on there, why do you let it land, get boarded, and take off again. If you know he's on there, fucking pull him off the fucking plane instead of leaving it up to blind fucking luck to save lives.
Are they torturous techniques?

I still don't think waterboarding is torture. Scaring the guy a little bit seems fine considering he was trying to kill as many people as he can in one moment.

I don't think we're pulling out their fingernails with rusty pliers. And, well, that wouldn't bother me either.
Ground the plane. If you know the guy is on there, why do you let it land, get boarded, and take off again. If you know he's on there, fucking pull him off the fucking plane instead of leaving it up to blind fucking luck to save lives.

Legit question: Did they know that he was a potential terrorist when he boarded?

If so, the airport wherever hardcore fucked up.

If not, once again, in the time he makes the attempt and tries/fails, there is no way Obama, no matter where he is, can get the news and get an order to ground the plane to the pilot. It's just not possible.

Either way, you can't blame Obama for this in any logical way.
I'm guessing the vice-president isn't as important as my political science teacher said.
I still don't think waterboarding is torture. Scaring the guy a little bit seems fine considering he was trying to kill as many people as he can in one moment.

I don't think we're pulling out their fingernails with rusty pliers. And, well, that wouldn't bother me either.

Yeah, waterboarding is torture. Absolutely it is. It is meant to simulate the act of drowning. Drowning isn't exactly a pleasant thing, now is it? The Nazis and Japanese medical "scientists" (I use that term very loosely) used the same techniques in their prison and labor camps.
Legit question: Did they know that he was a potential terrorist when he boarded?

He boarded in Amsterdam. But, according to the information that Dirty Jose made up, we knew he was there the whole time and had people waiting on the ground for him when the plane landed.
If so, the airport wherever hardcore fucked up.

Amsterdam. That's what socialism breeds. Can't wait till it gets here.
If not, once again, in the time he makes the attempt and tries/fails, there is no way Obama, no matter where he is, can get the news and get an order to ground the plane to the pilot. It's just not possible.

Well, Dirty Jose claims that we knew he was there. If he is right, then the plane never should have taken off.

Either way, you can't blame Obama for this in any logical way.

Sure I can. Abdulmutallab was questioned by police instead of interrogated by the CIA because Obama wasn't awake, or around, or whatever, to tell his Attorney General to treat the terrorist like a terrorist.
No. I am not going to research something for a bar room argument. Watch the news for yourself sometime and you will know these things without having to ask someone else to look it up for you.

Well, if you are going to throw around times and dates as fact, I'd hope you could show what you are talking about, and not just making things up to suite your narrow world view. It's called backing up your shit, try it sometime.

I don't know that a fireball hitting the ground in the center of Detroit wouldn't have killed 3,000 people. Detroit is pretty tightly packed geographically. You don't think it could have hit in a congested area and taken out a large number of people?

Sure, if it had gone through. But it didn't. So it's his fault that it took 3 hours to tell him everything was ok now? Oh, that's right, you're privy to super secret Obama-vision that shows you he had his "do not disturb in case of terrorist" tag out on the door.

If they knew he was connected to trouble, why did they allow him to fly? Is this gross negligence or incompetence. Either way, that argument doesn't help further the idea that Obama isn't the worst President ever.

Um, he didn't board in America, so Obama didn't have much to work with there. Also, you seem to lack a grasp on the law and what you can and can't do legally. What was known was that he knew someone of note, but to what to degree and for what purpose were what the agents on the ground to pick him up were hoping to discover.

By your standard, Bush knew Bin Laden was up to no good. So is it ignorance or incompetence that 12 hostiles were let into the US, and given the tools and training needed to attack us?

Hey look, an obvious lefty giving empty rhetoric and red herring arguments. Way to attack the CIA to deflect attention off the inability of our President to do anything right. You should model your life after him and shoot hoops for the camera instead of creating jobs.

Well, what did you expect; you aren't making any damn sense kid. I don't know what you expected Obama to do. You are mad because it took 3 hours to reach him. You pretend to know why. You won't explain why you think you know that, or where you got that from. So should Obama have just shot the plane down? Is that the American enough answer for you? Or should he have shot the man on sight upon landing? Unlike his predecessor, this President does not act above the law, and proceeded as such. Cry me a river, you are still wrong.

PS: That's filthy liberal to you.
whatever it takes to get these high level guys to talk. You are never gonna get them to talk via reverse psychology.

Even though torture has shown to be counter-productive to getting legitimate answers and is a shit "interrogation" method. This has been shown time and time again.
He boarded in Amsterdam. But, according to the information that Dirty Jose made up, we knew he was there the whole time and had people waiting on the ground for him when the plane landed.

I'm pretty sure that's because people on the ground were alerted that a guy tried to take the plane down and failed. That's why they were there.

Amsterdam. That's what socialism breeds. Can't wait till it gets here.

I'm not even replying to the stupid Socialism argument.

Well, Dirty Jose claims that we knew he was there. If he is right, then the plane never should have taken off.

I agree that a known terrorist should not have been allowed to board, but that's the airport, not us. Way to ignore the part about no one being able to find out anything in time.

Sure I can. Abdulmutallab was questioned by police instead of interrogated by the CIA because Obama wasn't awake, or around, or whatever, to tell his Attorney General to treat the terrorist like a terrorist.

I wasn't talking about the questioning. We still got the information. I'm talking about how the situation was handled up to the point he was arrested.
Even though torture has shown to be counter-productive to getting legitimate answers and is a shit "interrogation" method. This has been shown time and time again.

This. The only thing torture is good for is false confessions and made-up information to get the torture to stop.
Well, if you are going to throw around times and dates as fact, I'd hope you could show what you are talking about, and not just making things up to suite your narrow world view. It's called backing up your shit, try it sometime.

This is a bar room trolling thread you ******ed twat. I'm not going to go researching shit.

Sure, if it had gone through. But it didn't. So it's his fault that it took 3 hours to tell him everything was ok now? Oh, that's right, you're privy to super secret Obama-vision that shows you he had his "do not disturb in case of terrorist" tag out on the door.

There was no one to give the order to let the CIA have him, so instead, he was questioned by the police and allowed to shut up instead of properly interrogated. That's the problem. None of you seem to understand that it was a lost opportunity to gain intelligence on the enemy. But, I understand. You're just not very smart.

Um, he didn't board in America, so Obama didn't have much to work with there. Also, you seem to lack a grasp on the law and what you can and can't do legally. What was known was that he knew someone of note, but to what to degree and for what purpose were what the agents on the ground to pick him up were hoping to discover.

If he knew someone of note was on the plane, he knew who it was. If you don't understand how that works, you're even dumber than I thought.
By your standard, Bush knew Bin Laden was up to no good. So is it ignorance or incompetence that 12 hostiles were let into the US, and given the tools and training needed to attack us?

I'd go with ignorance. It was awfully ignorant of Bill Clinton to let them in here during the 90's, when they fucking got here you idiotic cunt.

And it's a shame. I am somewhat of a Clinton fan.

Well, what did you expect; you aren't making any damn sense kid. I don't know what you expected Obama to do.

I had to have said this fifteen time already you ignorant douchebag. Without Obama to tell his dumbass AG and stupid SHS to treat the terrorist like a terrorist he was questioned like a criminal, instead of interrogated like a terrorist.
You are mad because it took 3 hours to reach him. You pretend to know why. You won't explain why you think you know that, or where you got that from. So should Obama have just shot the plane down?

I don't know why, nor do I fucking care. The point is that once he was on the ground, the situation was mishandled and the President was nowhere to be found.
Is that the American enough answer for you?

Racist and ******ed. Nice.

Or should he have shot the man on sight upon landing? Unlike his predecessor, this President does not act above the law, and proceeded as such. Cry me a river, you are still wrong.

I'm not even close to wrong. How did Bush act above the law again? He followed The Patriot Act, which was a fucking law. Once again, you show yourself to be almost as stupid as Zero.

PS: That's filthy liberal to you.

How about ******ed douchebag? That seems to describe you quite a bit better.
Well. I'm going to go and push Batman in the Battle Arena tourney. You guys have fun with this.
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