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What Would You Do to Save TNA?

Would love to hear from the disgruntled TNA fans out there. How would you improve the product?

I have a few ideas.

Ideas make this world go around.

1. Get rid of Bischoff, Hogan and Russo immediately. Didn't TNA realize that these three guys ran WCW into the ground? Don't get it.

Well, you see kind sir. It was in fact Time Warner and AOL that killed WCW. Despite their selfishness, there is no hiding that Mr. Hogan, Bischoff and Russo did their jobs and were not directly responsible for "killing" a company. If their acts are what killed WCW, how is JCW still alive today? These men are doing their jobs correctly right now. There is no concrete reason to cut off employees of such high notoriety who are doing their jobs right simply because some guys on their computers don't like them.

2. Make the TNA championship mean something. How many different TNA champions have there been in the last few months? They need to get a steady younger guy and build around him (i.e. A.J.Styles, Matt Morgan, Robert Roode, RVD)
Yes. Well. I'm still scratching my head as to why Rey Mysterio was booked as WWE Champion for half an hour. Technically, the title goes to the top heel or face. Put on a scale who's more well known. Sting or Morgan and you'll know that scale is gonna be a bit lop-sided. But if TNA isn't actually building stars, then may I ask why 4 men who were never World Champions are wrestling to headline the top PPV of the year? Or who is Mr. Anderson? Or Crimson?

Yes, I'm saying you are wrong.
3. Storylines, storylines, storylines. Improve them. Don't confuse me with one moment Mr. Anderson is a rebel, then he is a member of the Immortal ass-kissing club, then he is a rebel and an asshole again. Not to mention making Sting the Joker...C'mon.
Now I'm confused, sir. Isn't pro wrestling like a soap opera for men? It's not supposed to be a straight forward sport. Many people are tired of the simple-minded feuds other companies present and want some stories that are far deeper than the mere game of cat and mouse. For centuries wrestlers build their persona's after what they see in TV. It's called "influence". And Sting is a pro. He's built several gimmicks around famous characters. Hell, I hear Robocop is in his Fave Five.

4. Strengthen the tag team division. TNA has two of the best tag team wrestlers in the history of tag team wresting in Bubba Ray and D-Von. Let them show these younger guys what tag team wrestling is all about. Make the tag team championship mean something again.
Great goal. How do we get to it? How do you go from point A to point B if there is no direction? Team 3D is a thing of the past. What I need to know though is how do you strengthen a division? How? How? How? How now brown cow? You speak but say nothing. How do these belts become meaningful? How, Mr. cow?

5. One on One feuds. Bring them back. What is it with the Immortal against Fortune or whatever gang they put together. One on One. Like the good old days of Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair. Lets put a good feud together. AJ Styles against Chris Daniels. Make these feuds last and not for the sake of a pay per view.
The good old days. The ones with the Wargames. Those 4 on 4 stable wars were always awesome.

Thats all I have for now. Would love to see what you guys think.
I honestly think you are full of hot air. Like your post.
I like you man, but you are really grasping at straws here. To show that a company you support is legitimate competition, you are asking people to compare the one time a company leaves for a TV taping to ONE Smackdown taping that happened to have been an all-time low. All you would be proving there is that one company's absolute worst attendance is approximately equal to the absolute best attendance the other company can muster.

I'll be honest I wasn't aware it was one of the worst attendances for Smackdown as I'm not someone who's usually interested in that stuff (unless it works in my favour. Ha ha). I like my wrestling for what it is, a TV show. I just get a little sick and tired of people dismissing TNA like it's nothing, when that clearly isn't the case.

The fact is, TNA is not competition to the WWE. They are an alternative to the WWE and are a solid #2 in terms of the American market, but are they anywhere near dethroning WWE for #1? Heck no! Thing is, that's ok. There's nothing wrong with being #2. If you have your niche and make money in that niche (something TNA claims they do), what's the issue?

I don't believe TNA will ever dethrone WWE in the US, as WWE has been going for like half a century I think, but TNA are becoming bigger than WWE in other countries. And as the wrestling media don't really like to point that out, I thought I would. You're spot on with there being nothing wrong with being the number 2 company (when you consider how long WWE has been apart of American culture), it's just some people don't even like to admit that TNA are exactly that.

I mean, at this point the company has literally played every card it can to get where it is. They've brought in every major name they could get their hands on, they've signed guys coming off of WWE title runs, they've brought in Hall of Famers and legends, and here we stand with a mere 10 percent increase at max in television ratings.

Yea that does surprise me. TNA has improved leaps and bounds over the last couple of years, IMO, but for some reason it doesn't seem to affect the US ratings. Perhaps people are loyal to the WWE product? I don't really know. However TNA have doubled their audience in the UK and I think they deserve some recognition for that.

At this point, I think the best thing for fans to do is to understand TNA as they understand themselves. They need to be TNA and not compare themselves to WWE. They are a successful entity at this point and whether that means they are the top wrestling organization in the US or not, they are successful in what they do. Heck, the probably will never get to WWE levels because WWE has been doing it way longer and has become a global empire as far as business is concerned.

So how do you save TNA? You don't. You let TNA be TNA and continue to grow at whatever speed they grow. Let them be the best TNA they can be and just see it as such. Sure, we all can be fantasy bookers and I certainly have plenty of complaints with storylines and pushes as it pertains to their show, but their TV does pretty consistent ratings and they seem to be doing ok. As long as they continue to work towards getting better, they are fine.

Agreed. I just wish everyone else would look at it like that.
Can you show me some statistics to back up your "facts" about the overseas popularity? How about the 100 international TV deals they have?

How many sponsors to TNA have? Im not trying to dog them, Im asking a real simple question. WWE deals with K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Jakks, Mattel, THQ, comic book companies...etc. What corporate sponsors do TNA have?

TNA is NOT at the top of their game...if they were then they would be legitimate competition for WWE. Dont get me wrong, I WANT TNA to succeed, but its going to take a lot more than just changing things on TV in order for them to do that.
I wreally wish you would do research instead of posting random stuff.

WWE has 150 International markets. TNA currently has 137 with recently signed deals for South Africa, Turkey and Caribbean Islands.

TNA has sponsorships with 5 Hour Energy, Jakks, Southpeak, Direct Auto Insurance, MTV. They recently signed two new deals with a clothing marketing company affiliated with stores like Target.

This has been the most successful year of TNA in history. According to Bischoff, they signed more deals since renaming their product to "Impact Wrestling"

How did you totally miss that? I didn't even mention the recent attendance for shows which has boosted.
Stop stealing talent from WWE, cheapens the brand and makes it look like a second place chump in a bigger companies shadow.

Get rid of the Hogan/Russo/Flair/Hardy/RVD/ <-- axe that bunch, and just push the core of TNA, the originality - the guys that might not have seen much time in WWE, or the guys that never went.

You can't really claim to be the competition when your the exact same product :/
Oh yeah, and lose all of your sponsors, your tapings outside the impact zone, the better quality in production since bischoff got there, and go back to doing 0.6s like before angle got there, I realize you didn't have him listed, but he is from the wwe afterall. Remarks like that about using people from WWE crack me up. IW has ALWAYS used stars from other companies since it started, WCW became relevant and #1 from using WWE stars, wwe and WCW both used ecw stars, that's what smart businessman do, they use people with name recognition jackass!
Stop stealing talent from WWE, cheapens the brand and makes it look like a second place chump in a bigger companies shadow.

Right. You should meet the 90's. Where wrestlers jumped from company to company. And no one gave a shit.

Workrate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Where you are from.

Get rid of the Hogan/Russo/Flair/Hardy/RVD/ <-- axe that bunch, and just push the core of TNA, the originality - the guys that might not have seen much time in WWE, or the guys that never went.
Right. Let's cut fine workers who are doing their jobs right just because they also worked for WWE or WCW. Because that's how the business works. Clearly.

You can't really claim to be the competition when your the exact same product :/

Really? Because I thought that's how competition was supposed to work. Normally a Basketball faces another Basketball team in a competition. Right?
I can't be asked to dig out all the articles TBH. Just log onto PWInsider.com most of it's there.

TNA are legitimate competition to WWE as proved by their international ratings (which you can find yourself on PWInsider.com) and their attendance from the Huntsville taping which was the same (if not more) than the recent Smackdown tapings (which you can also find on PWInsider.com).

First of all I dont believe anything that comes from a wrestling website when it comes to how a business is running or how profitable they are. I love how you post WHERE to find all this information, yet you fail yourself to actually post it.

I wreally wish you would do research instead of posting random stuff.

WWE has 150 International markets. TNA currently has 137 with recently signed deals for South Africa, Turkey and Caribbean Islands.

TNA has sponsorships with 5 Hour Energy, Jakks, Southpeak, Direct Auto Insurance, MTV. They recently signed two new deals with a clothing marketing company affiliated with stores like Target.

This has been the most successful year of TNA in history. According to Bischoff, they signed more deals since renaming their product to "Impact Wrestling"

How did you totally miss that? I didn't even mention the recent attendance for shows which has boosted.

Here is the thing...everybody keeps saying what TNA has and yet, no one is posting ANY of this proof. I also dont believe a DAMN THING that comes out of Bischoff's mouth. He works for the company...it never crossed your mind, not even once that he might fabricate some facts to make themselves look better?

I dont pay attention to ANYTHING that comes from Vince or Bischoff's mouth when it comes to business. Every business owner is going to fabricate how well they are doing. I worked for a small company that told me and other employes that business was good blah blah blah...guess what? They folded!! Im not saying thats whats going to happen to WWE or TNA.

If TNA has all these sponsors...how come I haven't seen anything from them to represent TNA? Where are the commercials?

I love how some of you talk about facts but dont post them. I love how you believe OTHER websites like wrestling dirtsheets, but dont bother to check business websites. You probably write papers for school using "facts" from Wikipedia.
Would love to hear from the disgruntled TNA fans out there. How would you improve the product?

I have a few ideas.

1. Get rid of Bischoff, Hogan and Russo immediately. Didn't TNA realize that these three guys ran WCW into the ground? Don't get it.

[/QUOTE]2. Make the TNA championship mean something. How many different TNA champions have there been in the last few months? They need to get a steady younger guy and build around him (i.e. A.J.Styles, Matt Morgan, Robert Roode, RVD).[/QUOTE]

1) Yeah lets also not forget that Bischoff, Hogan and Russo are the main reasons WCW got to the top of the wrestling game. If Micheal Jordan goes back to Basketball you have to bank on him being a all-star even though he ended on a not so great note, same for Farve and other greats.

2) RVD: You want to bank on your top guy being a drug addict, they did that with Jeff hardy and now the Drunk angle.
Matt Morgan: Your top talent has to have a nice skill set Matt Morgan is just a big guy that is boring.
Robert Rhoode : Didn't you mention building up the tag team divisions but you want to break apart one of the best tag teams in Beer Money
A.J. Styles: This is a good bet, but lets me honest if AJ was a true draw he would already be there, the fans would demand it however Aj has something that isn't get to over with the fans ( personally I don't know what it is because I like him)

Now what would I do.

Use the BFG series Idea every 4 months, people get hurt, people get drugs, people get dui's whichs cuts into there TV time and ability to wrestle this should affect the outcome.

When you build stables LEAVE THEN THE FK alone. Forutne works because you have AJ style WHC player, Kazarian X division and beer Money Tag team. Main event mafia ruined because of the egos.

Break apart immortal, Abyass does nothing, Gunner is a good mid carder as he builds to the top spot, Bubba ray is getting better as a singles star.

Everytime a persom becomes champion you stop making them turn heel, Hardy, Anderson, Angle. this is the dumbest Idea ever. You give the title to one guy and have him build vs another superstar and have it end at the PPV.

Keep faces, face and heels keep them heels for at least 1 month. This flip flopping by Anderson, sting, Big rob etc is lame. Angle v sting you knew that it would be a heel turn...same with Lynn and RVD and Daniels and AJ. it is is how Wreslting works. Face v Face is ok same with Heel v Heel just have to write it right.
Go to impactwrestling.com and click global listings from the dropbar on tv
click on each link and you can read all the countries they are in, I'm not gonna write each one out. (hence why dizzy said u should research before posting stupid shit, it's on their website for cryin out loud!!!)
As far as sponsors, they recently signed a multimillion dollar deal with direct auto insurance, it's on the apron and all over the set, also they have started airing commercials with direct auto, a few months back the limited commercial show was sponsored by 5 hour energy, they have a deal with jakks, hence why that's who makes their action figures, these are very easy to see/look up, you either don't actually watch IW, or sounding a little dumb with what you're sitting here trying to argue about.
Oh yeah, and lose all of your sponsors, your tapings outside the impact zone, the better quality in production since bischoff got there, and go back to doing 0.6s like before angle got there, I realize you didn't have him listed, but he is from the wwe afterall. Remarks like that about using people from WWE crack me up. IW has ALWAYS used stars from other companies since it started, WCW became relevant and #1 from using WWE stars, wwe and WCW both used ecw stars, that's what smart businessman do, they use people with name recognition jackass!

Yea, and that clearly explains why all but one of the one's you listed is currently out of business :p

It might lead to success, but the only one whose maintained that success is WWE for one simple reason. Taking talent is the key to success, definately. However. WWE didn't steal talent, and then have that talent be the only headlining attraction. They built up guys like The Rock, Stone Cold (a smart steal), Bret Hart (another smart steal), HHH, John Cena, Randy Orton, etc.

The list goes on and on, WWE was the only brand I can think of, ever that maintained it's stealing of talent with a well done use of original talent as well. And kept that original talent on par, or better then the talent that came elsewhere. A brand where the talent rose to the top, not the star value.

Be as egotistical and assholeish as you want Bigrog25, at the end of the day this is a forum of people who contribute absolutely nothing to the business. But it's a nice place to go to express an opinion - however different or stale as it may be.

Right. You should meet the 90's. Where wrestlers jumped from company to company. And no one gave a shit.

Yea, true. However, that made sense for that time period, when people actually watched it - and the WWE/WCW competed with almost every prime time showing bar seinfeld lol.

Nowadays, there are very few household names that would actually shake things up at all, especially in regards to audiences that used to watch. If hogan switches, it's a very - so what - kind of attitude.

Right. Let's cut fine workers who are doing their jobs right just because they also worked for WWE or WCW. Because that's how the business works. Clearly.

Apple didn't dominate the market by copying exactly what Microsoft did. And this is no different, great worker, or great wrestler - doesn't matter - at the end of the day, in a business that releases a product once a week, 52 weeks a year - drastic changes cause drastic results. Sticking to the formula, like your implying, keeps a second place brand a second place brand.

McMahon was a genius because he changed the game back in the 80's, forever. But yes, I can see how sticking to his old way of reinventing the business would work after 30 years...

Really? Because I thought that's how competition was supposed to work. Normally a Basketball faces another Basketball team in a competition. Right?

Yea, great point - the second I typed that I knew I didn't get what I wanted to say across properly xD

My point was supposed to sound like this; You can't really claim to be the best product out there when your an exact copy not doing anything at all different.
Stop featuring a parody of a character from another show that is on another cable network when the second half of your program is still on. It reminds people to change the channel.
It has nothing to do with being egotistical, what you are saying makes no sense whatsoever, that would be going backwards... You want to get rid of all the people who have name value, who have also helped IW GROW, for the "homegrown talent" there's no such thing, everyone cones from a different organization, I have never understood that comment. I also like how the only part you could comment on was the fact that WCW and ecw are no longer around lol! What no response to the fact that taking out all those said guys would most likely KILL IW as some of u like to say, that would be what KILLS them. You can't just drop the people that are making your company grow, and last I checked they are building the young guys at the same time, gunner/crimson/beer money/Austin Aries/Jesse sorenson should I go on?

I mean honestly think what you're saying, let's just drop all the people that have helped our viewership grow, made us #1 internationally, gotten us more sponsors than before, gotten us more road tapings than before, and go back to doing our 0.6s and fighting to stay on foxsports. Yeah, I really don't see that happening or even being a thought in meetings at IW. They see what hogan/bischoff have brought to the table so far and how they are growing at a nice pace, unlike the majority of the IWC, they see all the other aspects besides just ratings.
I'm saying bring some new blood into the business, new blood that doesn't consistently remind the viewer of a time they used to love. It is impossible to be original, and not at all bland, when everytime someone watches your product their reminded of the past and how much better it was.

I fail to see how that in anyway helps. Every single person I know that used to watch WWE doesn't, why? Because they look at The Rock now, and remember the old feuds and how much they defined their childhoods in so many ways. And look at the product now, and a friend said it best. The guy never watched wrestling before (with exception of a few times in the 90's) and I quote "A bunch of washed up wrestlers." IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to get a new audience when that's the mentality you keep getting.

It's easy for you guys to think you understand what will and won't help, but your fans of this business one way or another - and no matter how you look at it, eventually it gets old. IT DID GET OLD.

All the sponsers in the world can't help you if people start to watch out of habit, and not out of love of it. And contrary to what you guys may think, one of those two is the majority, and I'll let you guess which one.
Once again they ARE building young talent, look at my last post as I named quite a few there, I ne'er said don't push younger guys, but you can't just drop the bigger names either, you are wrong on that point and that's what I was referring to. You use your stars to help build new stars, that is what they are slowly doing, it doesn't happen overnight. Why do you think theywent #1 internationally? Because of the guys from WWE that the foreigners recognized, by tuning into see them, they in turn get to see the new guys IW has been pushing and can get behind them also. This isn't rocket science friend, you use the already established stars to try and gain more viewers, not ratings but viewers, than use said stars to get over your "rookies" so to speak. At the same time, there is nothing wrong with having the already established stars work programs with each other as well.
First of all I dont believe anything that comes from a wrestling website when it comes to how a business is running or how profitable they are. I love how you post WHERE to find all this information, yet you fail yourself to actually post it.

Nobody does but that doesn't make it all lies either.

Here is the thing...everybody keeps saying what TNA has and yet, no one is posting ANY of this proof. I also dont believe a DAMN THING that comes out of Bischoff's mouth. He works for the company...it never crossed your mind, not even once that he might fabricate some facts to make themselves look better?
...Why the fuck would he lie about anything? That's just a real terrible way of saying "I don't want to believe it" he works in TV production. If TNA fails to make money, It's not his fault or problem. Nobody once has came and gone from TNA and said "they do not make money" therefore, why is it so hard to believe?

You want proof when it's in you're face? I mean come on now. Direct Auto Insurance is promoted every single Impact. If you want proof, go on Impactwrestling.com and search for the sponsorship announcements posted there.

TNA makes money from TV deals. TV Networks PAY to get outside created programs on their network, Spike TV PAYS TNA to air Impact. The Challenge in the UK pays TNA to air Impact, Xplosion and PPVs.

The sponsorship with Direct Auto Insurance is worth millions. It covers all the expenses of paying for venues, airing PPVs, house show events, etc. Now, the UK tour show is pretty much sold out in London. The arena holds about 10,000+. If TNA sells it out and the tickets vary from 30 to 60 bucks and a VIP Package that costs 100 dollars which seems sold out or close to it as well, TNA could make well over 80,000 is a total day including merchandise, ticket sales, VIP packages.

That's how they make money and create revenue, profit all over. They do not pay for a single thing outside of wrestler's flights. They also get paid by AAA to send their talent to Mexico.

That's how it works. That's how a MAJOR league promotion operates, WWE operates the same way. They don't have as many sponsors but they do not pay for RAW since RAW has multiple sponsors which overs the expense of the show.
I dont pay attention to ANYTHING that comes from Vince or Bischoff's mouth when it comes to business. Every business owner is going to fabricate how well they are doing. I worked for a small company that told me and other employes that business was good blah blah blah...guess what? They folded!! Im not saying thats whats going to happen to WWE or TNA.
This isn't a small shitty company. This is real money, real people. You will get in trouble for lying. If they were so bad, they would be out of business. Point blank peroid.
If TNA has all these sponsors...how come I haven't seen anything from them to represent TNA? Where are the commercials?
That's not how it works. But since you are being blind about it.

Notice the ring:

I love how some of you talk about facts but dont post them. I love how you believe OTHER websites like wrestling dirtsheets, but dont bother to check business websites. You probably write papers for school using "facts" from Wikipedia.
Why should we post facts when it's so easy, you can use google to get them?
I'll make this short and sweet. Hire and pay Paul Heyman what he wants and give him complete creative control.....Period!
Well, I view things a bit differently. If WCW had the balls to drop (or, maybe a middle ground, make less used - cause I do see what you mean) some of the headliners that they overused to no end, maybe they still would of been around. Maybe they wouldn't have gone south. Maybe if they had the nuts to sack Nash/Hall/Steiner/Savage etc. - maybe they could of been in WWE's place, or at least still around, maybe Booker/Jericho/Rey/Eddie could of been the headliners competing with HHH/Stone Cold/The Rock.

I'll concede one very good point, I think I'm overemphasizing the usage of older names (not really in regards to Hogan/Flair, I personally think they will ruin TNA.) But with Angle, RVD, etc. I think you have a point.

But back in the 80's WWE did a drastic overhauling of the business, and that put them over the top. If TNA did something of the same, maybe not as drastic however, it could help them too. Because in my opinion, in 3 years TNA will be history unless they do something. (WCW was the greatest thing in the world in 98, and all of sudden 99 hits and you know how that went. Albeit, they were very different companies. But the names on the posters read very much the same...)

((I Love these debates ^_^ great points everyone :p))
Biggest thing TNA needs...

1) Trim all the fat

Their roster is bloated with wrestlers and lots of them contribute nothing to the 1.5M who watch it. I think most people watch TNA becuase its wrestling. For that reason I'd slash salaries by a tonne.

Anyone over 40 i'd release including Angle. Angle is just bad publicity if he stayed out of trouble id keep him for his talents. I'd have James Storm and Roode amicably split up in besto f terms and remain good friends, not have them turn on each other. I'd push talent like Krimson/Gunner and sign talent awy from ROH, I'd establish a farm system and sign indy talent, FCW talent who WWE let go and build from there. Remember just becuase WWE doesn't see value in them doesn't make them worthless. Of course TNA doesn't do anything close to this. Bischoff has always been about ratings.
Businesses dont lie? Umm do Enron, Martha Stewart, or WorldCom ring a bell?

Correct me if Im wrong, but didn't Foley talk trash about TNA, even when he was employed?
Fire everyone up top. Everyone in creative, writing, etcetera, exceppt whoever was booking the Knockouts division earlier on. Fire the old has-beens. Change the name. Change everything about it. Give a Paul Heyman or Jim Ross full creative control (not financial)
There is nothing wrong with guys over 40 imo. But having Sting as world champion is. They need to use Sting as a veteran like WWE uses The Undertaker for example. Also fire Ric Flair. Too bad for him that he had to spend all his fortune on all those expensive weddings and jewelry and cars, but he's over 60 years of age and that's an age when you have to learn how to spend your money and stop acting like the nature boy. He should have stayed retired, it;s really sad that a man his age and ahievements has to wrestle in TNA.

And get rid of garbage like russo, hogan, bischoff. Hogan and Bischoff are only in it for themselves and the fact that they haven't learned since 2001 says enough. Always the same crap over and over again. There are probably lots of writers and creative guys that have fresh ideas but don;t get the chance because of these idiots. Maybe even Paul Heyman who has avery creative mind and passion for pro wreslting. Atleast more than these douchebags.

TNA needs to push young talent, and use homegrown guys like Samoa Joe and Styles. They focused too much on WWE (wcw) hasbeens and went too far away from their own product. They screwed up the X division which was imo a very promising cruiserwieght wrestling replacement. I stopped watching tna on a daily basis after 2006 I think, now I only watch a match if I hear it was any good. It's sad because back in the day I really thought they could be some competetion for the WWE.
Fire "the old has beens in control" to replace them with more old has beens? I fail to see the logic in this....

Furthermore why r there sooo many people on here all over Paul heymans dick? I have never understood this, the man ran a company that was in no way a "major promotion" they were on tv for what like a year? This is the same man who couldn't pay his workers for how long? I have never understood all the hoopla over this guy, he ran a niche program that worked for it's die hard fans, but never once came close to really being a "major global promotion" they worked when they stayed where they were, a niche program in a bingo hall, once they tried to go big time they went downhill fast, and would have been even faster if not for the fact McMahon was paying him. The man owes millions of dollars to many people, yeah, such a great businessman! He knows how to run a bingo hall promotion, not a major promotion.
I guess I bring a little bias to the table (okay a lot).

I hate Hogan and Flair, especially when it comes to angles being played out where they could "own" the company.
But I love Sting and Angle as in ring performers.
I stand by what I said, none of us are businessmen that I am aware of on this particular thread. If someone here ACTUALLY has a clue please step forward. Again why the fuck was this bullshit thread even created in the first place? Yes we know a lot of people don't care for the WCW-lite aspect of TNA and this that and the other thing, but hey for better or worse there's something on that's a wrestling product that is not called WWE.

Would I like to see it be a better product, absolutely. But I think a lot of the ideas people are coming up with here are not fixes to these problems, because again none of us here that I am aware of have any true experience in the matter and people using WCW's downfall as an argument for what to do to "save" TNA is ill-equipped to even make a statement about turning TNA around, in my view at least. Again, the OP is a moron.
Sirjose I can only comment from the advertising side of things, I can guarantee the people most of these morons want gone the most, bischoff/hogan, had a whole lot to do with the latest sponsorships. It isn't a coincidence they started getting all these sponsors once they got there.

As someone in the advertising business, I can guarantee getting rid of all the "WWE guys" as they keep putting it, otherwise known to the rest of the world as recognizable stars, would kill their product from an advertisers aspect. We don't know or care who an aj styles, or a Samao Joe, so on and so forth are, unless you are an actual wrestling fan, these names mean nothing to the rest. We do however know exactly what the hulk hogan brand is, we know we can make money off of said brand. We know who Kurt angle is, regardless of the recent missteps, he hasn't been accused of rape or murder or child molestation, you get my point, he is a recognized brand, we know we can prob make money off of him also, he's an Olympic gold medalist for crying out loud! Really from an advertising standpoint, unless you really know of wrestling, most CEOs prob wouldn't really know much of the others from an advertising aspect at least. Possibly ric flair and or sting but that's about it.

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