You are the TNA GM: How Do You Fix TNA?

Unfortunatly, TNA can't be fixed.

I'm not a hater and I don't think it's god awful. TNA is amazing becuase they should actually be the number one show because they cater to every wrestling fan. Sadly, this obviously doesn't happen. Lets just look at what they had over the last year that didn't help them make the company better.

Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Sting, Kevin Nash, Eric Bishoff, Mick Foley, Jeff Jarrett, A J Styles, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Ken Anderson, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Abyss, Desmond Wolfe, Beer Money, Matt Morgan, Motor City Machine Guns, Rhyno, Generation Me, and the entire X Division.

If they can't get a 2.0 with a group of talent like that they never will. In addition to all that talent, they also got rid of that stupid ring and spent more money than every on advertising. Both these moves did nothing.

If I had to say how I would fix the company, I would just say drop the useless crap. The loopholes, the gimmick matches, the unneeded crap. You all know what I'm talking about.

2 Final Things To Say:
First, when someone says something negative about TNA, please stop replying with "its better than PG WWE". That really doesn't have anything to do with the argument. They are diffrent companies.
Second, stop saying that they are a smaller company and can't afford to compete with the WWE. TNA isn't some damn indi fed. Bob Carter bought TNA for his daughter. Bob Carter owns Panda Energy. Panda Energy is a billion dollar company. Let me spell it out. TNA has more money than WWE. Stop making excusses.
First, when someone says something negative about TNA, please stop replying with "its better than PG WWE". That really doesn't have anything to do with the argument. They are diffrent companies.
TNA actively markets to the disaffected WWE audience, which is not a bad move on their behalf. Look around these boards, for instance. There are more than a few posters who seem to like TNA for the sole reason that they aren't the WWE; as if liking TNA was some kind of protest action.

If the WWE won't do it, TNA will, just to show that they aren't the WWE. The W won't show blood on camera? TNA will give you so much blood it becomes a cliche. The WWE won't turn people face or heel without a reason? TNA is going to load you up on turns without a buildup.

It's not an entirely stupid move on their behalf, but I'm not sure if this "lowest common denominator" marketing is a sustainable long-term strategy.
I didn't mention it before, but I think I will now. The absolute worst thing about TNA is their name. They tried to be edgy 8 years ago and they named there company TITS N ASS WRESTLING! Any company stupid enough to do that is doomed from the start. It will never, ever catch on with the mainstream media.

Tell me what these have in common:

World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment
World Championship Wrestling
National Wrestling Alliance
American Wrestling Association
Extreme Championship Wrestling

If your guess was the word wrestling, congratulations, your smarter than Jeff Jarrett.

Now lets compare two sentances:
He works for World Wrestling Entertainment
He works for Total Nonstop Action.

The first sentaince works very well because people actually know what you mean when you say it.
The second sentance is ridiculous because it makes no sense. It sounds like bable. In todays world you can't give a company a name that makes no sense.

Right now TNA is despritaly trying to get their name out in public. Ask as many people you know that dont watch wrestling if they want to watch some TNA with you. They are either going to ask if your going to a strip club or call you a pervert. Even if you throw wrestling at the end of the name everytime you say it, people are still going to think it's some gimmick porn thing or trashy women mud wrestling in bikines.

The problem isn't that mainstream people don't know what TNA means. The problem is that they know it means TITS N ASS. That pretty much sums everything you need to know about the company right there.

AJ Styles
Amazing Red
Austin Aries
Beer Money
D'Angelo Dinero
Douglas Williams
Generation Me
Jay Lethal
Jeff Hardy
Kings of Wrestling
Kurt Angle
London and Kendrick
London Brawling
Matt Hardy
Matt Morgan
Motor City Machine Guns
Mr. Anderson
Petey Williams
Rob Van Dam
Shannon Moore
Somoa Joe
Sonjay Dutt
Worlds Greatest Tag Team


Angelina Love
Madison Rayne
Mickie James
Miss Tessmacher
Taylor Wilde
Velvet Sky

I would replace Taz with Mick Foley and try my hardest to sign Jim Ross so he can replace Mike Tenay. If I was able to sign JR though unlikely, I would have him in the writing team aswell as being a color commentator.

Then on to Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett, Ric Flair and Vince Russo. First off, I would fire Russo. I would keep Bischoff off TV but give him a backstage role. Flair should NEVER compete again as a wrestler but I would keep him as apart of Fourtune, and leave it to AJ for more of the promos. Hulk Hogan should only appear on rare occasions for decison making. Jeff Jarrett should have a similar role to Hogan.

I would get rid of the Knocouts Tag Team Titles. Combine the TV and X titles to form The Xtreme Title. I would use the current TV belt as the belt for the new Xtreme title. The new title would be defended almost every week, and it would be apart of the X Divison. Mainly for High Flyers but there would be no weight limit. And any past X Divison or TV Champions would be seen as former Xtreme Champions.

Bring back the 6 sided ring and world X cup.

Going on the road will cost too much so instead I would find a new IMPACT! Zone outside of Orlando in a 4 or 5 thousand arena. And I would charge for tickets for tapeings.

I would make Slammiversary TNAs no.1 PPV. Because it is their anniversary PPV and I think Slammiversary sounds better than Bound For Glory. Also instead of 12 I would have six PPVs a year.

Destination X



No Surrender

Bound For Glory

Final Resolution

I would rewrite most of the TNA themes except for AJ Styles, Beer Money, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, Mickie James and D'Angelo Dinero. For lower mid card wrestlers, I would have there name said at the start of their theme so you no exactly who is making there entrance. Maybe TNA could hire Billy Corgan(a huge TNA fan) to write some new themes. Entrance videos need to be updated every couple of months to show the most recent events involving their characters. When a wrestler makes their entrance they should take their time and space out their entrance which would allow the viewer to know their theme better.

I would try and hire Paul Heyman and I would put him in charge of the Writing team.

I would keep ReAction but I would make it just 30 minutes long 1 hour is too long IMO.

Lastly I would make IMPACT! 60% Wrestling 40% Talking.
Did you not watch WCW? If not, all is forgiven. The nWo storyline had two major problems. 1. It ended up with too many members. After a while, the shock of someone new joining the group completely faded away. 2. The storyline went on far too long. Instead of using the brilliant nWo storyline as a platform into the mainstream and creating big name superstars, it rode the faction/angle beyond it's expiration date. WCW couldn't identify when enough was enough, and it really hurt the quality of the product. If Immortal goes on for that long, with how big the group already is, the same thing will happen.

I'm sure I mentioned that this Immortal storyline should go on for two years. If not well that's what I meant. The nWo storyline was pretty good for the first one and a half year till Starrcade 1997 where I think it was supposed to end. I'm saying this because if that is not the case then involving "fake" Sting into the war games match and making Sting look like a hero makes no sense. But then I guess WCW tried to capitalise on the Montreal Screwjob and involved Bret Hart into the main event of Starrcade 1997. Sting's victory over Hogan did not come across as clean that night and so it did not generate the expected reaction. That is why I believe the nWo continued to function after Starrcade. If it would have finished at Starrcade 1997 I think you could say that it was an extremely successful angle.

Meaning to say that a long angle can work successfully.

Also I never said that Immortal need to add more members. Despite what you might think Immortal is different from nWo. They are not here to recruit people. Immortal is like an exclusive club for the priveleged ones.

And I do think that you understand that a stable does not need to add more members as it goes along. An example of this is Evolution which lasted for 2 years with 4 and towards the latter half 3 members.
Well this is what I think could help improve the programming.

First and foremost I'd make Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff take a back seat from TV, that way its more special when they do appear. Make sure Ric Flair never wrestles, (he can interfere and still do the odd chops and Figure Four Leg Lock but thats it), he should focus on being a manager and mouthpiece.

Second, put a focus on the X-Divsion (Its what got people interested in TNA in the first place) give it some decent air time and establish two or three fueds in it. Bringing back people like Petey Williams could help strengthen it.

Have a bit more variety in the Knockouts (its half decent now but could be better) possibly use have a bit more variety with their characters, Katie Lea's a good one and Daffney could be used well. Get rid of the Knockout titles and simply focus on good storylines to keep people interested. (If the story's good people won't care about titles)

Use the Television title as a midcard belt and actually have fueds over it. It can be an integral part of establishing talent, but it needs to be used correctly e.g. AJ fueds with Morgan over the title because Morgan claims to have a bigger presence and AJ can say he's a bigger star etc.

Stop having so many swerves. If you have swerves ever other month people aren't going to be that surprised (everyone knew there was going to be a heel turn at BFG, they just didn't know who) And keep storylines coherent and meaningful. The MCMG vs Beer Money story from a few months ago was good because it was simple (who was the better tag team) Angle's Lose and Retire story was good, things like Abyss' fued with Pope, Team 3D's fued are rather pointless and don't seem to go anywhere.

Get rid of some of the talent that you don't use. Kiyoshi, Shark Boy, Rob Terry, Amazing Red, these guys haven't been on TV in months (unless you count Red's squash a few weeks ago) and nobody really gives a shit so let them go. Also realise some of the talent are only going to go so far. Abyss is only good for occasional main eventing and Jay Lethal will probably be no more than an upper midcarder.
If I ran TNA:

3. Lower the WWE employee staff. I don't care what they did for the attitude era, If I wanted to be the WWE, I would work for the wwe. Need to established the company as TNA wrestling. Not Jeff Hardy needs work, or Jeff Jarrett doesn't want to work for Vince show.

11. Be TNA, and only TNA. No need to be anything else.

Jeff Jarrett started TNA, moron.

I love when people accuse TNA of copying the WWE as if there were that many other ways to do a wrestling show. People wrestle, cut promos, and do crazy shit. Fans either respond or they don't. You can try to season it differently here and there with more mature/extreme angles or a bigger focus on ring work versus storylines, but at the end of the day wrestling is wrestling.
Funny, because when I see TNA GM, I think more on-air personality than head writer, which is basically what the question implies. Still, here's my 75 cents, and as a challenge, I'm doing it as if my tenure starts in 2011:

1. The Immortals wouldn't split but the three leaders, Hardy, Jarrett and Flair would have their own agendas. They would be linked only by association but not actively help each other.

2. Jeff Hardy would be "given" Abyss by Hogan and Bischoff, and Ink Inc. would turn heel and join his new Immortal group spin off Disciples of the Christ.

3. Kurt Angle will continue to play the "Sting" role, outsmarting and outmanuvering Bischoff to scare him into submission by appearing every so often (not with the coat and make-up but other such gimmicks). He would give Jarrett his "assignment" - take out Angle at all costs. He would continue to use Gunner and Murphy as his personal squad, but adapt a more Mastermind role trying to get to Kurt Angle. Eventually Angle would destroy him and help TNA regain power.

4. Fourtune would have a new goal: claim every title in TNA. Beer Money would renew their feud with the Motor City Machine Guns, flipping the belts back and forth through 6 months. A.J. Styles would continue to hold onto the TV title, defending it every week like he's supposed to, only against bigger opponents. Kaz would focus on re-claiming the X division title. The goal would be derailed by an upcoming feud in the summer.

5. Speaking of the X-division title, Robbie E. would lose the belt at a supershow main event to Douglas Williams. Williams would renew his feud with Kaz, sayin that Kaz still can't beat him for the belt. This would test out Williams' face appeal. Robbie E. would continue to work to see if he can be a viable wrestler in his time to come.

6. EV2 is down to Dreamer, Van Dam, Richards and Kendrick. Dreamer and Van Dam would do more tag team wrestling and feud with Generation Me, eventually turning them back to faces by the summer, which would lead to an eventual tag team title reign. Kendrick and Richards would stay active for mid-card matches, but otherwise nothing for them unless an injury happens.

7. The Knockouts need to go back to the way they were, focusing on less T & A and more wrestling. The Beautiful People are just better heels, and I'd try to bring back Awesome Kong, and bring in Serena and Jillian Hall. I'd do away with the Knockouts Title, and let the Knockouts Tag Team Titles be the main belts for the division, allowing more use of more females until all of them improve.

8. I would feed opponent after opponent to Abyss and let him destroy them. I mean squash and mutilate them. Feed him Kendrick, feed him Jordan, Terry, Dreamer, Richards, any and all lower card faces. Leave them bloody and crushed. This is the only way to bring back Abyss' credibility.

9. Dixie Carter would return in the late spring and announce she's taking back her company by force. She'll slowly start recruiting members to defend TNA and chase out the power regime. Sting will come back and announce he will lead the team, which wil culminate with Lethal Lockdown at Bound for Glory 2011. The group will be Sting, Kurt Angle, The Pope, Mr. Anderson and Matt Morgan. She'll also legal-eagle her way into a "representation tournament", in which the winner will face Jeff Hardy as the TNA representative. It would start from January, which would begin the gradual building of Jay Lethal toward the TNA World Heavyweight Title. Hardy needs to seem unbeatable and Lethal would be built up as the underdog gritty fighter who always finds a way to win. He would be TNA's savior.

10. Samoa Joe will go back to his "wild card" self after beating Jarrett. He doesn't want to help Dixie and he refuses to join Hogan. Both sides will woo him but he'll turn everyone down, going after whomever pisses him off. I'd bring back the kidnapping angle by having it happen again, but this time Joe comes back literally snarling and unstoppable. "They" would be the recreated Nation of Violence, only this time Joe will have complete vengeance on his mind along with new followers (any combination of Haas, Benjamin, Carlito, Helms, or Matt Hardy.) Fourtune will eventually be Joe's main target (Flair runs his mouth a little too often) and a new feud is born.
Here are my ideas......

1. 85 percent of the Impact's start off with wrestling. By this I mean X-Division or Tag Team Wrestling. 2 unique things the WWE does not have. That way when new viewers turn on Impact to check it out at 9pm there is something immediately different on and that different is good wrestling. These are the wrestlers or tag teams that should always lead off Impact. Now when you have X Division wrestlers start Impact off then I would have tag team wrestling at the top of the hour leading into hour 2. That way you keep the viewers.

Tag Teams
Beer Money Inc
Ink Inc
Generation Me
London's Brawling

X Divivsion
Jay Lethal
Amazing Red
Eric Young
Doug Williams
Brian Kendrick

2. I would never have more than 2 segments/promos in a row. Impact seems so slow in the first hour because there is 3-4 segments before you even get to the first match. You can't expect to keep viewers of a WRESTLING show when you talk 70 percent of the show.

3. Only have one match on the card that has a messed up finish. That means run ins, DQ's, ref bump. That also means there will be nights where there is all clean finishes.

4. Save the veterans for the PPV's. Your most viewers watch Impact. You don;'want people who are watching the Miz, Sheamus, and Randy Orton on Monday nights watch your show and see Ric Flair, Mic Foley, Sting, and Kevin Nash wrestling. I would save these guys for PPV's to not only make it seem special when they put younger talent over, but to also keep the focus on the young guys on Impact and use the veteran names to help sell a PPV.

5. Make Fortune dominate. All 4 of these guys need to be wrestling on TV every week. They are your best and most over thing with the TNA fan base. Beer Money hasn't had an actual tag match since beating the FBI in a squash match on Impact 3 months ago. AJ Styles has been fighting old ECW guys in singles matches for the past 2 months. Kazarian never gets in the ring unless it is a 4 person tag. These are some of the best talent in the company and they never wrestler while Tommy Dreamer has been having matches just about every week.

6. Jeff Hardy only wrestles on PPV's. What I mean by this is have him do what Hogan did in his NWO run in 96-97. Never have him wrestle on Impact and make him seem untouchable. That will want people to see him get beat that much more. Have him cut promos and lead the attacks, but never wrestle. That is what Fortune and Immortal is there for.

7. Don't defend the world title every PPV. What I mean by this is go UFC style. Take Morgan and Hardy. Instead of them fighting at Final Resolution keep building it up and fight at Genesis. That way instead of fighting for no reason you can have them cut promos on each other, but never have them actual touch each other. You can have Fortune or Immortal do beat downs on Morgan, but the main goal is to not physically touch each other.

Of course there are other things you can do, but these would be my main goals if I was in charge. You want to show new and fresh wrestling mixed in with talking to progress the story lines. You want fighting for the championship to mean something so don't defend it every month. Do it every 2 months and build 2 month long story lines with Jeff Hardy and the challenger.
heres what i would do if i was gm of tna or even owned tna:
#1...i would take a look at my roster and release the guys that really dont do anything or that i know probably wont get anywhere in tna.
#2...i would take tna into bigger arenas much like how wwe has (bigger arenas=more money).
#3....i would sign more tag teams to help tna's tag team divison
#4.....i would push all the young stars and only have the older stars there just to help build up the younger stars (that means the older stars would be taken out of tna title contention and the show would be focus mainly on the younger stars).
#5.....i would make aj styles and the pope my 2 top main attractions for tna much like how the rock and steve austin was wwe's 2 top main attractions during the attitude era.
#6...i would refocus the knockouts division and sign more knockouts and bring it back to the way it was when it 1st started.
#7...i would also refocus the x divison.
I agree that TNA have the tools to be a good Promotion and an alternative to WWE. They just dont dont know how to use them. couple examples would be when hulk hogan and bischoff first signed. TNA started changing things around. They went live on January 4th. Now going live wasnt the problem it was going up against monday night raw on there night. Now they garnered there best rating for the show, a 1.5. that was a great rating and was excited for them. However thursdays are TNA's Night and im positive they could have went live and got the same rating or better on that night. thats where there fanbase is. Then TNA decided to lose the six sided ring. it wasnt a huge loss but it was different then what WWE had and it worked for them. I watched TNA since it came on spike tv and i watched on january 4th and there was a lot of hype. I mean u had the Debut of Hulk Hogan the anticipation of other wrestlers debuting. On January 4th u had Ric Flair debut which was of shock to me, u had Jeff Hardy debut and Shannon moore and it turned out to be a great night. but TNA let that buzz go. First they moved from thursdays to mondays BACK to thursdays in less then 2 months. New fans that TNA got on January 4th probably got confused and forgot about them. There are definatley things i would have done differentley in TNA.

1) Stayed on Thursdays and never went to Monday nights
2) Go Live every thursday. Spoilers kill the show and TNA has been around long enough and have the money to do so if spent right.
3) Kept Six Sided Ring
4) Cut cost of some wrestlers like Kevin Nash and Sting who get big paychecks. I would Hire guys like Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Hass, Matt Hardy, and Gregory Helms
5) drop the knockouts tag titles. no reason for them. too many titles with no meaning to them.
6)Immortal and Fortune. I somewhat like the storyline however i wouldnt have put fortune with immortal. this could have been the chance for TNA originals to stand up for TNA. Immortal could have gotten Dixie out of the company like they did and instead of Jarrett being in immortal i would have him with the originals to take back their company. I mean Dixie always hired Ex WWE stars and WCW stars. The storyline could have been she never thought TNA would be success with just the originals and Jarrett always has because he hired AJ and the rest of the originals or something like that.

7) Cut down on PPVs. Gives more build to storylines and cuts cost
8) I would most definatley get out of Impact Zone or atleast go to other areas for Impact from time to time.
9) More wrestling ( Total Nonstop Action not Total Nonstio Talking)
10) Less Brawls (every week 6, 8 or more ppl brawling)

Now im not knocking TNA because they are a good company who can have great matches and storylines. they just need to think things through.
so simple:STOP USING THE WWE!They are using all their time up on former wwe superstars, like hogan, hardy and flair. It seems like they want to turn themselves into wwe.
I was going to make a thread, but since theres a thread that is pretty Germain to what I have to say, I will post what I have to say here.

I was thinking, as best and logically as I could, as to how TNA can get better. Better in all areas really. I think this comes from last nights iMPACT! and ReAction. And even the one before. Because I realized that ReAction in its 1 hour did a better job of reasoning and putting over the "they" angle than iMPACT! last week and this week did. And the thing is, there was about half hour of wrestling last week and this week maybe a few minutes more, just better spread out.

The thing is... Thinking of this almost made me pass out from all the asinine-ery... TNA is in ruins right now, the booking is really bad and the matches are not up to par, on iMPACT! or PPV. Aside from the dim shining light of the Tag Team Division, regardless of how poor a job TNA does at using more than 2 at a time is all they have really.

So, to get to how I would make TNA better, or even how TNA could get better without me (more realistic. Tongue) this is what I propose. For one, lets stay on the topic of wrestling on iMPACT! TNA has 3 hours every Thursday to get done what they need. Put over angles, put on matches, and tell stories. Why is it, that on a wrestling show there is more story and talking that a soap opera? As it stands TNA does about 75 to 25 percent, talking, angles and othwerwise to wrestling respectively. On top of which TNA has a entire hour dedicated to just those former things.

I am not saying, wrestle without anything else. But what I am saying is that rough figure needs to be flipped. For one, let us do away with the time limits being 10 minutes. That is just asinine. Either bump up iMPACT! to 30 minutes and PPV to 45-60 minutes or do away with them all together. iMPACT! is set up to have bad matches as it stands, 7 minute matches just wont cut it. Main event or opener, matches need more time!

TNA iMPACT! should have atleast 5 to 6 matches every Thursday and 2 of those matches, main event including should be between 13 and 16 minutes. With the occasional treat to the fans of having a 20 minute plus main event. Maybe even a title match. Last night, Pope vs AJ wasnt even the main event. They got like 7 minutes to work before the loop hole came in and cost Pope the match! Put that match in the main event spot and give them 16 minutes to have a really good iMPACT! street fight!

I wouldnt do ANYTHING to ReAction as it stands. Because ReAction does a very good job at putting people, angles, and PPVs over as it stands. I am not asking for there to be matches on ReAction, and I am not saying iMPACT! should run into ReAction. However, it wouldnt be terrible to have the main event run into ReAction every once in a while. I mean if we have Samoa Joe vs Rob Van Dam, I have no problem with that main event running off into.

Which leads me to another point. The main event. How does TNA fix the main event? For one, you have to have people who deliver in their matches. Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy for the most part dont deliver. They mail in their matches and the put on basic shells of what they can do. Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and Kurt Angle. That is 3 bank wrestlers that no matter who they are put with they will have a great match and make their opponent look amazing. I cant see Hardy having any main event worthy matches as it stands against anyone other than the 3 I named. Or maybe RVD and I know Jeff can go with Shannon Moore. But I am talking main event.

The main event of PPVs need to deliver and for all of this year so far I cant think of many that did. It is a matter of time given to said main event and who is in that spot. Rob Van Dam, you gotta take a step back buddy. I would honestly give RVD from now until his contract is up to have atleast 2 really good iMPACT! matches and all of his PPV matches to be atleast 75% of what RVD can do. Because 75% of RVD is better than most dudes 100%. But RVD only gives me 50% and it is just not worth it. If you dont love wrestling why do it? Its not something you get into for money, or anything other than love for it. So why stick around? I dont believe RVD wants to wrestle at all.

And the main event right now, regardless of how nice I think Hardys gimmick is, get the title off of him quick. He and Mr. Anderson are going to headline a PPV? Seriously? Lets put aside the fact that they JUST came from WWE. but lets look at the fact that who knows who will show up? Both of these guys have had peaks and valleys and I just cant trust either to be facing eachother in a main event spot. Where is AJ? Where is Joe? Where is Angle?

I have said it time and time again. How does it make sense to put over Jeff Hardy to the moon, how does it make sense to make him TNA champion when he will most likely go to WWE after his short contract is up; Or hardy goes to jail and then what? Have yet another stripping of the title. Which that is a whole other thing I will probably get to. But seriously, the booking of the main event is just awful.

And dont think I want an overhaul of the roster. I like the TNA roster, guys like Nash though, he can go. Nash can go sit his ass at the commentary table and Mike Tenay can fuck off and die for all I care. Sabu, sorry you were awesome 12 years ago, now you are played out and really broken down. thank you sir for all the years of fun but your done. Raven? Ya you had a good match with Dreamer and I thank you, good bye. Dreamer, ditto for you but what do you really offer the product? Aside from burying TNA's best overall talent AJ Styles... Hey! Rhino, loved you in ECW man you were booked really well, too bad TNA doesnt have Heyman. But they dont so goodbye. Robbie E? yea, TNA had the right idea in bringing in fresh blood, but your the wrong guy. You wrestle like a FCW guy in the X-Division, not going to cut it buddy.

And I am not saying bring in a bunch of ROH guys either. All I ask for is maybe Kevin Steen, Jon Moxley, and most of all the one name who everytime I see I am just astounded he is still not with WWE or TNA. Chris fucking Hero. Please, I beg you, if you dont know him, or you do know of him just havent seen him, please go watch his matches. Look up Hero from early ROH, recent ROH, from CZW, and from Japan. The man is the most well rounded wrestler in the Indys. yea, Davey Richards and Moxley and Strong give me hard ons too watching them wrestle. But if TNA were to add Chris Hero it would be something I believe putting TNA over the top. he has Japan srong style, mat wrestling, spot monkey, he is a technician, and oh yea its all wrapped in a 230lbs 6'5 frame. All with a charisma and mic skills cherry on top! SIGN CHRIS HERO!

By signing these people and trimming the TNA fat, along with booking, that is important, you can turn around TNA overall for the better. Hell maybe even bring in a tag team. I would love The BLK-OUT, The Best Around with Robbie Mireno would be tits, maybe even Orisian Portal, they fit really well in TNA I believe.

Because the X-Divison is really weak right now and needs fresh faces that are not The Shore. Which I debate with myself should I even get into that? Havent I, or you reading this said it all in other threads? Fuck... Either way. Lots of old faces in X-Division, get some new life in there, get Moxley and get Steen. Hopefully Wolfe heals up nice and then TNA has London Brawlings back. great for them.

PPV main events need to deliver, the X-Division needs freshening up and atleast 2 matches per PPV, the tag team division could use a fresh team or two once 3D leaves. Or are they? And the Knockout division needs reassessing. Get Hamada out there, dont over use and push Mickie, dont do a Mickie vs Tara feud right off the bat. Get Sarita out there. And please release Lacy. PLEASE. She is the worst wrestler ever.

I guess in closing all I can say is the sad fact none of this can happen. I know and you know it. Not until Russo is ousted, not until Hogan and Bischoff kick dirt down the dusty trail will all if any of these things happen. Bischoff and Hogan dont know the business. I question if they ever did. they may have stolen some viewers 10 years ago, but pre Russo I always thought WCW was better in the early to mid 90s. And even then WCW stole viewers based on ECW angles and so on. I wish I could just snap my fingers and make it all better. But really, TNA has quite a while before they can heal up. If they heal up. Because the sad thing is once TNA is gone, all any one has is WWE. Will you just revert back to watching that kiddie, over booked, bad wrestling shit? Or will you stop watching wrestling? Ahh... Either way. Thats all. All I got for now.
the first thing I would do, like many other posters have already said, is get rid of the dead weight, EV2.0, Shore, OJ, Ink inc. and a few others I cant think of at the moment.

then, I would get the best talent agent I could find and start cherry picking ROH and Dragongate, there's so many great wrestlers between the two companies.

I would get some of the TNA originals back, like Petey Williams and Daniels.

make the face of the company AJ Styles as it should be, not Jeff "hopefully I dont go to prison" Hardy.

Remove Hogan and Bischoff from TV, have them make rare appearances if know....fuck it! fire them both! they arent needed.

Scour the ends of the earth if needs be and get a good booker, Russo is washed up.

Make Xplosion the Smackdown of TNA, give it two hours, and find a spot on Spike for it. as much crap as they air week in and week out, it would probably do well if produced right.

Find a better arena to tape shows at, go for a few thousand more seats, and charge people 10 bucks to get in. shit! I'd pay to go every week. thats more then they make at the impact zone in Orlando.

I got a shitload more ideas, but, I'm pretty stoned right now and cant think of them.
I think they need to stop focusing on the past and start looking to the future. What I mean by this is, stop rehashing history. Okay we get that ECW was a groundbreaking small company that changed wrestling. It got people's attention by being extreme and violent in an era when people craved that kind of thing. Its over, it ran its course. Then WWE tried to bring it back. It didn't work for them. Now, TNA wants to try it because its leadership is arrogant and thinks they are smarter than WWE. They are not.

Russo was good in his day. Bischoff was great in his day. They both were part of some of the biggest stories/characters in the business. Russo helped to create stone cold and the whole attitude area. We all know Bischoff and the NWO. Now they are stuck in the attitude era and the idea that the can recreate this ideas over and over again.

When WCW overtook WWE in the Ratings and then WWE took back over they had something in common. They took stars who were mid-upper card guys, but hadn't hit their stride in the other promotion and made them into characters that took off. Hall and Nash were good as Ramon and Diesel, but the Outsiders were "too sweet". Steve Austin took off as stone cold. Triple HHH found his niche in DX. Jericho in later days. The mixed these with characters who were already established and loved in their own companies. Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, and Undertaker for WWE and Sting, Flair, and Hogan in WCW. To add to this they developed the next round of stars through pushing some young talent. Goldberg was the epitome of this in WCW. They pushed DDP also. WWE created the Rock, and the New Age Outlaws.

TNA needs to look to this formula. What they do is they try to bring these WWE larger than life persona's into their company and it doesn't work. Jeff Hardy's heel turn is good, but the WWE Machine made him better. RVD was good, but the ECW style really made him what he was. They need to find a way to bring in some mid card guys from WWE who won't cost them an arm and a leg, try to find them a new character that might just hit it big.

They were close with the Pope. His push was derailed by the addition of Hogan and Bischoff and some older guys being brought in. They were close with Desmond Wolfe. I thought the way they brought him in was awesome. They bring in a little known guy from ROH except to us nerdy wrestling fans and make him look like a star by feuding with Angle. Then they give up and his push gets derailed when Flair, Hardy, and RVD come in. I think Morgan is a guy that could continue to grow.

I think they should let RVD, Hardy, Dreamer, Foley, Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Sting, and even Angle run their course by slide into the background. Angle could stick around as he can still go in the ring and could be the Veteran to push the younger crowd.

TNA has a solid base of Workers. Storm, Roode, AJ, Joe, Pope, Morgan, MCMG, Lethal, Williams, Hernandez, Kaz, Abyss, etc. They need to take a guy like Anderson and let him find a new character. His Asshole gimmick isn't my favorite, but they should have had him drop the mic gimmick. Separate him from what he was in WWE. We all know what got him over. Let him show us something new. It just can't measure up to what it was when he was screaming in front of 20000. It pales in comparison. He is good enough to be entertaining without it.

Also, they need to focus on basic storyline and character development. I want to see feuds. I like factions like Fortune. I want to see women(the skimpier the outfits the better.) I like great promo's. Give me those. I don't want to see storylines that are so confusing and so full of supposed swerves that by the end the story is so convaluded that we don't really know what happened. I want to see characters that the audience knows to boo or cheer. I want to see hot women that can actually wrestle. If they can't wrestle, don't put them in the ring. I want to see guys that are entertaining in the ring.

Finally, TNA needs to learn to push the the things that work. Fans like the Motor City Machine Guns. Have them on TV, let them cut promos. Fans like AJ, Anderson and Morgan. Put them on TV and let them Talk. Don't let Kaz call people nerds or geeks or anything. He is good in the ring, push that. Fans don't like Dreamer anymore. He is boring in the ring and on the mic. STOP PUSHING HIM. Find the things that work. If they don't cut them loose. POPE was working. They stopped pushing him. Wolfe Was working they stopped.

Bring in some of the recent mid card cuts and find a new character for them. Push them and see. That is the only way.
I would start off by firing the entire creative staff and buying out Jeff Jarrett so he can finally leave the company. I would fire Hogan and do some serious fat trimming. Team 3D, Doug Williams, EV2, and probably a few other would be released. I would remove Mike Tenay from the Broadcast booth and give him a job backstage since I heard he can be a valuable asset backstage. I would try to sign Jim Ross. I would probably remove Taz since he sucks. Might Replace him with Nash. I would take the world title off Jeff Hardy and send him to Drug Rehab. I would then make him get into some kind of shape since he is quickly becoming a fat disgusting slob like his brother. If he doesn't shape up then I would use him as a high-profiled Jobber to push new stars. I would develop a developmental territory to help create NEW stars because that is how its done. Look at WWE's roster ans you'll see how many of their big stars came from their developmental territories. I would GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE IMPACT ZONE!!! Burn that bitch down seriously. One reason I can't bare to watch are the stupid ass impact zone fans with their lame ass chants. Fuck those freeloaders. Stop being a bitch and take your show on the road. You don't have to book Madison Square Garden or the Staples Center. You can book shows in smaller venues like College Basketball stadiums that hold about 6-7 thousand people. Basically EVERYTHING needs to change. It wont because TNA is stupid and they like their 900 freeloading smark fans every week.
I would make AJ Styles the face of TNA and not in a stupid group Ric Flair runs. That would just waist his talent like right now in TNA. I would also have EV2.0 in Immortal because having them as a face does not make sense one bit. The most important thing I will do is not make Robbie E the X Division Champion! The guy sucks and does not deserve any TNA title!
they should try and appeal to a demographic that wrestling hasnt catered to before.Maybe the gay community?...maybe have guys holding hands while walking to the ring and guys can hug each other before they have matches,i could also see maybe after a hard fought match two kiss give each other a quick kiss on the lips...Could you imagine Joe and Jessie Neal hugging and kissing after an intense,bloody cage match.IDK about you,but i would definitely watch that and im not even gay

Maybe on a very special Impact have like AJ Styles(maybe Taz) come out of the closet during an episode and he goes around the Impact Zone saying how fabulous everything is! Dats a million dollar idea right there

Maybe have Mike Tenay talk about his gay son(even if he dosent have one) and how it tore him apart at first,but then he grew to accept it

If you dont agree with any of this,then your probably homophobic
they should try and appeal to a demographic that wrestling hasnt catered to before.Maybe the gay community?...maybe have guys holding hands while walking to the ring and guys can hug each other before they have matches,i could also see maybe after a hard fought match two kiss give each other a quick kiss on the lips...Could you imagine Joe and Jessie Neal hugging and kissing after an intense,bloody cage match.IDK about you,but i would definitely watch that and im not even gay

Maybe on a very special Impact have like AJ Styles(maybe Taz) come out of the closet during an episode and he goes around the Impact Zone saying how fabulous everything is! Dats a million dollar idea right there

Maybe have Mike Tenay talk about his gay son(even if he dosent have one) and how it tore him apart at first,but then he grew to accept it

If you dont agree with any of this,then your probably homophobic

I have to disagree. Its wrestling not a soap opera. I don't think a wrestler coming out is going to boost ratings. Whether your gay, straight, or bi, thats your business but when your a wrestler, you are the same as anyone else. Just saying.
I have to disagree. Its wrestling not a soap opera. I don't think a wrestler coming out is going to boost ratings. Whether your gay, straight, or bi, thats your business but when your a wrestler, you are the same as anyone else. Just saying.

But theres not alot of wrestling in TNA,its more backstage stage segements about power struggles and back stabbing than it is about wrestling...If the writers loathe wrestling so much then they should change it to a soap opera.

have Eric Bischoff catch AJ Styles in bed with his son,new referee Jackson James.He tries to kick him out of Fourtune,but Ric Flair says he will cure AJ of his new gayness.On the next episode Ric brings in Papa Shango to try and exorcise the gay demons out of AJ,but Papa accidently has a hoarde of gay demons shoot thru AJ's mouth and there going crazy around the Impact Zone possessing audience memebers and people like Amazing Red and The MCMG's! Thats epic TV and gay people all over the world will watch

i would get rid of the ring and have like a living room set in the middle,but make it kinda gay!

Also get rid of the Knockouts.There just tramps and get in the way of story telling
Get rid of Hogan, EB and Russo - take TNA back to what it used to be, excellent in ring action and lots of it. Story lines are obviously necessary in pro wrestling, but TNA needs to realise its size and capabilities and this 'hostile take' over doesn't work in what is seemingly a shrinking roster.

Scrap immortal and make fortune the main stable. There are too many people in immortal/fortune combined for the size of the TNA roster, it's a kin to the nWo in its later, worse days.

Hardy should never have turned heel, it doesn't work IMO and it obviously hasn't had the desired impact. Contenders for his world title should be Styles, Angle, Morgan, RVD, Joe and Anderson for the time being. Out of all/some these guys good story lines could be amassed making me actually want to watch PPV's.

Create a new faction of 3-4 talented technical wrestlers (one main eventer to lead and 2-3 mid card stars who deserve a push or need getting over with the help of the leader). This faction could feud with fortune. Kurt Angle would be good as the leader, Williams as his 2nd in command maybe.

Bring the X division back to life, this division was like the cruiser weights of WcW back in the day. These matches are exciting to watch, don't need much if any story lines behind them and will hold the show together.

The TV title should be for the good mid card guys, not Styles. Kaz, Wolf, Williams, Pope etc. Again not masses of story needed behind these matches, a few little promos and call outs here and there and this 'division' would make great mid card entertainment.

Take the knock outs back to how they were, attractive girls who can kick ass in the ring. Recently they seem to be lacking a little when it comes the in ring action. Also I feel there is too much emphasis on their story line and all this back stage brawling isn't working.

Bring back Wolf, hes great on the mic and has an entertaining and interesting in ring style. Also I don't know what happened to Hernandez but he was great and TNA need some big heavyweights who can destroy competition in minuets, and believably. Which leads me onto my next point, more big wrestlers - TNA need a Batista/Goldberg/Sheamus type character (Matt Morgan is ok but doesn't have the aggressive look/steak IMO).

Ancillary changes: commentators (pretty much covered in the other thread) need a shake up, more emotion and reaction to whats going on, a good play-by-play guy is desperately needed. The impact zone needs some atmosphere. Bring back the 6 sided ring; also ultimate x, steel cage and other tried and tested 'gimmick' matches that have worked well for TNA.

MOST IMPORTANTLY - get back to the epic in ring action and ease off on the heavy story lines until the set up is bigger and these can be more believable. TNA needs to be about athleticism, grueling matches (a'la styles vs angle) and in ring time.
I want to see the guys go at it in the ring and physically compete. Whether they're shooting in the ring or not it partially makes no difference. I want to see an athletic contest that blows me away. That's what I would do to try and help TNA get bigger.

More intense and serious promos. A few weeks ago I remember listening to Fourtune and Matt Morgan insulting each other while trying to be funny. It made me fast forward trough their scene. That shouldn't be the case. Right now Matt Morgan a man said to be 7 feet tall, is saying he is worried about other wrestlers geting concusions. And how refeeres are being mis treated. He should be saying that Jackson James Son of a Bitch better stay out of my way!
First off I would get rid of Hogan, Bischoff and Russo. I would then cut down all these high priced contracts to the wrestlers and creative team. iMPACT would be moved to tuesday with the same time slot. Xplosion would be the new thursday show with an 8-10 time slot. I would bring Don West and his heel persona back on impact and leave him and tenay to call the tuesday show and move Taz and JB to Xpolsion broadcast. Then I would bring in a person that could make all the on-screen decisions like a GM/Comissioner role. Try to get a more nationwide televison company to play impact and leave Xplosion on spike. Then I'd get to the hard part.

X Division:
I would resign Petey Williams, Daniels and Sonjay Dutt and bring in new talent from japan, mexico, and europe to add to the X Division and bring back the annual World X Cup. It'd be hyped for no limits and get to open the shows and even get some good work time in the ring during the 2nd hr. I would build Jay Lethal as the face and pride fo that division and give him some lengthy title reigns with some good matches.

Resign ODB and Kong and never ever put them in the main event cause thats television suicide period!

Tag Team:
Bring in some new teams from overseas and mexico to add to the depth. Push MCMG, Beer Money, and Ink Inc as the standard of the tag division and set them up with a three way fued. Maybe try to sign Paul London and restart London & Kendrick. Few gimmick matches btwn The Guns and L&K

Television Title Division:
Put the title over with a fued between Samoa Joe and Douglas Williams or even Kaz. Maybe a best of 7 series or a last man standing at Slammiversary or a 15-20 minute bout at BFG. It would be contested on Xpolosion a lot.

Global Championship:
This would be the mid-card title that launches careers to main event level statuses. Maybe start off with Joe, AJ, Pope and Kaz as the future of the company. Throw in Abyss and Matt Morgan even RVD and Douglas Williams. Perhaps give Kurt and Sting a 30day reign each to enhance its popularity and revelance.

TNA WHC division:
Even tho a lot of Hardy marks wouldnt agree I would have AJ take that from him at Slammiversary and really push AJ as the face of TNA. Jeff is out of shape and a hazard to company image with drug cases left and right. Anderson of course would get some reigns but I wouldnt make him the face of the company. Keep the company on the back of a wrestler thats busted his ass for 9 years. Then my #2 top face of the division would eventually be The Pope. He has the second best charisma behind Anderson and could put a fued over witht the TNA crowd. But AJ, Pope, Joe, and Kaz would be the cornerstones of the company for me. Anderson, Hardy, Angle, and others would be included to keep things fresh but for me those four are the future. I would put AJ over with a nice long fued with Hardy and then put Pope over with a nice long fued with Sting and both culminate at BFG and have both men a top of the mountain.

I wouldn't put Aj in anymore stables but give him that anti hero, dont trust anyone, badest mfer type of role. Like an athletic version of austin or orton. I think Pope would do great in a faction as a heel and with a front office heel backing him. Kaz would make an awesome heel as would Anderson. Abyss would terrorize tna with james mitchell back and Joe would be a loner that seeks the thrill of blood and competition. To me this is a winning formula. Cutting down from 30-40 minute promos to open shows to maybe tag wrestling and x division action for about 10 minutes and the rest of the hour would be the commentators putting over main fueds and packed with action about 4 matches. the second hr would be a knockout match and promos and backstage action to build the fueds and two more main events. All of this equals the winning tna formulas! HIRE ME AS THE HEAD BOOKER FOR TNA!!!
As things stand now, TNA is fine the way it is. Granted there are some lame characters that need to be reinvented, but o well it comes with the territory. WWE has that problem too. I would keep things the way they are now.
Here's what I would do:

1. Put the belt on Angle at the Jan PPV and release Jeff Hardy. Give him the option of coming back if he cleans up but he needs to go.

2. Create a credible threat for Immortal/Fourtune to feud with. Basically the new TNA Frontline: Angle, Samoa Joe, RVD, Anderson, Pope, Motor City, Matt Morgan

3. Scrap EV2.0. Keep Dreamer on in a production capacity, maybe keep Rhino. Release the others.

4. Release anyone you aren't going to use in the next 90 days.

5. Turn Xplosion into a 1 hour all-Knockouts show where you can build up the feuds and actually give the girls a chance to work. Bring back talent like Hamada, Kong etc and make it THE women's wrestling league in the US.

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