You Can Take A Swing At My Wrestlemania XXXI LD

Wow this company.... fuck all the young guys who get over despite our efforts to crush them, lets keep pushing the big show!
You know if Show would have been a face I could have seen him winning this as a feel good moment, but fuck this result.
Saw that one coming. Would have been more angry had the match not set-up a Miz-Sandow feud.
So after years of calling him the favourite, they suddenly realize he's never won a battle royal in WWE?

Also, Pizza, Burgers or Drumsticks?

All three obviously.

But if only one, I'd go pizza. Pizza and sporting events just go hand in hand.

Fuck I want some pizza now.

I'm so glad Hideo got brought up for the match to get eliminated by Big Show, who totally needed to do that.

I really thought they'd give the win to Hideo here, thought he'd hit the GTS finally on TV and win it. Shocked they didn't even have him make the final four.

As soon as it got down to about half a dozen guys it was obvious Big Show was winning. I mean, makes sense with it being the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and him being the closest thing we've had to Andre since Andre. But man, kind of just a waste of an opportunity to elevate someone.

Renee Young much cutes.
You know what? This makes me think its a bad omen for the rest of the show in that Vince McMahon has decided he is gonna stick it to the fans tonight and give a big screw you. Big Show now, maybe Reigns later!
One of the crowning moments of his career. A filler Battle Royal on a pre-show. As opposed to winning several World titles.
All three obviously.

But if only one, I'd go pizza. Pizza and sporting events just go hand in hand.

Fuck I want some pizza now.
I've got all three actually. Bought 2 pizzas, 4 burgers & 8 drumsticks a few hours ago in prep. Already had one of the pizzas, next suggestion?
Think the thing that upsets me most about WM is they will waste close to an hour of the show on National Anthems and musical guests, as opposed to say NJPW's Wrestle Kingdom events that are jam packed cards with match after match after match for 4 hours.

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