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What Would You Do to Save TNA?

I would like to see them align themselves with some of the better Indy promotions and have some Indy wrestlers cross over to TNA and vice-versa. I don't know if that is possible, but it would be cool and it would bring back some of the old "territory" feel.
I'd actually be interested in hearing what ppv card they would come up with that would put TNA in a better position. Especially from posters who say

Shut shop and put TNA fans out of its misery

What exactly do you want to see from TNA that IWCers would be happy with. No this is not a rhetorical question I'm truly interested ina ppv card from anyone who visits this page.
I'd keep Bishoff around for production value. Get rid of booking committees and have someone that loves wrestling be the head Booker (Cornette). I'd keep the older guys around but not use them for main evenst and maybe just for special appearances/PPVs. Either fire some of the roster or get a Saturday morning/evening show going again to use them. Thin out main event scene and try to build up mid card title that Eric Young has that almost seems like a prop/pointless. Keep with the push of the X-Division as it's going. Storylines are all over the place at times now.. Angle is mad at Dixie for knowing about Jarrett porking Karen but joins the faction that he is in? Pushes go cold out of no where for certain talent. With all this being said I still enjoy TNA but I think there is room for improvement and they are doing somethings right IMO.
There are numerous things that I would do to "save" TNA. I dunno how much of it would work, but, I would do them never the less;

-Use TNA original stars at the top; For the diehards who have been watching TNA since the beginning, this has been an issue. TNA has been busy trying to sign big names and that's all good and well. Unfortunately, most of the former stars from elsewhere don't believe in being second to some "indy guy" or "unknown TNA star". This ideaology is WRONG! Any wrestling fan worth their own salt could tell ya that AJ Styles, Roode, Storm, Kazarian, Daniels, etc are all better than most of the "established" names that TNA have brought in thus far. I'm not saying don't use the other big names, just try leveling the playing field so to speak. Let the original guys win and main event with a healthy mix of the best of the established guys. Angle, Sting, Steiner, Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett, etc can all be effective and still put over the core stars who singlehandedly built the current Impact Wrestling company.

-Change announcers: Taz can stay. He's funny and informative to a point without overdoing it. Mike Tenay HAS to go! Seriously, I hated him back in the WCW days and hate his style of matter of factly dismissing the other announcers and/or guest commentators. His voice is shrill and he needs to retire. I don't know who they could bring in, but, chances are they'd be better than Tenay.

-Build your divisions up. Make contenders. Define your divisions and build them up prestigiously so that each title means something.

-More emphasis on wrestling and less on entertainment; WWE has entertainment and they do it well. TNA needs an identity all their own. They need to go back to what made them in the beginning: kickass matches that defied expectation and innovated what is accepted as great. Once you do that, people will set up and take notice.

-Promotion. This is key. TNA has failed to create an identity of their own. Once they define their product, promote it. Don't do some crappy unreadable logo at the bottom of the Spike TV promoting Impact Wrestling on the night of the show. Promote it as if it's the biggest thing going on the network. If this means Spike can't do it, go elsewhere where that particular network will treat Impact Wrestling like the commodity it is.

That's about it. Once Impact Wrestling can manage these things, I think they will succeed moreso than they ever have.
i mean i would get rid of hogan but why bischoff the bloke has gd ideas makes a gd viewing he was great when he was in charge of raw in the wwe the problem is hogan is a wrestler not the sort of person that should being running a wrestling company but i do agree that they could do with heyman
As other people have pointed out, what exactly is TNA being "saved" from? From going out of business? From what a small group of people like or don't like? I don't watch it every week but when I do there are parts of the show I like and parts I don't. When you are trying to attract a wide range of people all with different things they want to see you can't please everyone.

The other thing is that TNA really hasn't been around that long if you think about it. According to the every so trustful Wikipedia (insert sarcasm) the company started in 2002 so it's not even 10 years old (so WWE has years of a head start in its development) so it's not even fair to compare the two in my opinion.

However, if I had to offer a couple suggestions to possibly improve the product it would be as other people have noted to:

1) Find a way to have a second show, even if it is an hour to get some additional talent television to see what they can do. As I said, I don't watch it every week but it seems like there are some guys that show up one week and then disappear for a while.

2) Since I have no idea of how things are run (this might already happen) but I would have one person specifically deal with the knockouts division, another person deal with the tag team division, and one for the X-Division so there can be a focus on all the divisions. As stated, they might, or may not, already have such a structure.

3) Don't think it would "save" the product but I would eliminate some of the championships. My personal opinion is that I don't understand why there is a knockout tag team championship. This time could be used to focus on feuds between knockouts that are not involved in the championship picture to build a story line and get them to the championship. Once again, opinion but some of the non-championship knockout storylines have been good.

Also, I'd just get rid of the television championship or really do something with it. Minus those two you have four titles: the heavyweight championship, tag team, X-Division, and knockout division.

Then again, I just watch on television and read stuff on the internet so I don't know what really happens behind the scenes or what they have lined up for the future.
Another wishlist disguised as a blueprint to save a company that doesn't need saving. :disappointed:

Problem is hardly anyone in the IWC wants to be a fan, they want to pretend they know something about wrestling, what draws and what doesn't, and how TV ratings work. Nobody can say: "I'm a fan of AJ Styles and I'd like to see him win the World Title". They'd rather say: "TNA's ratings will go up if AJ Styles is World Champion!".

That's why everyone loves bashing TNA. Because TNA's so called failures in their minds are confirmation of their criticism. They've convinced themselves that the reason TNA is "failing" is because they're ignoring all of the wisdom of the IWC. WWE is doing okay not listening to them, so they've taken their old WWE complaints over to TNA.

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