
I hope you drop your computer on your left foot, shattering each bone in said foot, and then hop around your parents basement, eventually falling into the lit fireplace and accidentally lodging the hot poker in your ass.
I just read this. This is too funny.

IC is like that nerd in high school who gets really mad but instead of punching someone, he'll tell the person he hopes the other person gets porcus influentia, and then will snicker to himself about how only he understands why that is so bad.

xfearbefore would just say that he hopes he dies...IC wants the poster to drop a computer on his left foot. Awesome.
I just read this. This is too funny.

IC is like that nerd in high school who gets really mad but instead of punching someone, he'll tell the person he hopes the other person gets porcus influentia, and then will snicker to himself about how only he understands why that is so bad.

xfearbefore would just say that he hopes he dies...IC wants the poster to drop a computer on his left foot. Awesome.


Only a post my IC25 can simultaneously flame someone and teach you a new way to wish the worst onto someone else. Kind of like in Eurotrip when Cooper was impressed with the way that the British man was "on a whole new level of swearing."

I can't believe that when IC25 flames someone I learn a new dictionary word.

Only a post my IC25 can simultaneously flame someone and teach you a new way to wish the worst onto someone else. Kind of like in Eurotrip when Cooper was impressed with the way that the British man was "on a whole new level of swearing."

I can't believe that when IC25 flames someone I learn a new dictionary word.

YES! Fucking love that movie!
That is such a wrong thing to post. In no way should something such as rape ever see the light of day in WWE, especially with it being pg now and everything. It has no place in wrestling. I hope he fucks up for saying that and gets banned.
That is such a wrong thing to post. In no way should something such as rape ever see the light of day in WWE, especially with it being pg now and everything. It has no place in wrestling. I hope he fucks up for saying that and gets banned.

Therein lies the problem. Hew didn't actually break any rules, and he was on-topic.

The best we can do is flame him here, and red rep him to death. So, feel free to do so.
What on earth? that guy has serious problems. Sounds like the guy was describing his porn collection.

Oh and hello all, finally got back on
Yeah I know he didnt break any rules and I know he was just expressing his opinion. But that is some sick shit to say that you want to see on live tv. I hate watching it on film when it comes up and the rape scene in Sons of Anarchy was almost a little to much for FX but to even suggest showing that on a primetime show is beyond me. And why anyone would want to purposly watch it is sick.
He went way over the top, sure. But I can't help but say people are overreacting to this post. Then again, his post has every social taboo this side of 1950, so meh.
the second part was him mocking the south park view of things.

The thing where he said rape, he didn't actually say to show a rape just there should be a rape storyline. That's two very different things, soaps have rape storylines all the time but theyre not shown actually raping someone.
the second part was him mocking the south park view of things.

The thing where he said rape, he didn't actually say to show a rape just there should be a rape storyline. That's two very different things, soaps have rape storylines all the time but theyre not shown actually raping someone.

But WWE showed Kane cornering Kelly in a broom closet, and the IWC threw fits over it.

Imagine an actual rape storyline.
The IWC was up in arms (and arguably still is today) over HHH having sex with a mannequin as well.

Personally, I'm shocked he didn't make reference to Mark Henry's son, who is now 9 years old...

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