"You screwed......Orton??" Is a Montreal-style Survivor Series upon us?


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Although it terribly frustrates me, and I'm sure everybody to even began discussions on this topic, we all know that sometimes in WWE they tend to beat this screwjob topic to hell and back. They wasted no time in 1998 having The Rock do the finish all over again to Mick Foley, and have done similar scenarios all over Montreal Raw episodes (HBK's feud with Hogan, etc.) and even the No Way Out PPV with the Hogan/Rock match in 2003. There were multiple references to it when HBK started fueding with Vince McMahon in late '05 as well.

Now after the buyrates came in for Survivor Series last year, Vince McMahon announced the demise of the Survivor Series concept altogether. Thankfully, that never happened although I never remember an official explanation being offered. But that's a bit off topic.........

The topic is, this year for Survivor Series, all the cards are lined up for a major "screwjob" to occur. The scenario is the much talked-about John Cena heel turn. It would seem that John Cena would have to sell out his values in order to keep his beloved job and assist Wade Barrett in winning the title. But in actuality I think this is where we find out that John Cena has no values and he had it in the works to help Barrett in this match anyway, and had secretly come to terms with Nexus sometime after he was forced to join the group.

Any thoughts on this scenario? I find it likely to happen and have been thinking about it for quite abit.
Although it terribly frustrates me, and I'm sure everybody to even began discussions on this topic, we all know that sometimes in WWE they tend to beat this screwjob topic to hell and back. They wasted no time in 1998 having The Rock do the finish all over again to Mick Foley, and have done similar scenarios all over Montreal Raw episodes (HBK's feud with Hogan, etc.) and even the No Way Out PPV with the Hogan/Rock match in 2003. There were multiple references to it when HBK started fueding with Vince McMahon in late '05 as well.

They used it in the CM Punk & 'Taker match as well. Bit too repetitive in my eyes.

The topic is, this year for Survivor Series, all the cards are lined up for a major "screwjob" to occur. The scenario is the much talked-about John Cena heel turn. It would seem that John Cena would have to sell out his values in order to keep his beloved job and assist Wade Barrett in winning the title. But in actuality I think this is where we find out that John Cena has no values and he had it in the works to help Barrett in this match anyway, and had secretly come to terms with Nexus sometime after he was forced to join the group.

Yeah, it's gonna happen for a couple of reasons.
1) We need to see a further twist in the Cena/Nexus storyline.
2) It's also the perfect time to turn Cena heel.
As much as I'd like to see it happen, I don't see it. As many others have said, it just doesn't make sense for Cena to want to side with Barrett, considering all the things he's done to him. i.e. take his tag title, beatdowns, etc.
cena shouldn't be in a group when he turns heel so yeah he's going to screw orton , leave nexus , and say fuck the wwe universe .. but I believe secretly he's going to convince nexus that he's a bad guy now and they'll let their guards down and he'll destroy them and he's going to be face again with even more fans .. it's going to be an interesting couple of months .
yeah seems pretty "Montreal Screwjob" to me.. cena gives a quick count for barrett to win the title.. but next night on raw,cena says"now that im back wade i wanna challenge you for your WWE title and then it pretty much goes with cena beating nexus,etc,( BORING!!!!) we need something new but im sure we arent gonna get it
as many people have said its the perfect time for cena to turn heel
but as always VKM has money to make,merchandise to sell,so cena has to stay superman...(damn)
but i really cant predict this because if cena turns heel it would only be for a month i guess.. he would feud with barrett for the title which would keep him face..
im just waiting for more news on the cena/undertaker/lesnar angle because it seems to be developing nicely..
If Cena were to turn heel, it wont be at Survivor Series. WWE has pretty much distanced themselves from the past (from renaming PPVs to disrupting title lineage) , with very few exceptions. I wouldnt think a screw job is an exception. WIth so much other static going on with that match, a screw job would seem excessive. Plus, There is this really annoying "send the crowd home happy" vibe that happens with too many WWE shows. Sides, it would make Cenas fan base happy just to "Do the right thing" (orton wins), than to do what "what he really wants too (Barrett wins). Even tho its coming, and people know it is.......a Cena heel turn would still be astronomical. WWE knows this. In order for the Screw Job to happen one of 3 things need to happen:

1-Cena turn heel (that I see at WM27, losing to Taker, then losing it after the match)

2-Raw GM shows up and its someone who hates Orton (HHH maybe, but thatd suck. I havent missed HHH at all).

3-A sudden rule change like a NO DQ, thatd leave Orton in a cant win scenario.

None are going to happen, therefore no screw job. Orton will stay champ, making "everyone" happy like the WWE tries to hard to do. And the next night on Raw, Cena will still be Nexus, and will be until the Royal Rumble, where eliminating Barrett was "the last straw" followed by a match at Elimination Chamber, and history in time for WM. And you can quote me.......
there isnt going to be any screw jobs taking place at survivor series and i say that simply because of the situation john cena is in,i mean think about it the stipulations of the match at survivor series is that if wade barrett does not win the wwe championship then john cena is fired but if wade barrett does win the wwe championship then he can leave nexus freely,with that being said if cena does help barrett win the championship it wont be seen as a screw job because all of cenas fan will understand why he did it for..the real screw job of randy orton wont happen until the pay per view after survivor series because i think cena really is with the nexus but this whole thing about him being resistant is just a set up for him to get back the wwe championship...i had said in an earlier post that when barrett wins at survivor series and cena leaves nexus barrett will come out the next day on raw talking smack,cena comes down and tells barrett if it wasnt for him he wouldnt be champion thus challenging him to a title match at the pay per view,orton then comes out and says he has a rematch clause and he wants it at the pay per view,raw gm chimes in and makes a triple threat match at the pay per view for the wwe championship...weeks leading up to the pay per view cena and orton is working together against nexus..day of the pay per view cena is supposedly attacked by nexus making it a 1 on 1 match between barrett and orton...match happens and towards the end of the match barrett and orton are both down,cena comes limping to the ring heroically like he always does,fans are cheering,cena gets in the ring and looks like he is setting up barrett for the attitude adjustment but instead turns around and hits the aa on randy orton while wade barrett watches,cena then pins orton and wins the wwe championship,he then stands up and shakes wade barretts hand and the rest of nexus comes down to celebrate.....that is when the real screw job of randy orton will happen in my opinion
Now is not the perfect time for Cena to turn heel because it is too predictable. Furthermore, like it or not, agree with it or not, Cena is this generation's Hulk Hogan. Him turning heel would have to be on a much larger scale, and something to get people pissed to want to buy a lot of tickets for many, many months, to see Cena get his butt kicked.

Having Cena turn heel now would be "shocking" but not nearly enough in the terms of the aforementioned goals in that it be a surprise, and generate major buy rates. The reason Hogan's heel turn was so successful both in terms of storylines and financially is that in addition to people wanting him to turn heel for a long time, it was still shocking, and done in such a way that people wanted to pay to see Hogan get his butt kicked over and over again for months on end.

Unfortunately, the time for that really was at Summerslam. Had they had Cena help Nexus win, and have them just destroy the rest of Cena's team mates, with Cena stating how he was tired of playing "baby sitter" (in reference to basically everyone in his team), tired of "solving everyone else's problems" (in reference to helping Bret face Vince), and tired in general of giving his heart, body and soul to the fans only to get crapped all over it.

Cena will go on while the rest of the WWE is destroyed and bloodied by Nexus, leading to him saying that you're "either with Nexus or against us".
This storyline is perfect for the screw job storyline, you have multiple storylines that could come from this,
1. Cena stays face but some how accidently screws Orton.
2. Cena turns heel on Orton for his own benifit.
3. Cena turns heel and announces the bigger picture is HE is the leader of Nexus but had to wait for the right opportunity to announce this with maximum effect (screwing the 2nd top face on RAW)
4. Orton & Barrett screw Cena and Orton announces HE'S the leader of Nexus.
5. The bout ends with no winner and the TRUE Leader comes down and takes out Orton/Cena and this keeps Cena STILL with Nexus and Orton on his tod leading into T.L.C & Royal Rumble.

That is 5 storylines that this match could go, plus you have the smaller storylines.
John Cena is to be the special referee in the WWE Championship match between Wade Barrett and Randy orton at the Survivor Series. If Barrett wins then Cena will be released from the Nexus but if Orton wins, Cena will be be fired by Barrett and his WWE contract will be gone. Should he betray Orton and assure a win for Barrett or sacrifice his WWE contract and allow Orton to win fairly and retain his championship?
The way I see it this is the perfect time for Cena to turn heel. While it is predictable that wont stop it from being one of the most shocking moments,if not the most shocking moment in a few years. But for some reason I sense Orton will have some sort of say in this.
Firstly.I think the only reason Survivor Series survived( pun intended) for another year was because this year was the 20th Anniversary of The Undertaker in WWE.THe irony of course is that he's not going to be on the PPV,but I wouldnt put it past them to shoot some angle surronding Taker/Nexus/Cena.
As for the "screw job", I don't see how they could pull it off without turning Cena heel.The problem is that WWE Creative has been asleep at the wheel for the last 8yrs, so don't expect anything amazing.I think Cena will help Orton win (meaning that Wade somehow get's screwed) and then on RAW, they'll just flush the stipulation down the toilet by making Cena vs Barret at TLC with Cena's career on the line.
Cena won't screw Orton...but that's what the WWE writers are trying to make you believe. I see something similar to the Undertaker/Hart match from a long time ago when HBK was referee. Although Cena might not interfere...but he will count the pinfall on Barrett reluctantly and Orton will retain the title. Cena will walk off pissed knowing he's gone which will further expand the storyline and make things real interesting. At least that's my prediction.
I agree with Rougeau. In all honestly I think Orton will retain at Survivor Series on the principle that Cena "did the right thing" by giving Wade the 3 Count. It would be the most selfless, encouraging thing John Cena has done with his character and fans will eat it up on a personal level. I am willing to wager the Cena will NOT turn heel this coming up Pay Per View, but they will tease the hell out of the IWC, now won't they?

Perfect place for John to shock the world will have to be Wrestlemania itself. Every other place will practically be a waste since WWE keeps changing up their ppvs. That and Cena is super over.

So I have to say no; Cena won't screw Orton. At least not at the Pay Per View that Vince himself is thinking about removing from the annual card.
Really cant see Cena being the leader of Nexus. It just wouldnt make any sense. Why would he go to battle in a HIAC vs Barrett just to pull the wool over everyones eyes?

If Cena becomes a leader because he likes what he sees etc, then fair enough.

I do hope for a Cena heel turn though.
For the love of god I hope there isn't a damn screw-job finish. It's bad enough we have to put up with the screw-job shit every time they come to Montreal, do we really need to see it here? It has been done so many times and it felt redundant when they did it a Breaking Point last year. I hope Cena just gives Orton the pinfall. It would give him a chance to be off camera for some time (maybe) and would at least make Barrett's power with Nexus feel a little more real.
I'm gonna give my prediction.

Cena will give Barrett the title but won't turn heel yet. Something will happen in the match that Cena "won't see" that gives Barrett the win; be it interference from Nexus or Cena being knocked out for a short time allowing Barrett to gain the advantage over Orton.

Then Cena will challenge Barrett to a title shot at RAW the following night only for Orton to come out and inform both superstars of his rematch clause. This will set up a triple threat match at TLC.

During the Triple Threat match (which will be no DQ), Nexus will come to the ring seemingly to help Barrett only to screw him over and help Cena win the title. Thus the Heel Cena era will begin.
I definitely see something happening out of the ordinary. The 2 ways that is assumed is Cena screws Orton or Cena screws Barrett and gets fired. But what if they do more in this situation? We expect one of those 2 things, so whatever they do involving either one of those scenarios shouldn't be too surprising.

That is why adding something to it could add shock value. Maybe the GM is revealed at the conclusion of this match to push the winner in a certain direction.

Or maybe that behind the scenes "leader of Nexus" is finally revealed. Or maybe they are both one in the same.

Maybe even Otunga does something in this match to screw Barrett over and Cena's future is still left in jeopardy. Right when it seems the insanity of the final match is over with the PPV about to end. The Miz cashes in MITB and takes the title from Orton.

I just really think they need to reveal something or use this match to push things in a whole new direction. I am not sure it will be such a big surprise right now if Cena turns and screws Orton. I think too many people are discussing it and it won't add up to be the moment that Cena turning Heel should be.

If he were to turn Heel, I think aligning himself with whoever is the GM or something along those lines would make for a bigger pay off!
I'm not sure if that's how it would happen if they were going to do the Cena heel turn at Survivor Series. WWE like to try surprising us. If we are all going to expect a heel turn at Survivor Series, we probably won't get one. For all we know, Cena could call the match fairly and Barrett might win clean. Orton would then get his rematch at TLC, and Cena gets the belt from Barrett at either the Rumble or Elimination chamber, setting up Cena/Orton at Wrestlemania with Cena still being a face. I'm thinking THAT's what will be more likely to happen. If Cena was going to turn heel though, a more likely option would be to have Orton win then Cena goes (kayfabe) insane from not being allowed to work in WWE anymore. He'd go after Nexus first, then the champion. I don't see an alliance between Barrett and a heel Cena being all that likely because Barrett already said Cena's out of Nexus after helping him win. I doubt the heel turn will be anytime soon anyway.
hi what i think will happen is cena lets randy get the three count by calling the match down the middle and gets fired for his troubles he takes a month or so off as hes been "fired" and makes a shocking return at a ppv and turns heel on a face champion by beating the hell out off him maybe its randy maybe someone different. that would make turning john cena more of a surprise and everyone wouldnt just be waiting for it.

i know cena is the bigest draw and having him off t.v isnt good finacally but this is my opinion.
U know, i never actually thought of it being a screwjob, (at least thats not how i see the storyline is going to). But the fact that its at Survivor Series and cena's job is on the line. It could happen. I don't down any opinions when it comes to WWE. Great post.
I know everyone is sick of the constant Cena turning heel posts in every thread but i think it would be awesome if this happens. Randy hits the RKO on Barret and goes for the pin, Cena counts...1...2... and stops before the 3 count, stands up and goes face to face with Orton. Then he hits an Attitude Adjustment on Orton, takes off his referee top to reveal he's wearing a Nexus t-shirt underneath (a la Big Show at Bragging Rights) and and finally counting Barret the Winner.

We all know that Barret will somehow win the Title because there is no chance in hell VKM would let Cena out of WWE, its just a question of how it happens.
I have no idea what will happen, but I do know this. As much as I hate Cena, this is the most exciting thing to happen to the E in a while.

I know most of us are usually disappointed about the outcome of current matches and story lines but I really think VKM is going to surprise us here with a shocking turn of events.

Im hoping for the reveal of the Raw GM and/or Miz Cashing in the MITB after this is all said and done (even tho I wanted Miz to cash in and win at WM).

Either way, I dont think so much buzz has been generated for a match since HBK vs Taker II.
Who really cares, Orton is a f'n hypocrite as he did the exact same thing as Cena might have to do plus Randy deserves a lil Karma come Survivor Series as he doesn't deserve to be WWE Champ because Ol' Johnny boy is not Superman it's Orton as when is the last man has he jobbed to which is IDK nobody. So please John do the right thing and get the Title off Orton. I want to pay for a pay per view and get my money's worth not waste it. As far as the OP goes my answer is "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"
You know...I'm not so much concerned with Cena turning on the locker room. What I'm more worried about is why does R-Truth care SO much about Orton and Cena when he's in NO WAY involved with this match, technically? I mean, has anyone considered that. I mean, sure Nexus affects ALL of WWE, but who is R-Truth to poke his nose in this? I see this happening a few different ways. Barrett pins Orton, and Cena is free. Then Orton can have re-match and there ya go for Cena possibly. Or, above predicament can happen with Barrett pinning Orton cleanly and then Cena takes out frustration, and Miz cashes in. Or RKO wins and Cena fired, then Miz still cashes in to get his chance. But in all of this, I still don't see WHERE the hell Truth thinks he's involved in all this. I understand Nexus' postion in this, it affects their group, this affects RKO and the legacy of any other WWE Champ as well, and Cena's lifeblood. Miz has a small role as well being MITB holder and can F up the match at anytime. I may be team Barrett, but I certainly will be watching this with deep attention and waiting to see the outcome, because you can bet that SOMETHING BIG will happen that NO ONE will expect, believe that.

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