You would think a girl who puts her phone # around publicly, would have a facebook.


Pre-Show Stalwart
I wanted to fit more into the title, but sadly I couldn't fit it all. You would think a girl, who writes her phone number on somebody's locker, would be teenagey enough to have a facebook.

Back in October, the school put paper helmets and shirts on all the football player's lockers, with our names and numbers on it and such. On a teammates, somebody wrote their phone number on the helmet saying "Call me" he wrote "maybe". My bus doesn't come until a half an hour after everybody else leaves, giving me the chance to roam the hallways (I found some nice football cards lying around, which was pretty cool.) Anyways, I saw the number, and put it into my phone.

I finally decided to call it the other day, no answer. Today I got a text asking "Who is this?", after a short conversation, I got her to give up her name. She doesn't have a facebook. I'm going to troll the shit out of her though.
Why would you call a girl who didn't give her number to you, but to a teammate? And "troll the shit out of her" without knowing her?
This may be the creepiest thing in WZ history.

Your next thread will be titled:

Why would someone who is a female be walking alone at night, whilst I stand with my wang out in the bushes?

More power to you, Son!
I'm doing it for the shits and giggles. I'm not going to tell her my name either, and no there won't be some big thing about this, I think she's done texting me. Oh well. I just like to fuck with people, she shouldn't have publicly put out her phone number in a high school. That's a disaster waiting to happen, because believe it or not, there is a lot more fucked up kids in my school then me.
That's shit's and giggles? No it's's genuinely is disturbing.
Give me her number...I would like to ask her if she'll join the WZ Fantasy Wrestling League.

I thought you had this girls number already. You just have it saved as mom =p
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This is classic, Sully! In a similar situation, I found a number on a door in the dorms during my junior year at uni and called it despite not knowing who would be on the other end. She didn't tell me her name, but I wasn't giving up that easily. For fun, I called her at times when I figured she'd be at work or in class and really irked her. Eventually she agreed to meet with me just to get me to stop! Rather counterintuitively, we really hit it off.

Go for gold, bro. No joke. Sometimes one makes social in-roads in the strangest ways. That's how life is. Have you ever watched a rom-com?
This is classic, Sully! In a similar situation, I found a number on a door in the dorms during my junior year at uni and called it despite not knowing who would be on the other end. She didn't tell me her name, but I wasn't giving up that easily. For fun, I called her at times when I figured she'd be at work or in class and really irked her. Eventually she agreed to meet with me just to get me to stop! Rather counterintuitively, we really hit it off.

Go for gold, bro. No joke. Sometimes one makes social in-roads in the strangest ways. That's how life is. Have you ever watched a rom-com?

Yeah, it works in the movies.

I say go for it, M'lad!

Did she sound hot or did she sound as though she was chowing down an a bucket of slop at the time (AKA Fat)?
Sully reminds me of the guy this song is about

Her friend has now texted me too. I now have her, and her friend, and I shall troll them both. The theme of tonights game is, find out who the mysterious creepy kid is that is texting us.

Lesson learned, don't put your phone number out in pubic places, otherwise a creepy kid with an infamous record with women, will see it and text you.
Yeah, "troll" them.

I am sure that is all you are hoping for from this newly budding, slightly strange, relationship that you have managed to concoct.
Her friend has now texted me too. I now have her, and her friend, and I shall troll them both. The theme of tonights game is, find out who the mysterious creepy kid is that is texting us.

Lesson learned, don't put your phone number out in pubic places, otherwise a creepy kid with an infamous record with women, will see it and text you.
You seem to be a horrible person.

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